Purpose: The graded activity is to help you think about and process the course

Purpose: The graded activity is to help you think about and process the course

Purpose: The graded activity is to help you think about and process the course materials in a way that promotes creative and critical thinking, as well as active learning. The activities are to ensure that you are getting maximum involvement with the course material. This document details the requirements for completion of the graded activities, a grading rubric, and an example.
A total of five (5) activities are required and represent approximately 20 to30 minutes of work. Excel must be used to produce this assignment. All WGA submitted as Word or PDF will receive an automatic grade of zero.
Attend class, ask questions, and make note of pertinent information; e.g. definitions/explanation of terms or concepts not already familiar with
Read assigned chapter, highlight challenging/difficult concepts that can be added to the study sheet
Consolidate the information gathered from attending class and reading the chapter and prepare the Excel study sheet
Excel must be used, construct the three columns
Add as many rows as necessary to broadly summarize assigned readings and lecture material (minimum of 5 rows)
Rows and columns should be left justified, not centered
Include the column headers provided in the template below
Ensure the headers are bold font
Font should be no larger than 12
Finished study sheet must be a minimum of one (1) page
The end product should result in a study sheet for quizzes, midterms, and the final exam.

Your boss is concerned that your department may have been negligent in the injur

Your boss is concerned that your department may have been negligent in the injur

Your boss is concerned that your department may have been negligent in the injury of a spectator. He has asked you to write a response explaining what constitutes negligence and how the organization can avoid any hint of negligence in the future.
Your assignment should be 3 – 5 pages in length, formatted following APA standard guidelines (double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman).
Text Book: Carpenter, L.J. (2014). Legal concepts in sport: A primer (4th ed.). Urbana, IL: Sagamore Publishing.

For Unit 2, please read
Chapter 5: Negligence: “Oops!”
Chapter 6: Defusing Negligence Liability
Chapter 14: Defusing Liability: Managing the Risks
Additional Material

In this module, we learned about modern block ciphers. Please research a recent

In this module, we learned about modern block ciphers.
Please research a recent

In this module, we learned about modern block ciphers.
Please research a recent (2020 or newer) attack, preferably one from inside the United States, which was in the news and involved encryption or message confidentiality. Please select an attack that you or someone else in this course has not used in any discussion board postings.
For this discussion, please answer the following questions:
What is the real-world scenario you selected? Please provide a link to the article that you found.
What type of attack was involved and what happened in this incident?
Describe the exact type of attack, how it was launched, what systems were affected, and for how long did it last.
What was the monetary value in terms of cost of loss to whomever was attacked?
What did the organization’s security team do to respond to the incident?
What, if anything, would you have done differently to respond to this event?
In today’s world, are block ciphers strong enough to defend against sophisticated attacks such as that from a nation-state actor using AI and/or very large-scale computing power to break it? What is a real-world example of one such attack from a nation-state actor that has occurred since 2020?
***I’ve attached my previous current event assignments as not to use the same topic when constructing this paper.***

Characterize the average victim and average stalker involved in cyberstalking. W

Characterize the average victim and average stalker involved in cyberstalking. W

Characterize the average victim and average stalker involved in cyberstalking. What are the most typical ways that stalkers engage in cyberstalking? Responses typed, using a standard font, 12-point type size, double-spaced, with overall neatness and readability, as well as restatement of the question and question number. Do not include embedded links in your writing assignments.

