Here are some additional places to LOOK: Social work websites.docDownload Soci

Here are some additional places to LOOK: Social work websites.docDownload Soci

Here are some additional places to LOOK: Social work websites.docDownload Social work web sites.doc
The purpose of this assignment is to explore career paths in the Social Service field.  The job announcements will expose you to the vocabulary of the industry, point out education and experience requirements, and give you an idea concerning salary offerings.  From these job announcements many students have set up informational interviews, found internships, and jobs.  The announcements can be for your dream job or what you hope for within the next few months or years.  
The document you will submit for 20 points is a list of jobs you found, their locations, education and experience requirements.  Type out a list.

 Respond to the two discussion questions below and post your response addressing

 Respond to the two discussion questions below and post your response addressing

 Respond to the two discussion questions below and post your response addressing those two questions in one post-response (be sure to identify the questions you selected in your response). This post is due 02/16/2024 @ 11:59! NO (AI) WRITTEN!
A person’s home is given the highest level of protection against unreasonable search and seizure. In light of the greater risk to personal safety inherent in today’s world is it possible that this concept is outdated and should be lessened in order to provide more protection for citizens? Has the standard already been eroded beyond an acceptable point? Is it possible to protect both a persons’ right against unreasonable search and seizure as well his/her right to be safe? If so, how? If not, why not?
Some things an officer may do after an arrest, according to court decisions, include: search the arrestee, search the area of immediate control, search the vehicle the arrestee was riding in, search the passenger compartment, handcuff the arrestee, monitor the person’s movements, and search the arrestee at the place of detention. Discuss the different justifications for each of the things an officer is allowed to do after an arrest. Do any of the actions go beyond what you would consider to be acceptable were you the “arrestee”?

 Respond to the two discussion questions below and post your response addressing

 Respond to the two discussion questions below and post your response addressing

 Respond to the two discussion questions below and post your response addressing those two questions in one post-response (be sure to identify the questions you selected in your response). This post is due 02/16/2024 @ 11:59! NO (AI) WRITTEN!
A person’s home is given the highest level of protection against unreasonable search and seizure. In light of the greater risk to personal safety inherent in today’s world is it possible that this concept is outdated and should be lessened in order to provide more protection for citizens? Has the standard already been eroded beyond an acceptable point? Is it possible to protect both a persons’ right against unreasonable search and seizure as well his/her right to be safe? If so, how? If not, why not?
Some things an officer may do after an arrest, according to court decisions, include: search the arrestee, search the area of immediate control, search the vehicle the arrestee was riding in, search the passenger compartment, handcuff the arrestee, monitor the person’s movements, and search the arrestee at the place of detention. Discuss the different justifications for each of the things an officer is allowed to do after an arrest. Do any of the actions go beyond what you would consider to be acceptable were you the “arrestee”?