The purpose of this discussion is to practice using free online editing tools. T

The purpose of this discussion is to practice using free online editing tools.
For this task, you will review the suggestions provided by a free online editing tool, evaluate their effectiveness, and decide if you will use them in your writing.
Use the Microsoft Editor in Word, a web-based editor like Hemingway Editor, ProWritingAid, or any other tool with which you are familiar to revise the draft of your Executive Summary or one or two paragraphs from a different section of your report.
Write a paragraph describing the positive and negative aspects of using the editing tool, and, drawing from this experience, explain whether you anticipate using it regularly for business writing going forward.

Please read the whole of Chapter 21 (on subject-verb agreement) in The Bedford H

Please read the whole of Chapter 21 (on subject-verb agreement) in The Bedford Handbook (this is pages 295-307).
The Bedford Handbook is available at: – or just put “Bedford Handbook pdf” into Google and click on the first link.

Then type out the whole of Exercise 21-2 (on pages 306-307). You have to type out the paragraph on Loggerhead Sea Turtles and pick the right verb forms. Upload as a file, with the verbs you chose IN BOLD.

Read the following article about Build the Life You Want from CNBC: https://www.

Read the following article about Build the Life You Want from CNBC: Then, revisit the book, in particular pages 9-11, where Brooks writes about the three macronutrients of happiness. In the article, Brooks makes the claim that purpose is the most important of the three. Consider his claim and the questions Brooks poses under the sub-parts to meaning near the end of the article. Then, write a thesis-driven essay in which you argue whether you agree with Brooks. Be sure to cite from any parts of the book, not just pages 9-11. NO AI.

All instructions and links will be in the file or explained here. https://www.yo

All instructions and links will be in the file or explained here.

In instruction 1 it will ask you to choose either “Lawrence Lessig’s TED talk” or Read “Chapter 10 (“Property”) of Lessig’s Free Culture (2002)”. I just provided the link for the youtube video because the chapter 10 I am unable to open.
After you watch, listen to, or read Tales from the Public Domain: Bound by Law? and Lawrence Lessig’s lecture or chapter, consider carefully the ideas raised in these materials, and write a cohesive post in which you address them.
Are our current laws which apply to intellectual property appropriate and necessary? Should they be scaled back or done away with? To what degree do alternatives to copyright like Creative Commons solve any problems you perceive with IP laws?
Be sure and refer to the required materials in making your points,
2nd Part of the assignment: Please post this on a separate page. Also you do need to add an image. That will be in the instructions for the 2nd part. you can ignore that.

make this a no ai piece in english of a person who struggles with english. My r

make this a no ai piece in english of a person who struggles with english.
My research focuses on childcare and child behavior and gathering sources for this topic proved to be a fascinating experience. Here’s a summary of my approach:
I used a combination of resources from the CPCC library database and reliable online platforms. The CPCC library database is particularly beneficial, as it allows me to refine searches based on criteria such as timeframes and peer-reviewed journals. Additionally, I accessed Google Scholar and my local library’s online catalog, which furthered my search for quality references. My primary search terms included “childcare” and “child behavior.” Initially, I used these broad keywords to gain a foundational understanding of the subject. As my research progressed, I shifted my focus to more recent data. While I began by examining sources from the past decade, I eventually narrowed my search to the last five years to ensure the relevance of my findings. Given the dynamic nature of childcare and behavior, older information may no longer be relevant.
My method involved starting with a comprehensive overview of the topic before examining specific areas of interest. I began with general terms such as “childcare” to familiarize myself with the subject and, as I delved deeper, I identified new topics within the articles that required extra investigation. For instance, if an article discussed behavior management, I would then search for terms like “behavior management” and “child behavior strategies.” This approach allowed me to utilize insights gained from each article to inform subsequent searches. I discovered that using keywords unrelated to childcare, such as “care services,” yielded broad results that were not specific to children. Therefore, I refined my searches to include child-specific terms, like “childcare services,” which helped me achieve more targeted results.
As I continued my research, I selected sources that were both engaging and relevant. I recorded each source in a Document, making notes to enhance my understanding of the material. I prioritized sources that presented credible data and relevant news reports, deciding on research studies and news articles published within the last five years. Most of these papers originated from respected universities and were peer-reviewed. To find them, I tailored my searches within the CPCC library database, focusing on peer-reviewed articles, trade journals, and university theses. I specifically chose news articles that highlighted current events at both the national and local levels, ensuring their significance to my focus. While I concentrated on local news from the past five years, I included one national article to examine childcare trends across the country. My goal was to gain insight into the current situation of childcare and behavior, particularly regarding policy-making, service availability, and the environment of present child care practices at both national and local levels.
The various sources I gathered allowed me to assess the strengths and weaknesses of current child care practices and behavior management strategies. The research process was engaging and took approximately five days. I realized that my topic was quite expansive, encompassing many dimensions of education, community, and society. Child care and behavior management are complex subjects that intersect with various domains.
One challenge I faced was the need to comprehend the vast amount of available information. The abundance of sources made it occasionally daunting to determine which ones were the most relevant and credible. I had to engage in judgement and critical thinking throughout my evaluation process, enhancing the importance of being thorough and patient in research plans.
Another difficulty was ensuring that my selected sources were suitably varied to cover various aspects of child care and behavior. I aimed to obtain a well-rounded viewpoint, which led me to include materials addressing both the psychological and practical dimensions of child development. This approach facilitated a deeper comprehension of the topic.
I also recognized the importance of utilizing multiple sources to verify information, which enabled me to confirm the accuracy of the data and provide a more comprehensive view of the subject. Observing how different sources complimented each other contributed to my research.
I intend to use the skills I acquired from this experience to enhance my research method. I intend to begin with a comprehensive research strategy and use specific search terms to streamline the process. Additionally, I will take advantage of citation management tools to organize my sources more effectively, ensuring a smoother research experience.
Overall, this experience has equipped me with valuable research skills that will prove beneficial for future projects. I feel more confident in my ability to locate and evaluate sources, and I am better prepared for upcoming research assignments.