The book needed to complete this essay is Cases and Materials on Criminal Law b

The book needed to complete this essay is
Cases and Materials on Criminal Law b

The book needed to complete this essay is Cases and Materials on Criminal Law by Joshua Dressler and Garvey, 9th ed. West Pub. 2022. ISBN: 978-1647087708
Fully answer all of the following questions. Give reasoned answers in essay form (not bullet points or lists). The expectation is that the exam in total should be between 8-12 pages (based on past similar exams) but that is just a guesstimate. Answers will be graded on analysis of the issues and concepts needed to deal with the hypotheticals. Do your own work — the assignment will be uploaded via SafeAssign, so if you quote something, an in-text citation is OK. 1. a. Read the Greenwalt article from the Dressler text pp. 34-35 and answer questions 1 and 2 on p. 36
b. Read and fully answer Question 4 from p. 42 of the Dressler text.
c . Read Coker v. Georgia from pp. 76-81 and fully answer Questions 1 and 2 from pp. 81-82.
2. a. Discuss causation and its various concepts as discussed in class and the text.
b. In addition, answer the following hypotheticals:
Who is at fault for Y, D, and F’s deaths, and why in the following hypotheticals? Give a reasoned answer using the concepts of causation covered in class and the text.
Hypothetical Facts: X and Y steal property from Z’s riverfront home. The thieves fled in a boat. Z fires two shots at the boat, seeking (unlawfully) to kill or scare them. i. X, fearful of another shot, dives into the water causing the boat to capsize. Y drowns.
ii. The boat – now unmanned – drifts a ½ mile downstream and over a waterfall striking D and killing her as well. Discuss the causation issues and who might be criminally culpable in this scenario. iii. B nearly drowns and is rescued by a passerby (E), who puts him in his car to get him to the hospital. E is intoxicated and crashes the vehicle killing Y and bicyclist F.
3. Do the Problems from Question 2 (A-F) on p. 236 in the Dressler text. Explain the reasoning in your answers and explore the possibilities available.
4. Fully analyze the following problems.
a. Smith, a pedestrian, was struck by a car while walking in a crosswalk and was seriously injured. Jones was driving the car that hit Smith. An ambulance was called to the scene, and Smith was rushed immediately to the hospital. Unfortunately, all of this occurred amid a heavy snowstorm, and on the way to the hospital, the ambulance hit a patch of ice and careened off the road killing the ambulance driver, the EMT, and Smith. Jones has been charged with homicide in the deaths of all three crash victims. Is she guilty of these alleged crimes? Fully explain why or why not.
b. Burr, in a jealous rage, shot his victim, Hamilton, twice in the head after he saw Hamilton flirting with his girlfriend. When Hamilton reached the hospital, his heart was still beating, but he had suffered irreversible brain damage and loss of brain function (as evidenced by EEG and other medical evidence). Hamilton’s family agreed to have his artificial ventilation turned off (it was keeping his heart beating) so his organs could be harvested for transplantation.
Burr is charged with first-degree murder in Hamilton’s death. His defense attorney argues that the doctors who disconnected Hamilton’s ventilator were the cause of his death — not Burr. Is the defense counsel correct — why or why not? What if Hamilton’s family refused treatment due to his religious convictions, and he subsequently died?
5. Consider the different standards of Mens Rea dealt with in the text and class. Answer Questions 1, 2, and 3 (and subparts) from p. 176-77 in the Dressler casebook. Explain the reasoning behind your answers. The Model Penal Code statute (MPC) is in the textbook.

In this exercise you have been assigned as the lead detective. You must review

In this exercise you have been assigned as the lead detective. You must review

In this exercise you have been assigned as the lead detective. You must review the following scenario as well as look up the listed criminal statutes at Florida online statutes.
Statutes to be reviewed: F.S.S. 812.014 Grand Theft
Copy and Paste the link for the Statute: http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?mode=View%20Statutes&SubMenu=1&App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=grand+theft&URL=0800-0899/0812/Sections/0812.014.html
Responding Officer Narrative:
On Monday 01/29/24, I responded to the area of East 6th Street and Magnolia Avenue, where he made contact with David Cuddy in reference to a report that his gold 2013 Chrysler Town & Country van, bearing Florida tag: EBW123, was stolen by an individual he only knew as “Ace.” Cuddy stated that he had met “Ace” within the last few weeks and that he allowed “Ace” to use the vehicle the previous day, for “Ace” to go to Walmart and spend time with his girlfriend. The only stipulation was that “Ace” return the vehicle in a reasonable time frame. Cuddy allowed “Ace” to have the vehicle on Sunday, 01/28/24, and filed the report after “Ace” hadn’t returned the vehicle on January 28, 2024. During the initial investigation, Cuddy signed an Affidavit of Prosecution for charges against “Ace” and stated he wished to pursue charges. Ofc. J. Thurman
Follow up report #1
I contacted Cuddy on Jan 31, 2024, to follow up with him in reference to his report. Cuddy came to the police department and provided me with several text messages shared between him and “Ace,” during which “Ace” confirmed he was in possession of the vehicle and continually made statements that he would return the vehicle soon and provided false locations where Cuddy’s vehicle was located in the local area.
Follow up report #2
On Feb. 04, 2024, DeFuniak Springs Police Department contacted our agency to advise that their agency recovered the vehicle stolen in this case. Cpl. L. Span took the report and ensured the vehicle was removed from FCIC/NCIC. The vehicle was impounded by DSPD to be recovered by Cuddy. Upon returning to work Monday, February 06, 2024, I contacted DSPD and spoke with Det. White provided me with information that Leslie Cohen was located in the passenger seat of the vehicle, which was parked at a motel in their city. The DSPD report stated that Cohen was not legally in possession of the vehicle as she did not have the keys, and they were not in the vehicle. Cohen was arrested on an oustanding warrant out of Bay County and was being extradited back this afternoon. I will make contact with her at the Bay County Jail to conduct an interview regarding this incident.
****ALSO SEE FILE IN MODULE FOR PHOTOS: they are attached*
There are 3 Parts to this assignment this is the first. The second part will be the Mock Interview Oral Competency portion that will take place in Module 9. The third part will be a critique and feedback discussion board in Module 10.
I. Rubric For Written Plan (5 points) You are to prepare a line of 10 to 15 questions to conduct an interview with the witness Ms. Leslie Cohen. You will want to obtain as much information in your line of questioning to help in identifying the perpetrator as well as meet the elements of the offenses you believe were committed. Written Plan: (5 points) should consist of an Outline Addressing the following Questions and uploaded in the submission area in Module
What initial steps will you take to build rapport with the witness? (.5) pts
What are the legal consideration in this situation? Ethical considerations? 1 pts
What oral communication strategies do you plan to use during the interview? 1 pts
How will you present yourself professionally during the interview? (.5) pts
What are the five most important items you need to determine during the interview and what 10-15 questions do you plan to ask to elicit the information? 2 pts

