Reading Assignment 1 Defining Deviance Introduction, Tammy L. Anderson, https:/

Reading Assignment 1
Defining Deviance
Introduction, Tammy L. Anderson, https:/

Reading Assignment 1
Defining Deviance
Introduction, Tammy L. Anderson,…
Rules for the Distinction of The Normal and the Pathological, Emile Durkheim /
Notes on the Sociology of Deviance, Kai T. Erikson /
Definitions of Deviance and Deviance and the Responses of Others from Outsiders, Howard S. Becker /
Defining Deviance Down, Daniel Moynihan /
Connections: Definitions of Deviance and the Case of Underage Drinking and Drunk Driving, Tammy L. Anderson, Critical Thinking Questions /
Deliverable Length: 2-3 pages (Each question should be 1-5 pages total)
Answer two questions:
1. Durkheim treats deviance and crime as objective, measurable social facts. Deviance is both normal (ALL societies have patterns of deviance/crime) and pathological (patterns of deviance/crime are statistically infrequent compared to conforming behavior patterns). Explain how recreational marijuana use may be both normal and pathological social behavior. If most people have used marijuana (“normal”), how can it be defined as deviant (“pathological”)?
2. Erikson argues that deviance is NOT an objective quality of behavior; rather, social audiences label deviance based on directly or indirectly witnessing such behavior. In short, deviance is less about statistical evidence and more a quality of social reaction. Using drunk driving as an example, how does audience reaction establish boundaries between recreational drinking and drunk driving, especially the legal response to the latter? In your answer pay particular attention to age of offenders as an important boundary.
3. Emile Durkheim has written that crime is “normal.” Similarly, Kai T. Erikson maintains that deviant behavior functions to uphold community standards by punishing the deviant. Explain how deviance and crime can be normal and/or functional. Pay particular attention to the sociological context of crime/deviance in your answer. How does boundary maintenance relate to the sociological idea that crime/deviance is normal?
4. Summarize Becker’s four different viewpoints on deviance: statistical; medical/disease; failure to obey group rules; and labels defined through social interaction. Which of the four do you think is the most important in understanding the persistence of deviance in society?
5. Moynihan contends that society is in a constant state of defining and redefining what is considered deviant, “so as to exempt much conduct previously stigmatized and also quietly raising the “normal” level in categories where behavior is now abnormal by any earlier standard.” Discuss the three specific types of redefinition he covers: the altruistic, the opportunistic, and the normalizing.

Read chapter 2

Read chapter 2

Read chapter 2
hink about the difference between norm-referenced and criterion referenced assessments. What type of assessment is the ACT? SAT? GRE? In your opinion, which type of assessment is best to use in college admissions decisions? Is it appropriate for colleges and graduate programs to have minimum cut-off scores when reviewing standardized test scores in the admissions process? How would you recommend that scores from admissions tests be incorporated into admissions decisions? Be sure that your answer is thorough, scholarly and grammatically correct. Your initial post must be a minimum of 200 words.

