During the protege’s session, review your protege’s 3-year induction plan, PLP o

During the protege’s session, review your protege’s 3-year induction plan, PLP o

During the protege’s session, review your protege’s 3-year induction plan, PLP or PGP (as applicable). Create a plan and a timeline for implementation to help the protege’ meet their goal. When you upload the agenda for this session include a review of the plan, a timeline for your work, appropriate evidence, and a reflection of your work. Criteria
Agenda:The agenda includes: Meeting Date and Time, List of Action Items, Persons Responsible for Action Items (Presenters). Verification (copy of the email) that the agenda was sent in advance of the meeting and that invitees were offered an opportunity to contribute to the agenda.
Minutes:The minutes include: Meeting Date and Time, List of Action Items, Persons Responsible for Action Items (Presenters). List of absentees is provided with a date for follow up. Future action items are listed for investigation with person(s) responsible. Verification that minutes were shared electronically (copy of email).
Reflection:The TSC/Coach thoroughly explores the aspects of the meeting that were effective and/or challenging. The TSC/Coach openly explores role effectiveness in the meeting and makes determinations for improvement. The TSC/Coach discusses opportunities to be more effective moving forward. The TSC/Coach provides a timeline for following up on the action items.

For your final discussion, you will reflect on all the learning gained in this c

For your final discussion, you will reflect on all the learning gained in this c

For your final discussion, you will reflect on all the learning gained in this course by completing a Mood Board. A Mood Board is a way to visually reflect on what you have learned in this course by creating a collage that includes images, memorable quotes, and various colors, textures and fonts. So, put on your creative hat and have some fun with this activity.
Select each STEP to complete this discussion.
Step 1: Prepare Step 2: Writing Support Step 3: Create Mood Board Step 4: Guided Response
In preparation for this discussion forum, complete the following:
Review your learning about Universal Design for Learning and Technology in this course. Consider the theoretical aspects of this course as well as the discussions and assignments you engaged in.
Review the following to websites for help with created Mood Boards: 11 Inspiring Mood Board Examples for Your Next Design Project
How to Make a Mood Board in 5 Easy Steps Plus Examples Review the Discussion Grading Rubric to understand the criteria used for grading.
Select Step 2: Writing Support tab to continue.
The English language can be confusing at times because there are many words that sound similar or look alike, but they have different meanings. Ever wonder if you might be using those words incorrectly?
Check out Commonly Confused Words to see if you are!
Select Step 3: Create Mood Board tab to continue.
Create a mood board that captures what you have learned and how you will remember it. Think of it as a time capsule of this course. What would you want to remember about it 10 years from now?
Your board should include multimedia and each item should be appropriately cited in APA style.
Be sure to include a minimum of the following within your Mood Board:
Ten (10) images that capture your learning in this course. Three memorable quotes (from your readings, videos or other learners).
Select colors, textures, and fonts that capture your feelings and memories about UDL and technology.
Post and provide a link to your Mood Board for your peers to explore. Under your Mood Board link:
Describe the ten (10) images you used in your Mood Board to ensure your peers have accessibility to those images.
Provide at least one question you still have or what you still would like to know regarding what you have learned in this course.

Opiates Write a reflection paper using the “Opioids Epidemic in America Opioid A

Write a reflection paper using the “Opioids Epidemic in America Opioid A

Write a reflection paper using the “Opioids Epidemic in America Opioid Addiction Explained Documentary 2018” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKDoJpWzwjQ video. Reflect and write about the video making sure to include a position statement about the video/subject as well as a counter argument to your position. The purpose of this assignment is to make you familiar with observing information, forming an opinion based on information provided, and being able to look at information from a counter viewpoint. Cite at least three facts or points of information presented in the video. View and follow the directives in the class announcements on how to write and reference assignments. Cite and reference appropriately using AMA style.
no other resources

Reflective Response 1: Aligning Learning Targets and Assessments Description:

Reflective Response 1: Aligning Learning Targets and Assessments

Reflective Response 1: Aligning Learning Targets and Assessments
Description: After reading The Nature of Learning uploaded in the Materials and Resources Folder in Module 2, and watching the themed videos, write a three to four page paper discussing what makes a quality learning target, the types of learning targets, and what makes for sound design of assessments (including formative versus summative assessments). Expectations:
It is expected that your paper will include a title and a reference page (not included in the three-four page count). It is also expected that the paper will be written in APA Style formatting and include in text citations for each reference (See the rubric for Reflective Response Papers uploaded in Module 1).

