I need to make a power point for my final presentation using the document I will

I need to make a power point for my final presentation using the document I will

I need to make a power point for my final presentation using the document I will upload. EVERYTHING HAS TO BE BASED IN THIS DOCUMENT THAT I AM UPLODING!
This is the instructions for this power point. please use nice pictures this is for my special needs class. thank youI
Instructions for the Presentation of the Final Project: Comprehensive Inclusive Education Plan
For the culmination of your course on “Teaching Preschool Children with Special Needs,” you will present your Comprehensive Inclusive Education Plan. This presentation will allow you to show your understanding, strategies and advocacy plan developed throughout the course. Here are detailed instructions for your presentation:
Effectively communicate your comprehensive plan for inclusive education in a preschool setting that includes children with special needs, highlighting your understanding of their diverse needs, your strategies for inclusive education, assessment and adaptation methods, collaborative efforts, and advocacy plans.
Presentation Format:
Duration: 20-25 minutes
Mode: PowerPoint or other similar digital presentation software.
Slides: Approximately 15-20 slides
Presentation content:
Introduction (2-3 slides)
Briefly introduce the purpose of your presentation.
Provides an overview of the importance of inclusive education for children with special needs.
Understanding Diverse Needs (3-4 slides)
Outlines the physical, emotional, and academic challenges faced by children with special needs.
Highlight key findings from your literature review or research.
Inclusive Educational Strategies (3-4 slides)
Present the inclusive educational strategies you developed.
Include examples from your lesson plan that demonstrate how these strategies meet both learning and physical disabilities.
Evaluation and Adaptation Methods (2-3 slides)
Explain your proposed methods for assessing the needs of children with special needs and adapting teaching methods accordingly.
Provides examples of how these adaptations can be implemented in a classroom setting.
Collaboration and Advocacy (3-4 slides)
Discuss your strategies for collaboration with families and other professionals.
Outline your advocacy plan to promote inclusive education within the school and the broader community.
Conclusion (1-2 slides)
Summarize the key points of your presentation.
Reflect on the importance of implementing a comprehensive inclusive education plan.
Questions and Answers (Time permitting)
Allocate time for questions and answers at the end of your presentation.
Presentation Tips:
Clarity and Concision: Make sure each slide is clear and to the point. Avoid overloading slides with text.
Visual Aids: Use graphs, diagrams and images to complement your presentation and illustrate your points effectively.
Practice: Rehearse your presentation several times to ensure smooth delivery and meet the time limit.
Engagement: Aim to engage your audience with questions, what-if scenarios, or interactive elements.
Professionalism: Maintain a professional appearance and tone throughout your presentation.

I need to make a power point for my final presentation using the document I will

I need to make a power point for my final presentation using the document I will

I need to make a power point for my final presentation using the document I will upload. EVERYTHING HAS TO BE BASED IN THIS DOCUMENT THAT I AM UPLODING!
This is the instructions for this power point. please use nice pictures this is for my special needs class. thank youI
Instructions for the Presentation of the Final Project: Comprehensive Inclusive Education Plan
For the culmination of your course on “Teaching Preschool Children with Special Needs,” you will present your Comprehensive Inclusive Education Plan. This presentation will allow you to show your understanding, strategies and advocacy plan developed throughout the course. Here are detailed instructions for your presentation:
Effectively communicate your comprehensive plan for inclusive education in a preschool setting that includes children with special needs, highlighting your understanding of their diverse needs, your strategies for inclusive education, assessment and adaptation methods, collaborative efforts, and advocacy plans.
Presentation Format:
Duration: 20-25 minutes
Mode: PowerPoint or other similar digital presentation software.
Slides: Approximately 15-20 slides
Presentation content:
Introduction (2-3 slides)
Briefly introduce the purpose of your presentation.
Provides an overview of the importance of inclusive education for children with special needs.
Understanding Diverse Needs (3-4 slides)
Outlines the physical, emotional, and academic challenges faced by children with special needs.
Highlight key findings from your literature review or research.
Inclusive Educational Strategies (3-4 slides)
Present the inclusive educational strategies you developed.
Include examples from your lesson plan that demonstrate how these strategies meet both learning and physical disabilities.
Evaluation and Adaptation Methods (2-3 slides)
Explain your proposed methods for assessing the needs of children with special needs and adapting teaching methods accordingly.
Provides examples of how these adaptations can be implemented in a classroom setting.
Collaboration and Advocacy (3-4 slides)
Discuss your strategies for collaboration with families and other professionals.
Outline your advocacy plan to promote inclusive education within the school and the broader community.
Conclusion (1-2 slides)
Summarize the key points of your presentation.
Reflect on the importance of implementing a comprehensive inclusive education plan.
Questions and Answers (Time permitting)
Allocate time for questions and answers at the end of your presentation.
Presentation Tips:
Clarity and Concision: Make sure each slide is clear and to the point. Avoid overloading slides with text.
Visual Aids: Use graphs, diagrams and images to complement your presentation and illustrate your points effectively.
Practice: Rehearse your presentation several times to ensure smooth delivery and meet the time limit.
Engagement: Aim to engage your audience with questions, what-if scenarios, or interactive elements.
Professionalism: Maintain a professional appearance and tone throughout your presentation.

