Our goal is to look at the benefits of using AI as a tool to help us generate id

Our goal is to look at the benefits of using AI as a tool to help us generate id

Our goal is to look at the benefits of using AI as a tool to help us generate ideas when completing assignments.
Somethings to consider:
The Best Uses of AI for Students
Information Gathering
AI Tutors
Help with grammar and other areas of writing
The positives and negatives of AI
Academic World: Lose your voice, Lose valuable skills
Personal World: Consumer Privacy, Data Bias, Legal Issues
AI is not a real person, you are in control
Your facts, data and research all still needs to be correct—this may not happen with AI
Who is the authority or author?
How reliable is the information?
1. Using your One-point speech topic only, ask ChatGPT or Google Bard to generate a speaking outline. ChatGPT requires a log in to be created.
2. NEXT: Expand the perimeters, use the topic and tell it you need an attention getter in your introduction and a summary conclusion
3. NEXT: ask it to add oral citations
4. Submit the outline it generates.
Answer the following questions in at least 2-3 complete sentences.
How does this outline compare to the one you have developed?
How does this outline compare to requirements for this course?
Review the oral citations the AI offered. Research them–are they real, valid citations? If not, where did they come from?
How will you use AI in the future as a college student?
What are the implications of AI for college students?

Write an informal report of 800 words on the incident that happened on Alaska ai

Write an informal report of 800 words on the incident that happened on Alaska ai

Write an informal report of 800 words on the incident that happened on Alaska airlines where the door plug flew off, leaving a gaping hole in the side of the aircraft.
Using correct letter (external) or memo (internal) format, your report should be addressed to decision-makers within Alaska airlines itself. Critically assess their handling of risk/crisis communication during the incident and make recommendations for future planning supported by risk and crisis communication theory.

The report should reference course concepts and, in addition to the course text book “Lundgren, R. & McMakin, A. (2018). Risk Communication: A Handbook for Communicating Environmental, Safety, and Health Risks (6th ed.). Piscataway” from chapter 1 to 24. Use a minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed research sources (APA style).
Your recommendation report should include the following components:
• Correct letter (external) or memo (internal) report formatting
• Introduction briefly identifying the problem/purpose of the report; preview the report’s structure
• Describe the risk/crisis briefly
• Analyze the risk/crisis, critiquing the way risk/crisis communication was handled
• Suggest three or more viable solution options to improve risk/crisis communication should a similar event occur in future. Using course concepts, as well as additional research, suggest alternative messaging, channels, and/or scheduling to better address the needs of identified audiences, and/or support messaging to additional relevant audiences. Incorporate your own ideas, as well as secondary research offering possible communication strategies, perhaps based on the experiences of other organizations under similar circumstances. If looking at a historical crisis, consider implementing communication channels that now exist. Offer a rationale for these communication strategies.
• In addition to the course text, include at least three peer-reviewed secondary sources, with appropriate APA in-text citations. Additional news sources will be required to investigate the organization and incident.
• Include at least one original visual aid (e.g., table or a chart figure) to help support the textual data. Ensure that the visual aid is well integrated into the text (i.e., meaningfully introduced and discussed in the text, labelled as Fig. 1, and appearing near where it is discussed).
• Conclusion: Briefly summarize the report’s findings; no new information should be added here.
• Recommendation: Choose the objectively strongest of your solution options outlined in the body via a comparative analysis, or the order in which two of the options should be implemented.
Back Matter (not included in word count): Appendices if applicable for supplementary information or samples. References in APA format.
incorporate a few bullet points; but do not present the entire report in point form. Use complete paragraphs (no more than eight lines long) with single line spacing in either Times Roman 12 point or Arial 11 point. Use headings to help guide the reader.

Our goal is to look at the benefits of using AI as a tool to help us generate id

Our goal is to look at the benefits of using AI as a tool to help us generate id

Our goal is to look at the benefits of using AI as a tool to help us generate ideas when completing assignments.
Somethings to consider:
The Best Uses of AI for Students
Information Gathering
AI Tutors
Help with grammar and other areas of writing
The positives and negatives of AI
Academic World: Lose your voice, Lose valuable skills
Personal World: Consumer Privacy, Data Bias, Legal Issues
AI is not a real person, you are in control
Your facts, data and research all still needs to be correct—this may not happen with AI
Who is the authority or author?
How reliable is the information?
1. Using your One-point speech topic only, ask ChatGPT or Google Bard to generate a speaking outline. ChatGPT requires a log in to be created.
2. NEXT: Expand the perimeters, use the topic and tell it you need an attention getter in your introduction and a summary conclusion
3. NEXT: ask it to add oral citations
4. Submit the outline it generates.
Answer the following questions in at least 2-3 complete sentences.
How does this outline compare to the one you have developed?
How does this outline compare to requirements for this course?
Review the oral citations the AI offered. Research them–are they real, valid citations? If not, where did they come from?
How will you use AI in the future as a college student?
What are the implications of AI for college students?

