Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following c

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following c

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:
Communicate a position related to a complex issue in a civic context
Training opportunities in the workplace (professional development) have become a sound investment for employers. In addition to reducing recruiting and retention costs, professional development has been demonstrated to boost productivity and job satisfaction. For employees, it also offers new opportunities for enhancing their skills and offers additional opportunities for positioning themselves for new opportunities within the organization outside of regular promotions. For the past seven years, your company has sponsored a professional enrichment program (PEP). Each year a small group or cohort of six to eight employees is chosen to participate in special professional enrichment activities in both group and individual formats. The participants are paired with mentors from leaders across the company. Employees each submit a letter and career plan that serve as their “application” to the program.
Update: You have just passed the mid-year mark of a professional enrichment program you were selected to participate in, and you are eager and ready to face new challenges directly. Your leadership has just announced they want to introduce a new aspect to the program. They will pilot this aspect with your group this year. The intent of this aspect is not just to grow you professionally within the organization but in broader settings as a member of larger communities. You have been requested to identify an issue that impacts the quality of life within a community of your choice and create a proposal to present in a civic setting to your audience. You strategize with your mentor and agree that once you select an issue, you will put together a proposal and presentation plan and draft presentation. This provides you with the opportunity to receive feedback from your mentor prior to presenting to your audience (the individuals or group who would have a vested interest in this issue).
Part 1: Proposal and Presentation Plan (approximately 1,000 words)You will draft your proposal and your plan for communicating it prior to beginning to create the presentation itself to ensure you are establishing a clear narrative for your audience. Your mentor has also requested that you provide an analysis of your audience and how you will be addressing them (i.e., the location and format) to ensure that your presentation is suitable for this audience. This will ensure your mentor can provide you the best possible feedback.
Complex Issue: Select a complex issue from the provided list. Describe the “who” and “what” behind the issue you have selected so that your mentor can provide you feedback on the appropriateness of how you’ve situated the problem and your proposal for addressing it for your audience:
Issue explanation
Sociopolitical and historical context of the issue
Importance to the stakeholders in impacted community
Annotated Bibliography: Remember, your mentor has been very clear that an appeal to your audience’s passions is not sufficient in addressing your complex issue. Provide research and evidence that supports your explanation of the complex issue and your recommendations around this issue:
Use relevant and credible sources that represent a variety of perspectives
Explain how sources inform potential and logical next steps based on resources
Your Position and Course of Action: Next, address the “why” behind the issue in your proposal ensuring you:
Explain your position on this issue
Describe a logical course of action or actions aligned with your proposal and supported by evidence
Audience Analysis: Lastly, look carefully at the “who” again and “where.” Potentially there will be individuals in your audience from diverse cultures aside from your primary audience. Discuss the following and how you will ensure your visuals and verbal or text narrative will address:
Norms for the public venue and civic context in which you are presenting
Communication strategies appropriate in addressing your primary audience
Communication strategies appropriate in addressing multicultural audiences that differ from your primary audience (for example, are there linguistic preferences or nonverbal signs that would be preferable or not preferable?)
Part 2: Proposal Presentation (10–15 slides with speaker notes in slide deck, or 15-minute video with transcript)Now that you’ve completed your plan and have a concrete approach around your idea, you feel even more confident about communicating your position! You have many choices for presenting yourself (slide deck with speaker notes or video with transcript). You know your choice will be the “how” behind communicating your position. Your choice of vehicle (slide deck or video) and the information you include in the speaker notes or transcript must address all of the following:
Presentation of Issue: Set the stage for your audience:
Situate your issue by clearly identifying it
Briefly describe the sociopolitical context (local, regional, national, or global)
Recommendation: Ensure you concisely and clearly cover:
Main IdeaArticulate your main idea
Discuss why it is important
Use relevant and credible sources
Call to ActionDescribe a logical course of action or actions aligned with main idea
Include potential benefits and drawbacks
Communication of Explanation: Ensure you are using your speaker notes or video narration/transcript to ensure your narrative:
Aligns to the norms of the public venue in which you are presenting
Addresses cultural needs and expectations of the group
Appropriate Practices: Use conventions that are:
Appropriate to persuasive argumentClear and logical
Suitable for a variety of cultural backgroundsEliminate figurative language such as metaphors, idioms, similes, etc.
Enhance the accessibility of your information with alternative text or transcripts that identify verbal or visual content
Necessary to avoid communicating bias, either intended or unintended
Articulation of Response: Clearly convey meaning, demonstrating an understanding of audience and purpose:
Correct grammarAvoid slang and jargon
Sentence structure
What to Submit
Every project has a deliverable or deliverables, which are the files that must be submitted before your project can be assessed. For this project, you must submit the following:
Proposal and Presentation Plan (approximately 1,000 words)
Draft your proposal and your plan for communicating it prior to beginning to create the presentation itself to ensure you are establishing a clear narrative for your audience. Your mentor has also requested that you provide an analysis of your audience and how you will be addressing them (i.e., the location and format) to ensure that your presentation is suitable for this audience. This will ensure your mentor can provide you the best possible feedback.
Proposal Presentation (10–15 slides with speaker notes in slide deck, or 15-minute video with transcript)
Choose a vehicle (slide deck or video) and include information in the speaker notes or transcript. Your choice will be the “how” behind communicating your position
FEEDBACK: 02/16/24 – Jealany, you have made excellent progress in this section. There are two areas that must be addressed. First, please include substantive support from the research to substantiate your analysis. This will be evidenced through in-text citations and statements that align to specific aspects of each source. Second, you mentioned the legislative piece, but be sure to outline the legislation and political impacts that have shaped the challenge. Great job so far!
02/16/24 – This section looks great; however, you need to identify the specific venue where you will present to your intended audience. Will you present in a conference room or do you have a different venue in mind?
Jealany, you are definitely on the right track, but more is needed to fully incorporate the previous feedback. Please make sure you are addressing the global aspect of the issue within your presentation. You must also discuss the legislative aspects in enough detail to understand how it influences the issue.
02/16/24 – Please include headings within your proposal to help organize your writing, which creates transitions making it easier to distinguish each idea being presented. Additionally, you have a good start with your presentation, but need to elaborate using the speaker’s notes. It is difficult to understand some of the information in your presentation as there is not enough detail to determine the ideas being presented.02/11/24 – There are several areas within your presentation and proposal where you need to elaborate or provide greater depth and details so that your ideas and insights are clear. In some areas of your submission, more is needed to understand key ideas that you have presented. You are definitely on the right track, but need to incorporate more to support the analysis of each section with more specificity and detail.
02/16/24 – Within your proposal, there are still several areas where you have incorporated insights from the research, but have not cited your sources appropriately. Please review your presentation and paper to ensure that you have cited all directly quoted and/or paraphrased information. Please also check the alignment of your sources to ensure your in-text citations and references are aligned. For example, in your presentation, you have a source listed as Obama, but it is not aligned to any of your references. Please review the alignment of your sources and references in your proposal and presentation.02/11/24 – There are a few areas where you have incorporated insights from the research, but have not cited appropriately. Please review your presentation and paper to ensure that you have cited all directly quoted and/or paraphrased information and that all references correspond to an appropriate in-text citation (including images and charts). The Citation Help tile located in BrightSpace can help to determine when and how to cite your sources appropriately. This resource includes access to the CfA Citation Guide and CfA Citation Maker, which will help to cite your sources.

