In this module, you learned about mobile operating systems and foundational con

In this module, you learned about mobile operating systems and foundational con

In this module, you learned about mobile operating systems and foundational concepts around desktop security. For your initial post, you will discuss your understanding of these concepts. You will also reflect on your overall learning experience in this course.
In your initial post, address the following:
Write a brief reflection on the course concepts and what you’ve learned this term. Note anything that you found surprising, and the most interesting thing you learned in this course. Consider the following:

What concepts were the most intriguing or memorable?
What concepts directly apply to your life now or your future?
Why might these concepts be important to remember in future courses?

Then answer the following questions pertaining to mobile OSes and security:

What are two recent mobile phone OSes and their hardware requirements?
What are some of their known vulnerabilities? How would you approach each vulnerability based on the OS of the mobile device?
Based on the mobile phone device, would the Android, Apple, or Microsoft OS be more at risk than others? Why or why not?

In response to two of your peers:
Discuss similarities, connections, or differing opinions on what you and your peers learned in this course.
Then address the following questions to build on the discussion around mobile OSes and security:

Have you had any experiences troubleshooting any mobile devices, whether on your own mobile device or for a friend, family member, or colleague?

If so, what was the issue and what did you do?
If not, what are some issues that you may encounter and what would you do to troubleshoot those issues?

Have you ever experienced malware on a mobile device?

If so, what happened and what did you do to resolve it?
If not, what would you do to remove the malware?

