Place-based Literacy Reflection (written in comparison-and-contrast mode) Direc

Place-based Literacy Reflection (written in comparison-and-contrast mode)

Place-based Literacy Reflection (written in comparison-and-contrast mode)
Directions: Consider two distinct places that have impacted your identity development. Create a narrative reflection  (300 words or more)  comparing and contrasting the culture, customs, rituals, expectations, or the language or dialect of these places, and how they influenced your literacy journey. Feel free to use other theoretical sources that support your narrative restorying of the places that impact your identity growth and development.  Draw on stories, memories, reflections, notes, images, conversations, and diaries as artifacts to construct your writing, seeking to expand on the process of your own identity formation and its spatial relationship to the places you’ve chosen to analyze.  Other Major Requirements:  
Word count: 300 or more
(if you have to cite a source) MLA formatting: MLA General FormatLinks to an external site. 
Title of reflection required 
Write in compare-and-contrast mode
Provide images or other multimodal expression of the places you’re comparing
Under all included media, provide a caption; create a table of figures for all media to be more accessible and let the reader know what the image’s context is  
Avoid second person “you/r” unless in quoted material  
Rubric: derived from: CommonFeedbackChart.docxLinks to an external site. 
You’ll be evaluated on:
Your creation of this discourse surrounding the places and personal reality through attention to history, personal and communal rituals, customs, traditions, languages, rhetorical arguments, and/or respective realities. 
The depth of your critical comparison and contrast in describing the places AND in describing how this place has shaped you, incorporating key class themes, terms, and perspectives that relate to your own experience, or relate to how you have re-experienced this discourse community. 
Your willingness to be honest and vulnerable with the reader, however you define those terms. In other words, your attempt to be personal, divulging, and expressive with your inner thoughts, feelings, and realizations. And trustworthy for your reader to believe.  
Your formal and academic writing style. Connect with your voice, but with professionalism, taking class readings as samples of such intellectual styles. 
Your careful organization of writing and media (with captions for accessibility) through development of points, ideas, emotions, experiences, and the like, so that your paper is a thoughtful and well-structured account of this discourse community and its effect on you, thus flowing from one idea to the next in a sequence which effectively guides the reader through your thought processes and evolution. 
Suggested (not required) content for your comparison and contrast: 
Places around your chosen place/space– how is an ecology of place formed? 
Multiple places and their connections/perspectives/themes 
A change of purpose for the space/reinterpretation of design 
Connecting buildings; abstract art- artifacts suggest certain activities 
One place everyone goes to—social place (locale); elements of time and culture 
Multiple activities; community-building  
Othered or outside spaces of socialization; using spaces for other purposes 
Historical changes; clashing cultural ideas about a place with (often unwanted) contemporary changes to the place. 
How the place could be better accessible through designs solved by technology 

Directions Write an outline of the structure of your upcoming website analys


Write an outline of the structure of your upcoming website analys


Write an outline of the structure of your upcoming website analysis presentation. Click here for the assignment informationLinks to an external site.. for the website analysis presentation assignment. This is what you are creating an outline for. 

Click here for an example of a website analysis outline Download here for an example of a website analysis outline. Use this as a suggestive guide for your outline. 
Alongside the content outline, include what design/colors will you use for your presentation. Use these guide to aid you in designLinks to an external site. and color matchingLinks to an external site.. 
Watch this videoLinks to an external site. on the assertion-evidence model for the presentation. Write briefly about how you will use this model in your final recorded presentation.

Select a brand from Interbrand’s Best Global Brands list: ZARA clothing brand P

Select a brand from Interbrand’s Best Global Brands list: ZARA clothing brand

Select a brand from Interbrand’s Best Global Brands list: ZARA clothing brand
Perform Internet research on the brand equity of your selected global brand (use credible sources and do NOT use Wikipedia). Use the databases available through the MDC Learning Resources library guide: The following databases are useful for finding business related articles
AtoZdatabases “”
America’s News (NewsBank) “”
Business Collection (GALE) “”
Business Full Text (EBSCO) “”
Business Insights: Essentials (Gale) “”
Business Source Complete (EBSCO) “”
DemographicsNow (Gale) “”
FMG on Demand (Films Media Group) “”
GreenFILE (EBSCO) “”
MarketLine Intelligence Center “”
Regional Business News (EBSCO) “”
Springer eJournal Collection “”
Include in your discussion post the following elements:
Which brand did you select? What is the brand’s Interbrand ranking (1-100)? What is the brand value (in million dollars)? How well does the brand deliver brand equity in the dimensions of differentiation, relevance, esteem, and knowledge? Can you find examples of each dimension? Support your ideas using Internet research. Please provide one paragraph (3-5 sentences) for each dimension (you should have a total of 4 separate paragraphs). Cite your Internet sources in APA styleDo NOT include the questions (above) in your completed case assignment.