Instructions are in picture. Looking for sources 20 different sources that revie

Instructions are in picture. Looking for sources 20 different sources that revie

Instructions are in picture. Looking for sources 20 different sources that review and collect literature from my two fields of study and look for areas where they connect. (Biology and Psychology). Utilize trade journals, periodicals, books, newspapers, magazines, blogs, etc. Look for, and identify, problems and issues that require the blending of your two fields of study to solve an issue or problem A minimum of 20 different sources are to be used and cited.
I am a interdisciplinary Studies major so you can put something like that in with the sources

Return to the topic you chose in the week three assignment. Articulate a specifi

Return to the topic you chose in the week three assignment. Articulate a specifi

Return to the topic you chose in the week three assignment. Articulate a specific dilemma in a situation faced by a particular person based on that topic. The situation can be real or fictional.
Summarize the dilemma.
Define any needed key terms associated with the dilemma.
Analyze the conflicts or controversies involved in the dilemma.
Revise and rewrite based on any feedback you received in your previous draft (week three). Reference and discuss any professional code of ethics relevant to your topic such as the AMA code for doctors, the ANA code for nurses, etc. State whether and how your chosen topic involves any conflicts between professional and familial duties or conflicts between loyalty to self and loyalty to a community or nation.
What in your view is the most moral thing for that person to do in that dilemma? Why is that the most moral thing? Use moral values and logical reasoning to justify your answer
Next, apply the following:
Aristotle’s Golden Mean to the dilemma
Utilitarianism to the dilemma
Natural Law ethics to the dilemma
Which of those three theories works best ethically speaking? Why that one?
Why do the other two not work or not work as well?
Is it the same as what you said is the most moral thing earlier? Why or why not?
Use the 5 articles from your annotated bibliography to support your answers. (Additional academic scholarly research from the past 5 years can be included as well.) Include a reference page at the end of your paper in APA format that includes your bibliography with the annotations removed and any other sources used in your final paper.
RequirementsLength: 4-5 pages (not including title page or references page)
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page (minimum of 5 scholarly sources)

