This will help you understand the structure of paragraphing when writing. Chapt

This will help you understand the structure of paragraphing when writing.

This will help you understand the structure of paragraphing when writing.
Chapter 5 is attached with questions to follow….
What is a topic sentence? Why is it important, and where is it usually located in the paragraph? 
What are a few distinguishing factors between an undeveloped paragraph and adequately developed paragraph? Describe two distinctions for each.
What is coherence in writing? What are some writing strategies to achieve coherence from paragraph to paragraph; and from sentence to sentence? 
Write a paragraph using one of the following sentences as your topic sentence (Only choose one of the following below). Insert the missing key word and then repeat it in your paragraph to help link your sentences. (Your paragraph should be at least 5 sentences or more). 

 _______ is my favorite relative.
 I wish I had (a, an, some, more) _______.
 _______ changed my life.
 _______ is more trouble than it’s worth.
A visit to _______ always depresses me.
 Eating _______ is a challenge.
I admire _______

Socioeconomic status (SES), the combination of family income, parents’ occupati

Socioeconomic status (SES), the combination of family income, parents’ occupati

Socioeconomic status (SES), the combination of family income, parents’ occupations, and level of parental education, consistently predicts intelligence and achievement test scores, grades, truancy, and dropout and suspension rates (Macionis, 2019; Putnam, 2016). Researchers describe socioeconomic status using four classes—upper, middle, working, and lower—with finer distinctions within each (Macionis, 2019).
Write  a 1 1/2  to 2 page article critique utilizing the template provided below.
Upload your journal article critique with APA Student Title Page A sample can be found here:
 Please note:The questions and prompts included on the template are guides to what you may include in your narrative for each of the paragraphs. Use the Level 1 Heading “Reflection” centered on the page for the heading of your reflection paragraph. Use the Level 1 Heading “Application” also centered on the page for your application paragraph. Your first paragraph, dedicated to your summary, does not have a heading. Your article review should be 1 1/2 to 2 pages in length. 

Argue for starting a career after high school. Introductory Paragraph Introdu

Argue for starting a career after high school.
Introductory Paragraph

Argue for starting a career after high school.
Introductory Paragraph
Introduce the overall topic (setting up an overview to give readers context).
Introduce one side of the argument.
Introduce the opposing side of the argument.
Create a thesis statement that reflects your opinion on the topic.
Paragraph 1: Supporting Point #1

Introduce the strongest evidence that supports your point.
Note the source this information came from (preparing for an in-text citation).
Give two supporting details.
Explain how this evidence supports your point.

Paragraphs 2 through 5: Supporting Points #2 through 5

Introduce the other evidence that supports your point.
Note the source this information came from.
Give two supporting details.
Explain how this evidence supports your point.

Paragraph 6 and 7: Refuting Counterclaims

Introduce one or two possible counterarguments that an opponent might have.
Note the source this information came from.
Explain why this counterargument isn’t valid using two supporting details.

Conclusion Paragraph

Restated thesis statement
Summary of your argument
Significance of your argument

  Second, take a look at the PowerPoint presentation, “How About these Question

Second, take a look at the PowerPoint presentation, “How About these Question

Second, take a look at the PowerPoint presentation, “How About these Questions?” and the Research Questions handout located in the Lesson 1 Instructions page. You will also need to watch or listen to any lectures related to research questions.
Third, list three research questions that you are interested in. You can choose from the resources provided, create your own, or modify those from the list. Remember the tips from the video: “Developing a Research Question.”
Fourth, why are you interested in these research questions? Give specific reasons based on what you know right now. Do not complete any research. Your goal is to identify questions, not do research.
In your one response, answer with at least 50 words and offer information about the research questions on your classmate’s list. What do you know that might help them decide? Which of their questions are you curious about and why?

My goal is to talk about gun violence in New Orleans. How to decrease the gun/g

My goal is to talk about gun violence in New Orleans. How to decrease the gun/g

My goal is to talk about gun violence in New Orleans. How to decrease the gun/gang violence in New Orleans.
Instructions for this assignment:
Use one credible article that talks about topic
Include article reference using APA
explain at least three critical ideas contained within the article.
Use in-text citations that link back to your article at the end of your sentences.

Brainstorm Ideas that will provide positive change for you community. Ideas to

Brainstorm Ideas that will provide positive change for you community. Ideas to

Brainstorm Ideas that will provide positive change for you community. Ideas to think about include gun violence, resources for teenagers to keep them active and out of trouble, community events that promotes positivity between police officers and members of the community. Identify three ways these ideas will create a positive change in your community.

Brainstorm Ideas that will provide positive change for you community. Ideas to

Brainstorm Ideas that will provide positive change for you community. Ideas to

Brainstorm Ideas that will provide positive change for you community. Ideas to think about include gun violence, resources for teenagers to keep them active and out of trouble, community events that promotes positivity between police officers and members of the community. Identify three ways these ideas will create a positive change in your community.

  The Briefing Note allows students to bring awareness to underserved specialti

The Briefing Note allows students to bring awareness to underserved specialti

The Briefing Note allows students to bring awareness to underserved specialties/niche areas within the profession, gathering research on evidence including all viewpoints and positions, and lastly the student’s conclusion/recommendations.
Instructions: Students will work in groups to write a Briefing Note discussing underserved specialties/niche areas in the field of occupational therapy.