Module 06 Content There are 8 specific considerations that need to be addressed

Module 06 Content
There are 8 specific considerations that need to be addressed

Module 06 Content
There are 8 specific considerations that need to be addressed when deciding if the physical environment supports high quality care. They are the following:Safety
Review the Infant and Toddler Space for more detailed information.Infant and Toddler Space.pdf
For this assignment, you will need to either visit a child care program (center based or family child care home) in your area or do an internet search for video’s that shows infant toddler spaces. Using the form provided, you will assess the environment based on the 8 considerations of a quality environment. There is no expectation that you will see all the elements listed on the form. The information is provided for your guidance as you review the environment.
High Quality Infant Toddler Environments Observation Form.docx
Submit your form fully filled out with your additions and comments about the environment that you reviewed. Please also include a reflection of at least 1 page that includes your thoughts about the environment that you assessed.
Consider the following:How did you feel in the environment or how do you think the environment might feel?
Were there elements that you noticed that were completely missing and what, if any, impact do you think there was?
Do you think that the environment would support the specific needs of infants and toddlers to learn and develop?

In order for students to be digitally literate, they need to be able to evaluate

In order for students to be digitally literate, they need to be able to evaluate

In order for students to be digitally literate, they need to be able to evaluate websites, determine what is valid and reliable and what is not. They need to be able to evaluate information. This module will have you learning about evaluating websites to determine what information provided is valid and what is not.
Choose four of the articles in the Evaluating Websites folder to read. Watch both videos. (Posted below)
Examine the websites provided in the Examing Websites folder. Determine which websites are real and valid and which are not. Be careful as some of these are tricky. You will need to go beyond the surface level and may have to do further research to determine authenticity. Indicate the status of each website and why you came to that conclusion. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU CREATE A LOGIN OR PROVIDE MONEY OR CREDIT CARD INFORMATION TO ANY OF THESE SITES.
(these links will help you evaluate like sites)
Sites to examine : 1. 2. 3. 4.

Introduction to the concept of Smart Cities, the link with quality of life and t

Introduction to the concept of Smart Cities, the link with quality of life and t

Introduction to the concept of Smart Cities, the link with quality of life and the purpose and importance of education in the development of Smart Cities Chapter 1: Smart Cities: Concept and Characteristics Chapter2: Quality of Life in Smart Cities Chapter3: The Importance of Education in the Development of Smart Cities Chapter4: Critical Analysis and Future Perspectives Conclusions Of course if you think anything else is needed, we are in touch.

La Actividad Planificada 1. Información General 2. Descripción de la Actividad 3

La Actividad Planificada
1. Información General
2. Descripción de la Actividad

La Actividad Planificada
1. Información General
2. Descripción de la Actividad
3. Observación/Evaluación
4. Objetivo General
5. Objetivo de Aprendizaje
6. Desarrollo a la Actividad Planificada
Cinco planificadas del desarrollo de la actividad que serian las siguientes: lenguaje, desarrollo sociemocional, pensamiento matemático, arte, ciencias.
1. Introducción/Motivación/Inducción
2. Estrategias de Enseñanza/Cuidado, un pequeno ejemplo de como apoyaron las teorias en cada área desarrollada.
3. Cierre
4. Transición
5. Variaciones del Desarrollo/Adaptación/Extensión
6. Evaluación
Por favor usar este modelo para desarrollar las 5 planificaciones, teniendo en cuenta cada punta que se desataca
Áreas De Aprendizaje
Objetivo De Aprendizaje
Descripción De La Actividad
Estrategias Didácticas
Instrumento De Evaluación

