According to the UCR data for 15-24 year olds, the male homicide rate in 2013 wa

According to the UCR data for 15-24 year olds, the male homicide rate in 2013 wa

According to the UCR data for 15-24 year olds, the male homicide rate in 2013 was 18 times higher for Blacks than for Whites. Recent programs like “Becoming a Man” developed by Chicago nonprofit group Youth Guidance and policies like “My Brother’s Keeper” initiated by President Obama have made use of the data regarding Black crime rates in an attempt to find potential solutions.Read “Youth Exposure to Violence Prevention Programs in a National Sample” and “Preventing Youth Violence: Opportunities for Action.”According to David-Ferdon and Simon (2014), why is youth violence such a critical problem, and what are the costs?Describe the study design used by Finkelhor et al. (2014). Include the sample population, and data collection and analysis methods. What were the limitations of this type of study? What were the findings?Overall, what does the evidence show to be true about youth violence prevention programs, and how should they be implemented in the future to be most effective?

Here, you lay out the patterns and insights from the interviews and provide nume

Here, you lay out the patterns and insights from the interviews and provide nume

Here, you lay out the patterns and insights from the interviews and provide numerous desсrіptive examples to support each.. ANALYSIS SECTION Here is where you walk us through the findings of your research. What patterns emerged? – go through one at a time. Provide plenty of detailed evidence from your interviews. Be sure to utilize proper citation method and formatting. Were these patterns consistent or different from those of previous studies (lit. review). Do these patterns offer anything new to the research noted in the Lit. Review? What was unusual that you found – go through each of these points and provide detailed evidence to support from you interviews. Were these more exceptional responses from interviewees different from those of previous studies (lit. review). Do they offer anything new or interesting to the research noted in the Lit. Review? Did you answer your research question? If so how? Provide some examples for the interviews/data to support. Grading Rubric – ANALYSIS (20 points) (7) • reflect patterns connected to research question from interviews (or database research) – these patterns need supported by evidence (quote interviewees, at least 3) (if database, quote and cite, provide graph, etc…. (2) • reflect interview responses (data) that are contrary to the patterns & consider why – support with evidence (quote/provide the data) (2) • pull in insights from Literature Review (2) • draw upon Main Understandings from Theoretical Framework to aid analysis – the questions you ask and the assumptions you hold (2) • well organized – logical flow leading to conclusion (3) • good grammar, proper spelling, CLARITY of claims, and proper citations (2) • conclusion connected to and answering research question
10 pages

Critically discuss the ′involvement′ of the media in policing and police investi

Critically discuss the ′involvement′ of the media in policing and police investi

Critically discuss the ′involvement′ of the media in policing and police investigations and the implications and possible repercussions of media rhetoric. Evidence your findings by reference to true cases and discuss the consequences, or potential consequences, of media involvement.
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Discuss the difference between domestic, international, and state sponsored terr

Discuss the difference between domestic, international, and state sponsored terr

Discuss the difference between domestic, international, and state sponsored terrorism.
• Explain the following typologies: state terrorism, state-sponsored terrorism, and state-enabled terrorism.
• Explain ideologies of left-wing and right-wing terrorism.
• Explain the ideology of lone wolf terrorism.
B. What role does the United States Department of State have in the determination of state-sponsored nations?
C. Outline at least one country and one terrorist organization in that country that has been deemed a “state-sponsor” of terrorism by the United States and why it is considered state-sponsored.
• Does this nation provide a safe haven for terrorists? If so, for what groups?
How do the four waves of terrorism relate to the group in which you have chosen?
• Does this state sponsored terrorist organization have WMD capability from their state sponsored nation, why or why not?
D. How does mass media or social media play a role in domestic and international terrorism (cyberterrorism, recruitment, propaganda, etc.)?
Your essay must be at least 3 pages in length using size 12-point, Times New Roman font, and double-spaced. Use APA style guidelines to format in-text citations for all quoted and paraphrased material. Title and reference pages are required; an abstract is not required. Title and reference pages do not count towards the minimum length requirements.

Discuss the difference between domestic, international, and state sponsored terr

Discuss the difference between domestic, international, and state sponsored terr

Discuss the difference between domestic, international, and state sponsored terrorism.
• Explain the following typologies: state terrorism, state-sponsored terrorism, and state-enabled terrorism.
• Explain ideologies of left-wing and right-wing terrorism.
• Explain the ideology of lone wolf terrorism.
B. What role does the United States Department of State have in the determination of state-sponsored nations?
C. Outline at least one country and one terrorist organization in that country that has been deemed a “state-sponsor” of terrorism by the United States and why it is considered state-sponsored.
• Does this nation provide a safe haven for terrorists? If so, for what groups?
How do the four waves of terrorism relate to the group in which you have chosen?
• Does this state sponsored terrorist organization have WMD capability from their state sponsored nation, why or why not?
D. How does mass media or social media play a role in domestic and international terrorism (cyberterrorism, recruitment, propaganda, etc.)?
Your essay must be at least 3 pages in length using size 12-point, Times New Roman font, and double-spaced. Use APA style guidelines to format in-text citations for all quoted and paraphrased material. Title and reference pages are required; an abstract is not required. Title and reference pages do not count towards the minimum length requirements.