1. In your answer, · Present the Sapir Whorf Hypothesis (relate to the two vers

1. In your answer,
· Present the Sapir Whorf Hypothesis (relate to the two vers

1. In your answer,
· Present the Sapir Whorf Hypothesis (relate to the two versions); two paragraphs
· Discuss four studies which examined the given question. Please relate to: the purpose of the studies, the procedure, the main results and the significance of the findings. Provide a concluding paragraph relating to all the studies.
2. Your answer must rely on at least four academic references (see course website with related articles). You may use any (additional) academic sources of your choice.
Please note:
· Pay attention to correct citing within the text and writing of references at the end of the paper (= 10% of the grade).
· Write the answer in essay form, with an opening and a conclusion.
· Include a cover page (see sample on website).
· This is an individual assignment.
· The paper should be two pages (excluding cover page and reference list), font 12 Times New Roman, 1.5 spaces, WORD format.

This is for speech class. PLEASE Read THE INSTRUCTION CAREFULLY. There are two p

This is for speech class. PLEASE Read THE INSTRUCTION CAREFULLY.
There are two p

This is for speech class. PLEASE Read THE INSTRUCTION CAREFULLY.
There are two parts. First, you need to fill the SPEECH OUTLINE file I have uploaded for you. The format should be exactly like the file just fill in whatever the professor asked. The second part is that you need to write a two page speech . The two page speech should follow the OUTLINE STEP BY STEP. you just need to explain the MAIN POINTS MORE. I need to give a 3 minute speech so I am going to read the paper you wrote to my professor. ( NOTE: THE PAPER YOU WRITE NEED TO EXACTLY FOLLOW THE SPEECH OUTLINE you filled. JUST you need to explain more each of the MAIN POINTS).
Please read the instruction FILE on what you need to write. choose three object and upload me the pictures of them so I can show in my speech .
A little bit about me : I am a college student currently. I used to live in EGYPT. I was born there. Currently I am living here in Los Angeles. I am attending college full time and my major is Mechanical engineering. Currenly, I workout alot. I GO TO GYm. About my future, I want to be a mechanical engineer.
If you have questions let me know. For the objects, I thought maybe for my past we can choose a car toy to show that I loved playing with cars. For present we can choose dumbells to show that i workout. For future maybe you can choose something that related to mechanical engineer. This is just my idea please use whatever you think is best.