Task 1 Design and develop lesson plans that incorporate the domains of developme

Task 1
Design and develop lesson plans that incorporate the domains of developme

Task 1
Design and develop lesson plans that incorporate the domains of development
Physical Development
Language and Literacy
The following must be created:
1. Two lesson plans for children from zero to 24 months
2. Two lesson plans for children from 2 to 3 years old
3. Two lesson plans for children aged 3 to 4 years
For each lesson plan the following must be included:
Include a detailed description of goals and objectives
Instructional strategies for diverse children, different nationalities and cultures
Additionally, provide accommodations and modifications for children with special needs (autism, ADHD, Down Syndrome) or just a general accommodation for any disability
Explain the process of creating each curricular network and how they align with Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP).
Materials and resources used
They must include at least one standard (Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards) per lesson in each lesson:
1. In the physical area
2. In the cognitive area
3. In the area of language
They must include an evaluation method for different age groups.
Use APA 7th edition format and cite at least 5 academic sources.

Task summary: o create slides based on the observation summary and answering the

Task summary:
o create slides based on the observation summary and answering the

Task summary:
o create slides based on the observation summary and answering the guide questions provided
Full order description:
Dear Freelancer,
2. Research and identify at least 2 classroom evaluation forms that are publicly available, as well as the Danielson Framework resources found on the Danielson Group Website and identify three aspects of teaching (i.e., Domains/Components) that you perceive as the most important.
Prepare and submit a —- slide Power Point presentation that summarizes the following;
1. Share the Domain and 2 ad 3 components that were your areas of focus.
2. What were some examples of the observable evidence that you collected?
3. Were any additional recommendations made from your discussion with your classroom partner or another teacher you shared with?
4. How can observational data be used to improve instruction?
5. How would you use this observational data to create an action plan for moving forward? What might the action plan look like?
6. How would you continue to evaluate the action plan in preparation for an end of the year conference?
Complete details on attached files.

Strategies for Teaching Phonetic Awareness Objective: Explore and evaluate instr

Strategies for Teaching Phonetic Awareness
Objective: Explore and evaluate instr

Strategies for Teaching Phonetic Awareness
Objective: Explore and evaluate instructional strategies for teaching phonemic awareness.
Task: Select three instructional strategies for teaching phonemic awareness to young children (preschoolers). For each strategy, describe your approach, the age group you target, and evaluate its effectiveness based on current research. Conclude with a reflection on how these strategies can be integrated into teaching practice.
Important: Length: 3-5 pages, double-spaced, in APA 7 format.
Thanks for help me ,any questions let me know