Task: Types of Organization Charts and Functions in Preschool Schools in the Uni

Task: Types of Organization Charts and Functions in Preschool Schools in the Uni

Task: Types of Organization Charts and Functions in Preschool Schools in the United States
Task Description: Research and present information about the different types of organizational charts used in preschools in the United States, as well as the functions of each position in these organizational charts. Examines how pre-schools are structured and operated in terms of leadership and staff roles, and how this influences the quality of education offered.
1. Research the common types of organization charts used in preschools in the United States. Organization charts can vary depending on school size, organizational structure, and pedagogical approach. Some examples of organization charts include the hierarchical organization chart, the functional organization chart, and the matrix organization chart.
2. For each type of organizational chart, analyze the roles and responsibilities of the following key positions:
– Director of the Preschool School
– Preschool Teachers
– Support Staff and Assistants
– Curriculum Coordinator
– Special Education Specialists (if applicable)
– Administrative staff
3. Describe how responsibilities and authority are distributed in each type of organizational chart and how this can affect decision-making and efficiency in preschool management.
4. Consider the importance of communication and collaboration between different roles within the preschool and how this can influence the educational environment and the well-being of preschool children.
5. Present your report or presentation in a clear and organized manner, using concrete examples or hypothetical cases to illustrate how different organizational charts work in practice.
6. Be sure to cite all sources used in your research.
This assignment will help you understand how preschools in the United States are organized and operate, as well as the importance of organizational structure in providing quality education for preschool children.

1) Thoroughly analyze your scored rubric and any other feedback from the “Basic

1) Thoroughly analyze your scored rubric and any other feedback from the “Basic

1) Thoroughly analyze your scored rubric and any other feedback from the “Basic Direct Teaching Lesson Plan – 1st Draft for Feedback” assessment.
(2) Create a NEW / Second Madeline Hunter lesson plan. Use what you have learned from the first lesson you wrote to make this one better! Be sure to read the rubric prior to completing to ensure you know the expectations of the assessment to demonstrate your proficiency. **You may not re-submit the first one with revisions. This must be a new lesson with a new SE/SLO.**
(3) Be sure to write this lesson plan within your chosen certification field (**EC-12 SPED may choose any grade/subject based on their career goals). The MH Lesson plan template can be found at the following link: Direct Teaching / Madeline Hunter Lesson Plan templateLinks to an external site.
(4) You may submit your lesson plan as a document file (Google Doc, pdf, etc.).
Reminder: **It is HIGHLY suggested that you revise this lesson with any feedback you get! Often in an interview, you will be asked to submit 2-3 sample lesson plans. If you revised the previous one and this one, you will have finished products ready to go!
Category: Course Benchmark Assessment – This category is 60% of your final grade
**Note for “Benchmark Assessments” – These assessments will measure mastery of the most crucial knowledge and skills as outlined in SLOs and state/national standards. Students must pass (a grade of 70 or higher), in order to complete the course. If a student does not meet this passing score on initial submission, the course instructor will provide feedback and a resubmission will be required.
Category: Module Assessment – This category is 40% of your final grade
Grade: None – This submission is for feedback only – The rubric will be completed for review but no grade will be given.
Rubric: YES – Seen in Canvas
Ways to submit
Uploading a pdf or other saved file:

Connecting a Google Doc file – You will have to authorize access if you have not done so before and then locate the file you need in your Google Drive:
ED 5100 Direct Teaching Lesson Plan
ED 5100 Direct Teaching Lesson Plan
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBasics10% of Overall Score
3 ptsExemplary
The lesson plan has all 3 of the following components completed thoroughly: (1) The header information; (2) The materials and any citations needed; (3) Pacing minutes for each designated section
2 ptsProficient
The lesson plan has 2 of the following components completed thoroughly: (1) The header information; (2) The materials and any citations needed; (3) Pacing minutes for each designated section.
1 ptsNeeds Improvement
The lesson plan has 0-1 of the following components completed thoroughly: (1) The header information; (2) The materials and any citations needed; (3) Pacing minutes for each designated section.
0 ptsMissing
The student’s work fails to include any portion of this criteria.
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSLOs and Assessment20% of Overall Score
3 ptsExemplary
The lesson plan has all 3 of the following components completed thoroughly: (1) An TEK/SE included and rewritten as a SLO; (2) A purpose/ value/relevance for the lesson; (3) An appropriate assessment that is aligned to the SE/SLO.
2 ptsProficient
The lesson plan has 2 of the following components completed thoroughly: (1) An TEK/SE included and rewritten as a SLO; (2) A purpose/ value/relevance for the lesson; (3) An appropriate assessment that is aligned to the SE/SLO
1 ptsNeeds Improvement
The lesson plan has 0-1 of the following components completed thoroughly: (1) An TEK/SE included and rewritten as a SLO; (2) A purpose/ value/relevance for the lesson; (3) An appropriate assessment that is aligned to the SE/SLO.
0 ptsMissing
The student’s work fails to include any portion of this criteria.
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOpening and Closing10% of Overall Score
3 ptsExemplary
The lesson plan has all 3 of the following components completed thoroughly: (1) An anticipatory set; (2) A closure; (3) An extension.
2 ptsProficient
The lesson plan has 2 of the following components completed thoroughly: (1) An anticipatory set; (2) A closure; (3) An extension.
1 ptsNeeds Improvement
The lesson plan has 0-1 of the following components completed thoroughly: (1) An anticipatory set; (2) A closure; (3) An extension.
0 ptsMissing
The student’s work fails to include any portion of this criteria.
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInstruction20% of Overall Score
3 ptsExemplary
The lesson plan has all 3 of the following components completed thoroughly: (1) Quality and accurate Instructional Input (steps, vocabulary, content, etc.); (2) At least 2-4 examples in Modeling; (3) 3-5 questions with varying levels of thinking required.
2 ptsProficient
The lesson plan has 2 of the following components completed thoroughly: (1) Quality and accurate Instructional Input (steps, vocabulary, content, etc.); (2) At least 2-4 examples in Modeling; (3) 3-5 questions with varying levels of thinking required.
1 ptsNeeds Improvement (F) Mastery Level 1
The lesson plan has 0-1 of the following components completed thoroughly: (1) Quality and accurate Instructional Input (steps, vocabulary, content, etc.); (2) At least 2-4 examples in Modeling; (3) 3-5 questions with varying levels of thinking required.
0 ptsMissing
The student’s work fails to include any portion of this criteria.
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePractice20% of Overall Score
3 ptsExemplary
The lesson plan has all 3 of the following components completed thoroughly: (1) Well explained and quality Guided Practice; (2) Well explained and quality Independent Practice; (3) At least 1 strategy to make the Guided Practice and/or the Independent Practice more engaging for the students.
2 ptsProficient
The lesson plan has 2 of the following components completed thoroughly: (1) Well explained and quality Guided Practice; (2) Well explained and quality Independent Practice; (3) At least 1 strategy to make the Guided Practice and/or the Independent Practice more engaging for the students.
1 ptsNeeds Improvement
The lesson plan has 0-1 of the following components completed thoroughly: (1) Well explained and quality Guided Practice; (2) Well explained and quality Independent Practice; (3) At least 1 strategy to make the Guided Practice and/or the Independent Practice more engaging for the students.
0 ptsMissing
The student’s work fails to include any portion of this criteria.
3 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDifferentiation20% of Overall Score
3 ptsExemplary
The lesson plan has all 3 of the following components completed thoroughly: (1) Well explained and appropriate possible accommodations and/or modifications; (2) Appropriate and applicable ELPS; (3) At least 1 specific accommodation and/or modifcation that is tailored to this lesson (not the from the standard list of things like exrtra time, preferrential seating, etc.).
2 ptsProficient
The lesson plan has 2 of the following components completed thoroughly: (1) Well explained and appropriate possible accommodations and/or modifications; (2) Appropriate and applicable ELPS; (3) At least 1 specific accommodation and/or modifcation that is tailored to this lesson (not the from the standard list of things like exrtra time, preferrential seating, etc.).
1 ptsNeeds Improvement
The lesson plan has 0-1 of the following components completed thoroughly: (1) Well explained and appropriate possible accommodations and/or modifications; (2) Appropriate and applicable ELPS; (3) At least 1 specific accommodation and/or modifcation that is tailored to this lesson (not the from the standard list of things like extra time, preferrential seating, etc.).
0 ptsMissing
The student’s work fails to include any portion of this criteria.
3 p

