This assignment is a Persuasive presentation. You must propose a change to an e

This assignment is a Persuasive presentation. You must propose a change to an e

This assignment is a Persuasive presentation. You must propose a change to an existing rule, law, behavior, etc., or you can propose something totally new. Examples include the introduction of a VAT in the US, a new course that WPU should offer, and why college athletes should/should not be paid (that one has been settled). You need to propose something that is enforceable and measurable — not something like, “people need to stop cursing so much” or “people need to be nicer on public transportation.” For this presentation you can choose a business, academic, or social topic. Local issues can still be an interesting source of ideas; what’s going on in your town or county? This is not a lengthy research project, but you might want to do some basic search/research to get some facts. You do not need to cite sources unless it helps you: ex. The American Medical associates says… (something that supports you).

This assignment is a Persuasive presentation. You must propose a change to an ex

This assignment is a Persuasive presentation. You must propose a change to an ex

This assignment is a Persuasive presentation. You must propose a change to an existing rule, law, behavior, etc., or you can propose something totally new. Examples include the introduction of a VAT in the US, a new course that WPU should offer, and why college athletes should/should not be paid (that one has been settled). You need to propose something that is enforceable and measurable — not something like, “people need to stop cursing so much” or “people need to be nicer on public transportation.” For this presentation you can choose a business, academic, or social topic. Local issues can still be an interesting source of ideas; what’s going on in your town or county? This is not a lengthy research project, but you might want to do some basic search/research to get some facts. You do not need to cite sources unless it helps you: ex. The American Medical associates says… (something that supports you).

Research the industry of your interest ( Social Media Marketing & Influencer man

Research the industry of your interest ( Social Media Marketing & Influencer man

Research the industry of your interest ( Social Media Marketing & Influencer management ) – market analysis, career outlook, what they do, salary, job requirements, typical titles, expectations, mobility, stats Write a two-page fact sheet outlining the details of your selected industry. Include graphics, stats, facts and trends.. Here is an example for a fact sheet:

Observe any natural setting for about 15 minutes (no less than 10, not more than

Observe any natural setting for about 15 minutes (no less than 10, not more than

Observe any natural setting for about 15 minutes (no less than 10, not more than 30) and take ‘field notes’ (see Creswell Chapter 7) about what you’re observing.
Indicate these observations in a narrative, although you may include tables, figures, or even pictures/images from your research. If you are taking notes by hand, you can include your notes as an appendix (take a picture of the page(s) and insert those images into your Word document).
In your paper, indicate the details about your setting and what you’re observing, as well as possible themes or patterns that you would be interested in following up on if you were going to develop a future research study about this particular topic.

Course Project: Leadership Training It will take more than a week’s effort to a

Course Project: Leadership Training
It will take more than a week’s effort to a

Course Project: Leadership Training
It will take more than a week’s effort to adequately complete this major assignment. Plan time to start the research and other work for this assignment earlier than the week in which it is due.
The organization you selected in Week 1 is designing training for all the managers at all levels. It wants to base the training on one leadership theory.
Write a paper recommending a leadership theory. Address the following:
Summarize key details about the organization and two or three of the most important insights you have developed so far about the organization during your course project. This one paragraph summary should provide just enough information that someone who has not read any of your papers so far would have a brief background for understanding your project organization.
Why do you believe your chosen leadership theory is the best for your organization? What is your rationale? What research can you cite to support your choice? What are the factors in your organization that make your selected leadership theory the best choice?
How will using this theory positively impact the following variables? Managers’ behavior toward subordinates and its effect on subordinates
Motivation of subordinates
Group and team behavior.
Decision making

Be sure that you conduct the research necessary to support your conclusions and cite your sources appropriately.
Submission Details:
Name your file: SU_MBA5001_W5_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
Submit your 9- to 12-page paper in APA style to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
Include Reference Page. Please add Charts and Graphs to help with explanation of tasks.
Use Textbook as a reference – Organizational behavior a practical problem-solving approach 3rd ed. by Angelo Kinicki must be used as one of the main references.
Used this link to show us top 10 popular Theories