One of the most interesting topics I believe to be the especially noteworthy would be the many usages of virtualization. Virtualization was initially meant to be used to teach people how to manage various types of Operating Systems within a limited hardware environment. However, over time virtualization shifted use from solely an educational tool to being utilized in enterprise network environments. Initially, I was not aware of this fact concerning the history of virtualization technology.
The more that I have learned about the myriad uses of virtualization, the more intrigued I become and wish to expand upon my current working knowledge of virtualization. Before learning of this fact about virtualization, I developed hybrid networks using vSphere and hosted the virtualized instances on a physical server. Oftentimes, I would experiment with certain configurations so that I could prepare for future classes. This practice led me to discover some issues with Linux FireWalls not including a specific port to allow my network traffic to flow outside the network to external web servers. 
Another concept that I was reminded of when developing several projects not just for this class, but for another class was end of life for Operating Systems. OSes are constantly being improved upon to cover security vulnerabilities and it is inevitable that an operating system such as Windows 10 will meet the End of Life cycle soon. Upon realizing that concept, I realized that many organizations will likely begin to start deploying new Windows 11 machines throughout their networks very soon in 2025. This does not necessarily mean that Windows 10 is the only OS facing an end-of-life cycle soon. Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 are nearing the end of life support as well in 2026.
These operating systems are still used by a large number of organizations and even though they could have obtained extended use support for Windows Server 2012 R2, that would only be a temporary solution. In other words, organizations will need to take a better stance on futureproofing and providing improved update support for the OSes within their networks. It is important to understand that since OSes will reach end-of-life, this will mean that the OSes will no longer receive support. Therefore, these OSes will become more vulnerable to malware, lose bug fixes and patches, and will be regarded as a security risk within a computer network. Academically and through work it will be important to align these concepts with the current IT trends. 
The latest version of Android (Android 14) was released on October 4, 2023. Recently, the OS was updated on June 1st after an initial update several days prior introduced a GUI issue concerning recommended apps were located too close to the bottom of the screen. I made note of this issue right away when it occurred and realized that it was likely to be patched since it was a graphical interface issue that could be easily addressed. Moving on, the Android 14 mobile OS system requirements are the processor needing to have a GeekBench 5 SQLite score of 300 or higher. The memory requirement is at least 6GB RAM and at least 4GB of non-volatile storage. However, the recommended storage is 8GB for Android 14. One of the most severe vulnerabilities that Android 14 has is that threat actors could allow them to escalate their privileges on vulnerable devices.
This could lead to the theft of private information. Additionally, the Android 14 OS is not nearly as secure as iOS 17 which only allows the installation of applications from a trusted source. The hardware requirements for iOS 17 include the iPhones device being physically installed with at least an A12 Bionic SoC (System on a Chip), requiring at least 11GB of storage, and at least 3GB RAM (recommended is 4GB). Despite the robust security that the iOS mobile OS has, it is not without vulnerabilities. A notable example would be the zero-day vulnerability CVE-2024-23225, which is a memory corruption issue in the Kernal that could allow threat actors to bypass Kernal memory protections. Another example of a memory corruption vulnerability is also a zero-day vulnerability, CVE-2024-23296 which could also allow attackers to bypass Kernal memory protections. Both examples would allow for an attacker to infiltrate the iOS 17 device and perhaps even corrode the device’s memory following the attack.
Despite these two vulnerabilities concerning iOS 17 and my personal preferences, I would state that Android 14 would be at the most at risk. Android 14 is more vulnerable to remote executables from unknown installation sources. The app store is only a single method by which Android 14 device users can install applications. However, there are other sources including online sources that present Android Package (apk) files as safe but may instead utilized to steal confidential information from users. I use several applications that I have installed from trusted online sources for my personal use using apk files. However, I would state that if I had not thoroughly investigated the application and the developer first, I would never have installed the applications on my phone. GNU public license applications that are usually installed as apk file format applications would likely never be installed on iOS 17 devices. It would be too much of a security vulnerability for the device.
I think the section of the course dealing with virtualization and operating systems is going to be the most memorable portion of this course. I also think that the discussion about the virtualization and the Project One Milestone will be the most important portion of the course. The reason I feel this way can be categorized in two ways. First, I believe that virtualization will become more universal in a lot of different industries so understanding how it is utilized and why will become even more important as time moves forward. Second, becoming accustomed to thinking in a project management mindset and how virtualization can be used to conduct a site survey and a needs assessment for an organization will be able to help showcase your analytical thinking to perspective employers.
    I have been a user of Android phones for a long time, I’ve never bought an Apple device. The only reason I currently use an Apple device at all is because my work phone is an Apple device. The two main Operating Systems for mobile phones are Android OS and iOS, these two operating systems account for the vast majority of mobile phones that are sold.
Android 14.0 Hardware Requirements:
4gb of RAM Minimum
64-bit CPU
iOS 17 Hardware Requirements:
iPhones with an A12 Bionic SoC (64-bit ARM-based system) or later
3gb of RAM Minimum (4gb is the typical)
    Android does have a lot of known vulnerabilities, which implies there may be a wealth of unknown vulnerabilities as well. As an example, there is an information disclosure vulnerability that affected the Android 14 devices. The vulnerability would lead to an unintentional information disclosure local with no execution of privilege escalation necessary. Furthermore, the user of the device was not required to take any action for this exploitation to be realized. The details of this vulnerability can be found under the detail number CVE-2023-21312. The reason Android OS are generally considered more vulnerable than iOS is because while Apple uses a proprietary source code for their operating systems, Android runs on an open-source code leaving it more open to vulnerabilities. The caveat to this is because the code is open source it’s reasonable to assume that vulnerabilities are going to be found more easily. If there is a problem in iOS devices it may not be found as easily due to the closely guarded source code. There are far fewer known vulnerabilities for iOS run devices. One possible vulnerability in devices using iOS 16.7 or iOS 17 is found when a malicious application is able to bypass the signature validation necessary to gain access to the system. As was the case in the Android vulnerability, there is no requirement that the user takes any action for this exploit to take place, making it a high risk vulnerability. The details of this exploitation can be found under the detail number CVE-2023-41991.

 Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how t

 Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how t

 Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study. Requirements:
Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.
You should NOT provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect on how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace. 

  Instructions Hello Class! Welcome to Week # 4. This week’s assignment will he

Hello Class!
Welcome to Week # 4. This week’s assignment will he

Hello Class!
Welcome to Week # 4. This week’s assignment will help you to fulfill the requirements for the fourth course objective (CO-4: Prepare a plan to design functions that encompass scoping a program or developing procedures, processes, and architectures that guide work execution at the program and/or system level). For this week’s assignment instructions, please see below:
Assignment Instructions:
See this Web Site: and read the Geoff Keston article titled “Developing A Security Communications Plan”.
According to Keston (2013), “A mark of a mature security communications program is the shift away from one-time messages, such as ad hoc emails. Such messages are easily forgotten and are often hard to find after a few weeks. A good security communications plan will include sending updates and alerts as well as maintaining a repository of documentation. Creating such a repository (or a consolidated document) makes information easier to find, and it helps to link together disparate elements into a unified plan.”
For the purpose of this assignment, you are tasked as the Cybersecurity Director to prepare a Security Communications Plan for execution at the program level. You are to develop a security communications plan for your organization that addresses the handling of all communications related to security. Follow the requirements below:
4 – 6 Pages in length in APA format (not including a cover page and reference section)
Cover Page
Develop a comprehensive security plan that does the following:

Identify archiving procedures
Establish approval processes for sending communications
Describe legal and regulatory requirements
Define key terms
Define severity levels and message types
Using the definitions of severity levels and message types, diagram who receives messages and through what means they receive them (e.g., text messages)
The plan will address the concerns of many constituents, including executives, IT staff members, and end users, as well as customers and partners. Each group has somewhat different needs, so it is helpful to structure a plan to protect sensitive information from the entire group and to make targeted information easy for its audience to find.

Reference Section
Your references should not be more than 5 years old
Your assignment is due by Sunday not later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern time.

Identify a news article that discusses a current event or social issue that rel

Identify a news article that discusses a current event or social issue that rel

Identify a news article that discusses a current event or social issue that relates to your field of study. Follow the instructions below to explain the issue, provide an additional example of the issue, connect the issue to your field of study, and pose questions about the issue. See the Assignment 1 Model in Week 2 Content for an example.
First, identify your source for this assignment. It should be one news article, available through the UMGC Library, published within the past 12 months.
Content and Organization
Number your answers and/or include the assignment questions so your instructor can see that you addressed each part of the assignment.
Respond to each of the following.
 Provide an APA-style reference for the news article you selected. The format for the reference is as follows:
Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article in sentence case. Title of Newspaper in Title Case and Italics.
Although the news article should be available through the UMGC Library, provide the URL directly to the newspaper that published the article. An APA reference entry does not link to a library database record. It does include the URL of the newspaper homepage, such as
  For your instructor’s reference, provide the URL to the article in the UMGC Library. This will be listed as “Document URL” in the library record:

Write a research paper that contains the following:  1) Define and describe the

Write a research paper that contains the following: 
1) Define and describe the

Write a research paper that contains the following: 
1) Define and describe the process of “rightsizing.” 
2) Research and discuss a lawsuit that a company has lost for failing to support web accessibility for all users.
3) Define and describe green computing.  Evaluate the impact green computing issues are having on customer buying decisions. 
Research Paper Requirements:
The paper should be four pages long, not including the title and reference pages. 
Use Times New Roman, size 12 font throughout the paper. 
Apply APA 7th edition style and include three major sections: the Title Page, Main Body, and References.
A minimum of two scholarly journal articles (besides your textbook) are required.
Writing should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the materials and address all required elements. 
Writing should use exceptional language that skillfully communicates meaning to the readers with clarity and fluency and is virtually error-free. 
Note: plagiarism check required, APA7 format, include References, within 8hrs  

  Instructions Hello Class! Welcome to Week # 3. This week’s assignment will he

Hello Class!
Welcome to Week # 3. This week’s assignment will he

Hello Class!
Welcome to Week # 3. This week’s assignment will help you to fulfill the requirements for the third course objective (CO-3: Prepare a plan to manage functions that encompass overseeing a program or technical aspect of a security program at a high level ensuring currency with changing risk and threat environments). For this week’s assignment instructions, please see below:
Assignment Instructions:
You are tasked as the Chief Information Security Officer for a large Fortune 500 International Firm to plan, develop and manage the functions that oversee a new large scale Cybersecurity program. The large scale Cybersecurity program will be a “Digital Blackwater” type organization (see the description below of “Private or Mercenary Armies” from the textbook).
For the purpose of this assignment, you are to search the Internet and utilize course reading materials to research the types of functions, strategies and tactics this organization will use for this new program. Use your imagination and name your proposed organization and follow the requirements below:
4 – 6 Pages in length in APA format (not including a cover page and reference section)
Cover Page
Introduction – Firm name and overview of its purpose
Technical organizational proposal:

Value proposition for the new organization
Functions of the organization including management
How the organization will address dynamic Cyber risk and threat environments
Strategies and tactics the organization will employ
Proposed benefits for the U.S. government
How will the organization make a profit