Respond to each questions include various sources, make sure to not use Al; Man

Respond to each questions include various sources, make sure to not use Al;

Respond to each questions include various sources, make sure to not use Al;
Many police department use sting operations to enforce the criminal law regarding crimes such
as drugs and prostitution.
1. Evaluate when and how a sting operation may have crossed the line and become entrapment. That is to say explain in detsail and with hypothetical examples at what point a sting operation changes to entrapment.
2. Do you believe that such types of law enforcement should be abolished? Why or why not?
3. What do they think would happen if sting operations were abolished?
4. What about programs like “To Catch a Predator?

What is “Legality” explain fully. 2. What are: “Common Law Crimes?” Do they stil

What is “Legality” explain fully.
2. What are: “Common Law Crimes?” Do they stil

What is “Legality” explain fully.
2. What are: “Common Law Crimes?” Do they still exist? If so where.
3. What is the purpose of a Citation?
4. How would you describe each of the sections of citation: 363 US 512 ( -IE: 363…US…and 512 – what does each section mean.)
Required Text – Samaha, J. Criminal Law (2013). Wadsworth Publishing ISBN: 0495095397 ISBN-13: 9780495095392.

What is “Legality” explain fully. 2. What are: “Common Law Crimes?” Do they stil

What is “Legality” explain fully.
2. What are: “Common Law Crimes?” Do they stil

What is “Legality” explain fully.
2. What are: “Common Law Crimes?” Do they still exist? If so where.
3. What is the purpose of a Citation?
4. How would you describe each of the sections of citation: 363 US 512 ( -IE: 363…US…and 512 – what does each section mean.)
Required Text – Samaha, J. Criminal Law (2013). Wadsworth Publishing ISBN: 0495095397 ISBN-13: 9780495095392.

must revise the essay with the information provided in the photos along with fol

must revise the essay with the information provided in the photos along with fol

must revise the essay with the information provided in the photos along with following the rubric and prompts. The full essay in pdf format is listed as a “summary overview revision.” double spaced Times New Roman, max 3 pages, minimum 2, have one page more for sources.
General points
-paper is to be scored out of 20
-half marks are acceptable
Specific points
-each of the 4 parts is worth 4 points
-the remaining 4 points are for writing and organization
Part 1 (4 points)
-descriiption of the crime prevention strategy that you have selected
-need to select 1 of the 3 CP strategies: developmental, community, or situational
-need to describe theoretical bases or key ingredients of strategy (general or specific)
Part 2 (4 points)
-brief discussion of the crime problem that you have chosen to be the focus of your crime
prevention strategy
-need to select a crime problem (specific or general: juvenile delinquency is fine)
-some details expected on the crime problem (e.g., latest statistics, recent trends)
-another key here is the theoretical connection between CP strategy and crime problem; for
example, SCP is highly specific, DCP is often more general
Part 3 (4 points)
-two or three examples of relevant programs that show evidence of effectiveness in reducing
your crime problem
-these examples need to relate directly to the selected CP strategy
-some details on the programs expected (e.g., nature of the intervention, who or what the
program targeted, effectiveness demonstrated by % reduction)
-programs that emphasize CJ responses (police, courts, or corrections) are not acceptable
Part 4 (4 points)
-five research/scholarly sources that you will use in the research paper
-references must adhere to an established format (e.g., APA, MLA)
-links to internet sites without any details (e.g., author, date, title) are unacceptable
-if sources are old, ask: Is there a more recent source available?
Writing and organization (4 points)
-use of headings
-expression of ideas (clarity; no run-on sentences; writing succinctly)
-maximum of 3 (minimum of 2) double-spaced pages
The paper must contain the following four parts:
(1) A descriiption of the crime prevention strategy (developmental, community, or situational)
that you have selected.
(2) A brief discussion of the crime problem that you have chosen to be the focus of your crime
prevention strategy.
(3) Two or three examples of relevant programs that show evidence of effectiveness in reducing
your crime problem.
(4) Five research/scholarly sources that you will use in the final research paper.
The paper is to be a maximum of 3 (or a minimum of 2) double-spaced pages. As a writing
assignment, it is to be written in the form of a paper. It will count for 20% of the course grade.