Important Notes: Each forum will be completed in 2 parts: Part One a thread add

Important Notes:
Each forum will be completed in 2 parts: Part One a thread add

Important Notes:
Each forum will be completed in 2 parts: Part One a thread addressing the instructor’s prompt (400–500 words) and
Part Two 2 replies (200–300 words each) to classmates’ threads.
One appropriate citation reference must be made in current APA format in each thread and reply. First person is allowed in your posts.
Part One: Instructors Promt:
How can local school districts work with colleges to help ensure students are prepared to be effective special education teachers within the classroom? What might you do as a future special education administrator to partner with local colleges and universities to offer programs or collaborative professional development for teacher educator students as well as your own faculty that would promote professional development learning? Share 1–2 personal experiences or research supported examples of successful collaborative partnerships between the school district and college/university setting.
Part Two: Student Replies:
Patricia Arnold:
There is no doubt that educational leadership plays an influential part on student educational outcomes. Local school districts can work with colleges to afford future teachers the opportunity exposure to highly qualified special education teacher classrooms through cooperative relationships. However, this can even extend to the high school level to create a deeper pipeline to teaching, which is where I think it should begin. According to a research article by Holcomb-McCoy (2023), American University (AU) is partnering with local high schools to foster interest in teaching in local District of Columbia Schools. High school students can take teaching introduction courses for college credit while still in high school through a dual enrollment situation. These students can then go on to AU as “teaching fellows” with a Child Development Associate (CDA) credential afforded to them through completion of the high school program. Then as a “Teaching Fellow” they can work in early childhood settings, receive scholarships as they work through their college coursework. At the end of this journey is a teaching job in DC schools. Not only does this program create hands-on learning opportunities, it equips them for the classroom and helps ease their financial burdens along the way. AU has created a pipeline for teachers from high school to the classroom.
Likewise, in my district, we have a teacher cadet program ( High schools offer a teacher cadet class that gives high schoolers interested in teaching an opportunity to have some time in Elementary and Middle School classrooms while earning college credit through Shenandoah University. At my school, this class is taught by a special education teacher and students have to apply and interview to be accepted into the class. At the end of the program, the future teachers are presented with a letter of intent to be hired in our country after completion of undergraduate degree and licensure program. They have an actual “signing day,” like college bound athlete style, to celebrate their accomplishment and commitment. This class is taught by a special education teacher in my school and students have to apply and interview to be accepted into the class.
I truly love the thought of colleges and universities extending opportunities to high school students to create a pipeline of future educators. The collaborative investment these programs provide for colleges, schools, teachers, students, and school districts is positive and can lead to a truly invested teacher workforce.
Holcomb-McCoy, C. (2023). Creating teacher education programs to solve the teacher shortage. Childhood Education, 99(2),(72-78). Doi:10.1080000094056
Loudoun County High School (28 January, 2024). Teacher Cadet Program,
Amanda Schmdit-Sines:
Currently there is a push for school districts and colleges to work together in general education programs in order to help preservice teachers prepare and gain on job knowledge and training. These teacher programs specifically focus on elementary general education settings. According to other research, there is limited exposure to internships and experience for preservice teachers (Bouck et al., 2021). Increased experiences are needed to impact students and those in particular with disabilities. Preservice teachers need more secondary placements to work with special education and gain the experience of working with students with disabilities. Preservice teachers admit to needing more resources and exposure to working with students with disabilities. When preservice teachers have the experience and resources prior to being on their own, they have more confidence in working with students with disabilities and in their roles and responsibilities (Bouck et al., 2021). The lack of understanding of the roles and responsibilities adds to the higher turnover of special education teachers.
Local districts need to work with colleges to ensure that preservice teachers are able to intern and work with all levels in the public school and also need experience and exposure to all disabilities. The experiences should be worthwhile and in depth in order to benefit the future teachers. The local district should also work with the local colleges to ensure that the current laws, procedures, and policies are being taught and understood by preservice teachers. The understanding of roles and responsibilities is also important for preservice teachers prepare and understand the scope of expectations for special education teachers to help with turnover. It would also be beneficial for preservice teachers to have qualified teachers discuss their roles, responsibilities, day to day tasks, and current issues. When preservice teachers are more prepared, they will be more equipped to navigate the expectations and classroom. To promote professional development, tenured teachers and highly qualified teachers need to work together to ensure that they are following the newest policies and procedures. These groups also need to work in collaboration with the colleges to understand how and why concepts are being taught and help the professors adjust their way of teaching so that future teachers feel prepared with experience and knowledge when they go into their classrooms and work with students with disabilities.
Bouck, E. C., Sands, P., Long, H., & Yadav, A. (2021). Preparing Special Education Preservice Teachers to Teach Computational Thinking and Computer Science in Mathematics. Teacher Education and Special Education, 44(3), 221-238.