Assignment prep and set-up for DB posts: Review the DB Requirements [word count,

Assignment prep and set-up for DB posts:
Review the DB Requirements [word count,

Assignment prep and set-up for DB posts:
Review the DB Requirements [word count, textbook reference, etc.].
Read the designated chapters for the week before you start this assignment.
Choose one of the two posted chapter prompts to complete. Start your paragraph with the chapter number. Example: Chapter 1
Do not include the prompt/questions in your post. Yes, spelling and grammar count, so proofread before you post!
Content of the original thread: The content of your thread should be clearly connected to the chapter reading/topic. Outside sources are not acceptable. CH DB Requirements: Original thread/post should be at least 300-400 words total and have a least 1textbook reference from the specific chapter.You must include a citation with your textbook reference. For this class, citations should be listed as textbook chapter and page number (Chapter 3, p. 72). Peer Responses (2): Each of the two peer responses should be at least 150 words each in length and have a least 1 textbook from either of the specified chapters. For this class, citations should be listed as textbook chapter and page number (Chapter 3, p. 72). You will have 1 textbook reference/citation in each of your peer response posts.
To earn maximum points:
You must have a clear reference to the textbook in both your original post and your peer responses. Textbook references should be exclusively taken from the course textbook. References from any source other than the required textbook [Interplay/15th Ed.] will not be accepted and will result in a loss of points.
Do not use any of the textbook references from your original tread or another student’s original tread in any of your peer responses.
Peer responses are a dialogue with your classmates. It needs to be your thoughts in response to the original tread content. Stay away from “I like when you said…” and then copy and paste the original thread content and add a few words.
Important Information: Participants must create/post a thread to view other threads in each forum. Please do not include prompt/DB questions in your posts. Grammar and spelling should be checked and corrected before you post.
You cannot edit or delete your post once you submit/post it.
Do not post a response to your original thread with additional information or materials that may be missing. Do not submit your post as an attachment or link (i.e., Word file, Google Docs, etc). It must be typed/copied & pasted into the text box. All DB assignments require Interplay textbook connections and references.
Be sure and submit your assignment before the 11:59 pm deadline. Assignments sent via e-mail or Inbox [Canvas] or posted in “Comments” will not be accepted for credit.
Discussion Board 3: Chapters 5 & 6
Review the CH DB Requirements [word count, textbook reference, etc.].
Choose one of the two posted chapter prompts to complete. Start your paragraph with the chapter number. Example: Chapter 6
Do not include the prompt/questions in your post. Yes, spelling and grammar count, so proofread before you post!
OPTION 1: Chapter 5: Our perceptions are based on observable qualities.
Watch Dylan Marron’s TED Talk Empathy is Not Endorsement. Dylan Marron Empathy Ted Talk
Discuss how Marron’s TED Talk relates to the following:
1. What were some influences on perceptions that drove some of the hate messages Marron received? 2. How do you think that Marron has to overcome any of his own implicit biases to talk to those who deliver hate messages? 3. How does Marron promote the use of narratives in his confirmations? 4. Do you believe Marron’s conversations help their confirmation bias or other biases?
OPTION 2: Chapter 6: “Dude.” “Dude?” “Dude!” and Positive/Negative Language 1. View the Budweiser commercial:Dude.Dude.Dude
After watching the video, respond to each of the following questions:
What were the different meanings of “Dude” that you observed?
How does this relate to concepts from Chapter 6 – Language?
Think about a word you use that serves multiple purposes Give an example from an interpersonal interaction in which you used the word. What were you trying to communicate in your use of the word? 2. Identify one specific personal example of a time when your choice of language led to positive or negative results in your interpersonal relationships.
Cite the person(s) involved, the place of the occurrence, the situation, and the language used.
Then identify the type of language (sexist, racist, powerful or powerless, ambiguous, abstract, euphemism, relative words, evaluative language, etc.) and note the results.
How did language play a pivotal role in this experience

Select 3 ideas from chapter 3 in the textbook regarding perception! Write a para

Select 3 ideas from chapter 3 in the textbook regarding perception!
Write a para

Select 3 ideas from chapter 3 in the textbook regarding perception!
Write a paragraph about each idea.
In the paragraph explain:
What is the idea?
Why is it important to you?
How will you use the idea in your life?
You will end of up with three paragraphs.
It is important to use citations from the textbook to support your ideas.
When you use information from the text, cite the source or the video (Saba, Chapter 3.1)
Textbook References: Clear references to the textbook are required in both the original thread post and both peer responses for all course DBs.
Textbook references should come from the chapter(s) specified in the assignment prompt and be clearly connected to your post and the assignment topic.
Original threads/posts should be at least 400-500 words total and have a least one clear and connected textbook reference from the specified chapter with a proper citation (chapter number, page number).

