City Tours Ltd.

Save th

City Tours Ltd.

Save the file SC_AC365_2021_9b_FirstLastName_1.accdb as SC_AC365_2021_9b_FirstLastName_2.accdb Edit the file name by changing “1” to “2”.
If you do not see the .accdb file extension, do not type it. The file extension will be added for you automatically.
To complete this Project, you will also need the following files:Support_AC365_2021_9b_TourTypes.accdb
With the file SC_AC365_2021_9b_FirstLastName_2.accdb open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed as the first record in the _GradingInfoTable table. If the table does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy.
City Tours Ltd. is a company that provides tours in a city that attracts tourists from around the country. As the customer service manager for the company, you need to understand database administration tasks.
Open the database in Backstage View and then click the View and edit database properties link. When the Properties dialog box displays, create a custom property for the database as described below:
With the database still open in Backstage View, click the Options tab. Select the Main Menu Navigation Form as the Display Form for the database as shown in Figure 2. (Hint: The Display Form is sometimes referred to as the startup form.) Click Ok. (Hint: When the Access dialog box appears and displays the message, “You must close and reopen the current database for the specified option to take effect”, click the OK button.)
Open the Tours table in Design View, and then create a custom input mask for the TourNumber field as described below:The TourNumber field must consist of one letter and three numbers.
The letter should display in upper case. (Hint: Enter >L999 as the input mask.)

Save the change to the table and then close it.
Open the Guides table in Design View and modify the GuideName multiple-field index by completing the following tasks:Open the Indexes dialog box.
Change the Sort Order for the LastName field to Descending.

Save the changes to the Guides table and then close it.
Open the Customers table in Design View, and then create a single-field index on the LastName field. The index should allow duplicate values. Save the changes to the table design but do not close the table.
With the Customers table still open in Design View, create a multiple-field index as described below: Use Address as the name of the index. (Hint: Be careful not to include spaces after the index name.)
Use the State field, sorted in Descending order, as the first field in the index.
Use the City field, sorted in Ascending order, as the second field in the index.