21st Century Skills and Standards In this assignment, you need to think about 21

21st Century Skills and Standards
In this assignment, you need to think about 21

21st Century Skills and Standards
In this assignment, you need to think about 21st century support systems, the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), and International Society for Technology in Education StudentLinks to an external site. (ISTE-S) standards and their relationship with quality instructional planning, delivery, and learner achievement. Using the Framework for 21st Century learningLinks to an external site. as a resource, you will redesign or modify a prior activity, such as a lesson plan or curriculum project, that you created in a prior course. If you do not have previous work to use for this assignment, please contact your instructor for guidelines on how to proceed. As needed, refer to your program learning outcomes (PLOs) list Download program learning outcomes (PLOs) list(MACI, MAECEL, MAED, MASE, MATLT).
NOTE* Before you select the PLO’s you will highlight in this assignment, be sure to read the final assignment for this course to ensure that you will cover each of your programs PLOs adequately.
Create your assignment to meet the content and written communication expectations below.
Content Expectations
The Redesign expectations explain what you are required to do with the prior coursework you choose to redesign. The Summary expectations are for the separate written portion of this assignment.
Redesign – ISTE-S Standard (1 Point): Redesign a lesson plan or curriculum project that reflects a minimum of one ISTE-S standard labeled with number, title, and objective(s). For example:
Creativity and Innovation
Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products and processes.
Redesign – Grade Level / CCSS Alignment (1 Point): Redesign a lesson plan or curriculum project that clearly labels a grade level and content specific CCSSLinks to an external site. (Math or English Language Arts) which is aligned with a minimum of one Core Subject and 21st Century ThemesLinks to an external site. and a minimum of one Learning and Innovation SkillLinks to an external site., one Information, Media, & Technology SkillLinks to an external site., and evidence of at least one Life and Career SkillLinks to an external site..
Summary – Introduction/Conclusion (1 Point): In one paragraph, provide an introductory summary that concisely presents the scope and organization of the summary writing and a one-paragraph conclusion that summarizes the key points of your summary.
Summary – Modification (2 Point): In one paragraph, summarize the changes you made to address ISTE- S, CCSS, and 21st Century Skills and how your activity addresses each. Explicitly state how your redesign assignment provides evidence of at least two PLO’s from your master’s program Download PLO’s from your master’s program.
Summary – Evaluation (2 Point): In one paragraph, evaluate the appropriate 21st century support system components that align with your redesigned activity and, using examples, evaluate how each influences learner-centered instruction and the creation of a technology-enriched learning environment promoting learner achievement and innovations. 21st century support systems include: 21st century standards, assessment for 21st century skills, 21st century curriculum and instruction, and 21st century learning environments.
Summary – Reflection (2 Point): In one paragraph, summarize your experience with the redesign in terms of challenges you encountered and how you overcame those challenges.
Written Communication Expectations
Page Requirement (.25 points): Two to four pages, not including title and references pages.
APA Formatting (.25 points): Use APA formatting consistently throughout the assignment.
Syntax and Mechanics (.25 points): Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics such as spelling and grammar.
Source Requirement (.25 points): Reference three scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook.
All sources on the references page need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.
For information related to APA style, including samples and tutorials, please visit the Writing CenterLinks to an external site..
Next Steps: Review and Submit the Assignment
Review your assignment with the Grading Rubric to be sure you have achieved the distinguished levels of performance for each criterion. Next, submit the assignment for evaluation no later than Day 7.

Answer the following questions and reply to two classmates similar to Module 1 c

Answer the following questions and reply to two classmates similar to Module 1 c

Answer the following questions and reply to two classmates similar to Module 1 cases.
Case Reflection # 9 – “Review of the link” – page 111
1. Does professional development in the school focus on individual learning or group learning?
2. Is professional development in the school a short-term or a long-term effort to target specific improvement? What are the clues?
3. Does the goal of professional development in the school strive for excellence and realized full potential or adequacy and minimum standards?
Case Reflection # 10 – ” The Made Coach” – page 121
1. How does this letter impact the dismissal process?
2. What are some implications for leadership presented in this case?
3. What will you do in response to this situation?

State your views on the purpose of school. Include at least two points that are

State your views on the purpose of school. Include at least two points that are

State your views on the purpose of school. Include at least two points that are not listed in the “Where Do You Stand?” exercise, and explain your reasoning.
Explain how your views about the purpose of school relate to your ideas about the role of a teacher professional. Include ways critical thinking and self-directed learning will support your role as a teacher professional.
Working from your concept of the purpose of school, state 2–3 goals for how you can embody the Walden goal of promoting positive change as a teacher—in transmitting culture or in reconstructing society.
Refer to the text and other resources this week to support your thinking. Be sure to cite all Learning Resources using APA style.

