For this discussion board, watch a snippet of President Obama’s extemporaneous

For this discussion board, watch a snippet of President Obama’s extemporaneous

For this discussion board, watch a snippet of President Obama’s extemporaneous speech he delivered at the foot of the Edmund Pettus Bridge for the 2015 Selma Jubilee Celebration (better known as #Selma50) and then watch Phil Davidson’s speech to Stark County and answer the questions below:

After watching the speech, on a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you believe Pres. Obama delivered his extemporaneous speech? Please explain your rating. 
Discuss if you believe his gestures and eye contact helped or contrasted with the message he was trying to send? Was his overall delivery effective? Why or why not?
Discuss the purpose and his audience. Is Obama’s message appropriate for the audience and demographics? Explain your answers. 
Now discuss Phil Davidson’s message, delivery skills (eye moments, hand gestures, movement in front of the audience, etc.).
5. Compare and contrast the two very different speech deliveries.
Your response should be 5 to 7 sentences in length (or longer). Refrain from mentioning your political views as it relates to this speech.

  Guiding Behavior and Classroom Management Purpose  In this assignment, you wi

Guiding Behavior and Classroom Management
In this assignment, you wi

Guiding Behavior and Classroom Management
In this assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of classroom management and guidance strategies.  
There are 4 parts to this assignment.  You will view the resources and videos provided in order to complete this assignment. 
1.  Guiding Behavior
Click on this link to view the resource about Behavior and Classroom Management  Guiding Behavior and Managing the ClassroomLinks to an external site.
link is :
Give two examples of a child’s motivation for his behavior and how a teacher might approach the child.  
Give four tips for how to state behavioral expectations and why it is important for a child’s social development.  
What is the difference between praise and acknowledgment?  Give an example of praise and acknowledgment. 
2.  Indirect Guidance
Watch this video Arranging Classroom SpaceLinks to an external site.
link is:
Provide two examples of how the physical space provides an indicator of how to act such as where to sit, traffic flow, etc. For each include a brief description of the physical element and how it provided guidance. 
3. Direct Guidance
Go to this website Introduction to Responding to BehaviorsLinks to an external site.
link is :
 and watch 5 short Videos: Introduction to Responding to Behaviors, Redirection, Simple Positive Reminders, Firm Reminders, and Choice, and Modeling.  
Provide two guidance strategy examples from each video (Redirection, Simple Positive Reminders, Firm Reminders and Choice, and Modeling).  For each include the name of the guidance strategy,  a brief description, and how it is helpful. 
Compare two of the guidance strategies from the videos and describe how they are similar and yet different.  Identify an appropriate time to use each strategy. 
4.  Conflict Resolution
View this video of a teacher assisting children with the steps of conflict resolution. I Was Here First.  Links to an external site. 
link is :
Identify the steps of conflict resolution with examples of what you observed.  

