The eight principles of information architecture were developed by Dan Brown in

The eight principles of information architecture were developed by Dan Brown in

The eight principles of information architecture were developed by Dan Brown in 2010 to help UX and UI professionals make better website design decisions. In your module reading, you learned about each of these eight principles and their implications for user experience. In this discussion, you will find a representative example of at least one of these eight principles to share and discuss with your peers. Prior to your initial post, choose one of the eight principles of information architecture to research. Find a website that is lacking in its execution of your chosen principle. Consider searching for local businesses, local government, or local school websites, as these often will be dated or might not have the resources to invest in UX and UI support. In your initial post, address the following in NO MORE THAN 2-3 PARAGRAPHS: Share your example website and identify which principle you feel is lacking in this example. Explain why you believe your example website has poorly incorporated your selected principle. Give specific details to support your claims. In response to at least two of your peers’ initial posts, answer the following in NO MORE THAN 1-2 PARAGRAPHSs: Find a post discussing a different principle than the one that you chose for your initial post. You may respond by adding to the critique. For example, are there other principles of information architecture that are also lacking in the example? Is there interplay between these issues? Defend your claims with specific details. You may also respond by suggesting solutions for the identified issues. In other words, how could the principle of information architecture be better applied in the example website? Defend your proposals with specific details. The two discussion posts to repsond to are below 1st Post This is a link to the New York State government website. This site is lacking in most of Dan Brown’s information architecture principles, but the one that stands out to me most is the front door principle. The front door principle involves designing entry points within a system that provides users with a comprehensive overview or introduction to the content. The New York State website lacks in this principle because it simply provides a list of icons and non-descriptive labels for their offered service categories. With the large quantity of services they provide, this list not very intuitive for the user because their is not enough information for each service category for the user to be able to know which category they should select to find the service they are looking for. If some user research was preformed that measured the likelihood that a user would select the wrong category at least once before finding the category they were actually looking for, I would suspect that this would be the case somewhere between 65% and 85% of the time. 2nd Post Hi Everybody, My chosen website is It fails multiple principles but I’m going to focus on its failure of the principle of choices. The site gives some choices noted as most popular on the landing page. However, it leaves keywords, categories, ideas, as well as brands available to the user’s imagination with no guidance at all. Also, noted in tiny words at the bottom it excitedly tells the user that this is the only way they can get the products whatever those products may be. If someone gets tired from trying to find something on their website the only other option a customer has is to call them. This is an inefficient business model.

Please answer one of the two following questions in your motivational statement:

Please answer one of the two following questions in your motivational statement:

Please answer one of the two following questions in your motivational statement:  
– What do you think is the most pressing issue Europe is facing today?   
– What will be the moment of truth in 2024?
When replying to your question of choice, please relate your answer to one of the four thematic tracks of the EFA.  
In your essay, please also form a fictive project group composed of you and three other people (living or deceased) to address this issue. If you are applying for a scholarship in one of the focus groups, please link your project to the focus group.   
– Briefly discuss your project idea.  
– Who would you choose for your project group and why?   
– How can it contribute to a stronger Europe?   
– What do you personally bring to the EFA? 

In this exercise, you will practice research and writing about a technical topic

In this exercise, you will practice research and writing about a technical topic

In this exercise, you will practice research and writing about a technical topic, for a potential employer someday. Perform research of each of these items and write a 600 word essay on the following items. Develop headers and sections as appropriate. Use 3rd person only, except in section 3 below, where I want your feedback. Provide citations when appropriate, and a proper APA formatted reference in the references section. In addition to the other references you may use, you are required to have at least 2 scholarly sources (peer reviewed journal articles) and 1 scripture citation (relate the concept applied and/or the impact of the action to your Biblical Worldview). Do not use the lab instructions or any Liberty documents as your reference. Add your work below in this template, including headers and references section. Ensure you cover the following topics (in order). Questions for each topic are given to prompt your thoughts, answer all of those questions, but don’t repeat them. Feel free to give more content, just be sure to cover these items. Place your essay within this section, remove these instructions when you understand them.
1) Ethical Hacker
a) What is the primary work of an ethical hacker?
b) How does being an ethical hacker align with your Christian worldview, giving citation(s)?
c) What must an ethical hacker have before employing hacking tools and techniques on a company network?
2) Laws and Ethics
a) Why did your state develop the laws you learned about?
b) What is defined in the written permission and why is it important?
c) How does this topic relate to your Biblical worldview?
3) Lab Exercises
a) What difficulties did you have in this lab, what did not work the first time you tried it and how did you overcome it?
b) What was your Favorite part?
c) What was the hardest part for you? Why?
d) What would you change in the lab, if anything?
e) Why do the labs in this course use the Kali Linux Live operating system?
f) Which Kali Linux Live method did you prefer: a bootable USB or a VirtualBox?

