3 pages Being selected to a national team is a great honor. National team memb

3 pages
Being selected to a national team is a great honor. National team memb

3 pages
Being selected to a national team is a great honor. National team members are invited and expected to represent their country in international competition. Because major international events do not always provide prize money or appearance fees, some athletes would rather attend a competition that pays for them for their work. Should athletes represent their country in competition for no money when compensation is available at a competition conducted elsewhere at the same time? Why or why not? (approximately 2 – 3 paragraphs is sufficient).
If a city is bidding to host the Olympic Games, what factors does the organizing committee need to consider when considering to bid for the Olympics? (approximately 2 – 3 paragraphs is sufficient).
In your own words (approximately 2 – 3 paragraphs) discuss some instances of corruption for major sporting events such as the FIFA World Cup, or many sports organizations, like the USOPC. Discuss why the corruption occurred and what could be done from a sport governance standpoint to prevent future corruption.
In your own words (approximately 2 – 3 paragraphs) explain what “Sport For All” means. “Sport For All” is. How does this relate to sport governance? 

 Reading Reflection  Reflect on your thoughts and ideas after completing the wee

 Reading Reflection 
Reflect on your thoughts and ideas after completing the wee

 Reading Reflection 
Reflect on your thoughts and ideas after completing the weekly reading (Chapter 3 and Reading Notes Module 3) to deepen your understanding of the teaching of thinking related to the assigned readings. Complete a three-paragraph reflection with headings that include: Cultural Diversity and Language Differences Key Vocabulary.
ELL – English language learners
ESL – English as a second language
Deficit position
Mismatch model
Difference position
Cultural responsiveness
Submersion programs
English as a Second Language Approach
Immersion Programs
Bilingual Education Approach
Code switching
Code mixing
BICS – Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills
CALP – Cognitive academic language proficienc
Reflect – Report the facts of what you read objectively. (Short, to the point, yet captures “essence” of the text, one paragraph)
Connect – Analyze the reading. How does this experience relate to earlier ones? How does it connect to what I already know, believe, or feel? Does it reinforce or expand my view? (your second paragraph)
Apply – Consider the future impact of the experience on you and the community. How can I use what I have learned from the reading in my current or future teaching? (your third paragraph)
Missing Needs Improvement. Meets Expectations Proficient
Criterion Score
0 points
Required component is missing.
1.62 points
Reflection is incomplete with few details and/or examples.
1.82 points
Reflection shows some thoughtfulness, has some details and/or examples,
2 points
Reflection shows thorough thoughtfulness, has supporting details and examples.
Score of Reflect,
/ 2
0 points
Required component is missing.
1.62 points
Connection is incomplete with few details and/or examples.
1.82 points
Connection is acceptable but not complete, does not have deep thought behind it.
2 points
Connection analyzes the reading and relates it to earlier readings, videos, experiences.
Score of Connect,
/ 2
0 points
Required component is missing.
1.62 points
Application is incomplete with few details and/or examples.
1.82 points
Application is acceptable but not complete, does not have deep thought behind it.
2 points
Apply – future uses of this information are suggested.
Score of Apply,
/ 2

Develop a set of six knowledge-level objectives for a unit for grades 6–8. Then,

Develop a set of six knowledge-level objectives for a unit for grades 6–8. Then,

Develop a set of six knowledge-level objectives for a unit for grades 6–8. Then, develop six objectives at a higher level (that is, NOT knowledge level) for grades 9–12. Refer to Bloom’s Taxonomy for cue words to include. Also, generate a rationale for using objectives and explain how they enhance the teaching/learning experience. Justify your response by using at least one current, educational resource.

I need help  Reading Prep- Week 4    From the article you are reading (depending

I need help
 Reading Prep- Week 4 
From the article you are reading (depending

I need help
 Reading Prep- Week 4 
From the article you are reading (depending on what section you are in) this week, select three quotes that resonate with you. For each quote, write 2-3 sentences (or questions) reflecting on why the quote stood out to you. 
Don’t forget to close with a short and general “take-away” from the reading!

  As early childhood professionals, our methods of communication with young chil

As early childhood professionals, our methods of communication with young chil

As early childhood professionals, our methods of communication with young children supply a model for effective positive communication. Understanding the communication capabilities of young children helps us to plan for developmentally proper positive communication. Before beginning this discussion, go to Stopbullying.gov. (n.d.). Understanding the roles of early education and child care providers in community-wide bullying prevention efforts  (This resource is also located in the Readings and Resources section of this unit.)
Read the information on bullying, where you will learn that toddlers can be aggressive when relating to their peers. Here is a quote from the website that will help your focus on the importance of this topic. “Peer aggression has been studied extensively among young children (ages 3-5) and has been found to be quite common in preschool and kindergarten. In fact, peer aggression is more likely among young children than any other age group.” (Hanish, Kochenderfer-Ladd, Fabes, Martin, & Denning, 2004).
In your first response to this discussion, share and comment on what you learned from the federal government’s Stop Bullying website. 