The goal of this assignment is to apply the knowledge learned in the course, to

The goal of this assignment is to apply the knowledge learned in the course, to

The goal of this assignment is to apply the knowledge learned in the course, to exhibit a deep
familiarity with the learned material in lectures, recitations, and in the reading materials. The
assignment is based on all the material learned in the course throughout the semester in the lectures,
recitations, and in the reading list attached at the end of the instructions (the readings can be found
on the course website within the folders for the specific weeks in which they were assigned).
The assignment includes two parts. You must answer both parts, following the instructions for each
part. Answer only the number of questions detailed for each part of the assignment – if you
answer more than the specified number, only the required number of answers will be graded and the
rest will be ignored.
The assignment must be submitted in Word format only. Do not submit the paper in PDF
format. The assignment must be submitted in the separate answer file (attached). The entire
assignment must be typed using Times New Roman 12-point font. If you use external sources in the
paper, make sure to also attach a reference list in APA style. If you use any artificial intelligence
(AI) application/program in completing the assignment, you must attach an appendix detailing
which applications/programs you used, how they were used, and how the information obtained from
them has been incorporated into the submitted assignment. The reference list and appendix will not
count as part of the page limitation for the assignment. Violation of the instructions will result in a
grade deduction.
The assignment may be submitted either individually or in groups of two students (but no more than
two students per group). The ID numbers of all student writers and the names of the relevant
teaching assistants should be written on the first page. The paper’s grade will constitute 70% of
the final course grade. Any suspicion of academic dishonesty or plagiarism will be reported to
the Reichman University Disciplinary Committee.
The assignment must be submitted by Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 23:59 on the course
website, in the dedicated folder. Late assignments will not be accepted nor graded.
Part 1: Media exemplification of central theoretical concepts
Choose five of the seven (1-7) theoretical concepts below (8 points per concept).
For each concept you choose, exemplify it with an English online newspaper article (NOT a social
network site post, independent blog, or video clip but a print online newspaper article only). You
can choose a different article for each concept. All the newspaper articles brought as examples in
this section need to be only from 2023. Provide a link or print screen image of the article in the
Each concept exemplification will be written in no more than seven lines on the form provided.
Each concept exemplification should include the definition of the concept and an explanation of
how the article exemplifies the theoretical concept. Note that some concepts are content-based (that
is, they can be “found” in the content of the news article itself) but other concepts might require you
to hypothesize about the process of how the content will impact the audience – for these concepts,
make sure the explanation is clear and linked to the theory as learned in the course. Make sure to
address all concepts and arguments in consistency with how they were taught in this course! The concepts are: 1) Resonance with the symbolic reality as in the spirit of cultivation theory 2) Transfer of salience in the spirit of agenda setting theory 3) Majority opinion as expressed by the media in the spirit of spiral of silence theory 4) Arts as a commodity in the spirit of the Frankfurt School 5) Elite-serving messages in media content in the spirit of political-economy theory
6) Thematic framing in the spirit of framing theory 7) Technical code in the spirit of the cultural-critical approach Part 2: Theoretical application to a media example
Choose two of the three (8-10) application exercises below (30 points per exercise).
For each exercise you choose, analyze a media example using the theoretical framework as taught
in the course. Each exercise should be written within the allotted space on the form provided.
Each exercise should discuss the theory’s central concepts and main assumptions (make sure to
define each concept and assumption clearly and to apply it well). When relevant, link the analysis to
the theory’s paradigm (again, make sure to define all theoretical concepts and apply them clearly).
Make sure to write complete arguments in essay format (that is, not in bullet points). When
relevant, use the course assigned readings to inform your arguments. The application exercises are: 8) An Internet meme is “a cultural item (such as an idea, behaviour, or style) that is spread via
the Internet, often through social media platforms. Internet memes can take various forms,
such as images videos, GIFs, and various other viral sensations. Characteristics of memes