Works Cited
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). “Caring for Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age Bantam, 2014. Available for purchase on the AAP website.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “Child Development Basics.” CDC, 2020. Accessible directly on the CDC website.
Child Welfare Information Gateway. “Search for Resources.” Accessible on the Child Welfare Information Gateway website.
Credo Reference. “Early Childhood Development.” National Association for the Education of Young Children, 2021. Accessible through Credo Reference.
Credo Reference. “Guiding Children’s Behavior.” Child Care Aware, 2021. Accessible through Credo Reference.
Harvard University Center on the Developing Child. “Key Concepts: Brain Architecture.” Accessible on the Harvard Center on the Developing Child website.
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). “Early Child Care and Child Development.” NICHD, 2021. Accessible on the NICHD website.
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). “Guidance and Challenging Behaviors.” Available on the NAEYC website.
Stanford Online. “Child Development: Behavior and Mental Health.” Available on the Stanford Online website.
Zero to Three. “Early Childhood Development.” Available on the Zero to Three website.

make this a no ai piece in english of a person who struggles with english. My r

make this a no ai piece in english of a person who struggles with english.
My research focuses on childcare and child behavior and gathering sources for this topic proved to be a fascinating experience. Here’s a summary of my approach:
I used a combination of resources from the CPCC library database and reliable online platforms. The CPCC library database is particularly beneficial, as it allows me to refine searches based on criteria such as timeframes and peer-reviewed journals. Additionally, I accessed Google Scholar and my local library’s online catalog, which furthered my search for quality references. My primary search terms included “childcare” and “child behavior.” Initially, I used these broad keywords to gain a foundational understanding of the subject. As my research progressed, I shifted my focus to more recent data. While I began by examining sources from the past decade, I eventually narrowed my search to the last five years to ensure the relevance of my findings. Given the dynamic nature of childcare and behavior, older information may no longer be relevant.
My method involved starting with a comprehensive overview of the topic before examining specific areas of interest. I began with general terms such as “childcare” to familiarize myself with the subject and, as I delved deeper, I identified new topics within the articles that required extra investigation. For instance, if an article discussed behavior management, I would then search for terms like “behavior management” and “child behavior strategies.” This approach allowed me to utilize insights gained from each article to inform subsequent searches. I discovered that using keywords unrelated to childcare, such as “care services,” yielded broad results that were not specific to children. Therefore, I refined my searches to include child-specific terms, like “childcare services,” which helped me achieve more targeted results.
As I continued my research, I selected sources that were both engaging and relevant. I recorded each source in a Document, making notes to enhance my understanding of the material. I prioritized sources that presented credible data and relevant news reports, deciding on research studies and news articles published within the last five years. Most of these papers originated from respected universities and were peer-reviewed. To find them, I tailored my searches within the CPCC library database, focusing on peer-reviewed articles, trade journals, and university theses. I specifically chose news articles that highlighted current events at both the national and local levels, ensuring their significance to my focus. While I concentrated on local news from the past five years, I included one national article to examine childcare trends across the country. My goal was to gain insight into the current situation of childcare and behavior, particularly regarding policy-making, service availability, and the environment of present child care practices at both national and local levels.
The various sources I gathered allowed me to assess the strengths and weaknesses of current child care practices and behavior management strategies. The research process was engaging and took approximately five days. I realized that my topic was quite expansive, encompassing many dimensions of education, community, and society. Child care and behavior management are complex subjects that intersect with various domains.
One challenge I faced was the need to comprehend the vast amount of available information. The abundance of sources made it occasionally daunting to determine which ones were the most relevant and credible. I had to engage in judgement and critical thinking throughout my evaluation process, enhancing the importance of being thorough and patient in research plans.
Another difficulty was ensuring that my selected sources were suitably varied to cover various aspects of child care and behavior. I aimed to obtain a well-rounded viewpoint, which led me to include materials addressing both the psychological and practical dimensions of child development. This approach facilitated a deeper comprehension of the topic.
I also recognized the importance of utilizing multiple sources to verify information, which enabled me to confirm the accuracy of the data and provide a more comprehensive view of the subject. Observing how different sources complimented each other contributed to my research.
I intend to use the skills I acquired from this experience to enhance my research method. I intend to begin with a comprehensive research strategy and use specific search terms to streamline the process. Additionally, I will take advantage of citation management tools to organize my sources more effectively, ensuring a smoother research experience.
Overall, this experience has equipped me with valuable research skills that will prove beneficial for future projects. I feel more confident in my ability to locate and evaluate sources, and I am better prepared for upcoming research assignments.