  Create a PowerPoint with 13 slides, providing information about the United S

Create a PowerPoint with 13 slides, providing information about the United S

Create a PowerPoint with 13 slides, providing information about the United States Constitution. to educate a group of students or adults about the core tenets listed below for an upcoming Constitution Day celebration in a school setting.
You may select a grade level 1-12, teachers, or parents as your audience. Please specify your intended audience and include other pertinent information within the speaker notes. Your presentation should be engaging and appropriate for your chosen audience.
Include speaker notes below each content-related slide that represent what would be said if giving the presentation in person. Expand upon the information included in the slide and do not simply restate it. Please ensure the speaker notes include a minimum of 50-100 words in your speaker notes per slide.
Provide slides on the following topics:
Title Slide
Basic Structure of the Constitution
The Rationale to create the United States Constitution
The Primary ‘Architect’ of the Constitution
The Powers of Congress
The Powers of the President
The Powers of Judiciary
The Concept of ‘Limited Government’
The System of Checks and Balances
The Bill of Rights
The Constitutional Amendment Process
Reference Slide

 Four Questions and each one requires 150 words and one reference EACH 1. The ex

 Four Questions and each one requires 150 words and one reference EACH
1. The ex

 Four Questions and each one requires 150 words and one reference EACH
1. The executive branch of the government is responsible for the U.S. Department of Education. What purpose does the U.S. Department of Education serve? How does this department work with States’ Departments of Education and local school districts? In your opinion, does having a U.S. Department of Education benefit K-12 education in the United States? Why or why not?
2. An argument for nationalizing educational standards is that failing to educate students across the nation presents a national security threat; we will not be as competitive as our international competitors without a strong standardized education system. Is this a valid argument? Are there reasonable alternatives other than national education standards to protect national security? What other reasons are there for national educational standards other than promoting national security?
3. Discuss the impact of the Progressive movement on the creation of the Arizona Constitution, including the declaration of rights, ballot initiatives, and recall of judges. Defend your position with examples from this week’s resources or other readings.
4. Compare and contrast the U.S. Constitution and the Arizona Constitution. Discuss three findings that account for the significant differences in length. Include at least one source to support your answer. 

Part 1: Conduct a Skills Assessment – VB-MAPP, PEAK, or AFLS (student choice)  I

Part 1: Conduct a Skills Assessment – VB-MAPP, PEAK, or AFLS (student choice) 

Part 1: Conduct a Skills Assessment – VB-MAPP, PEAK, or AFLS (student choice) 
I choose the PEAK
[BACB Task List (5th edition) content areas F1, F2, F3, F4, F9]
1. Select a learner for this project and obtain requisite permissions (participant, parent/guardian, employer) to conduct a skills assessment. If you do not work with learners, you are welcome to use a friend or family member – children under 5 are best suited for the VB-MAPP assessment; PEAK and AFLS can be used with any age learner/person. The assessment may be conducted virtually. Please obtain or create the permission form on your own, which should include: your name, the purpose of the assessment (in partial completion of this course) and what will occur with the results (they will be submitted for a grade to your CI, using a pseudonym, and may be provided to the family upon request – they may not be used for any official records for the learner). You will not turn in this permission form.
2. Conduct and score at least 2 sections (domains) of the assessment you select (see below for details on obtaining the assessments). Note that PEAK is only one area, and domains are scattered throughout the assessment. 
3. Analyze results of the assessment and identify strengths and areas of need.
4. Develop instructional goals for 5 prioritized skills for the learner based on assessment results. Substantiate the social significance of these goals for your participant.
Option 2: Promoting Emergence of Advanced Knowledge (PEAK):
Assessor script and scoring guide: http://www.peakaba.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/PEAK-DT-PA-4.5.17.pdfLinks to an external site. 
Flip Book (materials for assessment): https://www.dropbox.com/s/0u074qg9zynchc5/PEAK%20DT%20Flipbook%20.pdf?dl=0Links to an external site. 

  Create a digital newsletter for families of ELLs to explain assessment practic

Create a digital newsletter for families of ELLs to explain assessment practic

Create a digital newsletter for families of ELLs to explain assessment practices. Consider how you communicate the information for non-native English-speaking families. Include the following in your newsletter:
Description of each type of assessment (diagnostic, formative, and summative), including how and when each will be used to support English language instruction
Explanation of alignment of the assessments to ELP and content standards and the use of assessment data to determine student progress in both language and content
Description of testing accommodations for ELLs
Discussion of how the data from assessments will be used to inform instructional decisions and planning, including enrichment and interventions
Identify strategies to communicate timely and meaningful feedback with students and families, including student self-reflection strategies
Support your newsletter with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

  Each student is responsible for reviewing and evaluating one website/technolog

Each student is responsible for reviewing and evaluating one website/technolog

Each student is responsible for reviewing and evaluating one website/technology resource program for young children. Each review should include:
Generally, describe the program (including ages appropriate for), and identify potential educational goals for preschool-aged children and elementary-aged children.
Present your analysis of the program’s potential use with young children with
two different types of disabilities (your choice)
Present an analysis of issues relating to its use with students from different cultural backgrounds.
Present this information in the form of an in-class presentation including all the above components.
Each student will be expected to complete an assessment of their knowledge by examining case studies and provide the appropriate recommendations as it relates to teaching strategies and learning.