Save the changes to the Customers table and then close it.
Open the SegwayTours table in Design View, and then open the Property Sheet for the table and make the following updates:Create a validation rule for the table requiring that the Paid field value is always less than or equal to the TotalCost field value. (Hint: Enter [Paid]<=[TotalCost] as the validation rule.) Enter Paid cannot exceed TotalCost as the validation text. Close the Property Sheet, and then save the changes to the table. (Hint: Because there was a change to data integrity rules, the "existing data may not be valid" warning message will appear. Click No and continue saving the table.) With the SegwayTours table still open in Design View, create a multiple-field index as described below:Use TourInformation as the name of the index. (Hint: Be careful not to include spaces after the index name.) Use the CustomerID field, sorted in Ascending order, as the first field in the index. Use the TourNumber field, sorted in Ascending order, as the second field in the index. Save the changes to the SegwayTours table, and then close it. Create a Datasheet form for the HomeTours table, and then save the form using HomeToursForm as the form name. Close the form. Create a blank form based on the 1 Right application part. (Hint: The blank form will appear in the Navigation Pane as a forms object named SingleOneColumnRightLabels and is saved automatically.) Import a table from an encrypted database by completing the following tasks:Open the encrypted database Support_AC365_2021_9b_TourTypes.accdb in Exclusive mode, using the password tours when the Password Required dialog box appears. Enable the content. Decrypt the Support_AC365_2021_9b_TourTypes.accdb database. (Hint: You will need to use the password tours again in the Unset Database Password dialog box.) Close the database. Open (or return to) the SC_AC365_2021_9b_FirstLastName_2.accdb database. Import the TourTypes table from the database Support_AC365_2021_9b_TourTypes.accdb into a new table using TourTypes as the table name. (Hint: Ensure that the Tables tab is selected in the Import Objects dialog box.) Do not save the Import steps. Use the Table Analyzer to analyze the Customers table for redundancy. Implement the following options when using the Table Analyzer Wizard:Select the Customers table as the table to analyze, and let the wizard decide what fields go in each table. Rename Table 1 as AltCustomers using the Rename table button as shown in Figure 3. Rename Table 2 as AltRegions using the Rename table button as shown in Figure 3. When the wizard displays the next screen with the question, "do the bold fields uniquely identify each record in the proposed table", make sure the Generated Unique ID field is the primary key of the AltRegions table as shown in Figure 3. Then, click the Next button. Ensure that the "No, don't create a query" radio button is selected, then click Finish to close the Table Analyzer Wizard. When the Table Analyzer Wizard dialog box appears with the message, "The command or action TileHorizontally isn't available now", click OK. Close the AltCustomers and AltRegions tables. Confirm the Navigation Pane matches Figure 4. Switch to viewing database items by the custom category named "Guide Information" in the Navigation Pane. Add the following two reports to the Guides Information Reports group: Basic Guide List Guide Skills Report Confirm the Guide Information Reports group matches Figure 5. Add a new group to the Guide Information category as described below:Use Guide Information Forms as the name for the new group. If necessary, move the Guide Information Forms group so that it appears immediately before the Guide Information Reports. In the Navigation Pane, add the Guides Update Form to the new group. Confirm the Guide Information Forms group and the Guides Update Form item in the Navigation Pane match Figure 5. Figure 1: Custom Properties Tab in the Properties Dialog Box Figure 2: Access Options Dialog Box Figure 3: Table Analyzer Wizard Figure 4: Navigation Pane with Tables Created in Step 12 Figure 5: Navigation Pane Viewed by Guide Information Category Save and close any open objects in your database. Compact and repair your database, close it, and then exit Access. Follow the directions on the website to submit your completed project.Shelly Cashman Access 365/2021 | Module 9: SAM Project 1b City Tours Ltd. ADMINISTERING A DATABASE SYSTEM GETTING STARTED Save the file SC_AC365_2021_9b_FirstLastName_1.accdb as SC_AC365_2021_9b_FirstLastName_2.accdb Edit the file name by changing “1” to “2”. If you do not see the .accdb file extension, do not type it. The file extension will be added for you automatically. To complete this Project, you will also need the following files:Support_AC365_2021_9b_TourTypes.accdb With the file SC_AC365_2021_9b_FirstLastName_2.accdb open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed as the first record in the _GradingInfoTable table. If the table does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy. PROJECT STEPS City Tours Ltd. is a company that provides tours in a city that attracts tourists from around the country. As the customer service manager for the company, you need to understand database administration tasks. Open the database in Backstage View and then click the View and edit database properties link. When the Properties dialog box displays, create a custom property for the database as described below: With the database still open in Backstage View, click the Options tab. Select the Main Menu Navigation Form as the Display Form for the database as shown in Figure 2. (Hint: The Display Form is sometimes referred to as the startup form.) Click Ok. (Hint: When the Access dialog box appears and displays the message, "You must close and reopen the current database for the specified option to take effect", click the OK button.) Open the Tours table in Design View, and then create a custom input mask for the TourNumber field as described below:The TourNumber field must consist of one letter and three numbers. The letter should display in upper case. (Hint: Enter >L999 as the input mask.)

Save the change to the table and then close it.
Open the Guides table in Design View and modify the GuideName multiple-field index by completing the following tasks:Open the Indexes dialog box.
Change the Sort Order for the LastName field to Descending.

Save the changes to the Guides table and then close it.
Open the Customers table in Design View, and then create a single-field index on the LastName field. The index should allow duplicate values. Save the changes to the table design but do not close the table.
With the Customers table still open in Design View, create a multiple-field index as described below: Use Address as the name of the index. (Hint: Be careful not to include spaces after the index name.)
Use the State field, sorted in Descending order, as the first field in the index.
Use the City field, sorted in Ascending order, as the second field in the index.