Part 1: Personal Digital Literacy In 200 words or more, write about the followi

Part 1: Personal Digital Literacy
In 200 words or more, write about the followi

Part 1: Personal Digital Literacy
In 200 words or more, write about the following:
What technologies do you use in your everyday life?
What kinds of writing/reading/literacy/sensory experiences happen on the devices?
Have you used Chat GPT or another generative AI source? How do you incorporate it, if so? Generally, do you think AI can it be used ethically?
Do you think the advancements in technology is causing humans to have a shorter attention span and causing humans to read less? Why or why not? (Think through the benefits and dangers of digital/electronic communication more broadly)

 -Click here to view the assignment directions and rubric for your presentation

 -Click here to view the assignment directions and rubric for your presentation

 -Click here to view the assignment directions and rubric for your presentation: Website Analysis PresentationLinks to an external site. 
 -You can submit your recorded presentation as a file attachment on this assignment.  
Submission Reminders:
Recorded Presentation length: 4 minutes (at least) – 10 minutes (at most)

Click hereLinks to an external site. to review how to record on PowerPoint or screen recorder (Canvas) if needed or submit a screen recorded video

Your PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation must be created with theassertion-evidenceLinks to an external site.  
model: which requires one full, complete sentence per slide, and an image instead of bullet points
Include proper caption for all images in presentation
Include images or screenshots of website, graphs, data

 Read the following document on digital literacies:

 Read the following document on digital literacies:

 Read the following document on digital literacies:
 Watch the following YouTube video on digital literacy:

Write through the following prompts: 
What makes digital literacy different from the other literacies you’ve written about for this class? What makes digital literacy similar to other modes of literacy? 
How exactly is digital literacy much more than just “computer skills”?
How does digital literacy impact your search on the job market? (when you get on the market/or previous job experiences you’ve had)
Which area of digital literacy would you say you have to most proficiency/experience? (computer, network, digital problem solving, information, or media from the document) And why?
How does digital literacy tie in with cultural differences? 

 Word count: 300 words or more (total/including both parts), respond to the fol

 Word count: 300 words or more (total/including both parts), respond to the fol

 Word count: 300 words or more (total/including both parts), respond to the following parts and submit in Word document or PDF form only; paragraph form:
How have your ideas on writing, rhetoric, and literacy changed overall over the course of this semester? Or what do you need to learn more about or experience in a different way in order to be more comfortable with academic writing in general?
How could you use the information in this course in your present and future professional/career pursuits? 

Guidelines Reading and Discussion Questions on Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an H

Reading and Discussion Questions on Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an H

Reading and Discussion Questions on Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”
What is the significance of the title?
What is the nature of Mrs. Mallard’s “heart trouble,” and why would the author mention it in the first paragraph? Is there any way in which this might be considered symbolic or ironic?
The setting of the story is very limited; it is confined largely to a room, a staircase, and a front door. How does this limitation help to express the themes of the story?
In what ways is this passage significant? “She could see in the open square before her house the tops of trees that were all aquiver with the new spring life. The delicious breath of rain was in the air. In the street below a peddler was crying his wares. The notes of a distant song which some one was singing reached her faintly, and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves.” What kinds of sensory images does this passage contain, and what senses does it address? What does the vision through the open window mean to her? Where else does she taste, smell, or touch something intangible in the story?
What kind of relationships do the Mallards have? Is Brently Mallard unkind to Louise Mallard, or is there some other reason for her saying “free, free, free!” when she hears of his death? How does she feel about him?
Mallard closes the door to her room so that her sister Josephine cannot get in, yet she leaves the window open. Why does Chopin make a point of telling the reader this? How might this relate to the idea of being “free” and to the implicit idea that she is somehow imprisoned? Do other words in the story relate to this idea
What does Josephine represent in the story? What does Richards represent?
Mallard is described as descending the stairs “like a goddess of Victory.” In what ways does she feel herself victorious?
The last line of the story is this: “When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease-of joy that kills.” In what ways is this an ironic statement? What is gained by having the doctors make such a statement rather than putting it in the mouths of Josephine or Richards?
What view of marriage does the story present? The story was published in 1894; does it only represent attitudes toward marriage in the nineteenth century, or could it equally apply to attitudes about marriage today?

I have attached the first few I’ve already completed, just need the rest finish

I have attached the first few I’ve already completed, just need the rest finish

I have attached the first few I’ve already completed, just need the rest finished.
1. Writing one paragraph per site, mentioning specific evidence that supports your belief in an organized way.
2.Writing one paragraph per response and writing new ideas and/or your opinions based on the specific post in question in an organized way. 
3. By the end of this assignment, you should have 24 web addresses written down.
Post the link to the first website and then write one paragraph that explains what information from the source aligns with what you believe to be true.  
Then post the link to the second website and then write one paragraph that explains what information from that source aligns with what you believe to be true.