Reflection is a valuable endeavor that will help you relate academic concepts to

Reflection is a valuable endeavor that will help you relate academic concepts to

Reflection is a valuable endeavor that will help you relate academic concepts to this capstone course’s experiential and service learning components. Thus, you are responsible for writing a short reflection paper in which you reflect on yourself, why you are pursuing a degree in Criminal Justice, and what you aspire to do with it. In your paper, you should:
*** I’m wanting to be a victims advocate and I hope to own my business one day that will also provide therapy for kids and women who have experienced any kind of harm. My minor is psychology which is why I want to add therapy in my 5 years down the road.
Share details about yourself and your life experiences to date that have impacted your decision to pursue the path you are focusing on.
Reiterate your first choice of job or type of job after graduation. This is also a process of elimination – share some career paths you have eliminated as possible paths for you and why.
Indicate why you are qualified and suited for that job (i.e. – in the context of concisely explaining to a prospective employer why they should hire you).
Explain where you intend to be in five years and what your longer-term plans are.
This paper should be written in the first person and be a minimum of 750 words in length.
The format of the paper should be as follows:
The paper will be in memo format.
Memos must be typed on 8.5 X 11” with margins of one inch on all sides.
Paragraphs should be single-spaced and should be separated by a double space.
You may use any standard conventions for the layout of your memo, including numbering, bullets, indentation, etc.
Use the provided template in the Research and Writing Resources module.
*** sample memo is attached