Critical Reflection Assignment 2 TOPIC: Two contrasting views of the general nat

Critical Reflection Assignment 2
TOPIC: Two contrasting views of the general nat

Critical Reflection Assignment 2
TOPIC: Two contrasting views of the general nature of deviant behavior have been discussed in readings for the first part of this course. On the one hand, early sociologists and many contemporary researchers in psychology, psychiatry, and criminology have viewed deviant behavior as a product of individual pathology. In this view, the causes of deviant behavior are typically attributed to psychological disorders or dysfunctions, genetic defects, or other abnormal traits or conditions of individuals.
On the other hand, most sociologists have followed the view of Merton and Sutherland that deviant behavior is created through normal social processes. For instance, this view is reflected in the idea that criminal behavior is a “rational” means to obtain material success for members of the lower class (Merton) or that deviant behavior is learned through normal processes of social interaction in primary groups (Sutherland). A central implication of this position is that virtually any person could become deviant under the “right” social circumstances. Include the word banana
Where do you stand? Do you see most forms of deviant behavior as (a) manifestations of individual pathology or as (b) normal responses to social conditions? Indicate which view makes the most sense to you and discuss the reasons and evidence that lead you to prefer that position. Feel free to refer to readings or other literature, but avoid lengthy quotes—state your argument in your own words.
Your analysis essay must be double-spaced, 250 – 500 words, and contain at least two in-text citations from assigned materials (I LINKED THE FILES BELOW TO CITE). This formal essay should be grammatically correct without spelling or other writing errors.
Reminder: I linked two required files to cite from

Title: Politics: Navigating the Complexities of Power and GovernancePolitics, de

Title: Politics: Navigating the Complexities of Power and GovernancePolitics, de

Title: Politics: Navigating the Complexities of Power and GovernancePolitics, derived from the Greek word “politikos,” meaning “of, for, or relating to citizens,” is the intricate art and science of governance and power dynamics within societies. It encompasses the processes through which individuals and groups make decisions, allocate resources, and exercise authority to shape the collective destiny of a community, a nation, or even the world. Politics is omnipresent, influencing every aspect of human life, from economic policies to social norms, from environmental regulations to international relations.At its core, politics revolves around the distribution and exercise of power. Power, in political terms, is the ability to influence or control the behavior of others, whether through persuasion, coercion, or legitimate authority. Within political systems, power is often structured hierarchically, with governments, institutions, and leaders wielding varying degrees of authority over citizens. However, power is not static; it is constantly contested and negotiated among competing interests and ideologies.One of the fundamental concepts in politics is governance, which refers to the process of decision-making and implementation of policies within a society. Effective governance requires mechanisms for representation, participation, accountability, and transparency to ensure that the interests of the populace are adequately addressed. Whether through democratic elections, authoritarian rule, or consensus-building processes, governance structures shape the distribution of resources, the protection of rights, and the resolution of conflicts.Politics also encompasses the formulation and implementation of public policies, which are the strategies and actions undertaken by governments to address societal challenges and achieve specific objectives. These policies can range from economic interventions to promote growth and equity, to social welfare programs to alleviate poverty and inequality, to environmental regulations to safeguard natural resources and mitigate climate change. The formulation of public policies involves a complex interplay of competing interests, expert knowledge, public opinion, and institutional capacities.Furthermore, politics extends beyond the domestic sphere to encompass international relations, where states interact with each other on issues ranging from diplomacy and trade to security and human rights. The dynamics of international politics are shaped by power disparities, geopolitical rivalries, ideological conflicts, and collective efforts to address global challenges such as pandemics, terrorism, and nuclear proliferation. International cooperation and diplomacy play a crucial role in managing these complexities and promoting peace, stability, and development on a global scale.However, politics is not without its pitfalls and challenges. Corruption, authoritarianism, polarization, and political violence are perennial threats to the integrity and legitimacy of political systems. Moreover, the rise of populism, nationalism, and identity politics has fueled divisions and undermined trust in democratic institutions and norms. In an era of rapid globalization and technological advancement, the democratization of information and the proliferation of social media have reshaped the landscape of politics, amplifying echo chambers, misinformation, and algorithmic biases.Despite these challenges, politics remains an indispensable tool for addressing collective problems and advancing the common good. It provides avenues for citizens to voice their concerns, hold leaders accountable, and shape the trajectory of their societies. Moreover, politics is inherently dynamic and adaptive, capable of evolving in response to changing circumstances and aspirations. By fostering dialogue, cooperation, and civic engagement, politics has the potential to harness human ingenuity and solidarity to build more inclusive, just, and sustainable communities.In conclusion, politics is a multifaceted phenomenon that permeates every aspect of human society. It encompasses the distribution and exercise of power, the processes of governance and policy-making, and the dynamics of domestic and international relations. While fraught with challenges and imperfections, politics remains essential for navigating the complexities of modern life and realizing shared aspirations for peace, prosperity, and justice. As we continue to grapple with the intricacies of politics, let us strive to uphold the principles of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law to build a better future for generations to come.


Critical Analysis Paper

Critical Analysis Paper Guidelines
The purpose of the critical analysis is to demonstrate your ability to think critically about
the readings. Your task is to:
1. summarize the reading in your own words. This summary should be detailed,
comprehensive, and competent. It will demonstrate your understanding of the
reading. The summary will include a restatement of the reading’s central thesis
and supporting arguments in your own words.
2. take a stand on the reading: defend it or refute it. Is the author right or wrong?
Go through the thesis statement and supporting arguments. If you agree with
them, tell me why you agree, not simply that you agree. If you disagree, tell me
why you agree, not simply that you disagree.
3. whether you think the author is right or wrong, support your arguments with
external examples to illustrate your points. The external examples should not be
something discussed in class. It must be something new. It should also be
something you can cite from a news source, journal article, published report, or
book. That is, you cannot use a personal experience as an external example.
LENGTH: 4 pages
FORMAT: Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, double spaced.