  Answer each of the following prompts in at least four complete sentences, inc

Answer each of the following prompts in at least four complete sentences, inc

Answer each of the following prompts in at least four complete sentences, including a topic sentence, claim, evidence, such as examples and illustrations, as well as a conclusion sentence in each paragraph. 
1. Apply psychoanalytic criticism to interpret how Gilgamesh and Achilles are portrayed. Compare and contrast their motivations from various viewpoints. Are they controlled predominately by reason or the irrational mind? Review the most predominate ethical and logical standpoints of the characters. Freud explains that the neurotic crisis is “the struggle between the interest of self-preservation (ego) and the demands of man’s aggressive nature (id)”. Apply psychoanalytic criticism to analyze the motivations and roles held by both epic heroes.
2. Define Beowulf’s identity as an epic hero with specific examples from the text. Identify two or three ethical motivations behind the predictability of the rationality found through his actions. How do these traits make his role stand out among other epic heroes within a historical context? Define how historical, religious, philosophical, political, or cultural elements in the work influence his predictability as a heroic character. Would his role as the archetype of an epic hero be the same if he was not a predictable character? Why or why not?
3. Compare and contrast the definition of theodicy in The Tale of Sinuhe with the Book of Job. How do both texts give way to the creation of religion through cycles of order and chaos? Compare and contrast monotheism with polytheism and henotheism. What is the most important moral lesson we learn from Sinuhe’s tribulation from the gods and Job’s tribulation from Shaddai that are foreseen early in the books and are found at the end of the books?
4. In The Ramayana of Valmiki, identify and describe the elements of mysticism and metaphysics that help to define and construct Rama’s piety in the epic through a series of events in the plot. How does he represent the ideal man and epic hero? How does he overcome the psychological warfare presenting a great foe against him?
5.  Identify the political and philosophical influences on Lysistrata’s strategy in Aristophanes’, Lysistrata. Explain which theories and ideologies align with her views of female intellect, along with equality among the sexes and class systems. How does Aristophanes satirize certain demagogues and political philosophers, while elevating other ideological views?
6. Explain how to read the book of Job and Psalms as both books of wisdom and of poetry. Compare and contrast the moral lesson in the Book of Job with Psalm 23. Identify the central literary devices in Psalm 23 and the Book of Job. Compare and contrast how Soteriology can be used as a lens of interpretation in both texts.
7. Explain how Taoist virtues are upheld through many philosophical standpoints. Identify how pluralism is used to attain truth and wisdom in the work. Explain how The Way leads one to find true peace and happiness according to Zhuangzi.

  Instructions Please reflect on your experience going through the module conte

Please reflect on your experience going through the module conte

Please reflect on your experience going through the module content of this mini badging course by responding to the following questions. Be sure to remember the specific genre (a newsletter student spotlight section) and the audience (FIU community, including peers and professors) as you compose your responses. To see what this genre looks like, check out the Faculty Spotlight section of the newsletterLinks to an external site.. 
What are one or two of your biggest takeaways from this badging course related to your future professional, academic, and/or personal writing practices?
Based upon your pre- and post-learning survey results and/or your experiences in this badging course, what do you see as one strength and one area for improvement in your writing process? 
Think about your experiences writing in this course along with other courses you have taken. In what ways do you find writing conventions differ across the disciplines? Can you provide some examples to illustrate the differences?  
What are some of the common genres and writing purposes that you experienced within this badging course?  Which one(s) do you think will be most applicable to your future professional, academic, and/or personal pursuits and why? 
What is the role of feedback in your writing process? Here, you might discuss giving/receiving peer feedback, integrating instructor feedback, and/or the specific ways in which feedback helps you to be a more effective writer/communicator.  
What is the role of self-editing in your writing process? Here, you might discuss your self-editing or proofreading habits, the ways in which these habits enhance your writing, and/or self-editing strategies you have learned and practiced in this course. 
As someone building a professional writing ethos both as a current FIU student and in your future career, why is the ability to recognize and respond to diverse genres, audiences, and purposes important?  

  1.  Review Figure 11.2 on page 286.  Which one of the principles do you think

1.  Review Figure 11.2 on page 286.  Which one of the principles do you think

1.  Review Figure 11.2 on page 286.  Which one of the principles do you think is the easiest for you to implement?  Why?  Which principle is the most difficult for you to implement?  Why? How can you use course concepts from chapters 1-12 to your benefit while implementing the principles in Figure 11.2?
2.  Review The Six Pillars of Character in Table 12.1 on page 311. Which one of the pillars do you think is your strongest? Why? Which pillar have you seen other people struggle with the most? Why? How can you use course concepts from chapters 1-12 to your benefit while refining these pillars in your professional and personal life?
3.  Discuss how you will implement the concepts in Chapters 11 and 12 as you develop your personal leadership style. Use past examples as well as list implications for future jobs you may hold.

1.1  Describe a situation where you were able to create a win-win outcome for a

Describe a situation where you were able to create a win-win outcome for a

Describe a situation where you were able to create a win-win outcome for all the parties involved. Explain your response. 
 Describe a situation where you had to implement a change which required arm’s length bargaining and negotiations. What were the outcomes of your negotiations?  Explain your response. 