Question 1 (3 points). Position yourself on the role of automatic and controlled

Question 1 (3 points). Position yourself on the role of automatic and controlled

Question 1 (3 points). Position yourself on the role of automatic and controlled processes in social cognition. Question 2 (3 points): Ask yourself whether the possible outcomes based on self-evaluation and self-excitation motivation are in competition or compatible with each other. Question 3 (4 points). In response to the question “If we have a positive attitude towards a behavior, will we perform that behavior? Explain your answer.”, an artificial intelligence software answered
Read also the instructions below

Overview Upon completing a doctoral degree, you should share your dissertation f

Upon completing a doctoral degree, you should share your dissertation f

Upon completing a doctoral degree, you should share your dissertation findings by publishing them in a scholarly journal. The purpose of this assignment is for you to understand the steps in the publication process while becoming familiar with author guidelines for scholarly journals. You will gain experience identifying an appropriate journal for future publication; however, you are not required to submit to a journal in this assignment.
1.You will demonstrate the ability to identify an appropriate journal for publishing an article based on the developing dissertation. Review published empirical research on your chosen dissertation topic and identify the research journals most often identified in your reference section. Choose one that is a good fit for future publication from your list of most frequently cited research journals.
2.Go to your selected journal’s home web page and read about the journal. Most journals will provide information (often called author guidelines) about the types of articles they publish and the style of formatting required. Look through the journal expectations and requirements.
3.Next, create a cover letter addressed to the key gatekeeper for the selected journal (often an editor). Note: You are not required to submit an article to the journal.
a.Your cover letter content must include all required sections of the journal’s instructions.
b.Your letter’s content must be addressed to an appropriate journal team member and accurately describe the nature of the research article.
c.Explain why the research article would be a good fit and should be considered.
d.Place the link to the journal’s author’s instructions or guidelines website at the top of the page of the letter, as seen in the provided Journal Cover Letter Example.
Your letter will be assessed using the Journal Cover Letter Grading Rubric.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Important Notes:
Journal Cover Letter template, and grading rubric is attached
Research Topic:
Impact of the Under-representation of African American Male Administrators in K-12 Leadership on the Retention of African American Male Educator
Research Questions
How does the proportion of African American male administrators in K-12 schools correlate with the retention rates of African American male educators?
To what extent does the under-representation of African American male administrators in K-12 leadership roles predict the likelihood of retention for African American male educators?

