To complete each scenario assignment: 1. Complete the entire scenario. 2.

To complete each scenario assignment:
1. Complete the entire scenario.

To complete each scenario assignment:
1. Complete the entire scenario.
2. Fill out the template attached below, ask your professor for details on submission.
3. Compose the last question on the template reflection in a Word document and be sure to address, at a minimum, the following questions:
Why do you feel the way you do about the issue presented?
Of the four responses offered in the scenario, which do you think is the most ethical and why?
Which ethical theory would you use to support your stance? Why does this theory work?
4. Support your conclusions with evidence and specific examples from the textbook, including a minimum of one theory of ethics to defend your stance.
5. Your reflection must be 1-2 pages in length and follow APA formatting and citation guidelines as appropriate, making sure to cite at least two sources.

To complete each scenario assignment: 1. Complete the entire scenario. 2.

To complete each scenario assignment:
1. Complete the entire scenario.

To complete each scenario assignment:
1. Complete the entire scenario.
2. Fill out the template attached below, ask your professor for details on submission. 3. Compose the last question on the template reflection in a Word document and be sure to address, at a minimum, the following questions:
Why do you feel the way you do about the issue presented?
Of the four responses offered in the scenario, which do you think is the most ethical and why?
Which ethical theory would you use to support your stance? Why does this theory work?
4. Support your conclusions with evidence and specific examples from the textbook, including a minimum of one theory of ethics to defend your stance.
5. Your reflection must be 1-2 pages in length and follow APA formatting and citation guidelines as appropriate, making sure to cite at least two sources.

Assignment: Answer these questions: (1) Why, according to Epicurus, ought we not

Assignment: Answer these questions:
(1) Why, according to Epicurus, ought we not

Assignment: Answer these questions:
(1) Why, according to Epicurus, ought we not to be disturbed by the fear of death. And what does Epicurus mean by “prudence” Download “prudence”(Source: to an external site.) and why is it a greater virtue than philosophy? Your answer to question (1) should be twenty to thirty sentences.
(2) How does Epictetus distinguish between things that are in our power from things that are not in our power? What are some of Epictetus` suggestions in achieving peace of mind? Your answer to question (2) should be twenty to thirty sentences.
(3) Discuss two or three insights you gained while reading Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations. Your answer to question (3) should be twenty to thirty sentences.
Each of your answers should be twenty to thirty sentences. Because there are three questions to this assignment, a conscientious student will aim at 90 or more sentences. Please integrate both the assigned readings and the videos into your assignment submission and make sure you make at least two direct connections to specific items in the readings and videos. Failure to do this will result in a lower grade and a successful one that refers to specific readings and videos will receive a higher assignment grade.

Epicurean Prudence for the Pleasant and Happy Life

Taking Sides Essay #1 A 5-page essay that answers the question: How can an athle

Taking Sides Essay #1
A 5-page essay that answers the question: How can an athle

Taking Sides Essay #1
A 5-page essay that answers the question: How can an athlete and/or team achieve a competitive edge over their opponent ethically? Essays should focus on theories regarding sportsmanship and cheating, including doping, and are required to cite “Robert L. Simon, Cesar R. Torres, and Peter F. Hager, Fair Play: The Ethics of Sport (4th Edition), Boulder CO: Westview Press, 2015” text as well as a minimum of three additional readings from the syllabus from modules 1 and 2.
Simon, ix-20; Simon, “The Ethics of Strategic Fouling: A Reply to Fraleigh”; Reid, “Athletic Competition as Socratic Philosophy” Simon, 21-58; Keating, “Sportsmanship as a Moral Category; Kretchmar, “Competition, Redemption, and Hope” Dixon, “On Sportsmanship and “Running up the Score”; Bass, A. “This is the Bottom Line”; Feezell, “Sportsmanship” Simon, 59-80; Farley, “Crossing the Line” Simon, 81-126; Gardner, “On Performance-Enhancing Substances and the Unfair Advantage Argument” Outside sources are not allowed. Good writing, creativity, and sophisticated analysis are expected.
Things to think about:
Focus & Details: make sure the main idea of the paper is clear and substantiate by detailed and accurate information from the sources.
Organization: Essays should have an introduction that clearly states the main topic, followed by information that is presented in a logical order, and provide a strong conclusion. Grammar/Mechanics/Structure: Sentences should be well-constructed with good use of proper phrasing and vocabulary; proper citation should be used; drafts should be edited for grammar and spelling.
Tips & Tricks This essay is neither a research paper nor a piece of literary self-expression. It is designed so that you can argue specific points – something you want to convince a reader to accept, alongside substantial evidence and justification.
Before you start, firmly establish what your position is. You need to be very clear about what you are trying to prove.
How are you going to convince the reader that the side you are taking is correct? Which arguments will you present to persuade? Do not overestimate the strength of your position.Just because you have already accepted this position does not mean you have provided enough material to persuade the reader.
Do not oversaturate your argument with too many points: you need to be persuasive and concise. This might seem contradictory, but in order to make your point clearly, you need to make it succinct. Choose the best points to substantiate your stance, not all the points that substantial your stance.
Poor writing will greatly reduce the effectiveness of your points – clarity and precision are critical elements of a persuasive paper.
Things to avoid:
Lengthy introductions: in this assignment, you don’t have the space. Bring the reader gently into your subject, clearly state your thesis and how you are going to substantiate it, and move on.
Excessive quotations: don’t rely on quotes to make your point – use them only when you need an exact selection of words. Quoting and paraphrasing should be kept to a minimum, while the focus should be on your interpretation of the material – your reflection on it – to substantiate your thesis.
Overly complicated or clichéd writing: when you can say something more simply, do it. Do not get complex for the point of complexity. Fence sitting: You are being asked to take a stand. Yes, acknowledge the other side – otherwise you are being dogmatic. But you need to evaluate the stance, not go on and on about how people have been divided about the issue for generations.
First/second person: this is formal writing – do not use “I” or “you” in the paper.

