1. Discussion Forum Week: The Native American Experience What are your reactions

1. Discussion Forum Week: The Native American Experience
What are your reactions/thoughts about the treatment of Native Americans in the United States. Be sure to reference the assigned readings for this week to support your response.
Each student must post a response to the discussion question(s) by Wednesday at 11:59pm and provide feedback to at least two classmate’s posted responses by Sunday at 11:59pm.
Individual responses to discussion questions should be 150-200 words. Each response to classmates must follow 3CQ format: One compliment, one comment, one connection (for example, to your own experience), and one question.
2. Reflect on your thoughts and reactions to the readings assigned this week on the historical experiences of Native Americans. In your response discuss how settler colonization and the government’s role in removing Natives from their homeland has shaped American history, as well as the concept of decolonization as it pertains to the Native American response to these experiences.
Responses should be a minimum of 250 words and demonstrate engagement with the readings. Be sure to cite examples directly from text to support your response.

Directions: You will write an email to one of your professor about one of the t

Directions: You will write an email to one of your professor about one of the topics below. Your email may not include inappropriate phrases. Upload your email as a Microsoft word document.
Email Subject:
“You need a letter of recommendation for an internship or job application. “
Grading Criteria:
Include a clear and concise subject line
Start with a proper greeting
Address the professor appropriately as Professor or Doctor
Include your name, the name of class you are in, with meeting days and times or include your name at the end following a closing remark
State the issue or concern clearly without unnecessary information
Divide your email into paragraphs with proper spacing in-between (See example email in Carneige Mellon University Link on Canvas). Do not put the whole text into one big paragraph.
Be written in a professional tone and style (i.e., with formal words and in sentences that are unified, coherent, and varied)
Be grammatically and mechanically correct.
Express gratitude and include an appropriate closing remark

Purpose The Multimodal Reading Journal (MRJ) is a weekly assignment meant to hel

The Multimodal Reading Journal (MRJ) is a weekly assignment meant to
help you engage with the different texts we will be reading throughout
the semester. As you learn new concepts and ideas, you will be able to
use the MRJ to apply those concepts, ask questions, and critically
engage with course texts to work through the content of the course.
Knowledge and Skills
to define and apply key rhetorical concepts through analyzing
and composing a variety of texts several genres and modes (print,
visual, digital, oral, multimodal);
to demonstrate rhetorical awareness and flexibility by
discussing how other writers adapt language for audience, situation and
purpose and by consciously adapting their own writing to a variety of
situations and contexts that call for purposeful shifts in voice, tone,
style, design, medium, structure, and conventions;
to demonstrate awareness of writing as a recursive, social
process by reading, writing, and collaborating to discover and deepen
ideas, reflecting on their rhetorical choices, and revising those
choices in response to feedback from readers;
to practice and demonstrate the ability to use relevant
rhetorical and discursive conventions in order to communicate with
academic and professional audiences
Assignment Task
Take a look at the assigned readings for this week and pick one to
journal about. For this assignment, you will write a 4-8 sentence
summary of the reading, and you will also select three different pieces
of evidence (passages or quotes) from the text and respond to each
passage. Below is the format that you must follow for this assignment:P

I recommend doing your MRJ on the “Backpacks vs. Briefcases” reading.
Then practice applying what you learns from that reading to the AOC
Author’s Name:
Title of the Reading:
Summary of the Text:
Write a 4-8 sentence summary of the entire reading. Make sure to note the most important parts of the text think about the course discussions and how the text helps us understand course concepts
1. In this box, you will copy the first quote from the text that
you are reading and find interesting. If the text is an image, then you
will describe the text in as much detail as possible OR you can
screenshot the image
1. In this box, you will offer an interpretation of the first
quote. Explain why you think this quote is important, how it’s connected
to class discussions, and/or list any questions that this quote brings
up for you. Your interpretation should be at least 5-8 sentences long.
2. In this box, you will copy the second quote from the text that
you are reading and find interesting. If the text is an image, then you
will describe the text in as much detail as possible OR you can
screenshot the image
2. In this box, you will offer an interpretation of the second
quote. Explain why you think this quote is important, how it’s connected
to class discussions, and/or list any questions that this quote brings
up for you. Your interpretation should be at least 5-8 sentences long.
3. In this box, you will copy the third quote from the text that
you are reading and find interesting. If the text is an image, then you
will describe the text in as much detail as possible OR you can
screenshot the image
3. In this box, you will offer an interpretation of the third
quote. Explain why you think this quote is important, how it’s connected
to class discussions, and/or list any questions that this quote brings
up for you. Your interpretation should be at least 5-8 sentences long.