include their susceptibility to parody, their use of intertextuality, their propagation in a viral
pattern, and their evolution over time. . . Memes are considered an important part of Internet
culture. . . They appear in a range of contexts, such as marketing, economics, finance,
politics, social movements, religion, and healthcare” (Wikipedia, a non-credible source).
Think of a meme which you recently encountered on the Internet, preferably within the past
year. Briefly describe the meme. On the basis of uses and gratifications theory, as learned in
the course, discuss your engagement with the meme. Address issues that reflect your
audience activity relative to the meme, including your decision to share/not to share the
meme, why you chose to do (or not to do) so, with whom did you share the meme, how you
shared the meme, what were you hoping to achieve by sharing the meme, what you feel you
obtained from sharing the meme. Remember that your answer should exhibit a deep and
thorough understanding of the theory, its central concepts and basic assumptions, its relation
to a theoretical paradigm, etc. 9) Choose an episode from a recent television series (preferably an episode that aired within
the past year) which presented a social behavior that audiences could have learned through a
social learning process. Briefly describe the series and the social behavior portrayed in the
episode. On the basis of social learning (cognitive) theory, as learned in the course, discuss
a possible audience effects process that could potentially have followed exposure to this
episode and the portrayed social behavior. Make sure to address all the central social
learning steps and exemplify them through the content. Make sure to explain the cognitive
elements involved in the social learning process you discuss. Remember that your answer
should exhibit a deep and thorough understanding of the theory, its central concepts and
basic assumptions, its relation to a theoretical paradigm, etc. 10) A moral panic is “a widespread feeling of fear, often an irrational one, that some evil person
or thing threatens the values, interests, or well-being of a community or society” (Wikipedia,
a non-credible source). Moral panics have often been associated with, or attributed to, media
technologies, genres, or content. Choose one recent media technology/genre/content
(preferably that has been relevant in the past year) that you think can lead to or has been
associated with a media moral panic. Explain the technology/genre/content you chose and
why you think it lends itself to a media panic. On the basis of the powerful media effects
paradigm, discuss what is the possible media effect likely to result from exposure to or use
of this technology/genre/content. Analyze this media effect using the categorizations of
media effects learned in the course. Explain each decision you make in describing this
potential media effect, using the concepts and basic assumptions of the powerful media
effects paradigm. Reading list: Adorno, T. W., & Rabinach, A. G. (1975). Culture industry reconsidered. New German Critique, 6,
Aley, M., & Hahn, L. (2020). The powerful male hero: A content analysis of gender representation
in posters for children’s animated movies. Sex Roles, 83(7-8), 499-509.
Bolluck, O. M., & Shulman, H. C. (2021). Utilizing framing theory to design more effective health
messages about tanning behavior among college women. Communication Studies, 72(3),
Duncan, M., Pelled, A., Wise, D., Ghosh, S., Shanb, Y., Zheng, M., & McLeod, D. (2020). Staying
silent and speaking out in online comment sections: The influence of spiral of silence and
corrective action in reaction to news. Computers in Human Behavior, 102(C), 192-205.
Fiske, J. (1986). Television: Polysemy and popularity. Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 3,
Gadino, N., Ellithorpe, M. E., Ulusoy, E., Wirz, D. S., & Eden, A. (2023). Binge-watching to feel
better: Mental health gratifications sought and obtained through binge-watching. Psychology
of Popular Media. Advance online publication.
Hefner, V., & Kretz, V. E. (2021). Does the glass slipper fit? Disney princess films and relationship
beliefs and attitudes. Journal of Media Psychology, 33(3), 125-133.
Lazarsfeld, P. F., & Merton, R. K. (1948). Mass communication, popular taste, and organization
social action. In L. Bryson (Ed.), The communication of ideas (95-118). New York: Harper
& Row.
Sparks, G. G. (2006). Media effects research: A basic overview (2nd ed., chapter 1, pp. 1-19).
Australia: Thomson Wadsworth.
Sparks, G. G. (2006). Media effects research: A basic overview (2nd ed., chapter 3, pp. 58-62).
Australia: Thomson Wadsworth.
Sparks, G. G. (2006). Media effects research: A basic overview (2nd ed., chapter 3, pp. 43-58).
Australia: Thomson Wadsworth.
Stein, J.-P., Krause, E., & Ohler, P. (2021). Every (Insta)gram counts? Applying cultivation theory
to explore the effects of Instagram on young users’ body image. Psychology of Popular
Media, 10(1), 87-97.
Turcotte, J., York, C., Irving, J., Scholl, R. M., & Pingree, R. J. (2015). News recommendations
from social media opinion leaders: Effects on media trust and information seeking. Journal
of Computer-Mediated Communication, 20(5), 520-535.