1. Discuss the benefits of the new proposal to dramatically simplify that proce

1. Discuss the benefits of the new proposal to dramatically simplify that proce

1. Discuss the benefits of the new proposal to dramatically simplify that process by mandating that all applications for multisite, minimal risk studies undergo an initial review by a single REB. Why?
2. Discuss the benefits of maintaining the historical method of having research ethics boards (REBs) at each participating hospital or university that conduct their own reviews of ethics. Why?
3. Do you feel Canada will be “left behind” if we don’t figure out a way to do single REB (Research Ethics Board) reviews across the country? Why?

Once you have chosen your topic conduct some online research for examples of Can

Once you have chosen your topic conduct some online research for examples of Can

Once you have chosen your topic conduct some online research for examples of Canadian case studies from the past 5 years. Be sure to choose sites and research that is reliable and reputable. Choose a specific article and choose a point of view to argue in your essay.
– If you need a refresher, be sure to review the content below:
– Chapter 7. Sources: Choosing the Right Ones – Writing for Success – 1st Canadian Edition (
Step Three:
Read and study your chosen article and make a list that supports your point of view on your chose topic.
Step Four:
Organize your thoughts into a 5 Paragraph Essay. Be sure to have an INTRODUCTION, BODY PARAGRAPHS (3) and a CONCLUSION.
– If you need a refresher, review the linked video below:
– How to Write an Argumentative Essay – Planning – YouTube

1. Discuss the benefits of the new proposal to dramatically simplify that proce

1. Discuss the benefits of the new proposal to dramatically simplify that proce

1. Discuss the benefits of the new proposal to dramatically simplify that process by mandating that all applications for multisite, minimal risk studies undergo an initial review by a single REB. Why?
2. Discuss the benefits of maintaining the historical method of having research ethics boards (REBs) at each participating hospital or university that conduct their own reviews of ethics. Why?
3. Do you feel Canada will be “left behind” if we don’t figure out a way to do single REB (Research Ethics Board) reviews across the country? Why?

Please research a case opinion, or news article, pertaining to a government taki

Please research a case opinion, or news article, pertaining to a government taki

Please research a case opinion, or news article, pertaining to a government taking of property through eminent domain.
Please do not use a situation referenced in the chapter, or use the same material as another student.
Once you have found an article or opinion, then please draft a short summary of your case or article and provide a citation to your source. 
In your summary, please answer the following questions: 
1 – Identify who the stakeholders were in the case and how were they affected by the taking?;
2 – What kind of taking was at issue in your case study (a regulatory or physical taking)?;
3 – Do you think the taking in your situation was proper? Why or why not? [Please refer to slides 21-3 from this week.]
Your response will be graded for its content as well as adherence to the requirements. 

Précis A key skill in philosophy is the ability to critique an argument, but yo

Précis A key skill in philosophy is the ability to critique an argument, but yo

Précis A key skill in philosophy is the ability to critique an argument, but you must first be able to correctly
and succinctly describe the argument at hand. Hence, you will write a brief summary (précis) of one of
two articles (Altman or Arthur) from the free speech topic of no more than 500 words. Start by asking:
what is the conclusion of the article? then work your way backwards to understanding the reasons given
for the conclusion. Finally, write a succinct and purely descriptive (i.e., not evaluative) essay. I sent you the reading on Altman, thank you Make sure to have citations as well from the book and to paraphrase and not quotes.