Overview In this assignment, you will develop the first draft of your Research P

In this assignment, you will develop the first draft of your Research P

In this assignment, you will develop the first draft of your Research Plan: Chapter 3. You will develop Chapter 3 per the Dissertation Handbook and the Quantitative Dissertation Template. Chapter 3 will be a viable method chapter for a doctoral dissertation.
You will create every section based on the Quantitative Dissertation Template and demonstrate mastery of the primary research design. You will provide a rationale for an appropriate design and the chosen data analysis. You will gain experience writing a null hypothesis(es) that aligns with the research question(s). You will provide information about participants, settings, procedures, and instrumentation.
Quantitative Dissertation Template provided with this assignment.
Prepare a well-developed draft of the third chapter of your research plan’s methodology, including all front matter found in the Quantitative Dissertation Template:
You must include all required sections in the template of Chapter 3 and include all components of each section as the template describes. Replace the typed instructions in each template section with the needed content, ensuring all headings and formatting remain intact.
Clearly identify the chosen quantitative design and extensively support your choice of design using primary text(s). The data collection plans should reflect the specified design.
Be sure the data analysis methods reflect the specified design and provide adequately detailed steps. Refer to the Quantitative Research Statistics Resource Guide when discussing data analysis methods. A link to the guide has been provided with this assignment.
You are expected to write with outstanding clarity and precision. Employ scholarly writing throughout the manuscript. Your word choice, grammar, punctuation, and spelling must be excellent, and the narrative should be logical and coherent.
Be sure all content is addressed in a substantive manner by supporting claims with evidence, critically evaluating claims of others, and seriously considering or engaging with other interpretations.
Include all sources in the references page at the end of the document. Use acceptable sources throughout. Unless otherwise noted in a section of the Quantitative Dissertation Handbook, acceptable sources are Liberty University textbooks and scholarly journal articles published within the last five years. The template provides information regarding acceptable sources in each section.
Your submission must be at least 10 pages of content, with the page count beginning with the chapter Overview and ending with the Summary section. Current APA formatting is expected throughout.
Thoroughly review your work before submitting it. Your submission will be assessed using the Research Plan: Chapter 3 Grading Rubric.
Submit the entire template as a whole, not just Chapter 3.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Important Notes:
Quantitative Dissertation Template, Quantitative Research Statistics Resource Guide, and Research Plan: Chapter 3 Grading Rubric ATTACHED
You must use the provided Dissertation template.
Only chapter 3 needs to be completed
Your submission must be at least 10 pages of content, with the page count beginning with the chapter Overview and ending with the Summary section
Research Topic:
Impact of the Under-representation of African American Male Administrators in K-12 Leadership on the Retention of African American Male Educators.
Research Questions
How does the proportion of African American male administrators in K-12 schools correlate with the retention rates of African American male educators?
To what extent does the under-representation of African American male administrators in K-12 leadership roles predict the likelihood of retention for African American male educators?
Dependent, Independent Variables for Research Questions
“How does the proportion of African American male administrators in urban K-12 schools correlate with the retention rates of African American male educators?”
Independent Variable: The proportion of African American male administrators in urban K-12 schools. This variable is manipulated or changed in the study to see if it affects the dependent variable.
Dependent Variable: The retention rates of African American male educators. This variable is measured or observed for changes in response to the manipulation of the independent variable.
“To what extent does the under-representation of African American male administrators in K-12 leadership roles predict the likelihood of retention for African American male educators?”
Independent Variable: The under-representation of African American male administrators in K-12 leadership roles. This variable is manipulated or changed in the study to see if it affects the dependent variable.
Dependent Variable: The likelihood of retention for African American male educators. This variable is measured or observed for changes in response to the manipulation of the independent variable.
In both cases, the independent variable is related to the representation of African American male administrators, while the dependent variable is associated with the retention of African American male educators. The difference lies in the relationship being studied: the first question looks at a correlation, while the second looks at a prediction.
Null Hypothesis for Research Questions
RQ”1:How does the proportion of African American male administrators in K-12 schools correlate with the retention rates of African American male educators?” the null hypothesis could be: “There is no correlation between the proportion of African American male administrators in K-12 schools and the retention rates of African American male educators.”
RQ2: “To what extent does the under-representation of African American male administrators in K-12 leadership roles predict the likelihood of retention for African American male educators?” the null hypothesis could be: “The under-representation of African American male administrators in K-12 leadership roles does not predict the likelihood of retention for African American male educators.”
10 pages of content, with the page count beginning with the chapter Overview and ending with the Summary section