“Israel Hayoum Law” – The Ethical dilema: Your final assignment involves an in-d

“Israel Hayoum Law” – The Ethical dilema:
Your final assignment involves an in-d

“Israel Hayoum Law” – The Ethical dilema:
Your final assignment involves an in-depth exploration of the “Yisrael Hayom” law, proposed in 2014, officially titled the “Law for the Advancement and Protection of Print Journalism in Israel,” commonly known as the “Israel Hayom Law.” The assignment is structured into four key questions:
Understanding the Israel Hayom LawProvide a comprehensive overview of the Israel Hayom Law, including details such as when it was proposed, the individuals or entities behind its proposal, and the motivations driving its introduction.
Examine the impact of the law on the Israeli political landscape and delve into the events triggered by its proposal.
Arguing Against the LawPresent a well-structured argument highlighting why the Israel Hayom Law is perceived as unethical, drawing insights from the form of journalism practiced in Israel, particularly the social responsibility form (refer to the first online lecture document).
Evaluate opposing perspectives, validating arguments against the law while critically analyzing the agendas of those who contested it.
Explore how the law poses a potential threat to democracy and discuss the possible consequences it may lead to.
Arguing in Favor of the LawArticulate reasons supporting the Israel Hayom Law, emphasizing its role in fostering ethical journalism within a democratic capitalist society.
Investigate the motivations behind the bill’s formation, scrutinizing the stated agenda versus the underlying motivations, and form an informed opinion in support of the law.
Assess how the proposed law contributes to safeguarding democracy, considering the essence of Western and Israeli democratic values.
Proposing a Better Legal FrameworkPut forth suggestions for an improved legal framework, alternative legislation, or specific regulations/policies that could better safeguard the democratic press in Israel.
Ensure your proposal addresses the shortcomings of the Israel Hayom Law and aligns with the principles of ethical journalism and democratic values in modern age – in other words – feel free to be creative.
Legal op – IDI 2014
ISRAEL HAYOUM – a different animal – launched by Sheldon Adelson in 2007 and described by Nahum Barnea (Israeli Journalist) as the biggest election gift ever it is a free daily with a massive circulation in its 7 year of existence. Nicknamed the Bibiton.
What is the Israel Hayom law that the Knesset passed in a preliminary vote on Wednesday?
The “law for the advancement and protection of written journalism in Israel” is more widely known as the “Israel Hayom law” and would more accurately be called “the law to limit Sheldon Adelson’s influence.” The law, proposed by MK Eitan Cabel (Knesset) and sponsored by members of five other Knesset parties, would make it illegal to widely distribute a full-size newspaper free of charge.
The law’s stated intention is to “defend written journalism” in a period of financial hardship for newspapers in Israel (Maariv closed down, Haaretz on its way) . It doesn’t mention any paper by name, but only Israel Hayom fits its requirements.
THE LAW’S UNSTATED INTENTION: An anti Bibi/Adelson law many would argue that was widely supported across the board by many from within his coalition. This is not a right wing newspaper per say that just purports right wing ideology – this is a paper that came out against many of Netanyahu’s competitors, party members etc. Regardless of their ideology or platform rather more if they posed a threat to the PM. It came out after Bennet, after Lieberman etc. Why are the law’s supporters going after Israel Hayom?
Aside from the official reason of creating fair competition in the Israeli newspaper industry, there are political and commercial considerations at work. Israel Hayom has had one agenda since it first appeared in 2007 — Benjamin Netanyahu. It supported his candidacy for prime minister, and since his reelection in 2009, it has been slavishly pushing his policies and defending him and his family from criticism.
The law is being sponsored by members of rival parties to Netanyahu’s Likud, from the right and left, both coalition and opposition members. Even Netanyahu’s senior ministers have attacked the paper; Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman called it “Pravda” and Economics Minister Naftali Bennett described it as “a mouthpiece of one man.” In its support for Netanyahu, Israel Hayom has created enemies across the political spectrum who are eager to clip its wings.
they reserve their most vicious editorial attacks for anyone who dares to disagree with or criticize Netanyahu and the government. I wouldn’t say that they do that at the expense of the truth, but the journalists who work there know that they have to tow a particular editorial line in anything that touches the government. There isn’t even a pretense of objectivity. And that makes them very, very different to any other paper in Israel. It’s known as the “Bibiton” which is Hebrew for sort of “Bibi” news and –
Nachum Barnea, who’s an award-winning Israeli columnist. He described the paper which was launched just before the last election as “the biggest election gift ever given in Israel.” If you remember, Natanyahu was elected by a knife edge, so any slight swing in the vote there was extremely important.
The other thing about Israel is that the standard of living here is much, much lower than it is in the States, and so, an expenditure on a daily newspaper is much, much higher proportionally, since salaries are about a third of what they are in the States. If someone’s giving you a newspaper for nothing, instead of one that you have to pay for, then it’s gonna be very attractive to you. And once you start reading it, then there’s more than likely possibility that it’s going to start to inform your political views. ————————————————————————————————–
The freesheet swiftly became the newspaper with the highest public exposure in Israel, upsetting the monopoly of the top-selling tabloid Yedioth Ahronoth. Israel Hayom has accused Yedioth’s publisher, Arnon “Noni” Mozes, of orchestrating the law through MKs who receive preferential treatment from Mozes’ paper and its popular website Ynet, in the interest of reestablishing his predominance in Israeli media. For months now, the paper has been running a campaign portraying Mozes as a puppeteer pulling the strings of the politicians in “Noni’s evil empire.”