For this assignment, create an 8-10 slide digital presentation to be used as a

For this assignment, create an 8-10 slide digital presentation to be used as a

For this assignment, create an 8-10 slide digital presentation to be used as a professional development to be used to educate colleagues on how to use motivational strategies in their classrooms to promote student success.
Include the following in your presentation:  
Describe the role of motivation in adolescent learning.
Use your researched knowledge of motivation, as well as physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development principles learned in this course, to suggest 4-5 appropriate instructional strategies that help motivate adolescent students.
Suggest 2-3 prevention or intervention techniques to use in the classroom to support and help motivate students who might be struggling, facing a challenging situation, have a specific learning disability, exceptionality, or language barrier.
Provide an example of a digital tool used to support learning, motivation, and engagement.
A title slide, reference slide, and presenter’s notes.
Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Each question requires at least 100 words and 1 resource 1. How can technology

Each question requires at least 100 words and 1 resource
1. How can technology

Each question requires at least 100 words and 1 resource
1. How can technology motivate learning, support student success, and spark innovation, effective communication, and research? Identify 2-3 digital tools that effectively support student learning. Rationalize your choices.
2.  As an educator, you will encounter students who do not want to be in school and do not want your help. How will you reach these students? Describe 2-3 practices or interventions that will help in creating a positive classroom environment and motivate this type of student. 

  Watch the following video from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard

Watch the following video from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard

Watch the following video from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University about neglect and answer the questions below one by one.

1- Why should everyone in a community have a vested interest in everyone else’s children? 
2- What is neglect for children? 
3- Give an example of ‘serve and return’ interaction. 
4- What happens when a baby is not attended to? 
5- What is a benefit of occasional inattention? 
6- Which type of unresponsive care does allow children to catch up when given enriched learning opportunities and more opportunities of ‘serve and return’ interactions? 
7- In what types of situations do you usually see severe neglect?  Why? 
8- What can be done to change a child’s developmental path or trajectory?  Please provide an example. 
Please try to engage in conversation with a classmate by following at least 3 of these guidelines (from Jennifer Steward-Mitchell’s 3CQ model):
Compliment your classmate and describe what you liked about their post. Be specific about what you liked.

I like that…
It is evident that you have put a great deal of thought/research into…

Comment on something relevant and meaningful that your classmate wrote. Be specific, and keep in mind that you don’t always have to agree.  You can politely disagree.

I agree with because….
Although you say that… I think that…
You make a good point about… but I also want to point out that…

Connect with something that your classmate wrote and explain that connection with details. It can be a connection to something external to the discussion, such as your own experience or your own point of view.  Make sure that you give a complete explanation.

I also thought…
Your comment on… reminds me of…

Ask a question that will prompt further discussion, i.e. keep the discussion going.

I wonder why….
What if…
Do you think…

STUDENT 1  )Reply from Alyssa Holthaus
Hi everyone,
1. What I learned from the videos is that everyone has stress in their life but it is how each person deals with stress on a regular basis that affects how their bodies and minds react. I also learned different coping mechanisms that can help reduce stress in your daily life. 
2. Some situations that cause me stress are when I have to go to new environments such as different job location for the day. Another situation is going to social gatherings where I do not know some of the people. Having a time limit is also a large stressor for me because I typically feel that people will get annoyed if I take too long to do something or doing assignments on time. 
3. My coping mechanisms as far as the time limit, I try to plan things I have to do ahead such as preparing my lunch the night before or looking at our class assignments on my break at work so that I know what I have to do. I also try to do a breathing technique when I feel overwhelmed during the day or when I am at a social gatherings. I can’t always decide to go for a walk in the middle of my day. During the pandemic I dealt with stress by keeping in contact with people important to me. I also took a quick walk around my street so I was not bored because being bored also causing me stress. I am trying to add more exercise into my daily routine because I know that will not only help my body but my mind as well.
4. A situation I know causes stress to children is coming into a new environment such as a care center. I see this a lot at my job. Children show their stress by crying, isolate themselves, look confused or lost, holding onto a certain item. When I see a child is stressed I offer comfort and if they do not want it right away I give them their space and tell them when they are ready they can come over and sit with me and give a little hug if they want one. 
5. One way I help children cop with their stress is I sit not right next to them but by them and I do my own activity and talk with them, I can explain I get stressed too about what they are stressed about such as going into a new place.