Important Notes: Each forum will be completed in 2 parts: Part One a thread add

Important Notes:
Each forum will be completed in 2 parts: Part One a thread add

Important Notes:
Each forum will be completed in 2 parts: Part One a thread addressing the instructor’s prompt (400–500 words) and
Part Two 2 replies (200–300 words each) to classmates’ threads.
One appropriate citation reference must be made in current APA format in each thread and reply. First person is allowed in your posts.
Part One: Instructors Promt:
How can local school districts work with colleges to help ensure students are prepared to be effective special education teachers within the classroom? What might you do as a future special education administrator to partner with local colleges and universities to offer programs or collaborative professional development for teacher educator students as well as your own faculty that would promote professional development learning? Share 1–2 personal experiences or research supported examples of successful collaborative partnerships between the school district and college/university setting.
Part Two: Student Replies:
Patricia Arnold:
There is no doubt that educational leadership plays an influential part on student educational outcomes. Local school districts can work with colleges to afford future teachers the opportunity exposure to highly qualified special education teacher classrooms through cooperative relationships. However, this can even extend to the high school level to create a deeper pipeline to teaching, which is where I think it should begin. According to a research article by Holcomb-McCoy (2023), American University (AU) is partnering with local high schools to foster interest in teaching in local District of Columbia Schools. High school students can take teaching introduction courses for college credit while still in high school through a dual enrollment situation. These students can then go on to AU as “teaching fellows” with a Child Development Associate (CDA) credential afforded to them through completion of the high school program. Then as a “Teaching Fellow” they can work in early childhood settings, receive scholarships as they work through their college coursework. At the end of this journey is a teaching job in DC schools. Not only does this program create hands-on learning opportunities, it equips them for the classroom and helps ease their financial burdens along the way. AU has created a pipeline for teachers from high school to the classroom.
Likewise, in my district, we have a teacher cadet program ( High schools offer a teacher cadet class that gives high schoolers interested in teaching an opportunity to have some time in Elementary and Middle School classrooms while earning college credit through Shenandoah University. At my school, this class is taught by a special education teacher and students have to apply and interview to be accepted into the class. At the end of the program, the future teachers are presented with a letter of intent to be hired in our country after completion of undergraduate degree and licensure program. They have an actual “signing day,” like college bound athlete style, to celebrate their accomplishment and commitment. This class is taught by a special education teacher in my school and students have to apply and interview to be accepted into the class.
I truly love the thought of colleges and universities extending opportunities to high school students to create a pipeline of future educators. The collaborative investment these programs provide for colleges, schools, teachers, students, and school districts is positive and can lead to a truly invested teacher workforce.
Holcomb-McCoy, C. (2023). Creating teacher education programs to solve the teacher shortage. Childhood Education, 99(2),(72-78). Doi:10.1080000094056
Loudoun County High School (28 January, 2024). Teacher Cadet Program,
Amanda Schmdit-Sines:
Currently there is a push for school districts and colleges to work together in general education programs in order to help preservice teachers prepare and gain on job knowledge and training. These teacher programs specifically focus on elementary general education settings. According to other research, there is limited exposure to internships and experience for preservice teachers (Bouck et al., 2021). Increased experiences are needed to impact students and those in particular with disabilities. Preservice teachers need more secondary placements to work with special education and gain the experience of working with students with disabilities. Preservice teachers admit to needing more resources and exposure to working with students with disabilities. When preservice teachers have the experience and resources prior to being on their own, they have more confidence in working with students with disabilities and in their roles and responsibilities (Bouck et al., 2021). The lack of understanding of the roles and responsibilities adds to the higher turnover of special education teachers.
Local districts need to work with colleges to ensure that preservice teachers are able to intern and work with all levels in the public school and also need experience and exposure to all disabilities. The experiences should be worthwhile and in depth in order to benefit the future teachers. The local district should also work with the local colleges to ensure that the current laws, procedures, and policies are being taught and understood by preservice teachers. The understanding of roles and responsibilities is also important for preservice teachers prepare and understand the scope of expectations for special education teachers to help with turnover. It would also be beneficial for preservice teachers to have qualified teachers discuss their roles, responsibilities, day to day tasks, and current issues. When preservice teachers are more prepared, they will be more equipped to navigate the expectations and classroom. To promote professional development, tenured teachers and highly qualified teachers need to work together to ensure that they are following the newest policies and procedures. These groups also need to work in collaboration with the colleges to understand how and why concepts are being taught and help the professors adjust their way of teaching so that future teachers feel prepared with experience and knowledge when they go into their classrooms and work with students with disabilities.
Bouck, E. C., Sands, P., Long, H., & Yadav, A. (2021). Preparing Special Education Preservice Teachers to Teach Computational Thinking and Computer Science in Mathematics. Teacher Education and Special Education, 44(3), 221-238.

Task 1: Understanding the Diverse Needs of Children with Special Needs Objective

Task 1: Understanding the Diverse Needs of Children with Special Needs

Task 1: Understanding the Diverse Needs of Children with Special Needs
Objective: Deepen students’ understanding of the various challenges faced by children with special needs.
Assignment: Write a literature review on the physical, emotional, and academic challenges encountered by preschool children with special needs. Discuss the implications of these challenges on their learning and development.
APA 7 Length Requirement: 4-5 pages, excluding title and reference pages. introduction, body, conclusion and reference. please cited is super important and be sure no IA.