Save the changes to the Customers table and then close it.
Open the SegwayTours table in Design View, and then open the Property Sheet for the table and make the following updates:Create a validation rule for the table requiring that the Paid field value is always less than or equal to the TotalCost field value. (Hint: Enter [Paid]<=[TotalCost] as the validation rule.) Enter Paid cannot exceed TotalCost as the validation text. Close the Property Sheet, and then save the changes to the table. (Hint: Because there was a change to data integrity rules, the "existing data may not be valid" warning message will appear. Click No and continue saving the table.) With the SegwayTours table still open in Design View, create a multiple-field index as described below:Use TourInformation as the name of the index. (Hint: Be careful not to include spaces after the index name.) Use the CustomerID field, sorted in Ascending order, as the first field in the index. Use the TourNumber field, sorted in Ascending order, as the second field in the index. Save the changes to the SegwayTours table, and then close it. Create a Datasheet form for the HomeTours table, and then save the form using HomeToursForm as the form name. Close the form. Create a blank form based on the 1 Right application part. (Hint: The blank form will appear in the Navigation Pane as a forms object named SingleOneColumnRightLabels and is saved automatically.) Import a table from an encrypted database by completing the following tasks:Open the encrypted database Support_AC365_2021_9b_TourTypes.accdb in Exclusive mode, using the password tours when the Password Required dialog box appears. Enable the content. Decrypt the Support_AC365_2021_9b_TourTypes.accdb database. (Hint: You will need to use the password tours again in the Unset Database Password dialog box.) Close the database. Open (or return to) the SC_AC365_2021_9b_FirstLastName_2.accdb database. Import the TourTypes table from the database Support_AC365_2021_9b_TourTypes.accdb into a new table using TourTypes as the table name. (Hint: Ensure that the Tables tab is selected in the Import Objects dialog box.) Do not save the Import steps. Use the Table Analyzer to analyze the Customers table for redundancy. Implement the following options when using the Table Analyzer Wizard:Select the Customers table as the table to analyze, and let the wizard decide what fields go in each table. Rename Table 1 as AltCustomers using the Rename table button as shown in Figure 3. Rename Table 2 as AltRegions using the Rename table button as shown in Figure 3. When the wizard displays the next screen with the question, "do the bold fields uniquely identify each record in the proposed table", make sure the Generated Unique ID field is the primary key of the AltRegions table as shown in Figure 3. Then, click the Next button. Ensure that the "No, don't create a query" radio button is selected, then click Finish to close the Table Analyzer Wizard. When the Table Analyzer Wizard dialog box appears with the message, "The command or action TileHorizontally isn't available now", click OK. Close the AltCustomers and AltRegions tables. Confirm the Navigation Pane matches Figure 4. Switch to viewing database items by the custom category named "Guide Information" in the Navigation Pane. Add the following two reports to the Guides Information Reports group: Basic Guide List Guide Skills Report Confirm the Guide Information Reports group matches Figure 5. Add a new group to the Guide Information category as described below:Use Guide Information Forms as the name for the new group. If necessary, move the Guide Information Forms group so that it appears immediately before the Guide Information Reports. In the Navigation Pane, add the Guides Update Form to the new group. Confirm the Guide Information Forms group and the Guides Update Form item in the Navigation Pane match Figure 5. Figure 1: Custom Properties Tab in the Properties Dialog Box Figure 2: Access Options Dialog Box Figure 3: Table Analyzer Wizard Figure 4: Navigation Pane with Tables Created in Step 12 Figure 5: Navigation Pane Viewed by Guide Information Category Save and close any open objects in your database. Compact and repair your database, close it, and then exit Access. Follow the directions on the website to submit your completed project.

Personal Insurance, Inc. Administering a Database System GETTING STARTED Sa

Personal Insurance, Inc.
Administering a Database System


Personal Insurance, Inc.
Administering a Database System

Save the file SC_AC365_2021_9a_FirstLastName_1.accdb as SC_AC365_2021_9a_FirstLastName_2.accdb Edit the file name by changing “1” to “2”.
If you do not see the .accdb file extension, do not type it. The file extension will be added for you automatically.
To complete this Project, you will also need the following files:Support_AC365_2021_9a_ClaimTypes.accdb
With the file SC_AC365_2021_9a_FirstLastName_2.accdb open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed as the first record in the _GradingInfoTable table. If the table does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy.
Personal Insurance, Inc. is a national company that insures homeowners and renters. As a regional manager, you need to understand database administration tasks. Open the database in Backstage View, and then click the View and edit database properties link. When the Properties dialog box displays, create a custom property for the database as described below:

With the database still open in Backstage View, click the Options tab. Select the Main Menu Navigation Form as the Display Form for the database as shown in Figure 2. (Hint: The Display Form is sometimes referred to as the startup form.)
Save the changes to the options. (Hint: When the Access dialog box appears and displays the message, “You must close and reopen the current database for the specified option to take effect”, click the OK button.)
Open the ClaimsRep table in Design View, and then create a custom input mask for the ClaimRepNumber field as described below:

The ClaimRepNumber field must consist of two letters and two numbers.
All letters should display in upper case. (Hint: Enter >LL99 as the input mask.)
Save the changes to the table but do not close it.
With the ClaimsRep table still open in Design View, modify the ClaimsRepName multiple-field index by completing the following tasks:

Open the Indexes dialog box.
Change the sort order for the LastName field to Descending.

Save the changes to the ClaimsRep table and then close it.
Open the Customers table in Design View, and then create a single-field index on the LastName field. The index should allow duplicate values. Save the changes to the table design but do not close the table.
With the Customers table still open in Design View, create a multiple-field index as described below:

Use Location as the name of the index. (Hint: Be careful not to include spaces after the index name.)
Use the State field, sorted in Descending order, as the first field in the index.
Use the City field, sorted in Ascending order, as the second field in the index.

Save the changes to the Customers table and then close it.
Open the Claims table in Design View, and then open the Property Sheet for the table and make the following updates:

Create a validation rule for the table requiring that the Paid field value is always less than or equal to the ClaimAmount field value. (Hint: Enter [Paid]<=[ClaimAmount] as the validation rule. Enter Paid cannot exceed ClaimAmount as the validation text. Close the Property Sheet, and then save the changes to the table. (Hint: Because there was a change to data integrity rules, the "existing data may not be valid" warning message will appear. Click No and continue saving the table.) With the Claims table still open in Design View, create a multiple-field index as described below: Use ClaimsInformation as the name of the index. (Hint: Be careful not to include spaces after the index name.) Use the CustomerID field, sorted in Ascending order, as the first field in the index. Use the ClaimID field, sorted in Ascending order, as the second field in the index. Save the changes to the Claims table, and then close it. Create a Datasheet form for the Umbrella table, and then save the form using UmbrellaForm as the form name. Close the form. Create a blank form based on the 1 Right application part. (Hint: The blank form will appear in the Navigation Pane as a forms object named SingleOneColumnRightLabels and is saved automatically.) Import a table from an encrypted database by completing the following tasks: Open the encrypted database Support_AC365_2021_9a_ClaimTypes.accdb in Exclusive mode, using the password claims when the Password Required dialog box appears. Enable the content. Decrypt the Support_AC365_2021_9a_ClaimTypes.accdb database. (Hint: You will need to use the password claims again in the Unset Database Password dialog box.) Close the database. Open (or return to) the SC_AC365_2021_9a_FirstLastName_2.accdb database. Import the ClaimTypes table from the database Support_AC365_2021_9a_ClaimTypes.accdb into a new table using ClaimTypes as the table name. (Hint: Ensure that the Tables tab is selected in the Import Objects dialog box.) Do not save the Import steps. Use the Table Analyzer to analyze the Customers table for redundancy. Implement the following options when using the Table Analyzer Wizard: Select the Customers table as the table to analyze, and let the wizard decide what fields go in each table. Rename Table 1 as AltCustomers using the Rename table button as shown in Figure 3. Rename Table 2 as AltRegion using the Rename table button as shown in Figure 3. When the wizard displays the next screen with the question, "do the bold fields uniquely identify each record in the proposed table", make sure the CustomerID field is the primary key of the AltCustomers table as shown in Figure 3. Then, click the Next button. Ensure that the "No, don't create the query" radio button is selected, then click Finish to close the Table Analyzer Wizard. When the Table Analyzer Wizard dialog box appears with the message, "The command or action TileHorizontally isn't available now", click OK. Close the AltCustomers and AltRegion tables. Confirm the Navigation Pane matches Figure 4. Switch to viewing database items by the custom category named "Claims Information" in the Navigation Pane. Add the following two forms to the Claims Information Forms group: Claims Master Form ClaimsRep and Claims Form Confirm the Claims Information Forms group matches Figure 5. Add a new group to the Claims Information category as described below: Use Claims Reports as the name for the new group. If necessary, move the Claims Reports group so that it appears between the Claims Information Forms and the Unassigned Objects groups. In the Navigation Pane, add the Basic Claims Report to the new group. Confirm the Claims Reports group and item in the Navigation Pane match Figure 5. Figure 1: Custom Properties Tab in the Properties Dialog Box Figure 2: Access Options Dialog Box Figure 3: Table Analyzer Wizard Figure 4: Navigation Pane with Tables Created in Step 12 Figure 5: Navigation Pane Viewed by Claims Information Category Save and close any open objects in your database. Compact and repair your database, close it, and then exit Access. Follow the directions on the website to submit your completed project.

