In a standard five-paragraph writing with an introductory paragraph, three bo

In a standard five-paragraph writing with an introductory paragraph, three bo

In a standard five-paragraph writing with an introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph written with at least four to five complete sentences per paragraph in MLA format that focuses on one specific approach of interpretations from the prompt as follows:
In a five-paragraph , indicate whether you believe that Sinuhe is an exemplar of or a parallel to an epic hero. Explain why or why not. Pinpoint his virtuous strengths and identify any areas of weakness on his journey. Identify the purpose of virtue and truth throughout his philosophical journey to find immortality. Give specific examples from the text. How does his character traits prove to create a dynamic character through the plot? What defines a true Egyptian hero based on the text? Does Sinuhe meet the criteria for an ideal Egyptian hero? How does the text politicize the definition of a hero through the centrality of a nationalist ideology and the individuation of Sinuhe’s identities?



1. ‘Unwomen’ are any women who go against the Gilead gender roles and rules. Offreds mother was an independent strong willed single mother, who was also an activist. This goes against how Gilead wanted their women to behave. The Aunts mute the ‘unwomen’ in the film because they’re thoughts and feelings are considered worthless in Gilead.  
2. I understand why Offred would be excited for ‘Birth Day’ because any birth, regardless of the situation is special. It also allows them to break from their normal routine, which given their life, can be a big deal. Of course she would need to prepare emotionally and physically because assisting anyone with a birth can be taxing. I do not think Offred is a true believer but I do think she wants a child, to simply have a child. Which is why she there and if she doesn’t have a child, she will be moved and she only recently developed a working relationship with the Commander. 
3. “He was not a monster, to her. Probably had some endearing trait.”
The relationship between the Commander and Offred is changing as Offred is attempting to cope while also trying to navigate the complexities of her new life. The thought that she maybe trying to find something endearing about the Commander is a hard concept. Especially considering he is part of the reason Offred lost her freedom and help build the foundation of Gilead. 
4. Offred felt that she became her husbands property after the government ban her from working or having control over her own money is interesting. We all know the cost of living and many people live in a two income household. The fact she was no longer allow to work or use money would be a hard concept for anyone to have to deal with. However, I do not think she reflected on the fact that her husband was accepting of his finacinal responsibly to care not only for her but their daughter and was willing to do so. She seemed more focused on her lack of control. Moria on the other hand just blames men in general. This time period in the book reminded me of the “Walk to Freedom” and the civil rights movement lead by Martin Luther King. 
5. The Commander’s explanation for Gilead is garbage. There is no justification for slavery.
6. In the passage Offred is describing love as not only a feeling but something felt through physical touch, something tangible that you yearn for. The contemporary concept of love is similar to religion, to understand love is to understand religion and to know love, is to know pain. All three of them are intertwined but it is hard to say if they are rational or not. 
7. Do you think Offred really loves Nick or using him? 

Fisrt work ece 300  What is play to you?? Watch the video upload to understand

Fisrt work ece 300 
What is play to you??
Watch the video upload to understand

Fisrt work ece 300 
What is play to you??
Watch the video upload to understand what is play?
This week we discussed the important topic of play and the role in children’s learning and development. For this week’s discussion board, you will interview four different adults in your life and ask the following: 
What is your definition of play?
What kinds of play do you think young children  (birth to age 8) enjoy?
For your original post, please share the responses you received from the adults you interviewed and your own ideas on what constitutes play. How is this different from the characteristics in our text and course materials for this week? Why do you think adults might have a hard time understanding that children are engaged in important activity when they play?
Discussion Instructions
 To begin, type your responses to questions 1-5 in the Reply box below these instructions..  
TOPIC.  How do you handle stress?
Stress is increasingly a part of our lives. What are ways we can protect ourselves from its long term, damaging effects?   Watch the following two animations in youtube link, then answer the following questions:

Describe what you have learned from both videos.
As discussed in the videos, stress can be good but it can be toxic as well.  What situations or circumstances cause anxiety or stress to you?  Identify your particular stressors.
List and discuss the coping mechanisms that you use to deal with stress and your stressors, i.e. give some examples of how you handle stress, or try to reduce it.  Think of the pandemic.  Many of us experienced disruptions to our daily lives.  Please share with us how you managed stress during the pandemic.  Based on what you know about how stress affects you and what you’ve learned about how stress can affect us, do you think your ways of managing stress could be improved?  Why or why not? 
Adults are not the only ones that experience stress.  What are some situations that may cause anxiety and stress in children?  How might you recognize children who are experiencing stress?  What are some of the signs that children may exhibit?
Teachers and parents can improve the health environment that children are exposed to by providing education, supervision, role modeling, and working together.  How can you as a teacher and/or parent help children cope with these stressors?  Please provide AT LEAST 2 examples. Again, think about the last 2.5 years.  For example, if you quarantined with your children, younger siblings, and/or other younger family members during the pandemic what are 2 ways that you helped them adjust and deal with those changes to our daily lives?

