To develop a plan for integrating technology as a teaching strategy. Complete a

 To develop a plan for integrating technology as a teaching strategy. Complete a

 To develop a plan for integrating technology as a teaching strategy. Complete attachment
You  are an NC Pre-K teacher (4 to 5-year-olds) who wants to integrate developmentally appropriate technology as a teaching strategy  including the involvement of families in children’s learning. The  children in your class come from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds whose families may have limited access to traditional computers at home.
Focus Assignment
Create a plan to integrate developmentally appropriate technology  into the classroom environment, curriculum, and involvement of families  in children’s learning. Be sure to provide a description of the  strategies you plan to use, the child outcomes, the space and materials  needed to implement the plan, the procedures you will follow, and how  you will collaborate as partners with families in young children’s  development and learning. In addition, be sure to include elements that  will create an equitable, anti-bias atmosphere in the classroom and  support the use of technology at home.
 For each element of  your activity plan, explain how this element will help students  technology as a learning strategy and contribute to their development  

  Creative Contributions and The New Woman. Select one creative woman from the 1

Creative Contributions and The New Woman.
Select one creative woman from the 1

Creative Contributions and The New Woman.
Select one creative woman from the 19th century and early part of the 20th centuries and discuss how her works were innovative and made significant contributions to our culture during the era in which they were created/or how they make continuing contributions.  Your response should include the following:
1.  Name the creative woman and place her in her era.
2.  Briefly give background on her life as it relates to “separate spheres” and/or the “new woman”.
3.  Describe her work and how it was innovative ad made contributions tro our culture.
4.  Provide a multimedia example to support your discussion.
With so many options to choose from, try to select creative women different genres (music, art, dance, performance, literature, for exampjle) and choose those who have not previously been discussed.

   Part 1 (20 Points) Read the case study below and answer the 3  questions thou

Part 1 (20 Points)
Read the case study below and answer the 3  questions thou

Part 1 (20 Points)
Read the case study below and answer the 3  questions thoughtfully. Use at least 1 scholarly source to support your  answers.
Joaquin is a caregiver for a group of eight-year-olds. He would like to change the way some children react when there are problems among them. Danisha, the youngest boy in the group, never does anything wrong, but when someone else misbehaves, he loudly says, “You’re going to get in trouble for that.” Emily maintains control over her two friends by threatening, “I won’t invite you to my birthday party if you don’t do what I want!” Joaquin understands that Danisha is trying to be good and wants Joaquin to notice him, but also to punish the wrong-doers. Emily maintains control by doing what generations of children have done: withholding a promised pleasure. Joaquin knows these behaviors are not healthy for any of the children and wants to help them change. 
 1.  Why are the children reacting this way?  
2.  Joaquin wants to reinforce the importance of rules as well as to help the children move on to a higher plane of morality. What could he say to the children?  
3.  When you are faced with helping children make decisions about good or bad behavior, what do you want them to learn?
Part 2 (20 Points)
To focus your attention on values that are important to different  cultures: discuss the criticism that Kohlberg’s theory is based on  Western values. Share information about your own families. What were the  kinds of things expected of you as children? Do those values reflect  your culture? Are they different from Western values? If there are any,  how have you resolved the conflict between your own family values and  the values supported by Western society?

  Creative Contributions and The New Woman. Select one creative woman from the 1

Creative Contributions and The New Woman.
Select one creative woman from the 1

Creative Contributions and The New Woman.
Select one creative woman from the 19th century and early part of the 20th centuries and discuss how her works were innovative and made significant contributions to our culture during the era in which they were created/or how they make continuing contributions.  Your response should include the following:
1.  Name the creative woman and place her in her era.
2.  Briefly give background on her life as it relates to “separate spheres” and/or the “new woman”.
3.  Describe her work and how it was innovative ad made contributions tro our culture.
4.  Provide a multimedia example to support your discussion.
With so many options to choose from, try to select creative women different genres (music, art, dance, performance, literature, for exampjle) and choose those who have not previously been discussed.

  Discussion Question 1: After reading chapter two, American educators’ visitati

Discussion Question 1: After reading chapter two, American educators’ visitati

Discussion Question 1: After reading chapter two, American educators’ visitation of the Soviet school system differed from previous perceptions. Besides being ‘less robotic,’ what else startled American educators? Why do you believe this was so impactful?
Discussion Question 2: The Peacock chapter, pages 84-87, provides examples of the American Youth’s decay. Of these areas, which do you find most plausible?
Discussion Question 3: Why were girls more frequently used in Russian and American publications than males? Do you believe this is true today?
Discussion Question 4: Compare the ‘new image of the late 1950s child found on pages 106-110 to the idea of the American child discussed in previous modules. Is there a noticeable difference? If so, what? Does this perceived image provide a more meaningful stand against world communism?