With the launch of  basketball stars  the game of basketball finds a new digital

With the launch of  basketball stars  the game of basketball finds a new digital

With the launch of  basketball stars  the game of basketball finds a new digital home. The essence of agility, dexterity, and strength is captured in the game. Players may experience the exciting basketball action without ever leaving their pockets with this Miniclip mobile game, available to players worldwide.
The gameplay mechanics of Basketball Stars consist of players facing off against opponents from all over the world in quick succession in a one-on-one basketball match. The controls are simple to use and make it simple to dribble, shoot, and defend in basketball games, even for both seasoned players and beginners.
In this quick-paced game that emulates the thrill of real-life basketball, players must stay alert as they devise plans to outsmart their rivals. You feel more a part of the sport and the game feels more authentic thanks to its realistic mechanics and fluid animations.
Basketball Stars reach a whole new level when played in a multiplayer environment. Players have the option to engage in real-time competition in real-time against friends or opponents worldwide, adding excitement to every encounter. The matchmaking mechanism matches participants according to their relative skill levels in order to produce more equitable and enjoyable matches.  



1. The father forcing his family to stay in Albertine’s watch was a sacrifice in itself, and in doing so, his daughter “Iphigenia,”  ended up being sacrificed to the tides surrounding them. The article states that there are several versions of the story that depict Iphigenia’s fate; Iphigenia is sacrificed and dies, or Iphigenia is saved by Artemis. Towards the end of “The Last Grand Tour of Albertine’s Watch,” Iphigenia is being pulled around by the forces of the water and is almost being gripped by life and death all at once. Her dead mother seems to be comforting her in death, while Hayden and Clay desperately grasp at bringing her to life. This feels like an homage to the tale of Iphigenia because no one knows what truly happened to her, and neither do the readers of this story. Did she pass away before they pulled her out of the murky waters or was she saved?
2. The falling out between the families came about when both started profiting off of tours, which led to rivalry. It was the only practical way to make money in their current circumstances. Hayden’s family felt threatened by Clay’s touring methods and decided to destroy his pontoon boat by setting it on fire. I found it ironic that Hayden’s family homes, which are now the only ones standing above the flood, were made fun of back in the day.
3. The state stopped putting in money for repairs because they didn’t want to support the people choosing to stay or sway others to stay by making alterations to the land. Instead, they paid residents to leave the area and move inland. Iphigenia’s father seemed to be in denial about the state of their property and the unsafe conditions surrounding his family. He decided to keep his family there and continue tours of the town for tourists, even after his wife died in the local hospital during the first flooding. The tourists see the town as a form of entertainment and a way to make themselves feel better about their own problems by criticizing the people living in Albertine’s Watch.
4. The author portrays Iphigenia’s drowning in a way that shows the stress of living in these circumstances. All the choices and the pressure swirling around her until everything just stops; all the chaos of life ceases for a moment. Iphigenia says that she was beyond her limit and the drowning is almost symbolic of the decision’s consequences catching up with her.
5. Albertine’s Watch was subject to rising water from climate change and the article poses a solution that could have stopped the town from being destroyed. The seawall keeps the tide from flooding the city, but what happens to all the rainwater that won’t drain to the sea? In Key Largo, a small barrier was built in one of the neighborhoods that was experiencing flooding from the tides. So even though they don’t have flooding from the ocean, every time it rains, the entire neighborhood floods for days. While the construction of seawalls is a solution to one problem, their existence will create additional issues for residents and the wildlife that rely on coastal habitats.

With the launch of  basketball stars  the game of basketball finds a new digital

With the launch of  basketball stars  the game of basketball finds a new digital

With the launch of  basketball stars  the game of basketball finds a new digital home. The essence of agility, dexterity, and strength is captured in the game. Players may experience the exciting basketball action without ever leaving their pockets with this Miniclip mobile game, available to players worldwide.
The gameplay mechanics of Basketball Stars consist of players facing off against opponents from all over the world in quick succession in a one-on-one basketball match. The controls are simple to use and make it simple to dribble, shoot, and defend in basketball games, even for both seasoned players and beginners.
In this quick-paced game that emulates the thrill of real-life basketball, players must stay alert as they devise plans to outsmart their rivals. You feel more a part of the sport and the game feels more authentic thanks to its realistic mechanics and fluid animations.
Basketball Stars reach a whole new level when played in a multiplayer environment. Players have the option to engage in real-time competition in real-time against friends or opponents worldwide, adding excitement to every encounter. The matchmaking mechanism matches participants according to their relative skill levels in order to produce more equitable and enjoyable matches.  