Please answer one of the two following questions in your motivational statement:

Please answer one of the two following questions in your motivational statement:

Please answer one of the two following questions in your motivational statement:  
– What do you think is the most pressing issue Europe is facing today?   
– What will be the moment of truth in 2024?
When replying to your question of choice, please relate your answer to one of the four thematic tracks of the EFA.  
In your essay, please also form a fictive project group composed of you and three other people (living or deceased) to address this issue. If you are applying for a scholarship in one of the focus groups, please link your project to the focus group.   
– Briefly discuss your project idea.  
– Who would you choose for your project group and why?   
– How can it contribute to a stronger Europe?   
– What do you personally bring to the EFA? 

Scope of papers is to assess the implications of occupational health and safety

Scope of papers is to assess the implications of occupational health and safety

Scope of papers is to assess the implications of occupational health and safety management systems in developing countries- particularly the construction industry.
summarise and critically analyse a carefully chosen set of three peer-reviewed, academic journal papers that are relevant to your allocated dissertation topic area, comparing each of these “core papers” with each other and with other related academic papers.
Summary (of Context, Method, Results and Conclusions): Briefly explain the purpose, context and scope of
the paper and the topic area that it addresses. Describe the particular issue that the study addresses and the research methods used to generate and analyse the data. Summarise the main findings and conclusions as documented in the paper.
CritiqueandComparisonwithrelatedpapers:Thissectionshouldexamineeachresearchpaperandaddress questions such as: Does the study/ paper achieve its aim? Examining the methodology, why was this approach selected? Is the methodology similar to that which other researchers in this field have used and do these conclusions agree or disagree with other work in this area? Are the findings justified and/or valid in your view and how well did these relate to the authors’ aim and objectives? Was the evidence the authors used to back up their findings robust? You should compare the core paper with at least one additional academic source (supporting literature), and ideally more, to draw out relevant insights and different points of view.
Conclusions: You should end your review of each core paper with a few sentences summarising the conclusions that you have drawn from critical analysis of this research paper. This must go further than simply summarising the conclusions that are stated in the paper itself.
add all citations in Harvard style (including in text citations) and include other relevant academic papers.
The three academic journals are attached below.

Scope of papers is to assess the implications of occupational health and safety

Scope of papers is to assess the implications of occupational health and safety

Scope of papers is to assess the implications of occupational health and safety management systems in developing countries- particularly the construction industry.
summarise and critically analyse a carefully chosen set of three peer-reviewed, academic journal papers that are relevant to your allocated dissertation topic area, comparing each of these “core papers” with each other and with other related academic papers.
Summary (of Context, Method, Results and Conclusions): Briefly explain the purpose, context and scope of
the paper and the topic area that it addresses. Describe the particular issue that the study addresses and the research methods used to generate and analyse the data. Summarise the main findings and conclusions as documented in the paper.
CritiqueandComparisonwithrelatedpapers:Thissectionshouldexamineeachresearchpaperandaddress questions such as: Does the study/ paper achieve its aim? Examining the methodology, why was this approach selected? Is the methodology similar to that which other researchers in this field have used and do these conclusions agree or disagree with other work in this area? Are the findings justified and/or valid in your view and how well did these relate to the authors’ aim and objectives? Was the evidence the authors used to back up their findings robust? You should compare the core paper with at least one additional academic source (supporting literature), and ideally more, to draw out relevant insights and different points of view.
Conclusions: You should end your review of each core paper with a few sentences summarising the conclusions that you have drawn from critical analysis of this research paper. This must go further than simply summarising the conclusions that are stated in the paper itself.
add all citations in Harvard style (including in text citations) and include other relevant academic papers.
The three academic journals are attached below.