Introduction: background/context.  Devote one sentence to an overview of the Fi

Introduction: background/context.  Devote one sentence to an overview of the Fi

Introduction: background/context.  Devote one sentence to an overview of the First Amendment and public college campuses.  A couple sentences that provide an overview of the Rasmussen and his tweet.  Thesis statement.
Body paragraph 1: fully explain the First Amendment and how it functions on a public college campus.  Very few limitations (threatening an individual) but otherwise, you are allowed to say what you want without fear of governmental repercussions.  A democracy values everyone’s ideas and opinions, so allowing everyone to express themselves in school models the values of democracy (ACLU). 
Body paragraph 2: Harm of allowing Rasmussen to keep his job.  Rasmussen’s bias could manifest in worse grades for female students and therefore negatively impact their education.  In the classroom, students might not feel respected and therefore become disinvested in succeeding in that class.
Body paragraph 3: Benefit of allowing Rasmussen to keep his job.  Debate his ideas and prove him wrong.  His public announcement of bias allows female students to make the choice not to enroll in his class.
Body paragraph 4: Harper values respect.  Quote from the Harper website (respect).  We can respect his ideas but he doesn’t appear to respect other people’s. 
Conclusion: If we want all students to be treated with respect but also need to enforce Freedom of Speech, what can we do?  Can’t fire him for what he says but we can fire him if he doesn’t do his job.
IU’s solutions: double blind grading and alternative class (quote the article).  Explain how this eliminates bias.  Drawbacks – this costs of the college money.
Students can boycott his class.  If students don’t enroll, Rasmussen won’t have a class to teach and can lose his job. 
Historical analysis of the grades his students have earned.  If there is clear bias, then he can be dealt with. 

   DB1.1 Reflect on how issues of gender, culture, and diversity might impact y

Reflect on how issues of gender, culture, and diversity might impact y

Reflect on how issues of gender, culture, and diversity might impact you in your leadership strategy.  How could these issues impact your ability to set goals for an organization?  What additional skills do you think you will need to build in order to effectively implement organizational strategies?
Take the “You Strategy Style” Assessment on page 265 (Chapter 7, table 7..3)  of the Leadership Experience textbook.. Is there anything about the results of this test that is a surprise to you?  Discuss your findings and thoughts about your result with your peers specifically as they relate to your ability to create a clear vision and strategy for an organization. 
Daft, R. (2023) The Leadership Experience (8th ed.) Cengage Publishers
This chapter      focuses on the leader’s role in creating a strategy and and vision for the      organization.
Chapter 7:       Creating Vision and Purpose
Instructions: Think about how you handle challenges and issues in your current or a recent job. Then circle A or B for each of the following items, depending on which is generally more descriptive of your behavior. There are no right or wrong answers. Respond to each item as it best describes how you respond to work situations.
When keeping records, I tend to
be very careful about documentation.
be more haphazard about documentation.
If I run a group or a project, I
have the general idea and let others figure out how to do the tasks.
try to figure out specific goals, timelines, and expected outcomes.
My thinking style could be more accurately described as
linear thinker, going from A to B to C.
thinking like a grasshopper, hopping from one idea to another.
In my office or home, things are
here and there in various piles.
laid out neatly or at least in reasonable order.
I take pride in developing
ways to overcome a barrier to a solution.
new hypotheses about the underlying cause of a problem.
I can best help strategy by making sure there is
openness to a wide range of assumptions and ideas.
thoroughness when implementing new ideas.
One of my strengths is
commitment to making things work.
commitment to a dream for the future.
For me to work at my best, it is more important to have
I work best when
I plan my work ahead of time.
I am free to respond to unplanned situations.
I am most effective when I emphasize
inventing original solutions.
making practical improvements.
Scoring and Interpretation
For Strategic Innovator style, score one point for each A answer circled for questions 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 and for each B answer circled for questions 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. For Strategic Adaptor style, score one point for each B answer circled for questions 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10, and for each A answer circled for questions 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. Which of your two scores is higher and by how much? The higher score indicates your strategy style.
Strategic Innovator and Strategic Adaptor are two important ways leaders bring creativity to strategic management. Leaders with an adaptor style tend to work within the situation as it is given and improve it by making it more efficient and reliable. They succeed by building on what they know is true and proven. Leaders with the innovator style push toward a new paradigm and want to find a new way to do something. Innovators like to explore uncharted territory, seek dramatic breakthroughs, and may have difficulty accepting an ongoing strategy. Both innovator and adaptor styles are essential to strategic management, but with different approaches. The Strategic Adaptor asks, “How can I make this better?” The Strategic Innovator asks, “How can I make this different?” Strategic Innovators often use their skills in the formulation of whole new strategies. Strategic Adaptors are often associated with incremental strategic improvements along with strategy execution.
If the difference between the two scores is 2 or less, you have a mid-adaptor/innovator style, and work well in both areas. If the difference is 4–6, you have a moderately strong style and probably work best in the area of your strength. And if the difference is 8–10, you have a strong style and almost certainly would want to work in the area of your strength rather than in the opposite domain.
Sources: Adapted from Dorothy Marcic and Joe Seltzer, Organizational Behavior: Experiences and Cases (Cincinnati: South-Western, 1998), pp. 284–287; and William Miller, Innovation Styles (Dallas, Tx: Global  