Textbook: Listening Process, Functions, and Competency Listening Research Articl

Textbook: Listening Process, Functions, and Competency
Listening Research Articl

Textbook: Listening Process, Functions, and Competency
Listening Research Article Review
In order to ensure proper article/research study selection for your Listening Research assignment (annotated bibliography) this week you need to identify your 10 research studies for your annotated bibliography. You will need to submit a list of your articles/studies in APA or MLA format (just like you are doing an bibliography for a paper). Along with the bibliographic reference please include the link of where you found the article if it was located online or through the EMU Library Databases. Please complete this in a Microsoft Word Document and submit it to the drop box.
Possible Topic Ideas: These are just a few areas you could focus on. Feel free to choose one of these or pick your own. Be creative!
• Listening and Sales
• Listening and the Classroom
• Therapeutic Listening
• Listening and Business
• Teaching Children to Listen
• Listening and Marketing
• Courtroom Listening
• Discriminative Listening
*Please note. I will be “spot checking” everyone’s articles;however if I am unable to locate the source (meaning that it is not available online or easily accessed at the EMU library) I will not be able to evaluate the content. If you have questions about articles that fall into this category, please set up a time to meet with me to evaluate those sources. Also, I will be checking for academic nature of the articles, not content and relation to your subject. Be sure that all articles fall under the theme you have chosen.
Familiarize yourself with the overall research project assignment details below to understand what’s needed above.
Listening Research Assignment: For this assignment, you will be doing a survey of the research available in the field of Listening. The first step will be to choose a topic that relates to listening. You will then need to Find, Read, and Analyze 10 studies, articles, books, textbooks (excluding our own) and put together an annotated bibliography. Once the annotated bibliography is complete, you will then write a short (2 Pages Maximum) conclusion paper about what you learned. As always, I am available for help during all aspects of your project.
What is an annotated bibliography?
An annotated bibliography is a list of citations from Journal articles, books and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief paragraph that summarizes the article. The purpose of this type of assignment is to give you a survey of the research that is available in the Listening field.
Assignment Details
• 10 scholarly sources on your topic area
o Five of the sources must be journal articles where a study has been executed and a conclusion drawn.
o Of the five studies, you must have a fair representation of Quantitative and Qualitative studies.
o The other five sources may be from books or articles found in journals.
o Pure internet resources (resources that are strictly websites and not in print) will not be accepted as scholarly sources.
• Each annotation (short paragraph) must be a summary of the article
o Abstracts will not be accepted as complete articles
• Must follow either MLA or APA documentation styles
Short Conclusion Paper
• Roughly 2 Pages double spaced, 12 Pt. font; well written, grammatically correct.
• What did you learn about your topic from these articles?
• Has your perspective changed from what you learned?
• How does this research relate to your life?

Textbook: Listening Process, Functions, and Competency Listening Research Articl

Textbook: Listening Process, Functions, and Competency
Listening Research Articl

Textbook: Listening Process, Functions, and Competency
Listening Research Article Review
In order to ensure proper article/research study selection for your Listening Research assignment (annotated bibliography) this week you need to identify your 10 research studies for your annotated bibliography. You will need to submit a list of your articles/studies in APA or MLA format (just like you are doing an bibliography for a paper). Along with the bibliographic reference please include the link of where you found the article if it was located online or through the EMU Library Databases. Please complete this in a Microsoft Word Document and submit it to the drop box.
Possible Topic Ideas: These are just a few areas you could focus on. Feel free to choose one of these or pick your own. Be creative!
• Listening and Sales
• Listening and the Classroom
• Therapeutic Listening
• Listening and Business
• Teaching Children to Listen
• Listening and Marketing
• Courtroom Listening
• Discriminative Listening
*Please note. I will be “spot checking” everyone’s articles;however if I am unable to locate the source (meaning that it is not available online or easily accessed at the EMU library) I will not be able to evaluate the content. If you have questions about articles that fall into this category, please set up a time to meet with me to evaluate those sources. Also, I will be checking for academic nature of the articles, not content and relation to your subject. Be sure that all articles fall under the theme you have chosen.
Familiarize yourself with the overall research project assignment details below to understand what’s needed above.
Listening Research Assignment: For this assignment, you will be doing a survey of the research available in the field of Listening. The first step will be to choose a topic that relates to listening. You will then need to Find, Read, and Analyze 10 studies, articles, books, textbooks (excluding our own) and put together an annotated bibliography. Once the annotated bibliography is complete, you will then write a short (2 Pages Maximum) conclusion paper about what you learned. As always, I am available for help during all aspects of your project.
What is an annotated bibliography?
An annotated bibliography is a list of citations from Journal articles, books and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief paragraph that summarizes the article. The purpose of this type of assignment is to give you a survey of the research that is available in the Listening field.
Assignment Details
• 10 scholarly sources on your topic area
o Five of the sources must be journal articles where a study has been executed and a conclusion drawn.
o Of the five studies, you must have a fair representation of Quantitative and Qualitative studies.
o The other five sources may be from books or articles found in journals.
o Pure internet resources (resources that are strictly websites and not in print) will not be accepted as scholarly sources.
• Each annotation (short paragraph) must be a summary of the article
o Abstracts will not be accepted as complete articles
• Must follow either MLA or APA documentation styles
Short Conclusion Paper
• Roughly 2 Pages double spaced, 12 Pt. font; well written, grammatically correct.
• What did you learn about your topic from these articles?
• Has your perspective changed from what you learned?
• How does this research relate to your life?

