Explain the underlying presuppositions (beliefs/arguments) of socialism and oppo

Explain the underlying presuppositions (beliefs/arguments) of socialism and oppo

Explain the underlying presuppositions (beliefs/arguments) of socialism and opposing rights-based free enterprise viewpoints. Argue which viewpoint you think is ethical/more ethical and explain why. Identify points of your argument that might be challenged, and briefly introduce a way you might respond. Be sure to carefully define your terms. You are expected to support your position with rational arguments, fitting examples, course material, and any additional sources of expertise that are relevant.

After completing the reading assignment this week (Chapter 5), please complete t

After completing the reading assignment this week (Chapter 5), please complete t

After completing the reading assignment this week (Chapter 5), please complete the following assignment:
Read Case Study 5.1 (found on p.145-6) regarding the Supreme Court’s ruling on the health insurance mandate found in the Affordable Care Act.
Also, think about the quote from Thomas Jefferson found at the beginning of the chapter:
“Some men look at constitutions with sanctimonious reverence, and deem them like the ark of the covenant, too sacred to be touched….I am certainly not an advocate for frequent and untried changes in laws and constitutions….But….laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind.”
Please draft a case brief for this opinion. If still needed, please look at slide 21 from the first week and p.10 in the text.) Then answer the following questions:
• What was missing that the Court indicated was needed in order to find that the mandate was constitutional?
• What sources does the Court rely on for its constitutional interpretation in this case?
• Look at the quote on p.141, Based on that – do you think Thomas Jefferson (based on the quote at the beginning of the chapter) would agree or disagree with James Madison – as quoted by Chief Justice Roberts in the opinion? Why or why not?
You may keep your answers brief but do ensure that your answers are meaningful.
Your response will be graded for its content as well as adherence to the requirements. I will be looking at your understanding of the course material, your ability to summarize and explain it, and your spelling and grammar when grading this assignment

Overview: You will research relevant cases and laws and will draft a six (6) t

Overview: You will research relevant cases and laws and will draft a six (6) t

Overview: You will research relevant cases and laws and will draft a six (6) to eight (8) page research paper. A substantial draft of the paper will be submitted in Week 6 and your final copy of the research paper and presentation will be submitted in Week 7. List of Unacceptable Topics: Human resource law, employment law, diversity, discrimination.
Research Paper Requirements: Between Weeks 2 and 6, you will research and prepare a six (6) to eight (8) full pages (excluding title page, abstract, and references) position paper in APA format addressing all of the following issues:
Identifies ethical issues as they are related to the business environment
Ethical Analysis – includes concepts, theories, practices, and social responsibility as relating to ethics studied in this class
Legal Analysis – includes appropriate legal theories, laws, codes precedent and researched court cases
Law v. Ethics – liability versus responsibility Important Information for this Paper
Students should review the template for a research paper on the main class page.
Students will be expected to include three (3) to four (4) scholarly resources which will include at least one business journal and two named companies or legal cases that have dealt with the selected topic. Wikipedia and private law firms are not scholarly sources.
Students will be expected to submit their papers in APA format with in-text citations and references
Students should review the grading rubric for additional information as to expectations for the paper
If you are not familiar with APA, please review the sections on APA on the course home page or on the library website. You can also contact the Student Success Center for assistance. This instructor as well as Wilmington University takes plagiarism very seriously. If plagiarism is detected, I will award a zero as a grade. If there are multiple instances of plagiarism, the student will be reported to the University. Students are reminded that plagiarism is also submitting a paper you prepared for another class in this class.
MAKE SURE to use in-text citations and provide the references page at the end of the paper in APA format.
TOPIC: The Ethics and Potential Negligence of Selling Dangerous Products (IN THE MIND OF THE BUSINESS, NOT THE CONSUMER)

