Phonics instruction helps beginning readers understand how letters and sounds

Phonics instruction helps beginning readers understand how letters and sounds

Phonics instruction helps beginning readers understand how letters and sounds go together. Research shows that a systematic approach to phonics instruction improves decoding and word recognition skills and in turn improves comprehension skills.
For this assignment, create a 300 word brochure for K-3 grade teachers explaining the importance of explicit phonics instruction for meeting the diverse needs of all students and to give teachers resources and strategies for how to teach phonics skills.
Include the following in your brochure:
Explanation of phonics and the importance of phonics instruction for beginning readers
Benefits to a systematic approach to phonics instruction
How phonics instruction supports the diverse needs of students, including struggling readers and students with exceptionalities 
Examples of three phonics skills and strategies for teaching the skills
Three online phonics resources to support teachers and students
Support your brochure with a minimum of three resources.




How Schools and Teachers Can Get Better at Cultural Competence


Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to examine facilitators, barriers, and possible solutions to issues of implementing cultural competence in the classroom.
Directions: Given the information you have gained from the course content:
List and describe 5 facilitators of cultural competence in the classroom.
List and describe 5 possible barriers to cultural competence in the classroom.
Provide 5 possible solutions to the barriers you have listed.
#2: Purpose: Parents of  children with disabilities typically experience more stress than families who do not have children with disabilities. The purpose of this assignment is to analyze how some of these perceptions and barriers affect family involvement.
Visit the following website:
Go through the module.
On a Word document, complete the following questions: (If you experience difficulty, go back and review the Perspectives and Resources pages in the Module).

What is a secondary transition?
Why is it important for school personnel to help students plan for post-school transitions?
List and describe the five components of the Taxonomy for Transition Programming.
Explain why self-determination is important for students with disabilities.
Jessica is a rising ninth-grade student who has a physical and intellectual disability and uses a wheelchair. Imagine you are Jessica’s general education teacher and a member of her IEP team. As part of her annual review meeting, Jessica and her team discussed her post-secondary plans. Following is some of the information the team learned during the meeting.


Capable student who works hard to get passing grades
Loves the computer and catches on quickly to games and computer programs

Short-term goals:

Ride the school bus to and from school (currently, parents transport her)
Spend more time with friends

Post-school goals:

Get a job in a hospital or somewhere she can help sick people (as long as she doesn’t have to read much)
Live on her own or with a roommate

Areas of need:

Doesn’t like to read and often doesn’t remember things she does read

Additional information: Her parents state that she has never talked with them about her post-school goals, and they always assumed she would live with them.

For each of the components of the Taxonomy for Transition Programming, recommend one or two actions you as the teacher can take to help Jessica reach her goals. Explain your responses.
Components of Taxonomy for Transition ProgrammingActions and ExplanationsProgram StructureStudent-Focused PlanningStudent DevelopmentFamily InvolvementInteragency Collaboration

 Citing teacher shortages, budget constraints, and plummeting academic test scor

 Citing teacher shortages, budget constraints, and plummeting academic test scor

 Citing teacher shortages, budget constraints, and plummeting academic test scores, your school district has decided to cut the arts (creative, expressive, performing, visual, etc.)  from its program. This covers subjects such as music class, chorus, band, orchestra, art, performing arts, etc. The thought process behind this decision is that this will save money, reduce the need for staffing including finding substitutes for teachers who are out, and will allow more time for carrying out the educational curriculum in the classroom.
A special board of education meeting has been called to discuss this decision. You have decided to speak at this meeting to address your feelings on this decision. You may choose to speak from the standpoint of a teacher in the district or as a parent of an elementary-aged child in the district. In addition to your own personal opinions, you must also cite information from Thematic Strand #9: Global Connections (see the first link under articles and websites) to back up your argument for or against this decision. You are welcome and encouraged to use additional materials from the course or from resources you found on your own.
When creating your post, please make sure to include at least 3 detailed reasons why you support or do not support the district’s decision. Please also indicate whether you are speaking as a teacher or a parent. 

Critically analyze the issues that arise from the use of technology in social wo

Critically analyze the issues that arise from the use of technology in social wo

Critically analyze the issues that arise from the use of technology in social work practice as well as in your role as leader. Describe both the positive and negative aspects of technology integration. Focus on those issues that first affect your clients. Secondly, address issues that affect you in your role (or potential role) as a social work leader. Support your ideas with properly cited references from scholarly sources, which may include your text.
200 words

Critically analyze the issues that arise from the use of technology in social wo

Critically analyze the issues that arise from the use of technology in social wo

Critically analyze the issues that arise from the use of technology in social work practice as well as in your role as leader. Describe both the positive and negative aspects of technology integration. Focus on those issues that first affect your clients. Secondly, address issues that affect you in your role (or potential role) as a social work leader. Support your ideas with properly cited references from scholarly sources, which may include your text.
200 words