Reflection is a valuable endeavor that will help you relate academic concepts to

Reflection is a valuable endeavor that will help you relate academic concepts to

Reflection is a valuable endeavor that will help you relate academic concepts to this capstone course’s experiential and service learning components. Thus, you are responsible for writing a short reflection paper in which you reflect on yourself, why you are pursuing a degree in Criminal Justice, and what you aspire to do with it. In your paper, you should:
*** I’m wanting to be a victims advocate and I hope to own my business one day that will also provide therapy for kids and women who have experienced any kind of harm. My minor is psychology which is why I want to add therapy in my 5 years down the road.
Share details about yourself and your life experiences to date that have impacted your decision to pursue the path you are focusing on.
Reiterate your first choice of job or type of job after graduation. This is also a process of elimination – share some career paths you have eliminated as possible paths for you and why.
Indicate why you are qualified and suited for that job (i.e. – in the context of concisely explaining to a prospective employer why they should hire you).
Explain where you intend to be in five years and what your longer-term plans are.
This paper should be written in the first person and be a minimum of 750 words in length.
The format of the paper should be as follows:
The paper will be in memo format.
Memos must be typed on 8.5 X 11” with margins of one inch on all sides.
Paragraphs should be single-spaced and should be separated by a double space.
You may use any standard conventions for the layout of your memo, including numbering, bullets, indentation, etc.
Use the provided template in the Research and Writing Resources module.
*** sample memo is attached

Reflection is a valuable endeavor that will help you relate academic concepts to

Reflection is a valuable endeavor that will help you relate academic concepts to

Reflection is a valuable endeavor that will help you relate academic concepts to this capstone course’s experiential and service learning components. Thus, you are responsible for writing a short reflection paper in which you reflect on yourself, why you are pursuing a degree in Criminal Justice, and what you aspire to do with it. In your paper, you should:
*** I’m wanting to be a victims advocate and I hope to own my business one day that will also provide therapy for kids and women who have experienced any kind of harm. My minor is psychology which is why I want to add therapy in my 5 years down the road.
Share details about yourself and your life experiences to date that have impacted your decision to pursue the path you are focusing on.
Reiterate your first choice of job or type of job after graduation. This is also a process of elimination – share some career paths you have eliminated as possible paths for you and why.
Indicate why you are qualified and suited for that job (i.e. – in the context of concisely explaining to a prospective employer why they should hire you).
Explain where you intend to be in five years and what your longer-term plans are.
This paper should be written in the first person and be a minimum of 750 words in length.
The format of the paper should be as follows:
The paper will be in memo format.
Memos must be typed on 8.5 X 11” with margins of one inch on all sides.
Paragraphs should be single-spaced and should be separated by a double space.
You may use any standard conventions for the layout of your memo, including numbering, bullets, indentation, etc.
Use the provided template in the Research and Writing Resources module.
*** sample memo is attached

With this assignment, please respond to the following prompt: With th

With this assignment, please respond to the following prompt:

With th

With this assignment, please respond to the following prompt:
With the increase of juveniles’ interactions on social media, some researchers feel that social media perpetuates violence and delinquency, even as far as to spark the quote “the internet made me do it”.
Do you agree that social media and the availability of the internet to juveniles promotes an increase of violence and delinquency? If so, how would you modify current statutes and laws to assist with the decrease of violence?
If not, how would you explain the current increase in violence and delinquency in juveniles?
* There are no right or wrong answers. This is based on your opinion, but you need to gain support from reputable research sources *
In addition, this paper will be a minimum of 3 pages (excluding title page and references) with at least 2 references and a maximum of 5 pages. This paper will be written in 12 point Times New Roman Font and double spaced with 1 inch (normal) margins. References must be included within the paper and at the end. The paper must be written in APA format and assistance with APA format can be found in the content section of this course. References must be articles that are scholarly (no wikipedia or similar sites).

Criminal justice professionals in management positions are accountable to the pu

Criminal justice professionals in management positions are accountable to the pu

Criminal justice professionals in management positions are accountable to the public and their teams, supervisors, and subordinates for the decisions they make in the line of duty. Individuals in every branch are expected to analyze the complexity of different situations and to determine ethical ways of responding to them. As a manager, you will need to be ready to speak to the ethical factors that inform decision-making strategies used in various criminal justice environments.
Imagine that you manage a team at an agency that has been invited to participate in a focus group for the ethics board. The focus group plans to compile a report on best practices in ethical decision-making to manage situations and dilemmas. For this assessment, you will prepare a response that you will present in the focus group.
A Prison at a state or federal level as your focus for this assessment:
Research a case that calls into question the ethical conduct of a criminal justice professional within the selected criminal justice environment. Choose a real case published in the media and investigate the ethical considerations in the situation. Research best practices for handling similar issues.
Your presentation should include the following information supported by evidence from your research:
Summarize the case that you selected and explain the ethical considerations in the situation.
Describe the environmental and cultural factors involved and relevant background information.
Identify the originating causes influencing the dilemma.
Determine ethical solutions for addressing these causes and preventing similar issues in the future.
Summarize the protocol or process that the individual should have followed and identify any process changes since this incident.
Explain how you would respond to the situation and how you would apply ethical decision-making strategies in a similar situation.
Conclude with a statement about your level of confidence to make ethical decisions in a managerial role.
Summarize your expectations for the ethical conduct of your team.
Cite the appropriate Code of Ethics for your selected criminal justice environment in your response and at least 2 peer-reviewed sources according to APA guidelines.