Works Cited
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). “Caring for Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age Bantam, 2014. Available for purchase on the AAP website.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). “Child Development Basics.” CDC, 2020. Accessible directly on the CDC website.
Child Welfare Information Gateway. “Search for Resources.” Accessible on the Child Welfare Information Gateway website.
Credo Reference. “Early Childhood Development.” National Association for the Education of Young Children, 2021. Accessible through Credo Reference.
Credo Reference. “Guiding Children’s Behavior.” Child Care Aware, 2021. Accessible through Credo Reference.
Harvard University Center on the Developing Child. “Key Concepts: Brain Architecture.” Accessible on the Harvard Center on the Developing Child website.
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). “Early Child Care and Child Development.” NICHD, 2021. Accessible on the NICHD website.
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). “Guidance and Challenging Behaviors.” Available on the NAEYC website.
Stanford Online. “Child Development: Behavior and Mental Health.” Available on the Stanford Online website.
Zero to Three. “Early Childhood Development.” Available on the Zero to Three website.

Write a 1- 1 ½ page response to the following questions: In the second part of t

Write a 1- 1 ½ page response to the following questions: In the second part of the play, Jocasta plays an integral part. How are her actions crucial to the discovery of the truth? And what do you believe to be the true nature of the curse that plagues the city? Why is that the case?
Make sure to include an introduction, which briefly sets up the play. In order to support your thesis, the body should contain quotes from the play (with proper line citations) and your analysis of those lines. Also, include a conclusion, which ties together the supporting points you’ve made throughout the mini essay.

Purpose The purpose of this discussion is to practice drafting efficient Executi

The purpose of this discussion is to practice drafting efficient Executive Summaries.
First, watch the video, Video Review of Executive Summary from Victoria Business School.
Post a draft of the Executive Summary of your Report in this discussion, and provide feedback on a classmate’s draft. Your summary draft should follow the Victoria Business School executive summary’s format and structure.
Keep in mind that an Executive Summary is often the most read part of a report. It might also be the ONLY part of a report someone reads to form an idea of that report’s purpose and content. Consequently, a well-constructed, efficient, and complete Executive Summary is essential to the success of a report. This is the video link.

STEP 1: Find a social media post or text about your approved topic, “The Psychol

STEP 1: Find a social media post or text about your approved topic, “The Psychological Toll of Law School Applications”. In this case, social media will be defined as any interactive site (one that allows you to comment, like, or share). Try to pick a post that is relevant to the part of your topic you are most interested in. For example, mental health during law school applications, how to mitigate any negative effects, anything about mental health during law school applications, etc.
STEP 2: Share a link or screenshot of your chosen social media post and then analyze this text or series of texts. Please write at least 250 words. I have provided some guiding questions for you, in order to help you write an effective analysis. Attached Below.
STEP 3: Pick a few claims (facts, statistics, arguments) made in the social media text and fact check that information. Find a reliable source that either confirms or disproves that information. If you want to use an old-school method, use this checklist Checklist to help make sure your source is reliable.
A). Share the link to the text you found as a result of your investigation (not the social media post, but the source or sources you used to fact-checked the claims). By using your checklist: Discuss at least one detail from your source that establishes each of the following: Authority; Purpose; Accuracy and Verifiability; Currency and Relevance. If you can’t establish all four of these criteria, consider using a different source.
B). Then explain what you found using these guiding questions:
What major claims from your social media post did you look up and what did you find? After your fact-checking, did the social media post include verifiable information or was the information false/misleading?
What context were you able to add to the conversation by reading another source? What would you not have known about the larger conversation or issue if you had not looked up this other source?
Did this exercise reveal a misconception about your topic? For example, was there something that you think that many people would be confused about when it comes to your topic, or a myth that’s commonly spread about the topic that you uncovered? OR, did your social media post and other source have different attitudes towards the subject that reveal something to you? Do you think the attitude/tone/stance reflected on the social media post in any way impacted its ability to participate in the larger debate or conversation on this topic?
Did the information in the social media post help you uncover some aspect of the topic that you did not know? Did this whole exercise help illustrate some aspect of this larger conversation that you did not know before? In other words, did you end up finding a new idea related to your topic that you didn’t know before? Did it help you find reliable information that you would not have found otherwise? Did you find it useful to start with a social media post?
What does this exercise reveal to you about the relationship between social media and academic research?