Part 1: Preliminary exploration (1 paragraph minimum) Clearly state why you chos

Part 1: Preliminary exploration (1 paragraph minimum)
Clearly state why you chos

Part 1: Preliminary exploration (1 paragraph minimum)
Clearly state why you chose this style of street food. By now, you have ample experience on types and styles of street food.
How did you find this location? That is, web search, referral, previous experience etc.
What role does the knowledge you gained in this course helped you decide on this location/business. Explain briefly.
Part 2: Field Notes (1 paragraph minimum)
Make observations about your entire experience. What, if anything, is interesting and different to you? (Location, type of food truck vendor, trailer, the aroma of foods, texture service protocol, communication, etc.)
Photographs— Take relevant photos of your ethnic food experience (food type, the decor of the truck or vendor, etc.) Describe your experience briefly by focusing on any of the aspects such as food type, decor, ambiance etc. There is no specific number of photos but 2 to 3 would be optimal.
Note: Make sure you snap a photo of your receipt.
Part 3: Interview with Chef/Owner/Operator (2 paragraphs minimum)
Potential Questions to ask
The questions can be for the owner, chef/cook, or the street food operation operator. Ideally, you would want to speak to the creator of the street food concept. Of course, if the business is too busy when you visit, follow up with a phone call, a second visit, or an email. Two to three general questions should suffice. For example, you may want to ask,
“How are your recipes connected to authentic Portuguese cuisine or any other cuisine”?
What inspired you to create and serve this ethnic menu in the United States”?
Do you have any prior experience in food service or cooking? If you do, how does it help you succeed in street food business?
Part 4. Summary of your observations (3 paragraphs minimum)
What are your thoughts and observations on your overall learning experience?
Describe any aspect that you surprised you.
Would you eat at this business again….If yes, why? If no, why not? How about trying other similar places?
And finally, if you were to be a street food business consultant, what would you recommend (post-observation) such as decor, location, menu, tables, umbrellas, music, and anything else you might think would benefit the street food vendor, if any?

there will be two seperate assigment Entrepreneur Interview and Product / Servic

there will be two seperate assigment Entrepreneur Interview and Product / Servic

there will be two seperate assigment Entrepreneur Interview and Product / Service Idea
Entrepreneur Interview question
in this exercise, we try to understand some of the motivations that lead people to become entrepreneurs or start their businesses. Therefore, you are expected to identify an entrepreneur and conduct an interview to elicit the following information, among others:
1. What is the motivation for becoming an entrepreneur?
2. What is the nature of business?
3. How long have you been in the business?
4. Has s/he been in a previous business venture before now? If so, what happened to that business?
5. Is s/he a sole proprietor or partnership?
6. How is the business/industry doing?
7. Does s/he have any regrets?
8. If s/he has an opportunity to redo, what would s/he do differently
9. What suggestion would s/he give anyone about to enter /open a new business today?
10. Add any other questions you may think or follow up on any of the above questions
please expect to tell/report the whole story and describe the experience in detail. This is not a “Yes” or “No” answer. please
2. Product / Service Idea
you will describe your product or service in at most 1/2 page. Your description should include why you chose the product or service. I have to approve your product/service idea before you can build your marketing plan. This would not be an essay about a product or service. You have to make it a reality.

(Instructions) ØThis report must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only)


ØThis report must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only)

ØThis report must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via the allocated folder.
ØEmail submission will not be accepted.
ØYour work should be clearly and completely presented; marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
ØAssignment will be evaluated through BB Safe Assign tool.
ØLate submission will result in ZERO marks being awarded.
ØThis work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO marks.
ØUse Times New Roman font 12 for all your answers.
(Report Components)
What are the activities and tasks given to you during this month?
New skill(s)
What skills did you learn through the month?
How many meetings did you attend?
Difficulty/ Challenge(s)
What are the difficulties you had this month?
How did you overcome these difficulties?
What did you learn from completing the tasks
What did you want to learn more?
1. This report is a summary of the training activities performed.
2. You may attach additional pages if needed. And student can attach any extra note to this form.
Name: ____________________________ Signature: ___________________________

(Instructions) ØThis report must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only)


ØThis report must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only)

ØThis report must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via the allocated folder.
ØEmail submission will not be accepted.
ØYour work should be clearly and completely presented; marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
ØAssignment will be evaluated through BB Safe Assign tool.
ØLate submission will result in ZERO marks being awarded.
ØThis work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO marks.
ØUse Times New Roman font 12 for all your answers.
(Report Components)
What are the activities and tasks given to you during this month?
New skill(s)
What skills did you learn through the month?
How many meetings did you attend?
Difficulty/ Challenge(s)
What are the difficulties you had this month?
How did you overcome these difficulties?
What did you learn from completing the tasks
What did you want to learn more?
1. This report is a summary of the training activities performed.
2. You may attach additional pages if needed. And student can attach any extra note to this form.
Name: ____________________________ Signature: ___________________________

