Find two YouTube videos that explain the topic assigned. (Select one number from

Find two YouTube videos that explain the topic assigned. (Select one number from the topic questions below)
The YouTube videos should be less than 10 minutes (if possible), they need to be interesting and not boring (if possible), they should be understandable in English, and educational.
There are some YouTube videos that, although explain a topic, are boring in the presentation or not interesting. You need to try and use a YouTube video that is interesting the watch, both visually and audio, if possible. The ideal video is about 2-6 minutes.
Once you have selected the two videos:
1- View the videos and prepare a detailed one page summary/outline using bullets,
2- Prepare 5 multiple choice questions with answers bolded for each video.
3- Submit the two video links, summary/outline, and the 5 multiple choice Q/A for each video.
1 – What is ARPAnet and What is Web 3.0
2 – Inventor of email, Ray Tomlinson and What is the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee
3 – Positive and negative effects of internet, and What is social media
4 – What is the Digital Divide and What is Net Neutrality
5 – Explain the Industrial Revolution and What are/Rise of digital games
6 – What are Arcades and Classic Video Games, and What are MMORPGs
7 – Regulating video and digital games, and Do games make you violent
Note: You must include a reference from where you obtained the information. An automatic deduction is applied if there is no reference.

These write-ups should be typed, one-inch margins on all sides; 12 pt. Times New

These write-ups should be typed, one-inch margins on all sides; 12 pt. Times New Romans; page numbers; single-space typed; and two pages (maximum length).
This is not to be a review of the case.
In this write-up, you need to be extremely specific. You should not repeat any of the case details.
The format of this case analysis should have the following headings:
Problems/Issues; Possible Solutions; Recommend Solutions; and Expected Outcomes.
These write-ups are designed to be executive decision documents written so that your immediate report-to would be able to read, understand, and implement your decision.
Include APA style references

Identify and describe how a consumer motivation or affect is used in any adverti

Identify and describe how a consumer motivation or affect is used in any advertisement for a governmental organization/institution/agency/military branch or any non-profit organization/institution.
Define how the motivation or affect reflects or appeals to a consumer’s self or identity.
Use attached chapter 5 as one reference.
Reference is Solomon, M. (2020). Consumer behavior: Buying, having and being. (13th ed.). Pearson Education, Inc.
Provide link to the advertisement and other references used.

You will only need to write the introduction along with two body paragraphs. The

You will only need to write the introduction along with two body paragraphs. The attached file is an outline of the Introduction. Please make this introduction half a paged in length and cover the topics I outline within it. I also provided the references I used for the introduction.
For the Body Paragraphs:
1st body paragraph should talk about how Gymshark has used social media as a form of business communication and the positive impact social media has had on the growth of Gymshark company and brand.
o Gymshark’s Influencer Strategy
2nd body paragraph is going to talk about how Adidas has used social media as form of business communication and the impact Kanye West had on the sales and image of the company when he went on his anti-sematic rants. Talk about how they used social media to recover from this and the negative impact that relationship had on the company during that short time frame.
Negative Brand Impacts:
o Adidas and Kanye West