Reference Section
Use current and real world data to make your points, not just the textbook
Your references should not be more than 5 years old
Your assignment is due by Sunday not later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern time.
Private or Mercenary Armies
In an age where cyber warfare is more common than the physical battlefield, it may be necessary for the private sector to stop playing defense and go on offense, Gen. Michael Hayden said on August 1, 2011. Hayden, who led the National Security Administration and Central Intelligence Agency under president George W. Bush, said during a panel discussion at the Aspen Security Forum in Aspen, Colo. that the federal government may not be the sole defender of private sector companies—and that there is precedent for such action. “We may come to a point where defense is more actively and aggressively defined even for the private sector and what is permitted there is something that we would never let the private sector do in physical space,” he said. “Let me really throw out a bumper sticker for you: how about a digital Blackwater?” he asked. “I mean, we have privatized certain defense activities, even in physical space, and now you have got a new domain in which we donot have any paths trampled down in the forest in terms of what it is we expect the government—or will allow the government—to do”. Blackwater is a private military contractor that has changed its name to Academi after incidents in Iraq gave them a negative image. If companies decide to hire forces (hackers) to strike back or conduct recovery operations it could change the cyberspace battlefield dramatically (Winterfield and Andress, 2013).

  Instructions Learning from a Power Grid Attack This week’s assignment we are

Learning from a Power Grid Attack
This week’s assignment we are

Learning from a Power Grid Attack
This week’s assignment we are going to investigate an extremely detrimental attack that took place and involved SCADA and ICS systems. The incident we are going to research is the attacks against the Ukrainian Power Grid.
Assignment Guidelines
Step 1: Obviously our first step is to start researching the various attacks against the Ukrainian Power Grid. What information is out there, can we assign the source of the attacks with certainty?
Step 2: Once you have completed your research you will want to breakdown the underlying attacks, lessons that can be learned from those attacks, and how likely it is that the source of the attacks could succeed in doing the same thing to the United States.
Step 3: Once you have gathered up all the information you will compile the data into Word document of approximately 5-7 pages of content, excluding the cover page, references, etc. Make sure you address the incidents and the likelihood of the threat towards the United States.

NO AI NO PLAGIARISM NO REFERENCES NO CHAT GPT Minimum 50 words per response:(Wh

Minimum 50 words per response:(Wh

Minimum 50 words per response:(What are your thoughts)
1) A parameter and an argument are both key concepts when working with functions in programming, but they aren’t the same. The parameter is a placeholder in a function’s recipe. When you write a function, you define what parameters it needs. For example, if you have a function def add(a, b):, a and b are the parameters. They are like empty slots waiting to be filled with actual values when you use the function. An argument is the actual value you plug into the parameters when you call the function. So, if you call add(3, 5), the numbers 3 and 5 are the arguments. They fill in the placeholders (a and b) in the function’s recipe. When you call a function, the arguments you provide match the parameters defined in the function. For example, in add(3, 5), 3 fills in for a, and 5 fills in for b. Parameters are the names you set up when you define the function. Arguments are the actual values you pass in when you use the function. So, parameters are like the instructions in a recipe, telling you what kind of ingredients you need, and arguments are the specific ingredients you use when you’re making the dish. You can change what a function does by giving it different arguments. In the PrintPizzaArea the diameter is the parameter and the argument would be the number value 12.
2) A parameter and an argument, though closely related, serve different roles in the context of functions in programming.
Parameter: A parameter is a variable defined in a function’s declaration or definition. It acts as a placeholder for the value that will be passed to the function when it is called. Parameters define what kind of input the function expects to receive and are essential in determining how the function will operate on the provided data. For example, in the function definition def calculate_area(radius), the radius is the parameter.
Argument: On the other hand, an argument is the actual value or data you pass to the function when you call it. Arguments are the exact inputs that the function uses to perform its operations. Continuing the previous example, if you call the function calculate_area(5), the value 5 is the argument.
Relationship and Differences: Parameters and arguments are intrinsically linked. Parameters exist within the function’s definition, outlining the type and number of inputs the function expects. Arguments are the actual values provided to these parameters during function invocation. Without parameters, a function cannot accept arguments, and without arguments, a function with parameters cannot execute meaningfully.
When evaluating activity 4.1.3 and understanding the parameters of the function: Parameter for PrintPizzaArea: In the function definition, it might look something like def PrintPizzaArea(diameter):. Here, diameter is the parameter.
In summary, parameters are variables in the function definition that specify what kind of data the function can accept, while arguments are the actual data provided to these parameters when the function is called. This relationship enables the function to process different inputs dynamically, making programming more flexible and powerful.