What to do Next – Take Home Test Next Create a New Database and the following ta

What to do Next – Take Home Test
Next Create a New Database and the following ta

What to do Next – Take Home Test
Next Create a New Database and the following tables using Access. subject to these business rules
Students and parents can have only one email address
All email addresses must be in a format similar to this [email protected]
Phone numbers must be input in this format 352.212.4477
Parents and students can only be from the following states: Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama
We store state names with their two digit abbreviations only.
We can have no blanks in the database (No Nulls Allowed)
Students only can major in the following: Computer Information System, Accounting, Management or Marketing.
All table fields are labeled using this format (example Student Id is labeled Student_Id)
Do the following
Name the Database With the Following Name: YOUR NAME Database
Create one Table called Student.Place in the table the following columns: Student ID, First Name, Last Name, University Street Number, University Street Name, University City, University State, University Zip Code, StudentEmail ssume for now they have only one email)
Create a second Table called ParentIn that table create the following fields: Student ID, Parent First Name, Parent Last Name, Parent email, Parent phone number, Parent Street Number, Parent Street Name, Parent City, Parent State, Parent Zip, ParentEmail (assume for now they have only one email)
Create a third table called Major.In that major create these fields, Major ID and Major Name
For each field in all tables select an appropriate datatype and fill in the comments. If you are unaware of what each datatype is, please use Google to research that question
For each field in all tables make the field required.
For the tablesLimit the state name to 2 digits (Example: Louisiana = La)
Create a validation rule which limits the states to the approved 2 digit format used by the post office. The tutorial will provide you this
Create an input mask for the phone numbers to appear in this format 222-222-2222
Create a validation rule where the email address must be in this format [email protected] Example: [email protected]
For the major field create a validation rule which limits the values to Computer Information Systems, Accounting, Marketing, Management