Phonics instruction helps beginning readers understand how letters and sounds

Phonics instruction helps beginning readers understand how letters and sounds

Phonics instruction helps beginning readers understand how letters and sounds go together. Research shows that a systematic approach to phonics instruction improves decoding and word recognition skills and in turn improves comprehension skills.
For this assignment, create a 300 word brochure for K-3 grade teachers explaining the importance of explicit phonics instruction for meeting the diverse needs of all students and to give teachers resources and strategies for how to teach phonics skills.
Include the following in your brochure:
Explanation of phonics and the importance of phonics instruction for beginning readers
Benefits to a systematic approach to phonics instruction
How phonics instruction supports the diverse needs of students, including struggling readers and students with exceptionalities 
Examples of three phonics skills and strategies for teaching the skills
Three online phonics resources to support teachers and students
Support your brochure with a minimum of three resources.