Read Chapter 1 and write about two this that resonate with you (2 takeaways) and

Read Chapter 1 and write about two this that resonate with you (2 takeaways) and tell why. Please cite the text using APA citation and be specific.
Read Chapter 2 and write about two this that resonate with you (2 takeaways) and tell why. Please cite the text using APA citation and be specific.
Please title each section Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 as they are sperate discussions.
Sidenote-going to school to be a teacher (may be helpful)

Special education professionals need to collaborate with general education teach

Special education professionals need to collaborate with general education teachers and other school staff to collect data on undesirable behaviors. Prior to implementing interventions, this data needs to be analyzed to determine the causes of the behavior(s) as well as the consequences for the behavior(s).
For this Assignment, you will interview and collaborate with a general education teacher regarding a behavioral concern (e.g. disruptive behaviors, attention problems, inappropriate language, off-task behaviors, defiance) for a student with an exceptionality that spends time in the general education teacher’s classroom. You will create a data collection tool and collect data on this behavior for at least 8 days during Module 3 (Weeks 3 & 4). This data will then be used to plan evidence-based interventions for the general education teacher and yourself to implement to minimize the behavior. You will continue to collect data while the interventions are in place to determine their effectiveness and make ongoing plans for the identified student.
Create a data collection tool to implement in Module 3 (Weeks 3 & 4) that will provide you with data on one of the student’s undesired behaviors. Note: You will need to collect at least 8 days of data on the undesired behavior, and this data should be collected during multiple activities and environments throughout the school day.
Write a 2- to 3-page paper that includes the following two parts:
Part 1: Interview Summary
Summarize the information that you gathered from the interview with the general education teacher.
Note: Be sure to remove all identifying information regarding both the student and the general education teacher.
Explain the teacher’s classroom expectations and how the identified behavior does not align with those expectations. Provide a rationale as to why you chose the behavior and how the behavior is impacting learning for your student and for the other students in the classroom.
Note: You will be collecting data (Module 3) on the identified behavior and implementing interventions to try to improve the behavior (Module 4).
Part 2: Collecting Valid and Reliable Data
Explain the importance of collecting data to inform intervention strategies. Use evidence-based, peer-reviewed research to support your thoughts.
Explain how the data collection tool you created will provide you with valid and reliable data on the identified behavior.
Attach a transcriipt of your interview as Appendix A and your data collection tool as Appendix B for this Assignment.

After reviewing Modules 2- 9, write a 1-page reflection for each module on what

After reviewing Modules 2- 9, write a 1-page reflection for each module on what you have learned. Use APA citation. The only resource should be the one provided below. Please write a one-page summary of what you learned from each module on a separate page. No other resource should be used. The professor scans for plagiarism.

Assessment Descriiption The integrated study of content areas allows for the eng

Assessment Descriiption
The integrated study of content areas allows for the engagement of students through the purposeful application of content knowledge. Social studies is a content area that can be effectively integrated with multiple aspects of the arts, including visual arts, drama, and performance. Teachers can design meaningful learning experiences that are cross-curricular and guide students in the development of interdisciplinary skills, within content area contexts, establishing a connection that encourages exploration, discovery, and expression.
For this assignment, develop a learning experience that integrates the arts with social studies content and uses various forms of communication with interdisciplinary connections of real-world knowledge and skills. Research and examine a variety of teaching and instructional strategies for activities that engage students in complex thinking and meaningful tasks and lessons that integrate social studies and the arts.
Select a grade level, K-8, at least one social studies and one arts standard from the state in which you are planning to obtain teacher certification that can be met in your learning activity.
You will be using the same standards and learning objectives for Topics 1 through 3, as well as potentially using them for the benchmark assignment. Review these assignments prior to writing your learning activity, so you are familiar with upcoming expectations.
The learning activity should include:
At least one grade level. social studies standard and one arts standard.
Learning objectives that reflect the social studies and arts standards and are measurable.
100-150 word descriiption of the learning activity, including a justification for how it integrates social studies and the arts.
At least two instructional strategies to be used during the activity to foster the development of creativity and critical thinking and enhance students’ problem-solving skills, while advancing student performance.
At least one opportunity during the learning activity for students to collaborate and communicate with peers as they apply learning to real-world knowledge and/or skills.
Support the learning activity with 2-3 scholarly resources.
Rubric Criteria
Standards and Grade-Level
3.5 points
Learning Objectives
10.5 points
Learning Activity and Justification
14 points
Instructional Strategies
14 points
Collaborative and Communication Opportunity
14 points
7 points
Mechanics of Writing
7 points
70 points
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Rewrite a reflective essay for the master’s program in TESOL for Theoretical cla