You must post two replies of at least 150 words to the studeent’s post below. Fo

You must post two replies of at least 150 words to the studeent’s post below. Fo

You must post two replies of at least 150 words to the studeent’s post below. For each reply, where applicable, support your assertions with in-text citations and references in current APA format.
Student Discussion Post
Mercy-Nora Ose: Title Play, Instruct, Lead: Investigating What Makes a Female Student-Athlete a Role Model When Coaching Girls At Youth Summer Sports Camps Purpose Statement
This phenomenological study aims to understand the traits and qualities of being a positive role model for female collegiate student-athletes coaching at an all-girls youth sports camp. At this stage in the research, a positive role model will be defined as someone who demonstrates exemplary behavior, values, communication, and attitudes that inspire others to emulate. The theory guiding this study is the social learning theory, developed by Albert Bandura. Problem Statement The problem is that there are not enough positive women role models for young girls. Societal constructs have aided in genderizing the roles of men and women, often confining women to traditional roles such as caregiving, homemaking, or supporting roles in various fields (Cislaghi & Heise, 2019). Consequently, young girls may struggle to envision themselves pursuing careers or roles outside these prescribed norms, such as excelling in sports at a higher level (Staurowsky et al., 2020). Research shows that role models of the same gender have a greater impact on children (Bandura, 1963). However, most youth sports coaches are men (Baxter, 2021). In the collegiate setting, many varsity coaches organize summer sports camps for children, often led by their players. These camps present a unique opportunity for female collegiate athletes to be role models for young girls. This research will investigate the actions female student-athletes at an NCAA Division 1 university can take to enhance their potential as positive role models for girls at summer camp. Additionally, it will explore the leadership qualities that female student-athletes can develop through their role-model positions.
Research Questions What factors contribute to girls’ perception of female coaches as role models?
What leadership skills can female student-athletes gain when acting as role models to girls?
Why are female role models important for girls?
References Bandura, A. (1963). The role of imitation in personality development. The Journal of Nursery Education, 18(3), 207–215.
Baxter, H., Hoye, R., & Kappelides, P. (2021). Female volunteer coaches in community sport: A scoping review and research agenda. Journal of Amateur Sport, 7(1). https://doi.org/10.17161/jas.v7i1.13774 Links to an external site.
Cislaghi, B., & Heise, L. (2019). Gender norms and social norms: Differences, similarities and why they matter in prevention science. Sociology of Health & Illness, 42(2), 407–422. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9566.13008 Links to an external site.
Staurowsky, E. J., Watanabe, N., Cooper, J., Cooky, C., Lough, N., Paule-Koba, A., Pharr, J., Williams, S., Cummings, S., Issokson-Silver, K., & Snyder, M. (2020). Chasing equity: The triumphs, challenges, and opportunities in sports for girls and women. Women’s Sports Foundation. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED603936 Links to an external site.
Mesack Dieudonne:
Understanding the Role of Passion in Mitigating College Students Switching Majors: A Crucial Exploration
Purpose Statement:
This phenomenological study aimed to uncover the potential of passion as a tool to reduce college students’ tendency to switch majors. The findings of this investigation offer valuable insights for students, parents, and college administrators, suggesting that when students align their majors with their passion, the rate at which students change majors decreases significantly. Moreover, this alignment improves retention rates, graduation rates, life fulfillment, and overall well-being. By examining the role of passion in guiding college students’ choice of majors, this study provides scientific and verifiable data that supports the notion that passion fosters students’ success during and after college.
Problem Statement
The problem is that college students switching majors has increasingly become salient, with 70% of college students switching majors at least once and 45% changing their majors twice before earning a degree (Delaney & Marcotte, 2023). Ongoing guidance to High School students entering higher education mirrors the one mold-fit-all-kind of academic advising, ignoring their uniqueness, passion, and life purpose (Donaldson et al., 2020). Switching majors affects college students financially (Liu et al., 2021; Collins et al., 2020), forcing them to take additional credits, which creates more financial pressure for students and parents (Liu et al., 2021), using credit cards and piling up student debt (Andrew, 2021), with first-generation college students suffering the most (Chen et al., 2021), coming from low socioeconomic backgrounds and minorities (Liu et al., 2021).
Specifically, college students switching majors threatens students’ retention, impedes and reduces graduation rates, and causes emotional distress (Meyer et al., 2022; Liu et al., 2021), predominantly affecting minorities and first-generation college students (Collins et al., 2020). Additionally, beyond its negative impact on the school community, college students switching majors affect the broader community. For example, students who switched majors tend to experience lower job satisfaction, well-being, engagement, family enrichment, and an increased work-family conflict (Zhou, 2022; Pathak & Srivastava, 2020; O’Keefe et al., 2022).
Central research question:
What are college students’ perceptions of the impact of passion during and after college life when they use passion as a compass in choosing their majors?
Subsequent questions:
What do college students wish they knew before entering higher education regarding choosing a major?
What academic advising structures are conducive to college students’ choice of majors according to their passions?
What are the parents’ roles and responsibilities in guiding students to choose the right majors?
Andrews, B. D. (2021). College costs and credit cards: How student credit card use influences college degree attainment. Research in Higher Education, 62(6), 885- 913. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11162-020-09622-8
Cheng, A., Henderson, M. B., Peterson, P. E., & West, M. R. (2021). Cost-benefit information closes aspiration gaps – if parents think their child is ready for college. Education Economics, 29(3), 233-251. https://doi.org/10.1080/09645292.2021.1874879
Collins, M.E., Mitchell, N.K., & Nojiem, M.J. (2020). Removing the excuse: Using free course materials to improve student success in general studies courses. Journal of Higher Education Theory Practice, 20(5), 110-125. https://doi.org/10.33423/jhetp.v20i5.3041
Delaney, T., & Marcotte, D. E. (2023). The cost of public higher education and college enrollment. The Journal of Higher Education (Columbus), ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print),1-30. https://doi.org/10.1080/00221546.2023.2216610 Links to an external site.
Donaldson, P., McKinney, L., Lee, M. M., Horn, C. L., Burridge, A., & Pino, D. (2020). Insider information: Advisors’ perspectives on the effectiveness of enhanced advising programs EDUC 845 Page 9 of 14 for community college students. NACADA Journal, 40(2), 35-48. https://doi.org/10.12930/NACADA-18-26
Liu, V., Mishra, S., & Kopko, E. M. (2021). Major decision: The impact of major switching on academic outcomes in community colleges. Research in Higher Education, 62(4), 498-527. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11162-020-09608-6
Meyer, J., Leuze, K., & Strauss, S. (2022). Individual achievement, person-major fit, or social expectations: Why do students switch majors in german higher education? Research in Higher Education, 63(2), 222-247. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11162-021-09650-y
O’Keefe, P. A., Horberg, E. J., Chen, P., & Savani, K. (2022). Should you pursue your passion as a career? Cultural differences in the emphasis on passion in career decisions. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 43(9), 1475-1495.
Pathak, D., & Srivastava, S. (2020). Journey from passion to satisfaction: Roles of belongingness and psychological empowerment: A study on social workers. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 40(3/4), 321-341. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJSSP-11-2019-0237
Zhou, J. (2021). How does dualistic passion fuel academic thriving? A joint moderated-mediating model. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 666830-666830.