Objective: Design a relational database schema to meet the reporting needs of th

Objective: Design a relational database schema to meet the reporting needs of th

Objective: Design a relational database schema to meet the reporting needs of the rehab clinic. Remember the best practices from class, including the normalization rules! You may include additional fields or data elements as you need, especially if you identify any gaps, but at minimum you must offer a way to report on the requested items below.
Specific Data Items Requested by the Team:
Patient information: name, age, gender, reason for rehab (diagnosis code), address, phone number, insurance company, insurance subscriber ID, patient ID
Insurance information: insurance company, subscriber ID, copay amount
Appointment details: date, time, duration, therapist assigned, procedure code, diagnosis code
Treatment sessions: type of treatment (procedure code), diagnosis, duration, cost, assigned therapist, supplies used, reason for supply use (required, optional, replacement, damaged, other)
Billing details: invoice number, procedure code, payment method
Inventory items: supply name, quantity in stock, supplier/vendor, cost
Submission: Submit a document containing the following:
Identify the tables needed and specify the primary key (PK) for each, as well as any foreign keys (FK).
In 1-2 paragraphs, describe three potential challenges and considerations in implementing this database solution.

What to do Next – Take Home Test Next Create a New Database and the following ta

What to do Next – Take Home Test
Next Create a New Database and the following ta

What to do Next – Take Home Test
Next Create a New Database and the following tables using Access. subject to these business rules
Students and parents can have only one email address
All email addresses must be in a format similar to this [email protected]
Phone numbers must be input in this format 352.212.4477
Parents and students can only be from the following states: Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama
We store state names with their two digit abbreviations only.
We can have no blanks in the database (No Nulls Allowed)
Students only can major in the following: Computer Information System, Accounting, Management or Marketing.
All table fields are labeled using this format (example Student Id is labeled Student_Id)
Do the following
Name the Database With the Following Name: YOUR NAME Database
Create one Table called Student.Place in the table the following columns: Student ID, First Name, Last Name, University Street Number, University Street Name, University City, University State, University Zip Code, StudentEmail ssume for now they have only one email)
Create a second Table called ParentIn that table create the following fields: Student ID, Parent First Name, Parent Last Name, Parent email, Parent phone number, Parent Street Number, Parent Street Name, Parent City, Parent State, Parent Zip, ParentEmail (assume for now they have only one email)
Create a third table called Major.In that major create these fields, Major ID and Major Name
For each field in all tables select an appropriate datatype and fill in the comments. If you are unaware of what each datatype is, please use Google to research that question
For each field in all tables make the field required.
For the tablesLimit the state name to 2 digits (Example: Louisiana = La)
Create a validation rule which limits the states to the approved 2 digit format used by the post office. The tutorial will provide you this
Create an input mask for the phone numbers to appear in this format 222-222-2222
Create a validation rule where the email address must be in this format [email protected] Example: [email protected]
For the major field create a validation rule which limits the values to Computer Information Systems, Accounting, Marketing, Management