After reading Chapters 14, 20, and 30 (Attached Below)of the Swanson, Harris & G

After reading Chapters 14, 20, and 30 (Attached Below)of the Swanson, Harris & G

After reading Chapters 14, 20, and 30 (Attached Below)of the Swanson, Harris & Graham book, you will summarize the main points. The summary must draw information from the readings, and it must demonstrate a strong relationship between language processes, reading comprehension, and research.
Parameters for this assignment include:
1. Include a title page, headings, and reference page in APA format.
2.Include a minimum of 7 citations within your paper in current APA format and a minimum of 3 outside sources.
1.Must be 5-7 pages in length (excluding the title page, reference, page, and abstract).
2.Include the following topics:
a.Importance of Language
b. How is language foundational for students to:
i.understand instruction, participate in classroom discussions,
ii.establish working relationships with peers and teachers,
iii.and synthesize information and expanding knowledge?
c.Learning and/or Language Disabilities (LLD)
i.Discuss the nature of LLD from the preschool years to the oral end of the continuum.
ii.Discuss primary grades when children are expected to use language for learning.
iii.Include research focused on various approaches to improving the early language skills of children who may be at risk for LLD.
i.Discuss students with significant reading difficulties and those who are candidates for reading intervention.
ii.Many of these students have been provided reading intervention during the elementary grades yet continue to demonstrate reading difficulties at the secondary level.
iii.Conceptualize interventions for students at the secondary level citing evidence from the reading.
i.How can the power of technology be used to enhance literacy outcomes?
ii. What does the research to date tell us?
iii.What devices/programs are out there to aid in reading comprehension.
f.Summary and Biblical Integration
i.In a summary that discusses the findings and make connections between all three readings. Use citations to support your assertions.
ii.Include a summary that includes a biblical perspective on the topics above.
Assignment Instructions
Grading Rubric
Swanson, Harris, & Graham: Chapter 14
Swanson, Harris, & Graham: Chapter 20
Swanson, Harris, & Graham: Chapter 30
Assignment will be checked for A/I use and plagiarism.

Part 1: Discussion prompt Respond to the following discussion prompt: Accordin

Part 1: Discussion prompt
Respond to the following discussion prompt:

Part 1: Discussion prompt
Respond to the following discussion prompt:
According to the authors of The Dyslexia Dilemma: A History of Ignorance, Complacency and Resistance in Colleges of Education (Hurford, Hurford, Head, Keiper, Nitcher, & Renner 2016), dyslexia is the most widely studied and most common learning difference. The authors contend that a plethora of research is available with regard to the nature of dyslexia and how students are evaluated and remediated. However, the authors also state that, “there is a history of ignorance, complacency and resistance in colleges of education with regard to disseminating this critical information to pre-service teachers” (Hurford, Hurford, Head, Keipler, Nitcher, & Renner, 2016, n.p.). After reading the article, discuss the following:
What is “the Science of Reading?” What does the research say about learning to read, write, and speak?
Why is this important and what are the educational implications?
How might higher-education institutions better prepare pre-service teachers to utilize existing research?
Each thread must be:
1. a minimum of 500 words and a minimum of three paragraphs,
2. demonstrate course-related knowledge,
3. and contain a minimum of 1 citation in current APA format to support assertions
Part 2: Student Replies
You will complete 3 scholarly student replies with the following:
1. a minimum of 200 words,
2. demonstrate course-related knowledge,
3. and contain a minimum of 1 citation in current APA format to support assertions
Student Replies:
Student 1: Laura Iatrou
My doctoral journey has been a transformative experience, with concurrent engagement in professional development programs like LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) and a dyslexia endorsement program (Lexia, n.d.). I have also had the privilege to be trained as an Orton-Gillingham practitioner. These intensive trainings have deepened my understanding of the ‘Science of Reading’ (SOR) and underscored its profound impact on student learning outcomes.
SOR, a rigorous scientific approach, draws upon evidence compiled from decades of research in education, linguistics, psychology, and neuroscience to inform classroom practices (Science of Reading | Reading Rockets, n.d.). Over the past fifty years, extensive research has contributed significantly to understanding how children develop foundational literacy skills such as reading, writing, and spelling (Elleman et al., 2018). It is important to note that the ‘science of reading’ is not confined to a singular methodology or instructional approach (Hiebert, 2023). Instead, its effectiveness lies in its comprehensive nature, bridging philosophies and conveying accurate, evidence-based understandings that advance the field of reading education (Science of Reading | Reading Rockets, n.d.). Effective classroom practices grounded in research should be adopted by all educators, acknowledging that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for teaching reading and writing.
Understanding the ‘Science of Reading’ is paramount, as it can transform learning outcomes for all students by ensuring that instructional practices are firmly rooted in research. SOR also aids in addressing learning disparities, including those experienced by students with disabilities or speech-language impairments. Its significance can be seen across various domains, with early intervention strategies critical in reducing prolonged academic challenges. Academic challenges are minimized by promptly identifying and remedying reading difficulties. Furthermore, SOR is pivotal in shaping educational policies and initiatives, guiding resource allocation towards evidence-based programs that enhance literacy outcomes. Providing parents with an understanding of the “science of reading” empowers them to advocate for their children, make informed educational decisions, and actively contribute to their literacy development.
Universities and colleges have an integral role in preparing pre-service teachers to employ existing research in the “science of reading” effectively. This involves integrating comprehensive coursework dedicated to literacy development, providing hands-on experiences in various classroom settings, fostering collaborations with researchers and experts in the field, incorporating technology tools that support evidence-based instruction, and encouraging ongoing professional development and reflective practices (Hiebert, 2023). By adopting these wide-ranging strategies, higher education institutions can equip future educators with the essential knowledge, skills, and resources to translate research findings into effective reading instruction. The knowledge and skills will enhance student literacy outcomes and foster an appreciation for reading.
When looking at SOR through a biblical lens, its messages emphasize the importance of acquiring understanding and knowledge, which can be enhanced through literacy and education.
Elleman, A. M., Steacy, L. M., & Compton, D. L. (2018). The role of Statistical Learning in word reading and spelling Development: More questions than answers. Scientific Studies of Reading, 23(1), 1–7.
Hiebert, E. H. (2023). Thinking through research and the science of reading. Phi Delta Kappan, 105(2), 37-41.
Lexia Learning Systems. (n.d.). LETRS® | Lexia.
Science of Reading | Reading Rockets. (n.d.). Reading Rockets.
Student 2: Rebecca Rhodes
According to Hurford et al. (2016), the Science of Reading (SOR) addresses the extensive science involved in the topics of reading, the acquisition of reading, how to evaluate poor reading, and what interventions to use with poor readers. Specifically, SOR not only addresses what the science shows as important skills needed to acquire reading but also how to incorporate interventions to address the specific reading needs of those struggling with reading proficiency so that they can become competent in their reading skills (Hurford et al., 2016). Unlike the acquisition of speech, which is found to be a natural process, Hurford et al. noted that learning to read and write is not natural, and the task of learning to do both requires explicit teaching to become proficient. With reading, children must learn sound-letter correspondence to then learn decoding of morphemes and words to connect them to already-known vocabulary (Hurford et al., 2016). Writing is also complex, especially in the English Writing System, where there is no one-to-one system for representing sounds, and nuanced spelling rules exist, making mastering this writing system effortful (Hurford et al., 2016).
While the science is substantial regarding reading acquisition, how to teach reading, and how to identify struggling readers, as well as how to implement interventions to address reading challenges, Hurford et al. (2016) discussed how colleges of education have largely ignored the research. This resistance to the research on reading has resulted in pre-service teachers not receiving the training needed so they may effectively teach reading and remediate for poor readers (Hurford et al., 2016). Hurford et al. noted that not only were pre-service teachers not receiving adequate training, but they also rarely learned from textbooks deemed acceptable by the National Reading Panel as addressing the components of reading. In addition, the proliferation of approaches to reading that lacked scientific evidence, such as whole language, has further impacted the education of generations of students, especially struggling readers (Hurford et al., 2016). The implications of this have been far-reaching, as evidenced by national reading levels for fourth graders at the Proficient level only being at 58% while 33% were below a Basic reading level (Hurford et al., 2016).
Higher education institutions can take several steps to better prepare pre-service teachers for utilizing current research in reading. First, Hurford et al. (2016) explained that colleges needed to restructure their course curriculum for educators to provide prerequisite courses that included research methods, linguistics, and a basic course on the SOR. Once the prerequisite courses were addressed, colleges needed to provide an in-depth and validated curriculum to pre-service teachers, including how to teach reading, utilize evaluation tools to monitor progress, and implement interventions with fidelity for struggling reading (Hurford et al., 2016). When developing a curriculum for pre-service teachers, Hurford et al. referenced the Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading created by the International Dyslexia Association as an excellent guide for colleges to use. By providing pre-service teachers with an education curriculum on instructional methods based on the SOR that can be effectively utilized out in the field, school systems may finally be able to make the educational gains in reading that have been lagging for the past few decades (Hurford et al., 2016).
Hurford, D. P., Hurford, J. D., Head, K. L., Keiper, M. M., Nitcher, S. P., & Renner, L. P. (2016). The dyslexia dilemma: A history of ignorance, complacency, and resistance in colleges of
education. Journal of Childhood & Developmental Disorders, 2(3), 1-16. Links to an external site.
Student 3: Sharon Powell
According to research, the science of reading is complex. It entails grasping the process and skills that foster language acquisition. Learning to read can be difficult if students do not have the proper mechanisms. Poor reading skills limit students’ ability to understand successfully, especially those with dyslexia. Dyslexia focuses on specific learning challenges, such as phonological skills, phonemes, and graphemes (Snowling et al., 2020). According to Hunford et al., 2016 states that approximately 20% of students in the United States struggle with reading. They state that the science of reading is the ability of humans to process written language. One of the key findings of the research discussed how complex reading is on the brain for students with reading, writing, and speaking because they all work in succession with one another.
The educational implications based on the science of reading research for students with dyslexia say that dyslexia is a neurological disorder affecting their reading ability. One of the most critical implications is that early education improves educational outcomes significantly. Another implication is to provide evidence-based teaching methods that are effective for students with dyslexia. In addition to interventions, providing accommodations and modifications tailored to students’ needs is essential. This professional development with evidence-based practices can be ongoing and effective. Especially training in the science of reading. Educators must use research to lead the way. Even though this can be challenging, some strategies provide valuable insight into overcoming these deficits. The science of reading research has shown that I can help students with dyslexia overcome these difficulties. According to Peitier et al. (2020), teachers need the knowledge they need to work with students with dyslexia. They also state that teacher knowledge, conceptual change theory, and the misconception of interventions are vital. The study states that there are common misconceptions concerning dyslexia, such as writing letters and words backward. This belief is that children with dyslexia will outgrow over time Peitier et al., 2020).
There are many ways that high-education institutions can better prepare pre-service teachers to use existing research by emphasizing ongoing training and professional development that is evidence-based, valid, and reliable to show its effectiveness. The science of reading is a start in the right direction. Institutions can become a part of the solution in delivering pre-service teachers with professional development early in their careers. According to Hurford et al. (2016), 53% of pre-service teachers and 60% of in-service elementary teachers were examined and found that they could not answer questions on language structure. This knowledge revealed that teachers cannot provide adequate instruction because they need more training in the classroom as it relates to the science of reading. Institutions must work to effectively train teachers before putting them in the school unprepared. Hurford et al., 2016 suggest that the science of reading is essential in school. They must give exposure to the right skills and courses as a prerequisite before moving forward. Having the opportunity to work with students with dyslexia for several years has provided me with a deep appreciation for their experiences and opportunities.
Hurford, D. P., Hurford, J. D., Head, K. L., Keiper, M. M., Nitcher, S. P., & Renner, L. P. (2016). The dyslexia dilemma: A history of ignorance, complacency and resistance in colleges of education. Journal of Childhood & Developmental Disorders. 2:3. Links to an external site.
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The Dyslexia Dilemma: A History of Ignorance, Complacency and Resistance in Colleges of Education
Assignment will be checked for A/I use and plagiarism.