Why is it important how intellectual disabilities is defined? What are the advan

Why is it important how intellectual disabilities is defined?
What are the advan

Why is it important how intellectual disabilities is defined?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of I Q tests and testing?
Why is the medical definition of intellectual disabilities of little use to teachers?
Adaptive behavior is the degree to which an individual meets the standards of personal independence and social responsibility expected of his or her age and social group. What are some specific examples of adaptive behavior? Why is adaptive behavior difficult to measure? Why is it necessary to include adaptive behavior in the definition of intellectual disabilities?
How might a child appear intellectually disabled in school but not in the community? How might a child appear intellectually disabled outside his or her social group?
How can an individual’s interaction with the environment cause intellectual disabilities?
What are the most important curriculum goals for children with intellectual disabilities?
What supports do you think are necessary for successful inclusion of a student with intellectual disabilities in a general education classroom?x

Directions: After reading and watching the videos from Simple Interactions, plea

Directions: After reading and watching the videos from Simple Interactions, plea

Directions: After reading and watching the videos from Simple Interactions, please respond to the following questions:
What connections can you make between this module and your own life or other learning? What ideas or positions do you want to challenge in this module?
What key concepts or ideas do you think are important and worth holding on to?
What changes in your thinking have occurred as a result of this new information?
You may choose any of the following ways to submit your assignment:
Video yourself answering the questions
Write a response to each question
Create a PowerPoint with each of the 4C’s discussed on individual slides
Create a Popplet (popplet.com)Place in the main popplet “Simple Interactions”.
Then, create another 4 popplets around the main one that answer each of the 4C’s

