Topic: Respond to Zinsser Section IV titled “Attitudes.” After you have read Se

Topic: Respond to Zinsser Section IV titled “Attitudes.”
After you have read Se

Topic: Respond to Zinsser Section IV titled “Attitudes.”
After you have read Section IV of the Zinsser text titled “Attitudes,” respond to the following:
Reflect on the observations Zinsser makes that impresses you as being most relevant and important to you as a student and as a writer.
Cite specific passages from the text to support your points, following current APA format. 

Evan Thomas, former editor at large for Newsweek, shares strategies for student

Evan Thomas, former editor at large for Newsweek, shares strategies for student

Evan Thomas, former editor at large for Newsweek, shares strategies for student writers to improve their writing with a specific focus on email. For this week’s journal entry, you will reflect on the advice Thomas provides.
Respond to the journal prompt using analysis and critical thinking in no fewer than 300 words using conventional English.
What two points in the Thomas video for this unit impress you as being most significant in guiding email communication? Why?

Persuasive Request to Pursue Research Email Typically, before a writer expends

Persuasive Request to Pursue Research Email
Typically, before a writer expends

Persuasive Request to Pursue Research Email
Typically, before a writer expends energy on a research proposal, they ask for permission from their decision-maker to start the project. You practiced researching a project in the learning activity. In previous units, you have demonstrated persuasive writing strategies. Now use what you learned about persuasive writing in this assignment.
You will write an email to your decision-maker requesting permission to move forward with the relationship between social media and anxiety disorders for the researched proposal to solve a problem or address a weakness in your workplace or community. You will provide evidence to support the viability of your topic.
Checklist: Make sure your submission:
Contains no fewer than 500 and no more than 700 words.
Follows correct email format.
Includes subheadings to break up sections of the email.
Describes the problem or project you want to work on and explains its significance.
Integrates at least two viable sources into the request to demonstrate research is available to support the topic.
Provides current 7th edition APA formatted in-text citations and references pages.
Contains no grammatical or mechanical errors.

Stakeholders and Bad News Stakeholder Memo You read about stakeholders in your

Stakeholders and Bad News
Stakeholder Memo
You read about stakeholders in your

Stakeholders and Bad News
Stakeholder Memo
You read about stakeholders in your Learning Activity and Reading area of this unit. How might external stakeholders’ points of view be different from internal stakeholders? What changes would you expect to see in writing style and content under the following circumstances?
Read the scenario and follow the steps provided.
Scenario: A public company is changing its mission and business entity to be a for-profit benefit corporation that is required to show social and environmental benefits besides a profit. But so far, the company has not altered their actions and policies regarding enormous environmental waste being generated. Access background information for the Discussion.
Step 1: Read the scenario and choose one of these external stakeholders: Suppliers, customers, the community, competitors, society (the environment), banks and lending institutions, and the government.
Step 2: Compose a short email (200 words) to the CEO regarding your chosen stakeholder’s reaction to the changes and the ethical considerations. Remember the appropriate email format, including the required fields of to, from, date, subject.
Step 3: Respond to one of your classmates’ emails as the CEO in a minimum of 150 words.
Step 4: For your final response to classmates, vote (1) for the best memo from an external stakeholder and (2) the best response to an external stakeholder other than your own. Your instructor will set up a forum for voting purposes.

  This week’s video response is on the annotated bibliography! After watching th

This week’s video response is on the annotated bibliography! After watching th

This week’s video response is on the annotated bibliography! After watching this video, answer these questions: What did you learn about creating an AB? How is this AB different than ones you have had to create for other classes? What questions do you still have about this assignment? to an external site.

First upload has the information about this 3 page p@per. This assignment asks y

First upload has the information about this 3 page p@per.
This assignment asks y

First upload has the information about this 3 page p@per.
This assignment asks you to write a version of a literary/textual analysis. An analysis carefully studies and examines a text. It is a type of argumentative ess@y where you persuade a reader of your assertion about the text.
Second upload is the works cited information to cite the book
Third upload is like a rubic, to go based off of. try to aim for Excellent and Competent / Acceptable
Note: Everything Inside by: Edwidge Danticat is the book

 he final project is a research paper of no more than 5 pages on one leadership

 he final project is a research paper of no more than 5 pages on one leadership

 he final project is a research paper of no more than 5 pages on one leadership theory of your choice. This leadership theory should be one that is based on the concepts you have learned and discussed in the course, and one that resonates and applies to the leadership quote you discussed in Unit 1.
Leaders have a clear, compelling vision that they can communicate effectively to their team. They inspire others to buy into this vision and work towards it. This is different from management, which is more about executing plans and meeting objectives. Leaders not only set these objectives but also provide the motivation and direction to achieve them.
Leaders possess high emotional intelligence. They understand their own emotions and those of their team members. They use this understanding to manage relationships and navigate social networks effectively. Managers, on the other hand, may not necessarily need to have high emotional intelligence, as their role is more about ensuring tasks are completed efficiently. Leaders empower their team members. They encourage them to take initiative, make decisions, and contribute their ideas. pending time on short-term goals allows the manager to focus on creating the systems and processes the company needs to create the changes the leader has envisioned (Okuchi, 2021). This creates a sense of ownership and commitment among team members, leading to higher productivity and morale. In contrast, managers may focus more on controlling and directing their team members to ensure tasks are completed as planned. These insights highlight the differences between leadership and management. While both roles are crucial in an organization, they require different skill sets and approaches. Leaders inspire and motivate, while managers plan and coordinate. Both roles complement each other and are necessary for the success of any organization. 
A manager is someone who is responsible for controlling or administering an organization or group of staff. They are involved in activities such as planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the work of a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. In conclusion, while the roles of a manager and a leader are distinct, they are not mutually exclusive. A person can be both a manager and a leader, depending on the situation and the needs of the organization or team.
Daft, R. (2023) The Leadership Experience (8th ed.) Cengage Publishers.
Okuchi, A. (2021). Mgmt. Theory – The key differences between Managers and Leaders. Principles of Management. YouTube video.

Blogger’s Prompt:  In module four’s blog post, you selected three potential top

Blogger’s Prompt: 
In module four’s blog post, you selected three potential top

Blogger’s Prompt: 
In module four’s blog post, you selected three potential topics for your upcoming Persuasive Speech. In this blog, you will select the topic that you will most likely use in your persuasive speech outlines and video. You will use three different attention-grabbing strategies from Chapter 10 and apply them to your topic. Just to recap some of the strategies are the following: relate the topic to the audience, state importance of the topic, startle audience, a question to the audience about your topic, begin with a quotation, tell a story related to your topic, or use a visual aid. 
Blogger’s Instructions:
Discuss three different attention-grabbing introductions for your selected topic. 
The topic I want to choose is (Encouraging more physical activity in schools.)

1. Watch “The C.R.A.P Test for Evaluating Websites” video on YouTube. Link to v

1. Watch “The C.R.A.P Test for Evaluating Websites” video on YouTube. Link to v

1. Watch “The C.R.A.P Test for Evaluating Websites” video on YouTube. Link to video and information on C.R.A.P. test: to an external site.
2. Find an online source that is relevant to your persuasive speech topic, and you would consider credible according to the CRAP test. (You can use a source that you’ve already put in your outline or plan to use). Using tips from each letter of the CRAP test, give specific reasons why the website you have chosen would be a credible source. For example, for each term used in the acronym C.R.A.P, you are to write 2 to 3 sentences describing how your resources relates to each letter. 
My persuasive speech topic is (Encouraging more physical activity in schools.)