Collaborative Session #1- Protege Focus During the protege’s session, review you

Collaborative Session #1- Protege Focus
During the protege’s session, review you

Collaborative Session #1- Protege Focus
During the protege’s session, review your protege’s 3-year induction plan, PLP or PGP (as applicable). Create a plan and a timeline for implementation to help the protege’ meet their goal. When you upload the agenda for this session include a review of the plan, a timeline for your work, appropriate evidence, and a reflection of your work.
Agenda:The agenda includes: Meeting Date and Time, List of Action Items, Persons Responsible for Action Items (Presenters). Verification (copy of the email) that the agenda was sent in advance of the meeting and that invitees were offered an opportunity to contribute to the agenda.
Minutes:The minutes include: Meeting Date and Time, List of Action Items, Persons Responsible for Action Items (Presenters). List of absentees is provided with a date for follow up. Future action items are listed for investigation with person(s) responsible. Verification that minutes were shared electronically (copy of email).
Reflection:The TSC/Coach thoroughly explores the aspects of the meeting that were effective and/or challenging. The TSC/Coach openly explores role effectiveness in the meeting and makes determinations for improvement. The TSC/Coach discusses opportunities to be more effective moving forward. The TSC/Coach provides a timeline for following up on the action items.
Collaborative Session #2
Agenda:The agenda includes: Meeting Date and Time, List of Action Items, Persons Responsible for Action Items (Presenters). Verification (copy of the email) that the agenda was sent in advance of the meeting and that invitees were offered an opportunity to contribute to the agenda.
Minutes:The minutes include: Meeting Date and Time, List of Action Items, Persons Responsible for Action Items (Presenters). List of absentees is provided with a date for follow up. Future action items are listed for investigation with person(s) responsible. Verification that minutes were shared electronically (copy of email).
Reflection:The TSC/Coach thoroughly explores the aspects of the meeting that were effective and/or challenging. The TSC/Coach openly explores role effectiveness in the meeting and makes determinations for improvement. The TSC/Coach discusses opportunities to be more effective moving forward. The TSC/Coach provides a timeline for following up on the action items.