1 Assignment: Proposal Expectation: The objective of this assignment is to condu

1 Assignment: Proposal
Expectation: The objective of this assignment is to condu

1 Assignment: Proposal
Expectation: The objective of this assignment is to conduct a critical literature review focusing on relevant scholarly sources related to your questionnaire design. Through this review, you will explore studies in order to inform the development of a robust questionnaire for your upcoming project. You are to write a 3-page (double spaced) research proposal literature review on your chosen topic. NOTE: You are required to write in APA format, use a minimum of 4 peer reviewed articles to support your information. Use 12-point Times New Roman font. This paper does not require a title page, but you do need to include a reference page and in-text citations (standard margin and font size). Reference pages will not count towards the page limit.
Topic: Educational stress in the younger population
Population of interest: young adults/ college students Causes of stress: Time management, heavy workload, classroom environment, lack of support, financial instability, parental pressure, lived community Affects of the stress: not maintain their class schedule, dropping out of school, suffer in silence: effects their health
2nd Assignment
The Expectation: Answer the prompt using the textbook to support your perspective. Your response has to be one complete paragraph, five complete sentences. Prompt: What are the four areas that prevention programs in schools need to address? Use examples from the textbook and cite the book. Source: Miller, C. L., Perrin, R. D., Renzetti, C. M. (2020) Violence and Maltreatment in Intimate Relationships, Second Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Inc.
3rd Assignment The Expectation: Answer the prompt using the video(s) to support your perspective.
Prompt: What advice would you give your teenage self, if you could go back in time? Would you listen? Source: Preventing Teen Dating Violence from the Inside Out | Briana Neben | TEDxCarsonCity
@katiecouric: Teen Dating Violence
4th Assignment
Step 1: Please start off by reading reviewing your responses to Toy Project Worksheet #1 to remind yourself what you wrote (and read any feedback I left you)
Step 2: Select ONE cognitive skill you listed in question #3 or #4 of Worksheet #1. You will be focusing the rest of your project on this cognitive skill so pick carefully!
Step 3: Select one of the following age groups you will be focusing your assignment on. This age group should be appropriate for the toy the you selected: Infancy
Ages 0-1
Ages 1-3
Ages 3-4
Early childhood Ages 4-6
Middle Childhood
Ages 6-11
Ages 12-18
Step 4: If you have never used the CSULA library to find a research article, please visit the welcome module and review the “Finding Articles Through the Library” sources. Now, start researching. Look for one empirical article that explores the development of the skill you selected with the age group you selected.
Step 5: Answer the following questions in a word document and attach your document to this assignment:
1. What cognitive skill and age group did you select?
2. Please summarize the article that you found by filling in the following information:
Title of Article: Authors: Year study was published: What question(s) was the research study attempting to answer?
Who were the participants? (please state the # of participants and their ages)
What cognitive skills were measured in the research study? How were they measured?
Summarize the results of the study. What do these suggest about when and how the cognitive skill you have selected develops (please write a full paragraph): 3. How does the study you found relate to the toy you chose?

Task summary: To create slides based on the observation summary and answering th

Task summary:
To create slides based on the observation summary and answering th

Task summary:
To create slides based on the observation summary and answering the guide questions provided
Full order description:
Dear Freelancer,
2. Research and identify at least 2 classroom evaluation forms that are publicly available, as well as the Danielson Framework resources found on the Danielson Group Website and identify three aspects of teaching (i.e., Domains/Components) that you perceive as the most important.
Prepare and submit a —- slide Power Point presentation that summarizes the following;
1. Share the Domain and 2 ad 3 components that were your areas of focus.
2. What were some examples of the observable evidence that you collected?
3. Were any additional recommendations made from your discussion with your classroom partner or another teacher you shared with?
4. How can observational data be used to improve instruction?
5. How would you use this observational data to create an action plan for moving forward? What might the action plan look like?
6. How would you continue to evaluate the action plan in preparation for an end of the year conference?
Complete details on attached files.