FINAL PROJECT Comprehensive Inclusive Education Plan Final Project Outline Front

Comprehensive Inclusive Education Plan
Final Project Outline

Comprehensive Inclusive Education Plan
Final Project Outline
Front page
(Example presented by the instructor)
Table of Contents
(Order of each part of the work according to page number)
Provide an overview of the purpose and structure of your Comprehensive Health Plan.
Inclusive education
II. Children with Special Needs
(Write information that is notable and investigative about 3 special needs)
For example: The categories of special needs according to the Federal IDEA are:
1. hearing impairment
2. speech or language impediment
3. emotional disorder
III. Educational strategy design
1. Lesson Plan (A 1-week plan will be made that includes the strategy
educational, evaluation method and adaptations. The teacher will provide the format of the
table to comply with the Lesson Plan)
to. Topic (The topic of the lesson that you are going to develop during the week)
b. General Objectives (2 or more)
c. Educational strategy (the diversity of activities)
d. Evaluation method (the attempts made or how mastery of the
and. Adaptations (The way to modify the environment, materials for a child with
special need)
IV. Collaboration Strategies
(Prepare a writing of the strategies for collaboration and communication with family and
professionals who work with children with special needs)
V. Conclusion
(Development of a writing that expresses the importance of promoting the inclusion of children
with special needs in educational organizations and content closure)
(This part should have all citations in the content and documents reviewed to help you in
the writing of this final project. References must be written according to APA 7th
The work must be 10 pages (minimum). The content must be in accordance with APA 7th style
edition. cited is super important APA7 follow all the instructions that are in here. please don’t use fancy words I have to translate this assignment to Spanish thank you.

Task: Types of Organization Charts and Functions in Preschool Schools in the Uni

Task: Types of Organization Charts and Functions in Preschool Schools in the Uni

Task: Types of Organization Charts and Functions in Preschool Schools in the United States
Task Description: Research and present information about the different types of organizational charts used in preschools in the United States, as well as the functions of each position in these organizational charts. Examines how pre-schools are structured and operated in terms of leadership and staff roles, and how this influences the quality of education offered.
1. Research the common types of organization charts used in preschools in the United States. Organization charts can vary depending on school size, organizational structure, and pedagogical approach. Some examples of organization charts include the hierarchical organization chart, the functional organization chart, and the matrix organization chart.
2. For each type of organizational chart, analyze the roles and responsibilities of the following key positions:
– Director of the Preschool School
– Preschool Teachers
– Support Staff and Assistants
– Curriculum Coordinator
– Special Education Specialists (if applicable)
– Administrative staff
3. Describe how responsibilities and authority are distributed in each type of organizational chart and how this can affect decision-making and efficiency in preschool management.
4. Consider the importance of communication and collaboration between different roles within the preschool and how this can influence the educational environment and the well-being of preschool children.
5. Present your report or presentation in a clear and organized manner, using concrete examples or hypothetical cases to illustrate how different organizational charts work in practice.
6. Be sure to cite all sources used in your research.
This assignment will help you understand how preschools in the United States are organized and operate, as well as the importance of organizational structure in providing quality education for preschool children.

Task 3: Collaboration and Advocacy Objective: Explore the importance of collabor

Task 3: Collaboration and Advocacy
Objective: Explore the importance of collabor

Task 3: Collaboration and Advocacy
Objective: Explore the importance of collaboration with families and professionals and the role of advocacy.
Task: Write a reflective essay about the importance of collaboration with families and other professionals in supporting the education of children with special needs. Discuss how educators can become advocates for these children and the impact of advocacy in promoting inclusive education.
The work must include a cover sheet, introduction, conclusion and references, and citations in APA 7th edition format.
The content must be 8 pages.

Final Project: Comprehensive Inclusive Education Plan Objective: Synthesize cou

Final Project: Comprehensive Inclusive Education Plan
Objective: Synthesize cou

Final Project: Comprehensive Inclusive Education Plan
Objective: Synthesize course learning into a comprehensive plan for teaching preschool children with special needs.
Task: Create a comprehensive inclusive education plan for a preschool classroom that includes children with special needs. This plan should encompass understanding the diverse needs of children with special needs, the design of inclusive educational strategies, assessment and adaptation methods, and approaches to collaboration with families and professionals. Include a section on how you would advocate for these children within the school and the broader community. The plan should be evidence-based, using literature, work completed during the course, and best practices in the field.
– Summary of the various needs of children with special needs.
– Inclusive educational strategies and lesson plans.
– Evaluation and adaptation methods.
– Strategies for collaboration and communication with families and professionals.
– Advocacy plan to promote inclusive education.
APA 7 Length Requirement: 10-12 pages, excluding title and reference pages