Discussion 1 Watch this short video on the top 10 countries with the highest lif

Discussion 1
Watch this short video on the top 10 countries with the highest life expectancy.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnqfCFs9W5wLinks to an external site.
Then, post your thoughts on why you think these countries have such a high life expectancy rate. And, reply to at least one of your classmates.
5 points for your original post and 5 points for replying to your classmates.
Reply Yara
I think that these 10 countries have the highest life expectancy is because of keeping up with the cleaning up with the environment and also with their healthcares and stuff in that category. Also I wanted to mention that people feel safe there because they don’t really have crimes going around like other places and where people can feel safe at.
Reply to marcel
There are several factors that contribute to high life expectancy rates in certain countries. Some common factors include access to quality healthcare, a strong healthcare system, emphasis on preventive care,
good sanitation and hygiene practices, education, socioeconomic stability, and healthy lifestyle choices. These factors work together to promote overall well-being and contribute to longer life expectancies.
Discussion 2
Please watch this video. Posts your thoughts on:
1. The video you watched (3pts)
2. How this video tied into the chapter. (3pts)
3. How did this make you think/re-think about the Big 5 Personality Test you took in Assessment 2?
*write one paragraph extra for discussion 2 so I can use it for replies.

Introduction We can talk all day about social justice and how things need to cha

We can talk all day about social justice and how things need to change; however change requires action. Groups and organizations have dedicated themselves to promoting equity and justice within our societies. Let’s learn more about what some of these organizations do!
Your Tasks
Task 1- Research
Review this listLinks to an external site. of organizations who have dedicated themselves to the social justice cause. Choose one that you would like to do more research on.
Task 2- Original Post
Next, you will need to create your discussion post. Your post must address the following (point values indicated in bold):
What is the name of the organization? 1 point
Which social injustice(s) is/are their main focus? (e.g., human trafficking, racial injustice, etc.) 2 points
Why did you choose this organization? 3 points
What is their mission statementLinks to an external site.? 3 points
Briefly describe the history of the organization. In other words, why was this organization created? 3 points
Describe research that they are working on and/or current projects/ programs that they have? Briefly describe 1-2 of these? 4 points
Include at least 1 outside reference, cited in APA format. This reference needs to be cited both in-text and at the end of the post in a reference list. 2 points
Post must be a minimum of 250 words. 2 points
Task 3- Peer Response
Respond to at least 2 classmate’s posts. Discuss whether or not you had heard of the organization, and things that you learned about the organization through their post. 10 points

Note: For this assignment, please avoid sharing any sensitive information you wo

Note: For this assignment, please avoid sharing any sensitive information you would prefer to keep private. For example, the omission of company names is acceptable and will not impact your grade.
To complete this discussion:
Begin by reviewing a cover letter that you have written in the past. If you do not have a cover letter to use, please draft a version now. It will be time well spent!
Write a paragraph analyzing your cover letter’s strengths and weaknesses, using examples to illustrate your points.
Next, write a paragraph analyzing how you can use this week’s learnings to revise your cover letter, using examples to illustrate the specific changes you can make and explain the reasoning behind them. If you drafted your cover letter for this assignment, please analyze how this week’s learnings informed your specific choices and explain the reasoning behind them.
In your responses to peers, make sure to note whether you find their revision plans and writing or content choices effective. If not, please suggest alternatives.

The small essays for this class will be reflections that will respond to a parti

The small essays for this class will be reflections that will respond to a particular question or film scene. They are informal, so you may use first person voice and informal language. What you will be graded on will be your ability to critically engage the question, provide support for your claims, and edit your work.
2 HW 2 Essay 1: Find three elements in this 1915 film, Alice in Wonderland, that you find curious. Why?

500 -750 words.
Correct grammar
MLA formatting so it look professional

Note: For this assignment, please avoid sharing any sensitive information you wo

Note: For this assignment, please avoid sharing any sensitive information you would prefer to keep private. For example, the omission of company names is acceptable and will not impact your grade.
To complete this discussion:
Begin by reviewing a cover letter that you have written in the past. If you do not have a cover letter to use, please draft a version now. It will be time well spent!
Write a paragraph analyzing your cover letter’s strengths and weaknesses, using examples to illustrate your points.
Next, write a paragraph analyzing how you can use this week’s learnings to revise your cover letter, using examples to illustrate the specific changes you can make and explain the reasoning behind them. If you drafted your cover letter for this assignment, please analyze how this week’s learnings informed your specific choices and explain the reasoning behind them.
In your responses to peers, make sure to note whether you find their revision plans and writing or content choices effective. If not, please suggest alternatives.

Your Tasks TASK 1 Review this list Links to an external site.of food assistance

Your Tasks
Review this list Links to an external site.of food assistance programs. Choose one that you would like to do more research on.
Answer the following questions about the organization:
What is the name of the program? 1 point
Why did you choose this program? 2 points
What is the target population? 2 points
What are the income eligibility requirements (if any)? Do you think that these requirements are too high or too low? Why or why not? 3 points
How does a person apply for benefits? 3 points
How does the program work? In other words, would a person receive food directly from the organization, or would they be given money to purchase food? 3 points
Is there a branch of this program located in San Diego? If yes, where (only include 2 locations)? 3 points
What is your personal opinion regarding food assistance programs? 3 points

Attached is an outline for an analytical essay in which proposed and explained

Attached is an outline for an analytical essay in which proposed and explained a definition of chick lit. After reviewing that outline (attached).
In a 1,000-word essay, propose and explain your definition of chick lit, discussing some of its basic conventions as observed in Helen Fielding’s Bridget Jones’s Diary and the short story “Thelma, Louise and the Lurve Gods,” situating each work in its historical context.
turn the attached approved outline into an essay. Read and apply the comments and corrections from Assignment 4 outline to this essay.