Using all the information you collected from this module, create an informative

Using all the information you collected from this module, create an informative

Using all the information you collected from this module, create an informative take-home flyer for the families in your class. This flyer is to inform parents and needs to contain information related to each of the following:
Describe: what is temperament?
Describe five characteristics that are used to describe temperament?
Describe the different types of temperaments in children
How can knowing about children’s different temperaments help us help them more effectively?
Include at least one external website for parents to access additional information.
Your flyer should also be visually appealing, free of typographical errors. Do not copy and paste. Rewrite in your own words.
For full credit, you must include references from this week’s module

Response To A Colleague
Read and respond in a friendly and helpful way to at least one classmate’s family flyer. Using the following criteria to guide you:
Did the flyer include all the required information?
How easy was the flyer to read and understand?
Did this flyer combine a balance of text and images?
Did you learn anything new from this flyer?
Describe the best thing about this flyer?
Should be a minimum of 100 words

Directions: Develop a case study of a learner from the exceptionality you select

Directions: Develop a case study of a learner from the exceptionality you select

Directions: Develop a case study of a learner from the exceptionality you selected. Provide a description which includes characteristics, prevalence of the exceptionality, and include issues and concerns presented by the subject of the case study. Indicate and describe how diversity (cultural, ethnic or language-related) has impacted the case study subject. Research the literature of the field to find and describe two research-based interventions to address the concerns and issues presented by the subject of the case study. Design and implement one of the research-based interventions found in the literature. Analyze and describe the impact of the results of the intervention. Please print out, read, and follow the directions provided on the attached directions document.
Use this link to find out how to cite journal articles in APA style:
APA style. (n.d.). Journal article references. https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples/journal-article-references

Respond to Reflection. respond to this reflection with positive reply. All right

Respond to Reflection. respond to this reflection with positive reply.
All right

Respond to Reflection. respond to this reflection with positive reply.
All right, I’m going to talk about question 2. Reflecting upon injustices I have experienced, seen, or heard about that impact school communities. How might these injustices be disrupted or changed? And what would school communities look like if such iniustices were eradicated and if healing and humanity were centered? So this is what I’m going to talk about. It’s more of a general issue. It’s more about communities being school communities and in particular being divided. This is according to the US Government Accountability Office, during the 2020 to 21 school year, more than 1/3 of students in the US attended schools where 75% or more of students were of a single race or ethnicity. Even as a general US public school population grows in diversity over the years, a lot of schools still remain divided. This mostly has to do with school district boundaries. So like for example, one school might have might lie in an area that is predominantly white and another school might lie in an area that is predominantly black. And since they’re in different districts, the general population of those areas go to those schools, which is why they are divided. So ways to combat this issue. One of them. Now these are just ways like general ideas because I’m I mean I don’t really have time to go in depth with this, but like open enrollment would be 1. so meaning you could live in one school district and would be allowed to attend school in another district, maybe a district close to you. I know a lot of schools, a lot of school districts already allow this, but some don’t. Like I know Pma, I grew up in Parma. Parma does not allow open enrollment, at least not to my knowledge. Another way would be to combine school districts and make them bigger. So I think this would expand, obviously expand the boundaries and allow a larger population to fall into one district, which could allow more more communities and just a larger population. People, more backgrounds, ethnic and racial backgrounds would follow to one district rather than the districts being condensed and smaller and only allowing the peep the people of that community go to school there. So what going to school in a non diverse environment can do what definitely does not help when talking about racism. You know you’re growing up, say you’re a white student growing up in a predominantly white neighborhood. Obviously going to school in a predominantly white environment is not going to introduce you to other racial and ethnic backgrounds. So if school communities were more diverse, introducing students to more ethnic and racial backgrounds at a young age would help a lot in terms of just getting people used to other backgrounds that they might not be used to. It helps students understand that everyone is different, and that’s what makes us all unique. And there have even been studies that show that students feel safer learning in more diverse environments rather than learning in divided environments like it is with a lot of schools. So that’s just something that I know that goes on in the education system around the world or around the country in particularly. And I think it should be changed, and I think it will be changed, but it’s obviously not going to change right away. It’s going to take a long time, but over time I hope that schools can grow more diverse, even though the general population is growing more diverse. I hope individual school districts can grow more diverse and help introduce students to more ethnic and racial backgrounds that they want to be used to.