Copying or imitating Google is prohibited, and the solution must be accurate and

Copying or imitating Google is prohibited, and the solution must be accurate and

Copying or imitating Google is prohibited, and the solution must be accurate and delivered on time
It is important to adhere to the instructions in the assignment and add the referenceI have attached a summary of the institute in which I was trained, as well as the reports that were previously uploaded, as well as some pictures of me working in the training and my CV.
company information:
the girls
A specialized, charitable, academic Qur’anic institute concerned with graduating teachers of the Holy Qur’an who have memorized and mastered it through academic programs and tracks that qualify them to teach the Holy Qur’an in (colleges, general educational schools, and women’s homes).
It is considered the first Quranic Institute in the Kingdom in terms of establishment. It was founded in 1410 AH
Our vision:
Providing a model Quranic educational environment for women in accordance with standards of quality and mastery.
Our message:
Preparing good girls who draw from the upright Book of God and bring goodness to their society, their homeland, and their nation.
Our goals:
1- Spreading interest in the Holy Qur’an by learning and teaching it and adhering to its right guidance in women’s environments.
2- Raising a Muslim woman in a Qur’anic education qualifies her to carry out her duty towards her religion, her family, and her community.
3- Providing the student with Islamic knowledge and basic skills that will push her to carry out her responsibilities and what is entrusted to her, to be a valid building block in building this blessed item and to contribute to its comprehensive renaissance.
4- Graduating female teachers with distinguished competence in the field of teaching the Holy Quran and its sciences: to practice the specialized educational process in governmental, charitable and private facilities.
5- Contributing to developing the performance of Holy Qur’an teachers in public, charitable and private education institutions, and raising their level through training and continuing education.
Education paths at the institute:
a. High path:
A special track for female students who have a university degree, in which the student studies regularly for (122) educational hours in two academic years, and in which she memorizes the entire Holy Qur’an.
B. Qualification path:
A special track for female students who have obtained a secondary school certificate, in which the student studies regularly for (110) educational hours in two academic years, and in which she memorizes twenty parts of the Holy Qur’an.
C. Iqra’ with the chain of transmission related to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him:
A course that aims to graduate readers who are accredited with the chain of transmission related to the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, by receiving it from the mouths of the two officers.
Institute outputs:
1. Memorizers of the Holy Qur’an and proficient in reciting it and controlling its performance.
2. Female graduates who are able to practice teaching the Holy Qur’an and be educated on its principles.
3. Female teachers who are aware of educational values and societal responsibility, and are committed to their Islamic identity and national affiliation.
Institute statistics:
Institute graduates: 3,134 female students.
Number of female students for the academic year 1445 AH: 866 female students.
Number of certificates in Sindh: 120 female students.
Number of educational staff: 86
Number of institute branches: 3
The institute’s female students participated in a number of competitions, most notably:
1- The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Local Award for memorizing the Holy Quran
They obtained (26) advanced positions in the period (1428 AH – 1444 AH)
2- Men’s Sheqat Award in the Qassim region
They obtained (5) advanced positions in the period (1441 AH – 1443 AH)
Girls Institute for Preparing Holy Quran Teachers affiliated with the Holy Quran Memorization Society in Buraidah Permit No. – 3104

Copying or imitating Google is prohibited, and the solution must be accurate and

Copying or imitating Google is prohibited, and the solution must be accurate and

Copying or imitating Google is prohibited, and the solution must be accurate and delivered on time
It is important to adhere to the instructions in the assignment and add the referenceI have attached a summary of the institute in which I was trained, as well as the reports that were previously uploaded, as well as some pictures of me working in the training and my CV.
company information:
the girls
A specialized, charitable, academic Qur’anic institute concerned with graduating teachers of the Holy Qur’an who have memorized and mastered it through academic programs and tracks that qualify them to teach the Holy Qur’an in (colleges, general educational schools, and women’s homes).
It is considered the first Quranic Institute in the Kingdom in terms of establishment. It was founded in 1410 AH
Our vision:
Providing a model Quranic educational environment for women in accordance with standards of quality and mastery.
Our message:
Preparing good girls who draw from the upright Book of God and bring goodness to their society, their homeland, and their nation.
Our goals:
1- Spreading interest in the Holy Qur’an by learning and teaching it and adhering to its right guidance in women’s environments.
2- Raising a Muslim woman in a Qur’anic education qualifies her to carry out her duty towards her religion, her family, and her community.
3- Providing the student with Islamic knowledge and basic skills that will push her to carry out her responsibilities and what is entrusted to her, to be a valid building block in building this blessed item and to contribute to its comprehensive renaissance.
4- Graduating female teachers with distinguished competence in the field of teaching the Holy Quran and its sciences: to practice the specialized educational process in governmental, charitable and private facilities.
5- Contributing to developing the performance of Holy Qur’an teachers in public, charitable and private education institutions, and raising their level through training and continuing education.
Education paths at the institute:
a. High path:
A special track for female students who have a university degree, in which the student studies regularly for (122) educational hours in two academic years, and in which she memorizes the entire Holy Qur’an.
B. Qualification path:
A special track for female students who have obtained a secondary school certificate, in which the student studies regularly for (110) educational hours in two academic years, and in which she memorizes twenty parts of the Holy Qur’an.
C. Iqra’ with the chain of transmission related to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him:
A course that aims to graduate readers who are accredited with the chain of transmission related to the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, by receiving it from the mouths of the two officers.
Institute outputs:
1. Memorizers of the Holy Qur’an and proficient in reciting it and controlling its performance.
2. Female graduates who are able to practice teaching the Holy Qur’an and be educated on its principles.
3. Female teachers who are aware of educational values and societal responsibility, and are committed to their Islamic identity and national affiliation.
Institute statistics:
Institute graduates: 3,134 female students.
Number of female students for the academic year 1445 AH: 866 female students.
Number of certificates in Sindh: 120 female students.
Number of educational staff: 86
Number of institute branches: 3
The institute’s female students participated in a number of competitions, most notably:
1- The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Local Award for memorizing the Holy Quran
They obtained (26) advanced positions in the period (1428 AH – 1444 AH)
2- Men’s Sheqat Award in the Qassim region
They obtained (5) advanced positions in the period (1441 AH – 1443 AH)
Girls Institute for Preparing Holy Quran Teachers affiliated with the Holy Quran Memorization Society in Buraidah Permit No. – 3104