Mozes, who never gives interviews, has not responded to these accusations. The MKs sponsoring the law have denied they are doing Mozes’ bidding.
Why does Adelson need a newspaper?
Adelson, who made his first fortune from computer-industry conventions and then reaped billions from his mega-casino and hotel complexes in the United States and Far East, has no major business holdings in Israel and never invested in the media in the past. At a conference just this Sunday he even said “I don’t like journalism.” He does, however, have a keen interest in politics in his native United States and in Israel (of which he isn’t a citizen, though his second wife Miri is).
In the United States he has plowed an estimated $150 million through super PACs to fund presidential and congressional campaigns of Republicans he favors, but political funding laws in Israel allow individuals and corporations to contribute only relatively small sums.
Adelson, who holds far-right political views and has known and supported Netanyahu for over two decades, founded Israel Hayom as his own personal loophole to do in Israel what he has been doing in the United States. The paper’s financial statements remain a closely guarded secret, but Israeli media experts believe he has spent at least $50 million to date.
In interviews, Adelson has denied that Israel Hayom is a “Bibiton” — a moniker combining Netanyahu’s nickname and the Hebrew word for newspaper. He says the paper was created to balance the “far-left” agenda of Yedioth and other Israeli media. (Not true – goes out against
Bennet/Lieberman/internal likud competitors).
Adelson’s MO and his paper’s coverage of Netanyahu suggest otherwise. Israel Hayom was founded on the (not totally unfounded) belief that the Israeli media are out to get Netanyahu and the only way he can govern is by having his own media.
Would the new law harm Israel Hayom?
The freesheet has been running a campaign accusing the law and its supporters of trying to shut it down. This is disingenuous. By forcing them to charge readers even a small price, readership will go down, but whatever that may do the paper’s revenues it is immaterial as the paper is operating at a loss anyway that Adelson has no problem covering using his private fortune. Israel Hayom can continue to operate despite the law as long as Adelson continues to bankroll it.
Their real issue is that the law would drastically limit the paper’s exposure. Israel Hayom rarely publishes scoops, seldom receives high-profile exclusive interviews and has very few must-read columnists by any standard. Its one attraction is that it’s free of charge.
But its publishers are no fools; they’re fully aware that if it were a paid product, it would be likely to be bought by very few Israelis — as it is, print journalism is on the decline. Denying it this advantage would deny Adelson the influence and support he hoped to buy for Netanyahu in funding the paper.
What’s wrong with the law?
There are two major problems with Israel Hayom law. First, no law should be targeted at a single individual or company. The crude way the proposal has been tailored for this one freesheet highlights the political and commercial motivations behind it.
Second, any law that seeks to impose limits on a media organization carries inherent dangers. Legislation against one newspaper, as problematic as it is per se, creates a perilous precedent for Israeli democracy. (where else did this happen? Germany – find examples as to how)
There are counterarguments in favor, of course. For a start, Israel Hayom as a loss-making, mass-distributed, one-politician-supporting freesheet is not a real newspaper in many senses. Its supporters claim that it operates on the business model of freesheets around the world, but this is patently untrue. Those free papers, with their tiny editorial budgets, are meant solely as vehicles for advertisement — and to while away a few minutes on the daily commute.
Adelson’s billions, on the other hand, have financed a full staff of journalists (in itself a good thing) whose sole aim is to create a pro-Netanyahu publication that resembles an attractive and professional newspaper. While this may or may not have been an intended result, it is jeopardizing the existence of rivals that lack the capacity to sustain large losses. Still, targeted legislation should not be the solution.
Are there other ways in which Israel Hayom should be challenged?
Adelson’s newspaper is thinly disguised mega-campaign funding. The regulators of political finance, especially the state comptroller, should have stepped in long ago to close this loophole. Flooding the market with a free product and undercutting competitors by offering cut-price advertising space is ruining competition in what is already an increasingly fragile print-media market.
The Antitrust Authority should be looking into that. For whatever reasons (and which state agency would rush to investigate a company owned by the prime minister’s chief patron?) the relevant authorities seem to have made no attempt to enquire whether Israel Hayom is breaking any laws, let alone try to regulate them.
In the absence of any regulation or enforcement necessary to create a more level playing-field both in politics and the media, this anti-Adelson law was born. It’s a bad law can be argued, but more than that, it’s a symptom of the weakness of Israeli democracy.

There are two parts to this assignment: Part 1: Describe Ethos, Logos, and Path

There are two parts to this assignment:
Part 1:
Describe Ethos, Logos, and Path

There are two parts to this assignment: Part 1:
Describe Ethos, Logos, and Pathos and explain why these elements are important to presenting a successful persuasive argument.
Part 2: Using the online site “” – find a topic/issue of interest to you, read both sides of the argument, and then summarize the elements of ethos, logos, and pathos presented.
Do you have to have all three elements (ethos, logos, and pathos) for an argument to be persuasive? Why or why not?
Does a speaker need to change an audience’s members mind completely to be successful at persuasion? Why or why not?