Course Project: Leadership Training It will take more than a week’s effort to a

Course Project: Leadership Training
It will take more than a week’s effort to a

Course Project: Leadership Training
It will take more than a week’s effort to adequately complete this major assignment. Plan time to start the research and other work for this assignment earlier than the week in which it is due.
The organization you selected in Week 1 is designing training for all the managers at all levels. It wants to base the training on one leadership theory.
Write a paper recommending a leadership theory. Address the following:
Summarize key details about the organization and two or three of the most important insights you have developed so far about the organization during your course project. This one paragraph summary should provide just enough information that someone who has not read any of your papers so far would have a brief background for understanding your project organization.
Why do you believe your chosen leadership theory is the best for your organization? What is your rationale? What research can you cite to support your choice? What are the factors in your organization that make your selected leadership theory the best choice?
How will using this theory positively impact the following variables? Managers’ behavior toward subordinates and its effect on subordinates
Motivation of subordinates
Group and team behavior.
Decision making

Be sure that you conduct the research necessary to support your conclusions and cite your sources appropriately.
Submission Details:
Name your file: SU_MBA5001_W5_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
Submit your 9- to 12-page paper in APA style to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
Include Reference Page. Please add Charts and Graphs to help with explanation of tasks.
Use Textbook as a reference – Organizational behavior a practical problem-solving approach 3rd ed. by Angelo Kinicki must be used as one of the main references.
Used this link to show us top 10 popular Theories

Course Project: Leadership Training It will take more than a week’s effort to a

Course Project: Leadership Training
It will take more than a week’s effort to a

Course Project: Leadership Training
It will take more than a week’s effort to adequately complete this major assignment. Plan time to start the research and other work for this assignment earlier than the week in which it is due.
The organization you selected in Week 1 is designing training for all the managers at all levels. It wants to base the training on one leadership theory.
Write a paper recommending a leadership theory. Address the following:
Summarize key details about the organization and two or three of the most important insights you have developed so far about the organization during your course project. This one paragraph summary should provide just enough information that someone who has not read any of your papers so far would have a brief background for understanding your project organization.
Why do you believe your chosen leadership theory is the best for your organization? What is your rationale? What research can you cite to support your choice? What are the factors in your organization that make your selected leadership theory the best choice?
How will using this theory positively impact the following variables? Managers’ behavior toward subordinates and its effect on subordinates
Motivation of subordinates
Group and team behavior.
Decision making

Be sure that you conduct the research necessary to support your conclusions and cite your sources appropriately.
Submission Details:
Name your file: SU_MBA5001_W5_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
Submit your 9- to 12-page paper in APA style to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
Include Reference Page. Please add Charts and Graphs to help with explanation of tasks.
Use Textbook as a reference – Organizational behavior a practical problem-solving approach 3rd ed. by Angelo Kinicki must be used as one of the main references.
Used this link to show us top 10 popular Theories

Hi there so this is a communications class that requires you to do this assignme

Hi there so this is a communications class that requires you to do this assignme

Hi there so this is a communications class that requires you to do this assignment as google slides. The detailed instructions are below. I have provided examples of other students slides to show you an idea of how it would look like but you must choose a different idea. The full detailed instructions of the assignment will be attached below along the course readings.
Format: approximately 15-20 slides mixing text and supporting visuals. You can use Powerpoint, Google slides, etc. You can provide narration over the slides if you like. A well-edited video of
maximum 10 minutes in length is also an option.
This assignment invites students to create a slide presentation introducing the home of your
choosing from any historical period–ranging from ancient times to 1990–and any geographic
location. It requires online research to research the period and present it accurately in both text
and visuals. Avoid anachronisms
The purpose of the assignment is for you to compare and contrast your time machine home
with your contemporary home and to consider how the intersection of consumer capitalism
and mass media have influenced your domestic living and consumption habits
you will be asked to apply specific course readings and consider how your social status (gender,
class, race, sexuality, etc) would have historically influenced your home and your freedoms. It is
also possible to create a fictional identity different from your own. You will also reflect on the role
media and corporations would play in influencing your home’s interiors, architecture, and energy
usage. If you choose a period prior to a developed consumer culture, it can still be very revealing by
way of contrast with your present home. Please consult the more detailed instructions posted on