Prepare a 4-slide, 5-minute presentation using a deductive argument to explain

Prepare a 4-slide, 5-minute presentation using a deductive argument to explain

Prepare a 4-slide, 5-minute presentation using a deductive argument to explain why and how your generative AI tool must evolve over the next 3-5 years to remain competitive 
Always read the prompt and the rubric carefully

You should look at AI trends in the following 3-5 years. You do not have to compare only with ChatGPT.

The lead Product Manager at your new firm asked you to assess how its Microsoft Copilot AI  needs to evolve over the next 3-5 years, to remain competitive in this fast-changing industry.  

You have secured time to present to the larger product team – including engineering, marketing, and sales – where you will recommend evolving Microsoft Copilot AI to remain competitive in the fast-evolving industry. Using a deductive argument, prepare a 4-slide, 5-minute presentation to the product team. 

Make sure to properly use a deductive structure: Situation (“as you know”…), Complication (“However…” – risks, opportunities, etc.), and the resolution with action items. 

Submit in PPTX format.
Please upload your slides in .pptx form, the Generative AI appendix and draft of speech about the slides(Please note that the content for the speech and slides should be for five minutes.) by 1pm. on Wednesday February
Specific requirements follow: 1Generative AI Presentation(Presentation Grading Rubric needs Exceeds Expectations)
This announcement contains tips for your March 1 presentations, including: 1) the Situation-Complication-Resolution framework, 2) slide best practices, 3) citations, and 4) an example presentation from a prior semester. 
1.Quick refresher on Situation-Complication-Resolution
Here are 2 short videos if you’d like to review the Situation-Complication-Resolution framework. 
2.Slide best practices
Here are 2 short videos that summarize expectations for your slides.
Please put an abbreviated citation on each slide and a complete Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) citation on a bibliography slide at the end. 
See this document for an example: CMS citation guide for presentation
4.Example Presentation.Specific requirements follow:
As we reviewed in class, here is an example presentation from a prior semester for reference. It is **not** perfect and is not necessarily an “A” presentation, but can give you an idea for the look and feel of a presentation in this model:
 Example Presentation (S-C-R)

 Scenario As you have learned in this course, qualitative, quantitative, and mix

As you have learned in this course, qualitative, quantitative, and mix

As you have learned in this course, qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research strategies can all be implemented by conducting surveys. In this section of your research project proposal, you will design an original survey that serves as the anchor for your methodology. If completed, you may use the research question identified in Deliverable 1.
Research Question: How does helping healthcare workers who care for individuals with substance abuse disorders understand concepts like “optimal mental functioning” and “normal mental health” through a lens of diverse cultural perspectives and impact the quality and effectiveness of care? 
Using the Survey Results Worksheet linked here, create a presentation that effectively displays and communicates your survey results to a target audience.
D5 Survey Results Worksheet.xlsx
Choose a research question in your field, and write ten original, quantitative survey questions that correlate with the ten data columns on the Survey Results Worksheet. 
Using the data in each column, create a graph, chart, or other data visualization for each of the ten survey items. You may employ any data visualization tool you prefer; however, please export and submit this document as a PDF.  YOU CAN SAVE AS A REGULAR MS WORD DOCUMENT AND I WILL EXPORT AS A PDF INCASE I NEED TO MAKE EDITS
Validate your data visualizations by including a one paragraph (five to seven sentences, minimum) interpretation of the findings for each of the ten data sets. (TOTAL OF 10 PARAGRAPHS – ONE FOR EACH GRAPH/CHART) Per instructor – FOCUS ON  THE JUSTIFICATION ON WHY YOU CHOSE THAT PARTICULAR STYLE OF VISUALIZATION AND NOT OTHER STYLES. WHY IS THAT THE BEST FOR TO REPRESENTATE THE DATA – **THIS IS IMPORTANT***
NOTE – Be sure the documents are in APA format (including title page, font, headings) and contain proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure.