Module #4 – Discussion Board Answer the following questions and reply to two cla

Module #4 – Discussion Board
Answer the following questions and reply to two cla

Module #4 – Discussion Board
Answer the following questions and reply to two classmates similar to Module 1 cases.
Case # 7 – “The knight in shining armor” – page 89
If you were or are the administrator for this case – create a comprehensive list of “dos” and don’ts” regarding teacher assessment.
Case # 8 – ” A football analogy” – page 93
1. What role does quantitative output data play in identifying ares of need and providing the details needed to improve teaching and learning in classroom?
2. What are some of the limitations of using only student test scores to improve instruction?
3. How might both output and process data be combined to better support improved classroom teaching and learning?

Using the resources, select one category of exceptionality. Use a digital tool s

Using the resources, select one category of exceptionality. Use a digital tool s

Using the resources, select one category of exceptionality. Use a digital tool such as Canva (or any other online tool with which you are comfortable) to create an infographic (or other creative representation) that explains your selected category of exceptionality.
Along with your infographic, post your written response to the following:
Define the category using your own words.
Imagine a child with the category of exceptionality you selected. Discuss the benefits and challenges for the student, family, and teachers of teaching this child in an inclusive setting.
Explain how two students with this exceptionality may perform differently and what accommodations will allow them to perform successfully. Search online for an organization that supports teachers and families of students with this exceptionality. Include the URL for that organization in your initial post.

s you learned in Week 4, federal law states that all placement decisions must be

s you learned in Week 4, federal law states that all placement decisions must be

s you learned in Week 4, federal law states that all placement decisions must be made by each child’s case study committee, which minimally includes the child’s parent, regular teacher, and special education teacher, as well as an administrator (or representative). You also learned that all children are entitled to receive instruction in the least restrictive environment (LRE).
You have likely had some experience in classrooms yourself—either through your own children or through conversations with teachers and/or parents—in which children with differing needs were receiving instruction. You may have listened to descriptions of situations in which the perception is that one or two children took time away from the other children due to their unique needs. You may have listened to other perspectives in which the perception is that a child’s placement in the grade-appropriate classroom was required, acceptable, fair, and valuable.
While the placement of the child may be open to discussion, it can be agreed that all children must be properly prepared for middle and high school. As stated in the Minnesota Graduation Standards, “Elementary and middle school students have to master preparatory content standards.” Proper preparation for future education is a challenge faced by all educators and parents. This is something that must be continually evaluated to ensure the success of all students.
For this Discussion, use the grouping format below to determine your assigned perspective. The hypothetical children are in grades 1–3.
Candidates who have a last name starting with A–L: Write a letter from the perspective of a family member of a child with mild to moderate special needs, thanking the classroom teacher for working with the child in the regular classroom.
For both of these posts, review the Minnesota Graduation Standards and Profile of Learning Standards (see this week’s resources). Discuss how the current placement of the child will either hinder or support the child’s future education. Use the resources to validate the issues.

For this assignment, you will create a presentation for parents explaining to th

For this assignment, you will create a presentation for parents explaining to th

For this assignment, you will create a presentation for parents explaining to them the referral, eligibility, and service processes. You may use PowerPoint or any other presentation application. You will start work on the assignment here in Week 4, and then submit it in Week 5.
Prepare for this assignment as follows: Arrange a time to interview an education professional who works with at least one student who has been identified as eligible for special education. You may conduct this interview in person, by phone, or through a free video conferencing tool such as Zoom or Google Meet.
Reflect on the following:
Insights gained in regard to referring, assessing, identifying, and serving students with special needs
Technology in the referral and identifying process
Changes in perspective regarding family involvement, and the role of a professional
Questions and areas of growth related to special education and students with disabilities in order to be an effective teacher for all of your students?
Ask about any components of the presentation you need clarification
Required components of your presentation:
A brief introduction and conclusion
Information from your course text
Information from at least two additional resources
Final slide that includes APA-style references for every resource used
Include a brief explanation of the following terms and acronyms, using your own words:IDEA
Eligibility categories (there are 13 categories)
Related services
Assistive technology
504 plan
Identify and explain the role of 3 collaborators that are key to the special education process
Pay attention to your use of people-first language to ensure that your presentation follows current guidelines.

Using the resources, select one category of exceptionality. Use a digital tool s

Using the resources, select one category of exceptionality. Use a digital tool s

Using the resources, select one category of exceptionality. Use a digital tool such as Canva (or any other online tool with which you are comfortable) to create an infographic (or other creative representation) that explains your selected category of exceptionality.
Along with your infographic, post your written response to the following:
Define the category using your own words.
Imagine a child with the category of exceptionality you selected. Discuss the benefits and challenges for the student, family, and teachers of teaching this child in an inclusive setting.
Explain how two students with this exceptionality may perform differently and what accommodations will allow them to perform successfully. Search online for an organization that supports teachers and families of students with this exceptionality. Include the URL for that organization in your initial post.