Critical Reflection Assignment Deviance is socially constructed. What is conside

Critical Reflection Assignment
Deviance is socially constructed. What is conside

Critical Reflection Assignment
Deviance is socially constructed. What is considered to be deviant changes over time and from place to place.
For this assignment, identify a deviant behavior that illustrates the social construction of deviance, varying in deviance labeling by time, place, or audience. Describe the behavior and how the construction and labeling of deviance varied or changed. /
Example: In 1950 Alan Turing, one of the greatest minds of the 20th century, was sentenced for being a homosexual despite breaking the German Enigma code in WW2, saving millions of lives. It is estimated that around 49,000 people were convicted under similar outdated laws until homosexuality was decriminalized in England in 1967. – Source
Alan Turing (3 min video)
Refer to readings and videos in Unit 1:
Read What is Deviance? by James Orcutt (7-minute read)
Read The Sociological Imagination; Ch. 1: The Promise by C. Wright Mills (1959) Excerpt (7-minute read)
Read The Dynamic Nature of Deviance by Curra (Except from Ch. 1) (21 minute read)
Watch Crash Course #18 Deviance (9 min)
Watch Durkeim and the Functions of Crime (8 minutes)
Watch The Three Minute Sociologist: Deviance (8 min video)
Your essay must be double-spaced, 250 – 500 words, and contain citations for your research references. This formal essay should be grammatically correct without spelling or other writing errors. This assignment must be your own original writing and not AI-generated.
Further clarification: The first CRA is a little different than the rest. The first CRA paper asks you to identify a deviant behavior that illustrates the social construction of deviance, varying in deviance labeling by time, place, or audience. You may need to perform independent research to complete the essay. Always cite your sources; if they are course materials, you can use in-text citations; if they are outside sources, a full citation is required.

For this submission, you will need to submit your own personal review of the boo

For this submission, you will need to submit your own personal review of the boo

For this submission, you will need to submit your own personal review of the book you read in the book club project. book name: Last Child In The Woods, By Richard Luv/
Individual Reviews: (10 points) Each member of the club will be required to submit a book review. The review should include your thoughts about the book, what the book encompassed, and how it would be of use as an adult supervisor as depicted in this course. This part of the assignment is part of your individual grade and will be turned in here.
This should be a minimum of one page in length and no longer than two pages in length.

Tasks: First, study the rubric for this assignment. Next, study the diagram “Fig

Tasks: First, study the rubric for this assignment.
Next, study the diagram “Fig

Tasks: First, study the rubric for this assignment.
Next, study the diagram “Figure 4.2.” Finally, answer the questions.
Have fun learning! Lorde: Questions for Critical Study
Lorde: Questions for Critical Study
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome
Question 1
Selection’s thesis; locate sentences which state main idea; identify thesis
to >0.0 Pts
Full Marks
No Marks
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome
Question 2
Paragraph 4: “Why” and “What” answers
to >0.0 Pts
Full Marks
No Marks
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome
Question 3
“Why” question about idea in paragraph 7
Full Marks
No Marks
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome
Question 4
“How” answers
to >0.0 Pts
Full Marks
No Marks
5 pts
Total points:

READ/STUDY THE RUBRIC FIRST, PLEASE. Task: The questions in this assignment allo

Task: The questions in this assignment allo

Task: The questions in this assignment allow us to look more closely at how Lorde wrote what she wrote, that is, to examine the writer’s craft.
Answer the four questions under “Questions About the Writer’s Craft.”
For numbers with two or more questions, answer all questions under that
number. Write your answer in complete statements. MLA format this
assignment. Have fun learning!
Lorde: Questions About the Writer’s Craft
Lorde: Questions About the Writer’s Craft
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome
Question 1 “What” question
The Pattern: identifying time and space techniques
Full Marks
No Marks
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome
Question 2 “How” question
find examples where Lorde “shows rather than tells”; explain “how” these examples provide essential details to her narrative
Full Marks
No Marks
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome
Question 3 “Why” question
violation of capitalization rule explained
Full Marks
No Marks
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome
Question 4 “What” question + effect
repetition of key words; examines “cause/effect” relationship
Full Marks
No Marks
5 pts
Total points:

Task: The questions in this assignment allow us to look more closely at how Lord

Task: The questions in this assignment allow us to look more closely at how Lord

Task: The questions in this assignment allow us to look more closely at how Lorde wrote what she wrote, that is, to examine the writer’s craft. Answer the four questions under “Questions About the Writer’s Craft.” For numbers with two or more questions, answer all questions under that number. Write your answer in complete statements. MLA format this assignment. Have fun learning!

Discuss the following: Select one of the following: What are main considerations

Discuss the following: Select one of the following: What are main considerations

Discuss the following: Select one of the following: What are main considerations in evaluating arguments? What senses, thoughts or other impressions are foremost when you observe the world around you; what is it that drives your reflection and judgment?
Response needs to:
– Contain at least 200 words.
– Thoroughly address the topic prompt, using citations as appropriate.
– Format any included citations using the APA style.

Discuss the following: Select one of the following: What are main considerations

Discuss the following: Select one of the following: What are main considerations

Discuss the following: Select one of the following: What are main considerations in evaluating arguments? What senses, thoughts or other impressions are foremost when you observe the world around you; what is it that drives your reflection and judgment?
Response needs to:
– Contain at least 200 words.
– Thoroughly address the topic prompt, using citations as appropriate.
– Format any included citations using the APA style.