Instructions Windshield survey a community assessment strategy: Downtown Promise

Windshield survey a community assessment strategy: Downtown Promise Heights. Students will participate in debriefing and reflect on the clinical experience as guided by the instructor using the questions in the Debriefing Guide.
Within the virtual clinical experience, students will carry out systematic gathering of data using the traditional windshield survey technique to better understand a community and inform an overall community assessment. Students will then write a 2-page paper that identifies and discusses neighborhood strengths and neighborhood risks based on the data gathered.
Students should complete the virtual windshield survey that is available on thePoint.
Students should then create a 2-page-paper (approximately 500 words) that identifies and discusses 3 neighborhood strengths and 3 neighborhood risks.
The student should use the information gathered during his/her tour of downtown Promise Heights and include, for each strength and risk, the rationale that integrates leading content for this assignment.
Use the link to go directly to CoursePoint.
Due on Oct 27, 2024 11:59 PM
Available on Oct 14, 2024 12:01 AM. Access restricted before availability starts.
Available until Oct 30, 2024 11:59 PM. Submission restricted after availability ends.
Hide Rubrics
Rubric Name: Virtual or Real World Experience Written Paper
Excellent Work
Meets Expectations
Needs Improvement
Not Acceptable
Criterion Score
Content Knowledge
3 points
• Follows all requirements for the assignment.
• Conveys well-rounded knowledge of the topic.
• Excels in fully presenting what is known about the topic.
2 points
• Follows all requirements for the assignment.
• Major points of topic are mostly covered in the required assignment areas.
1 point
• Knowledge of topic is partially covered.
• Key information is missing from 2 or more assignment areas.
0 points
• Knowledge of topic is limited and does not cover the required assignment areas.
Score of Content Knowledge,/ 3
Flow of Content
3 points
• Paper is well-organized with a solid introduction and conclusion.
• Information clearly flows in a logical and interesting sequence.
• Easy to read, follow, and understand throughout.
• Captures the reader’s attention.
2 points
• Paper is organized. Introduction and conclusion are mostly helpful.
• Information flows in a generally logical and interesting sequence.
• Easy to read, follow, and understand most of the paper.
1 point
• The organization, sequence, and flow of paper are difficult to follow at times.
• Introduction and/or conclusion is poorly written.
• Information is difficult to read or understand in a few areas
0 points
Paper is not well-organized.
• Information is difficult to read, understand, and follow throughout most of the paper.
• Introduction and/or conclusion is missing or
lacks clarity and connection with the topic.
Score of Flow of Content,/ 3
Clarity, Critical Thinking
2 points
• Concisely explains the topic.
• Consistently analyzes information, offers insight, and draws conclusions.
• Excels in presentation of ideas. Scholarly work.
1.5 points
• Explains the topic.
• Presents information about the topic.
• Some analysis, insight, and conclusions offered. Mostly scholarly work.
1 point
• Major aspects of the topic are presented, but content lacks insight and analysis. Scholarly work is variable.
0 points
• Information is basic.
• Major aspects of the topic are missing or inadequate.
• Lacks insight, analysis, and conclusions. Reader gains little understanding of the topic.
Score of Clarity, Critical Thinking,/ 2
Writing Composition and Mechanics
1 point
• Spelling, grammar, transitions, and sentence structure are essentially error free. Excellent readability.
0.75 points
• Infrequent, minor errors may occur with spelling, grammar, transitions, and sentence structure. Errors do not interfere with the overall readability of the paper. Minor editing would have been helpful.
0.5 points
• Multiple errors occur with spelling, grammar, transitions, sentence structure; detracts from overall readability of the paper. Significant editing would have been helpful.
0 points
• Numerous errors with spelling, grammar, transitions, and sentence structure; difficult to read and understand the information presented. Writing development needed.
Score of Writing Composition and Mechanics,/ 1
References (Sources) and APA Format
1 point
• Utilizes reputable sources that clearly relate to the topic.

• APA format in the paper and the reference list essentially error free.
0.75 points
• Utilizes reputable sources that relate to the topic.

• Some minor errors may occur with APA format in the paper or the reference list; errors are not consistent throughout the paper.
0.5 points
• Sources are not always reputable or do not clearly relate to the topic.

• Frequent errors occur with APA format throughout the paper and/or the reference list.
0 points
well to the topic or sources not identified.

• Numerous errors occur with APA format consistently throughout the paper and/or the reference list. Lacks understanding of APA format.
Score of References (Sources) and APA Format,/ 1

The assignment is to write a speech on who I am as a public speaker, not literal

The assignment is to write a speech on who I am as a public speaker, not literally who I am. For reference I am a poor public speaker, I suffered a traumatic brain injury making it hard for me to keep a cognitive thought. Please include these key terms in the paper and how they apply to me as a speaker. LANGUAGE: A system of communication consisting of words, sounds, and gestures used by humans to convey meaning and express thoughts, ideas, and emotions. VOCALIZED PAUSES: Sounds or words, such as “um,” “uh,” or “like,” used in speech as fillers or hesitation markers, often indicating a pause or momentary interruption in thought. KINESICS: The study of body movements, gestures, and facial expressions as a form of nonverbal communication and their role in conveying meaning and emotions. CONCRETE LANGUAGE: Language that refers to specific, tangible objects or experiences that can be perceived by the senses, making it more specific and vivid.

You will only need to write the introduction along with two body paragraphs. The

You will only need to write the introduction along with two body paragraphs. The attached file is an outline of the Introduction. Please make this introduction half a paged in length and cover the topics I outline within it. I also provided the references I used for the introduction.
For the Body Paragraphs:
1st body paragraph should talk about how Gymshark has used social media as a form of business communication and the positive impact social media has had on the growth of Gymshark company and brand.
o Gymshark’s Influencer Strategy
2nd body paragraph is going to talk about how Adidas has used social media as form of business communication and the impact Kanye West had on the sales and image of the company when he went on his anti-sematic rants. Talk about how they used social media to recover from this and the negative impact that relationship had on the company during that short time frame.
Negative Brand Impacts:
o Adidas and Kanye West

find four credible information sources about one of the topics listed below. Are

find four credible information sources about one of the topics listed below.
Are humans still evolving?
What steps are involved in creating a movie or television show?
What are the dangers and benefits of using nuclear power?
What was the women’s suffrage movement and how did it change America?
Your uploaded document should include 1) which topic you chose, 2) where you searched for the sources, 3) what keywords you used 4) 1-2 paragraphs describing your search process, and 5) an APA formatted list of the 4 sources.