Select a dilemma from your field experience or personal experience related to te

Select a dilemma from your field experience or personal experience related to te

Select a dilemma from your field experience or personal experience related to teaching and learning. Before selecting a topic, think about how you will research this topic, the data collection process, and how this research will facilitate social change. Once you have selected a topic, answer the following prompts in a 3- to 5-page paper:
Describe a dilemma from your field experience or personal experience related to teaching and learning. Share background on the topic and any previous work done on this topic.
Explain the importance of the topic and how it resonates with your passion associated with this dilemma.
Generate a research question in relation to the dilemma you identified in teaching and learning, focusing on improving student performance and teaching practices.
Explain how action research might support addressing this dilemma.
Be sure to include references in your response using APA 7 format.……

Understanding the Diverse Needs of Children with Special Needs Objective: Deepen

Understanding the Diverse Needs of Children with Special Needs
Objective: Deepen

Understanding the Diverse Needs of Children with Special Needs
Objective: Deepen students’ understanding of the various challenges faced by children with special needs.
Write a literature review on the physical, emotional, and academic challenges encountered by preschool children with special needs. Discuss the implications of these challenges on their learning and development.
APA 7 Length Requirement:

Question 1 (3 points). Position yourself on the role of automatic and controlled

Question 1 (3 points). Position yourself on the role of automatic and controlled

Question 1 (3 points). Position yourself on the role of automatic and controlled processes in social cognition. Question 2 (3 points): Ask yourself whether the possible outcomes based on self-evaluation and self-excitation motivation are in competition or compatible with each other. Question 3 (4 points). In response to the question “If we have a positive attitude towards a behavior, will we perform that behavior? Explain your answer.”, an artificial intelligence software answered
Read also the instructions below

For each Journal Critique, you will evaluate and critique one research article f

For each Journal Critique, you will evaluate and critique one research article f

For each Journal Critique, you will evaluate and critique one research article from a professional journal. The journal can be from any discipline that details the current trends in special education leadership. You are encouraged to select articles to help you complete your Journal Analysis Paper Assignment. All articles must be current (published within the last five years). The assignment must be in current APA format and must include a title page and a reference page; it must also be 225–250 words. The title page, in-text citations, and reference page are NOT included in the word limit.
Journal Critiques consist of 3 parts (each part must be only 1 paragraph): Part 1 – Summary Paragraph, Part 2 – Analysis of Author’s Key Points, and Part 3 – Personal Response. Personal pronouns are appropriate only in the Part 3 – Personal Response section of the Journal Critique.
When composing your reviews, remember to use professional, graduate-level writing. Do not begin with “This article is about…” Instead, open the review with a strong thesis statement and summarize the author’s main points in the first paragraph. Using third person, state your personal reaction to the article in the final paragraph (“This author agrees/disagrees…” or “one can see that…”).
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

For each Journal Critique, you will evaluate and critique one research article f

For each Journal Critique, you will evaluate and critique one research article f

For each Journal Critique, you will evaluate and critique one research article from a professional journal. The journal can be from any discipline that details the current trends in special education leadership. You are encouraged to select articles to help you complete your Journal Analysis Paper Assignment. All articles must be current (published within the last five years). The assignment must be in current APA format and must include a title page and a reference page; it must also be 225–250 words. The title page, in-text citations, and reference page are NOT included in the word limit.
Journal Critiques consist of 3 parts (each part must be only 1 paragraph): Part 1 – Summary Paragraph, Part 2 – Analysis of Author’s Key Points, and Part 3 – Personal Response. Personal pronouns are appropriate only in the Part 3 – Personal Response section of the Journal Critique.
When composing your reviews, remember to use professional, graduate-level writing. Do not begin with “This article is about…” Instead, open the review with a strong thesis statement and summarize the author’s main points in the first paragraph. Using third person, state your personal reaction to the article in the final paragraph (“This author agrees/disagrees…” or “one can see that…”).
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.