What to do Next – Take Home Test Next Create a New Database and the following ta

What to do Next – Take Home Test
Next Create a New Database and the following ta

What to do Next – Take Home Test
Next Create a New Database and the following tables using Access. subject to these business rules
Students and parents can have only one email address
All email addresses must be in a format similar to this [email protected]
Phone numbers must be input in this format 352.212.4477
Parents and students can only be from the following states: Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama
We store state names with their two digit abbreviations only.
We can have no blanks in the database (No Nulls Allowed)
Students only can major in the following: Computer Information System, Accounting, Management or Marketing.
All table fields are labeled using this format (example Student Id is labeled Student_Id)
Do the following
Name the Database With the Following Name: YOUR NAME Database
Create one Table called Student.Place in the table the following columns: Student ID, First Name, Last Name, University Street Number, University Street Name, University City, University State, University Zip Code, StudentEmail ssume for now they have only one email)
Create a second Table called ParentIn that table create the following fields: Student ID, Parent First Name, Parent Last Name, Parent email, Parent phone number, Parent Street Number, Parent Street Name, Parent City, Parent State, Parent Zip, ParentEmail (assume for now they have only one email)
Create a third table called Major.In that major create these fields, Major ID and Major Name
For each field in all tables select an appropriate datatype and fill in the comments. If you are unaware of what each datatype is, please use Google to research that question
For each field in all tables make the field required.
For the tablesLimit the state name to 2 digits (Example: Louisiana = La)
Create a validation rule which limits the states to the approved 2 digit format used by the post office. The tutorial will provide you this
Create an input mask for the phone numbers to appear in this format 222-222-2222
Create a validation rule where the email address must be in this format [email protected] Example: [email protected]
For the major field create a validation rule which limits the values to Computer Information Systems, Accounting, Marketing, Management

Q. You are tasked with designing a conceptual database schema for the King Fah

You are tasked with designing a conceptual database schema for the
King Fah

Q. You are tasked with designing a conceptual database schema for the
King Fahad General Hospital. The system needs to store information about Patients, Doctors, Departments, and Medicines. Explain in detail the fundamental database concepts you would consider during the design phase. Discuss the importance of entities, attributes, and relationships. Additionally, outline your proposed database architecture’s potential challenges and benefits, considering factors such as scalability and data integrity.

Q. You are tasked with designing a conceptual database schema for the King Fah

You are tasked with designing a conceptual database schema for the
King Fah

Q. You are tasked with designing a conceptual database schema for the
King Fahad General Hospital. The system needs to store information about Patients, Doctors, Departments, and Medicines. Explain in detail the fundamental database concepts you would consider during the design phase. Discuss the importance of entities, attributes, and relationships. Additionally, outline your proposed database architecture’s potential challenges and benefits, considering factors such as scalability and data integrity.

Thus far in the quarter, you have primarily been making maps to showcase pattern

Thus far in the quarter, you have primarily been making maps to showcase pattern

Thus far in the quarter, you have primarily been making maps to showcase patterns in data. In this module, we turn our attention to the analytical capabilities of a GIS. In Module 7, you learned about vector analysis tools. In this lab, you will practice using those tools while considering the placement of ballot dropboxes in Seattle and King County. Specifically, we will be exploring the question:
How well distributed are the King County ballot dropboxes?
In this lab, you will be given multiple shapefiles and two tables with spatial, electoral and demographic data relating to King County voters. The lab will walk you through the various analytical tools discussed in Module 7 as we analyze the data.
This lab should take approximately 3 hours to complete. This lab is worth 70 points.
Evidence of skill development will be assessed on:
Submit answers to the lab questions and two maps made using QGIS. (Required – 70 points)

Thus far in the quarter, you have primarily been making maps to showcase pattern

Thus far in the quarter, you have primarily been making maps to showcase pattern

Thus far in the quarter, you have primarily been making maps to showcase patterns in data. In this module, we turn our attention to the analytical capabilities of a GIS. In Module 7, you learned about vector analysis tools. In this lab, you will practice using those tools while considering the placement of ballot dropboxes in Seattle and King County. Specifically, we will be exploring the question:
How well distributed are the King County ballot dropboxes?
In this lab, you will be given multiple shapefiles and two tables with spatial, electoral and demographic data relating to King County voters. The lab will walk you through the various analytical tools discussed in Module 7 as we analyze the data.
This lab should take approximately 3 hours to complete. This lab is worth 70 points.
Evidence of skill development will be assessed on:
Submit answers to the lab questions and two maps made using QGIS. (Required – 70 points)