Everything comes together this week. You will create a full-sentence outline of

Everything comes together this week. You will create a full-sentence outline of

Everything comes together this week. You will create a full-sentence outline of your persuasive speech. This means everything will be written out in complete sentences with punctuation. Think in terms of how you will say something during your speech.
A Look Ahead: To learn more about the persuasive speech in Week 12, check out the “Speech Guidelines.” Click here:
Make sure you have everything written out, such as your introduction, verbal citations of sources, transition statements, and conclusion. For information about how to word a verbal citation, refer to the “Speech Guidelines” here:

Write a cohesive paper with a central thesis statement that assesses–and ties t

Write a cohesive paper with a central thesis statement that assesses–and ties t

Write a cohesive paper with a central thesis statement that assesses–and ties together–the following specific aspects of your communication patterns in an interpersonal relationship you have with someone important in your life.
Aspect 1: Identify the nature of the interpersonal relationship (e.g., friend, romantic partner, family member, etc.). Then describe what is wrong–or what could be improved–in the relationship. OR, if you are particularly satisfied with a relationship, identify the nature of the relationship and state why you think it is going so well (using a communication concept as your reason, of course).
Aspect 2: Describe the toughest communication or relational obstacle YOU face in YOUR efforts to improve the relationship in the way you want to. OR, describe how you and your relational partner manage to proactively avoid tough communication or relational obstacles.
**Keep your answer about you and your actions, not about the other person or their actions.
Aspect 3: Describe a strategy for interacting with the person differently that directly addresses both what you want to improve with the relationship AND the obstacles to improving it that you identified above. OR, describe a strategy for maintaining a functional relationship in the future, say, in the event of large life and personal changes.
To address the above aspects of communication, select concepts presented in Chapters 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and any supplemental readings during those weeks (do not use concepts from any other chapters). Make sure to draw from more than 1 chapter in your answers. The top-scoring papers will draw from 3 different chapters.
Make sure to adhere to our AI policy.
Your paper should be between 750-1000 words (approx. 3-4 double-spaced pages with 12 point font)
Select ONE concept to discuss to answer EACH question. Use a different concept to answer each question. Only use concepts from the course.
Use APA formatting style (Links to an external site.) for in-text citations and your References list. This APA sample paper shows you exactly how APA style should look in your 1210 papers. Also: Example of a 1210 student’s A+ paper, and Example of a 1210 student’s C paper.
ONLY cite the textbook or lecture slides.
Citation for textbook:
O’Hair, D., Weimann, M., Mullin, D. I., & Teven, J. (2021). Real communication (5th edition). Bedford/St. Martin’s.
The in-text citation is (O’Hair et al., 2021).
Citation format for lecture slides (fill in the relevant info for the specific slide deck you are citing)
Jahn, J. (2024, month and day of lecture). Title of lecture [PDF]. Department of Communication, University of Colorado at Boulder.
For example: Jahn, J. (2024, January 22). Communication: Essential human behavior [PDF]. Department of Communication, University of Colorado Boulder.
The in-text citation is (Jahn, 2024 January 22)
Writing about course concepts:
Write an essay that includes a brief introduction with thesis statement, the application of the three concepts according to the questions above, and a short conclusion.
Write in essay format using paragraphs and prose, and tie together everything your are covering into a cohesive essay with one central thesis statement. That means:
No bullet points.
No outlines.
Don’t treat the 3 aspects of communication as separate mini-essays.
Introduce each concept.
Define each concept according to the textbook or other course reading.
Cite the reading where you got the definition, using APA formatting both in text and in your References page.
Explain each concept, and apply it to your life to answer the prompt question.