Which statement is an accurate evaluation of the use of fact and opinion in the

Which statement is an accurate evaluation of the use of fact and opinion in the

Which statement is an accurate evaluation of the use of fact and opinion in the two excerpts?
A. The idea that the production of My Fair Lady is better than a Broadway play is supported by fact in the first excerpt and by opinion in the second excerpt.
B. The idea that the production of My Fair Lady is going to sell out of tickets is supported by opinions in both excerpts and by fact in the second excerpt.
C. The idea that the production of My Fair Lady is performed by excellent actors is supported by fact in the first excerpt and by opinion in the second excerpt.
D. The idea that the production of My Fair Lady is funny and entertaining is supported by opinions in both excerpts and by fact in the second excerpt.

According to the International Literacy Association, the following recommendatio

According to the International Literacy Association, the following recommendatio

According to the International Literacy Association, the following recommendations have been made for increasing students’ literacy: extended learning time for literacy, direct, explicit instruction in literacy, modeling of reading strategies by teachers, cooperative learning and discussion of texts, intensive writing, and access to age-appropriate and diverse reading materials. Which literacy-based strategies do you think would yield the best results as it relates to increasing student literacy? How can these be incorporated into content area classes (courses other than ELA/Reading)?

 {Need replying to} STUDENT#1 Halyna,  Hello everyone!    1. Objective observati

 {Need replying to} STUDENT#1 Halyna, 
Hello everyone!
   1. Objective observati

 {Need replying to} STUDENT#1 Halyna, 
Hello everyone!
   1. Objective observations and documentation play an important role in working with children. Maintaining objective documentation allows you to track each child’s progress, identify his needs, and develop an individualized approach to learning. Clear goals and expectations need to be set for each child according to their age, abilities, and developmental level. These goals should be measurable and achievable. Observation methods such as play observation, testing, portfolios, etc. It can be used to help ensure consistency and objectivity in assessing a child’s progress. Specific data and facts should be documented, including observations of behavior, academic achievement, social skill development, etc. This will help avoid subjective assessments and distortions. If observations are made regularly and consistently, it is possible to have a complete picture of a child’s progress over time. This will identify trends and changes in its development. The principles of confidentiality and ethics must be observed when collecting, storing, and using data about children. Proper documentation and observations will help create individualized learning plans and support the child’s development.
  2. Complete assurance that reviews of work with children are free from bias may be elusive. But you need to regularly examine your thoughts, feelings, and prejudices. The more we know about children and the diversity of their needs, the less likely it is that our observations will be subject to bias. Discuss your observations and impressions with colleagues. Create a safe and supportive classroom environment where all children feel accepted and respected. Always follow professional standards and ethical principles. The teacher must be more objective and effective in his work with children.
 {Need replying to} STUDENT #2 
Hello class,
To remain objective in my observations, I try to separate my personal opinions and feelings from the situation and focus on the facts. I also make sure to consider different perspectives and gather as much evidence as possible before coming to a conclusion. Additionally, I constantly remind myself to be open-minded and willing to change my viewpoint if new information is presented. To ensure that our observations are free from bias, early childhood educators must use a variety of assessment tools and data collection methods. This includes using both quantitative and qualitative data, as well as seeking input from multiple sources such as parents, colleagues, and the children themselves. It is also important to constantly reflect on our own biases and to actively work towards minimizing their impact on our observations and assessments. Additionally, regularly seeking feedback and engaging in ongoing professional development can help educators recognize and address any potential biases in their observations and practices.
Thank You
The School Lunch program in Japan looks very different than it does here in the US.  Watch this short video in the LINK BELLOW describing the program in Japan and answer the questions below. 

 Describe what you have learned from watching this video.?
 If you were working in an ECE program, describe 2 strategies from the lunch program in Japan that you would like to implement to make mealtimes more pleasant for children. Why have you chosen these 2 strategies? Please explain your answer.  

APA format, in-text citation, references include, 1 page you will evaluate the u

APA format, in-text citation, references include, 1 page
you will evaluate the u

APA format, in-text citation, references include, 1 page
you will evaluate the use of literature and problem statements in assigned journal articles in your discipline to understand what it means for a research study to be justified, grounded, and original. You will use the Use of Literature Checklist, the Problem Statement Checklist, and the Litmus Test as guides for your post.
Post a critique of the research study in which you:
Evaluate the authors’ use of literature.
Evaluate the research problem.
Explain what it means for a research study to be justified and grounded in the literature; then, explain what it means for a problem to be original.
The Use of Literature Checklist and Problem Statement Checklist serve as guides for your evaluations. Please do not respond to the checklists in a Yes/No format in writing your Discussion post.