Rewrite a reflective essay for the master’s program in TESOL for Theoretical class/course. I need someone to rewrite the work and give a summary at the end of the essay. I used ChatGPT to put my work in the first person. This reflection cannot have plagiarism and cannot be ChatGPT or AI written. I like the work to be written or read as one fluent essay with simple words. I will attach the work and instructions in pdf. APA format.

In this week’s Discussion, introduce the issue you selected for the Historical R

In this week’s Discussion, introduce the issue you selected for the Historical Review Project assignment. Share your topic and explain why you selected this topic. Discuss what interesting you most about this topic and why this topic is important to study (you may take this directly from your outline assignment for this week). Write two discussion questions for your classmates to respond to in this week’s Discussion.
Comments from Customer
I will respond to classmates. I just need the discussion part done. I can’t see the other classmates discussion post until after I post mine. Then I respond.

Write a position paper (2-3 pages) describing various aspects of Organizational

Write a position paper (2-3 pages) describing various aspects of Organizational Justice and the impact they have on organizational development and the perception of fairness within your school/organization. Use the Overview of Organization Justice (Beugre) as your foundational resource. In your paper, provide a specific example from your current or former school/organization illustrating an example of when:
resources were not distributed fairly
the development and implementation of a specific policy or procedure did not involve all stakeholders
people were not treated with dignity and respect

Introduction: Teachers are responsible for using a variety of progress-monitorin

Teachers are responsible for using a variety of progress-monitoring strategies to evaluate and support student achievement. These strategies include formative and summative assessments, which are always part of lesson plans and should be aligned to both objectives and standards. In this task, you will describe a formative and summative assessment to support a three-part learning objective. The summative assessment will also include an evaluation tool. You will describe how you will use the assessment and evaluation tool to measure student performance.
A. Create a three-part learning objective that includes behavior, condition, and measurable criterion.
B. Describe a formative assessment, that could be used to monitor a student’s progress in meeting the learning objective in Part A, including a sample of what might be on the formative assessment (e.g., questions, things you might observe).
1. Describe how you will collect data when using the formative assessment in Part B.
2. Describe how you will provide specific feedback to students about their performance on the formative assessment from Part B.
a. Describe how the formative assessment feedback in Part B2 will help student progress in meeting the learning objective in Part A.
C. Attach the following to evaluate mastery in meeting the learning objective in Part A.
• Summative assessment
• Evaluation tool (e.g., rubrics, checklists, answer keys) for the summative assessment.
Note: The attachments may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc. File types can be a PDF, Word document, or jpeg of the assessment/evaluation tool.
1. Describe how the summative assessment is aligned to the learning objective in Part A.
2. Describe how the evaluation tool in Part C is used to determine mastery in meeting the learning objective from Part A.
3. Describe how you will provide specific feedback to students about their performance on the summative assessment from Part C.
a. Describe how the summative assessment feedback in Part C3 will help students understand their mastery of the learning objective in Part A.
4. Describe how you could differentiate the summative assessment from Part C to address a learning need.
D. Describe how you will use summative assessment data to plan future instruction.
E. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

Rewrite a reflective essay for the master’s program in TESOL for Experiential cl

Rewrite a reflective essay for the master’s program in TESOL for Experiential class/course. I need someone to rewrite the work and give a summary at the end of the essay. I used ChatGPT to put my work in the first person. This reflection cannot have plagiarism and cannot be ChatGPT or AI written. I like the work to be written or read as one fluent essay with simple words. I will attach the work and instructions in pdf. APA format.