Discussion Board 6: “The Gondoliers” Create a post that answers the following qu

Discussion Board 6: “The Gondoliers”
Create a post that answers the following qu

Discussion Board 6: “The Gondoliers”
Create a post that answers the following questions. I’m not giving you a word-count requirement, but your answers will reflect that you read the story carefully, as will your grade.  (See #4 below) Your grade also depends on your doing this. 
1. Consider the following repetition:
“I used to think that we were very special, the best boatwomen in the world, but Viola says no, we are only vessels ourselves: something wants to be born. Perhaps there are many others like us around the bays of New Florida and elsewhere. Women who know enough to be silent about what is developing inside their bodies” (200).
“He thinks my home is a cemetery, and I want him to hear how wrong he is before we part company. The end of his life is not the end of all life. Something wants to be born” (222).
What do you think it is that “wants to be born”? What is Russell implying or symbolizing? 
2. Do you feel any pity for the man that Blister transports to the wall? Is Russell trying to represent something through him?
3. What do you think happens at the end of the story? Does Blister die or something else? 
4. Write one question you have about the story for class discussion. Yes, this is required. 

Discussion Board 6: “The Gondoliers” Create a post that answers the following qu

Discussion Board 6: “The Gondoliers”
Create a post that answers the following qu

Discussion Board 6: “The Gondoliers”
Create a post that answers the following questions. I’m not giving you a word-count requirement, but your answers will reflect that you read the story carefully, as will your grade.  (See #4 below) Your grade also depends on your doing this. 
1. Consider the following repetition:
“I used to think that we were very special, the best boatwomen in the world, but Viola says no, we are only vessels ourselves: something wants to be born. Perhaps there are many others like us around the bays of New Florida and elsewhere. Women who know enough to be silent about what is developing inside their bodies” (200).
“He thinks my home is a cemetery, and I want him to hear how wrong he is before we part company. The end of his life is not the end of all life. Something wants to be born” (222).
What do you think it is that “wants to be born”? What is Russell implying or symbolizing? 
2. Do you feel any pity for the man that Blister transports to the wall? Is Russell trying to represent something through him?
3. What do you think happens at the end of the story? Does Blister die or something else? 
4. Write one question you have about the story for class discussion. Yes, this is required. 

1) Identify an organization (company or non profit) that has a good “online news

1) Identify an organization (company or non profit) that has a good “online news

1) Identify an organization (company or non profit) that has a good “online news room” and explain why it’s so good. (NOTE: this is not a news media organization’s news room page, but one you’d find on an organization’s web site. (For example, the National Education Association (NEA) has an online place for news media at: https://www.nea.org/media-centeLinks to an external site.
2) Identify an organization that makes good use of social media to regularly communicate with its customers, as well as the news media. (for example, the DCMPD’s use of X). What makes their use of social media exceptional?
3) In preparation for your client’s upcoming opening of a new, unique retail store in DC, you’ve been asked to identify your recommendations for “top tier” local news media. Conduct research to familiarize yourself w/DC media sources. Identify your top media recommendation for: a) print; b) broadcast/TV; c) radio; d) social media; e) online/web. 

 FIRST WORK  This discussion will give you some practice in applying observation

This discussion will give you some practice in applying observation

This discussion will give you some practice in applying observation to planning.
View any one of these videos.
Four children talk about a garbage truckLinks to an external site.
Real conversations at a pretend lunchLinks to an external site.
Praptee at the breakfast tableLinks to an external site.
2-Select any one child from the video and use what you observe to describe another experience you might plan for them based on what you saw. 
What you observed (just focus on the “ah ha” moment where you noticed something to build upon, you don’t have to describe the entire clip)
The skill you would  target based on what you observed
A learning opportunity or materials set up that would build upon or provide practice in the skill  identified
 Your response should be no less than one paragraph in length (4-6 sentences), in complete sentences and utilize college level writing.  