Your coursework preceding this project will have prepared you for the evaluation

Your coursework preceding this project will have prepared you for the evaluation

Your coursework preceding this project will have prepared you for the evaluation criteria of this project. Using the knowledge gained in the preceding coursework, revise and submit your plans for initial evaluation in this project. You MUST use the Teachers of Tomorrow 700.5PBP Template Download 700.5PBP Template for this lesson. You must score at least 40 points out of 50 points on each submission to pass this assignment.
As before, this project is much more detailed than lesson plans typically used in the classroom. The performance-based assessments are designed to evaluate candidate skills in a comprehensive way; thus, candidates are asked to provide much more detail than in traditional plans so that the instructor is able to evaluate skills in these areas.
Questioning strategies and feedback
Accommodations and modifications
The extent to which the lesson is differentiated
Assessment for learning
The overall plan
For 700.5P, candidates submit two complete and original lesson plans for feedback and final evaluation. The parts of the lesson plan form that will be scored include Differentiation (Reteach and Extensions) Closure, Questions, Modifications and Accommodations, Assessments, and the Overall Plan.
While each lesson is designed to deliver the state-required content for the grade level, some students require additional learning supports to successfully access this content. Students who are learning the English language, or who have learning disabilities, are especially in need of these supports. There are multiple supports for learning that are available for all students; however, more intensive supports are often required for some learners with greater needs. These more intensive supports fall into two categories; accommodations and modifications.
The components scored in 700.4PBP should still be present here. When complete, these will represent two complete lesson plans.
Each lesson is evaluated on the extent to which it is differentiated to address these learning differences. The process of how students will learn the content can be differentiated for learning modalities, supports for English learners, and those with learning disabilities. We can differentiate the content – what students will learn. This is important because students all come to us with different levels of readiness. We need to plan activities that meet students where they are. Finally, we can differentiate the products that students produce to show us what they have learned. Consider learning styles, prior learning experiences, and any supports needed so that everyone can access the curriculum.
We evaluate the assessment to determine how well it provides information about student learning. Does the candidate include information on the type of assessment, and is the assessment adapted for diverse needs?
This class includes the following students from TCR 300. As you plan your modifications, accommodations and differentiation, be sure to address their needs. You will be scored on this.
Angelo – Angelo is a student with special needs. He has a learning disability and is slow to process information. He is usually happy and helpful.
Nancy – Nancy recently moved from Korea and is well-educated. She does not yet know English. She is at the beginning level for speaking and writing, but at the intermediate level for listening and reading.
Corinne – Corinne is a GT student. She was, however, suspended three times last year for fighting. In class, she is happy and easy-going, but can quickly escalate if she feels disrespected.
Thoughtful and explicit differentiation in content or process for the following groups of students. Be sure to review what constitutes differentiation if needed. It is NOT accommodating or modifying, but – rather – delivering and assessing instruction in a manner that helps students access the content.
Regular Education students who are struggling and possibly Special Education students
GT students
Formative assessment – questioning. It should be clear throughout the plan that students are engaging with the materials and that the teacher is formatively assessing student learning with developmentally and instructionally appropriate questions that are aligned with the rigor of the learning objective. At least 6 specific questions should be scripted and included in the lesson plan. They do not have to be all in the same part of the plan. Embed them where they would fall in the lesson. For example, if you are checking for prior knowledge as an introduction to the lesson, a few questions may go at the beginning of the lesson. Other questions may come after initial instruction. Others may be part of the assessment. Just be sure to include at least 6 questions total and indicate them according to instructions (highlight them) so that your instructor can find them easily.
End of lesson assessment – can be formative or summative. The candidate should include detailed information about the type of assessment used (observation, multiple choice quiz, exit ticket with two constructed response questions, etc.)
Differentiated assessment for diverse student needs – the plan should include a brief description of how this assessment either is or can be differentiated for academically challenged and EL learners.
Accommodations (learning aids, oral test administration, etc.) are detailed and explicitly designed for the needs of the student populations including GT, EL, Special Education.
Modifications – For the purpose of this lesson, you will consider the needs of Angelo, and explain where in the lesson any modifications would be used.
Label the modifications and accommodations separately so that we can see you understand the difference between the two. These are legal obligations for what you must provide for specific students in your class.In the reflection, the candidate will answer each of the following questions in 1 – 3 paragraphs using complete sentences. This should be a thoughtful and thorough analysis of the reasoning behind your instructional choices. Number your answers to correspond with the question.
Explain the prerequisite skills students will need to be successful in this lesson.
Explain how your answer to the question above influenced your decisions regarding the differentiation strategies used.
Explain how your instructional strategies, accommodations, modifications, and assessment(s) address the needs of English Learners, including Nancy.
Please follow the directions carefully and refer to the Criteria and Grading Rubric Download Criteria and Grading Rubricfor this project.
You MUST use the Teachers of Tomorrow 700.5PBP Template Download 700.5PBP Templatefor this lesson.
See an outstanding example of this project, our 700.5PBP Exemplar Download 700.5PBP Exemplar.

Please follow this sheet for my reflective statement, action plan and long term

Please follow this sheet for my reflective statement, action plan and long term

Please follow this sheet for my reflective statement, action plan and long term and short term job spec . Remember to reference everything in Haward including my action plan and my short term role is a early years teacher and long term role is a play therapist. In the reflective statement include theory links to kholb and the self determination theory . I will send a list of useful reading to help but please add your own . I’m also sending an example of what this reflective piece should look like.
I have attached instructions here:
Sample of work here;

For this assignment, you will identify a topic of interest (e.g., a specific spe

For this assignment, you will identify a topic of interest (e.g., a specific spe

For this assignment, you will identify a topic of interest (e.g., a specific special education leadership or administration practice or policy) and develop a presentation for stakeholders linking research to practice through the use of evidence-based practices. Presentations must be 20–25 minutes (15-20 slides) not Including title and reference ,and address the policy foundations and knowledge base supporting this practice. You must include detailed schlorly notes in the section of the PowerPoint.
Your presentation must focus on the significance of the research, evidence, outcomes based on your findings, and implications for practice. Include a final slide titled References and include 5–6 scholarly references. You must identify relevant scriptural principles and perspectives from a biblical worldview, including at least one relevant Bible verse.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.