Assignment Details As part of your Final Project in this course, students will w

Assignment Details
As part of your Final Project in this course, students will w

Assignment Details
As part of your Final Project in this course, students will write a project proposal and reflect on how your positionality (we’ll discuss this more in class!) informs your proposal. This assignment will be worth 10% of your final course grade and will help prepare you to write your final paper due later in the semester. Even if you plan to work in groups for your final paper, this Positionality Statement/Project Proposal is an INDIVIDUAL assignment. As such, each student will write an essay of ~1,000 words that will be due via canvas on March 21st by 1:30pm. This assignment aims to fulfill CLOs 1-4. Assignment Descriiption
A hallmark of critical approaches to environmental communication is ask how an authors identities (their positionality) inform their views on the environment. This includes careful consideration of how historical context, intersecting identities (e.g., race, gender, class, migration-status…and many others), and personal experience (e.g., privileges, oppressions) of an author influence how they define, write about, and frame environmental issues. A second pillar of critical approaches is to turn critique inward in a self-reflective manner. In this spirit, and as the first part of your Final Project, you will submit a positionality statement / project proposal in which you will reflect upon how your positionality influences your choice of Final Project topic, and how you plan to study it. As you write, please consider two key guidelines:
1) Given that we all hold complex and shifting positions, and given the limited word count for this assignment (see below), you should focus your reflection on one to two of your intersecting identities/positions.
2) As this is a very personal assignment, you will not be graded on the “correctness” of your positionality descriiptions. Rather you will be graded on your level of critical engagement with how the positions you choose to write about influence the scholarly choices you make regarding your final project.

Assignment Details As part of your Final Project in this course, students will w

Assignment Details
As part of your Final Project in this course, students will w

Assignment Details
As part of your Final Project in this course, students will write a project proposal and reflect on how your positionality (we’ll discuss this more in class!) informs your proposal. This assignment will be worth 10% of your final course grade and will help prepare you to write your final paper due later in the semester. Even if you plan to work in groups for your final paper, this Positionality Statement/Project Proposal is an INDIVIDUAL assignment. As such, each student will write an essay of ~1,000 words that will be due via canvas on March 21st by 1:30pm. This assignment aims to fulfill CLOs 1-4. Assignment Descriiption
A hallmark of critical approaches to environmental communication is ask how an authors identities (their positionality) inform their views on the environment. This includes careful consideration of how historical context, intersecting identities (e.g., race, gender, class, migration-status…and many others), and personal experience (e.g., privileges, oppressions) of an author influence how they define, write about, and frame environmental issues. A second pillar of critical approaches is to turn critique inward in a self-reflective manner. In this spirit, and as the first part of your Final Project, you will submit a positionality statement / project proposal in which you will reflect upon how your positionality influences your choice of Final Project topic, and how you plan to study it. As you write, please consider two key guidelines:
1) Given that we all hold complex and shifting positions, and given the limited word count for this assignment (see below), you should focus your reflection on one to two of your intersecting identities/positions.
2) As this is a very personal assignment, you will not be graded on the “correctness” of your positionality descriiptions. Rather you will be graded on your level of critical engagement with how the positions you choose to write about influence the scholarly choices you make regarding your final project.

You should submit at least 15 newspaper/scholarly journals/or television news st

You should submit at least 15 newspaper/scholarly journals/or television news st

You should submit at least 15 newspaper/scholarly journals/or television news stories over a 3-week period; each should be submitted in proper APA style citation with the article and in a Reference Page.
These newspaper/scholarly journals/or television news stories must be from each of the three weeks. Submitting newspaper/scholarly journals/or television news stories from only the first and/or the second week will not be acceptable and points will be deducted.
Then you are to write a 50-word response giving your opinion on each article and how it relates to what you are learning in Tactical Communications. This can be submitted in a paper format or in a PowerPoint presentation.
You are to submit all the articles and 50-word responses in either a Word document due on the Sunday of Week 3 by 11:59 pm EST.
Each article is worth 5 points in regard to content of the article and the content of your opinion; totaling 75 points.
The remaining 25 points will be used to grade spelling, grammar, and APA citations. Your scrapbook should follow APA format. Help can be found under Getting Started.

Strategic communication plays a pivotal role in crisis and change management by

Strategic communication plays a pivotal role in crisis and change management by

Strategic communication plays a pivotal role in crisis and change management by providing a structured framework for timely and transparent information dissemination. During crises, it helps manage perceptions, addresses concerns, and mitigates reputational damage. In times of change, it facilitates employee understanding, fostering a positive organizational culture. Clear, consistent messaging underlines leadership credibility, while two-way communication channels enable feedback and adaptation. By aligning communication with organizational goals, strategic communication navigates uncertainties, builds resilience, and helps regain stakeholder trust. Overall, it serves as a critical tool in guiding organizations through challenges, ensuring stability, and fostering resilience in the face of crisis and change.
In your discussion post, address the following:
Why is effective leadership needed during a crisis or organizational change? What can happen if leadership fails during these times?
What are some factors that lead to organizational change?
Provide a thorough explanation of two strategies to deal with crises.