How Schools and Teachers Can Get Better at Cultural Competence


Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to examine facilitators, barriers, and possible solutions to issues of implementing cultural competence in the classroom.
Directions: Given the information you have gained from the course content:
List and describe 5 facilitators of cultural competence in the classroom.
List and describe 5 possible barriers to cultural competence in the classroom.
Provide 5 possible solutions to the barriers you have listed.
#2: Purpose: Parents of  children with disabilities typically experience more stress than families who do not have children with disabilities. The purpose of this assignment is to analyze how some of these perceptions and barriers affect family involvement.
Visit the following website:
Go through the module.
On a Word document, complete the following questions: (If you experience difficulty, go back and review the Perspectives and Resources pages in the Module).
What is a secondary transition?
Why is it important for school personnel to help students plan for post-school transitions?
List and describe the five components of the Taxonomy for Transition Programming.
Explain why self-determination is important for students with disabilities.
Jessica is a rising ninth-grade student who has a physical and intellectual disability and uses a wheelchair. Imagine you are Jessica’s general education teacher and a member of her IEP team. As part of her annual review meeting, Jessica and her team discussed her post-secondary plans. Following is some of the information the team learned during the meeting.
Capable student who works hard to get passing grades
Loves the computer and catches on quickly to games and computer programs
Short-term goals:
Ride the school bus to and from school (currently, parents transport her)
Spend more time with friends
Post-school goals:
Get a job in a hospital or somewhere she can help sick people (as long as she doesn’t have to read much)
Live on her own or with a roommate
Areas of need:
Doesn’t like to read and often doesn’t remember things she does read
Additional information: Her parents state that she has never talked with them about her post-school goals, and they always assumed she would live with them.
For each of the components of the Taxonomy for Transition Programming, recommend one or two actions you as the teacher can take to help Jessica reach her goals. Explain your responses.
Components of Taxonomy for Transition ProgrammingActions and ExplanationsProgram StructureStudent-Focused PlanningStudent DevelopmentFamily InvolvementInteragency Collaboration

 For this assignment, you will create a Learning Experience Plan (LEP) that coul

 For this assignment, you will create a Learning Experience Plan (LEP) that coul

 For this assignment, you will create a Learning Experience Plan (LEP) that could be used in your practicum classroom working with toddlers, preschool, or kindergarten-age children. View the sample LEP and use the provided template to develop your own original lesson. Study the rubric to see how your work will be graded. 

   Two paragraphs with at least 100 words per paragraph explaining the following

Two paragraphs with at least 100 words per paragraph explaining the following

Two paragraphs with at least 100 words per paragraph explaining the following which should include a reference for each paragraph.
1.   What are unique features of interpersonal communication? How might beliefs about human nature and personhood impact the way people communicate interpersonally or build relationships? For example, many communication scholars rely upon Martin Buber’s concept of personhood to understand interpersonal communication. How does his concept of personhood compare to the concept of personhood from a Christian worldview? 
2.   What is meant by, “No one person can completely control a communication event, and no single person or action causes—or can be blamed for—a communication outcome?” What implications does this have for the role of faith in relationships? 

  The Intersection of Art and Social Change Due by Day 7. We have discussed the

The Intersection of Art and Social Change
Due by Day 7. We have discussed the

The Intersection of Art and Social Change
Due by Day 7. We have discussed the impact of the publication of The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir in 1949. It could be said that her work shifted the way women’s creative expression was presented and viewed in Europe and the United States in the second half of the 20th century. This shift was especially true as the women’s and civil rights movements heated up in the 1960s and 1970s. The creative expression of women during this era began to address issues like identity and equality, if not overtly, like artists Judy Chicago and Carrie Weems, by lifestyle, like Georgia O’Keeffe. A play by a young Lorraine Hansberry provides an example of how life and art intersect. Hansberry’s play, A Raisin in the Sun (1959) about a struggling black family in Chicago, was the first to be produced on Broadway by a black playwright, making gains for both women and African Americans in the literary field.
For this journal assignment, discuss the ways women’s artistic expression and movements for social change intersect in the second half of the 20th century (after 1950). To complete this journal, first reflect on what it means to say that the arts and social change intersect. Next, analyze how you see this trend specifically in women’s artistic expression. Be sure to support your discussion by providing examples of at least two creative women from the late 20th century whose work makes a statement about society and perhaps suggests ways to make it better. Select your two examples of creative women from women introduced in the required or recommended resources.  These women should work in two different genres, for example painting, photography, writing, dance, etc.
Finally, for your conclusion (your final page), think about ways you have seen the arts and social change intersect in your community. In this case, the art in your community could have been created by women, men, or collaborations as our emphasis here is on the way art and social change intersect. For example, artist and architect Maya Lin’s Civil Rights Memorial in Montgomery, Alabama, honors 40 individuals who died fighting for equal rights between 1954 and 1968. Her work recognizes the sacrifices freedom and equality require. . If none of your research turns up art that makes a statement for social change in your community, imagine and discuss how you might address—with an artistic solution—an important issue that needs changing in your community.