Critical Reflection Assignment Deviance is socially constructed. What is conside

Critical Reflection Assignment
Deviance is socially constructed. What is conside

Critical Reflection Assignment
Deviance is socially constructed. What is considered to be deviant changes over time and from place to place.
For this assignment, identify a deviant behavior that illustrates the social construction of deviance, varying in deviance labeling by time, place, or audience. Describe the behavior and how the construction and labeling of deviance varied or changed. /
Example: In 1950 Alan Turing, one of the greatest minds of the 20th century, was sentenced for being a homosexual despite breaking the German Enigma code in WW2, saving millions of lives. It is estimated that around 49,000 people were convicted under similar outdated laws until homosexuality was decriminalized in England in 1967. – Source
Alan Turing (3 min video)
Refer to readings and videos in Unit 1:
Read What is Deviance? by James Orcutt (7-minute read)
Read The Sociological Imagination; Ch. 1: The Promise by C. Wright Mills (1959) Excerpt (7-minute read)
Read The Dynamic Nature of Deviance by Curra (Except from Ch. 1) (21 minute read)
Watch Crash Course #18 Deviance (9 min)
Watch Durkeim and the Functions of Crime (8 minutes)
Watch The Three Minute Sociologist: Deviance (8 min video)
Your essay must be double-spaced, 250 – 500 words, and contain citations for your research references. This formal essay should be grammatically correct without spelling or other writing errors. This assignment must be your own original writing and not AI-generated.
Further clarification: The first CRA is a little different than the rest. The first CRA paper asks you to identify a deviant behavior that illustrates the social construction of deviance, varying in deviance labeling by time, place, or audience. You may need to perform independent research to complete the essay. Always cite your sources; if they are course materials, you can use in-text citations; if they are outside sources, a full citation is required.