Using the material on moral compasses from weeks 1 and 2, write a paper of no le

Using the material on moral compasses from weeks 1 and 2, write a paper of no le

Using the material on moral compasses from weeks 1 and 2, write a paper of no less than 600 words that accomplishes the following:
Choose one of the four templates, Markkula- APA or MLA, or Brown – APA or MLA, and follow directions. The information below offers an elaboration on these directions.
In a section titled “Theories” identify between 1 and 3 moral theories you will use to build your compass (deontological, utilitarian, common good, virtue, etc.) along with a short, documented definition for each theory. The definition should be in your own words. As citations are NOT just for quotations, be sure to give your resources proper credit with citations.
In a section titled “Explanation” explain for each theory how it would help you make what you feel would be the right decision and in what situations (e.g. Using deontology at work to ensure the company’s policies are kept and its reputation is upheld; Using care ethics at home as a way to be equitable with the kids, etc.).
In a third section titled “Compass Applied” choose one topic from the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics (under “Ethics Spotlight”) or another pressing ethical situation you or others you know are facing at the moment. It must be a legitimate moral conundrum like keeping a secret about a cheating spouse, cheating on a spouse or being an accessory to a crime. You can also pick a current event like the possibility of electing a convicted felon as president, busing illegal immigrants from Texas to other states without their permission, or passing laws that allow teens to work longer hours and in dangerous situations. Then using either Framework for Ethical Decision Making (Markkula or Brown), walk through the steps to make an ethical decision and justify what you decide is the moral action to take in this situation. USE the template and DO NOT delete the section headings.
Be sure to be clear on which of the two frameworks you are using (which is easy if you use a template). Be sure you are clear on what you are doing. Use the attached templates to address this assignment. The content is the same, but the formatting on each is different.
Note that all papers must be double-spaced and follow either APA or MLA formatting.

Apple refused to provide the FBI assistance to create a “back door” to open the

Apple refused to provide the FBI assistance to create a “back door” to open the

Apple refused to provide the FBI assistance to create a “back door” to open the San Bernarndino terrorist’s IPhone. Was Apple justified in refusing this assistance, from an ethical point of view? Given the harm that may occur without the FBI’s investigation (or the harm that could be prevented with its investigation) can Apple ethically justify this refusal?
Provide a 200-250 word reply to this question. please consider some of the ethical principles mentioned from chapter 1-3 of the textbook(desjardins pdf file) for the discussion and there is also a summary of it (jpg file). I have attached the article of this case(apple FBI update pdf file). As well as the video link: https://youtu.be/tGqLTFv7v7c?si=uHu1RCjlnlpwFmzC

INSTRUCTIONS Begin your paper with a brief introductory paragraph that clearly s

Begin your paper with a brief introductory paragraph that clearly s

Begin your paper with a brief introductory paragraph that clearly states your goals, thesis, and
method. State what metaethical theory you are defending, the issue in applied ethics you are
addressing, the conclusion(s) you want to defend.
Next, provide a lengthy and detailed defense of the metaethical theory you defended in
Discussion: Compare and Contrast Metaethical Theories (Natural Law Theory) This will likely reflect what you
argued for in your thread and the feedback that you received from the professor and/or
classmates who responded to your thread. Here you can go into much more detail than you could
in the discussion, which was limited to 600 words. This section of the Capstone Essay Assignment would be roughly half
of your paper (three to four pages).
Next, proceed to the applied ethics issue that you discussed in your Discussion: Ethical
Application thread (Stem-cell research). Here you should greatly expand upon your argument. Add detail, nuance,
and argumentation, providing a fairly complete and comprehensive application based on the
theory you defend in the first half of the paper. You may illustrate the application with real-life
examples, but please do not fill your paper with anecdotes. You should anticipate possible
objections to your approach to the issue and respond to them in an objective and informed
manner. (For ideas on how others might object to your approach, a good place to begin would be
your classmate’s reply to your thread, but you need not stop there. Many books and articles have
been published on issues in applied ethics, and these can provide a wealth of possible arguments
relevant to every issue.) You are encouraged to use quotes from sources as a way to support your
arguments, but quotes should not make up more than one and a half pages of your essay.
Your conclusion should reflect what you have argued in your thesis. It should recap what you
have accomplished and how you have accomplished it.
This paper is not required to utilize any sources outside of those that were used in the class (the
two textbooks, the videos, and the PointCast presentations), but use of additional resources is
permitted and encouraged. At the minimum the paper should utilize the resources from the class.
All resources used must be listed in the bibliography and any resources quoted, paraphrased, or
alluded to must be documented via footnotes formatted according to Turabian. Sources such as
Wikipedia and online dictionaries do not count as academic sources and should not be used.
Biblical references are encouraged, but will not count as an academic source.
Class textbooks are “Moral Choices” by Scott Rae, and “Talking About Ethics” by David Farnham, Michael Saxon, and Mark Jones.

After watching Fighting Indian Film, we will have a class discussion on this dis

After watching Fighting Indian Film, we will have a class discussion on this dis

After watching Fighting Indian Film, we will have a class discussion on this discussion board. I want you to hear your perspective, ideas, and impressions of the video on this discussion board. Here are some questions that can help with answering the discussion board questions. What surprised you the most about the mascot debate? Why do you think there is much pride in picking a Native American mascot? Why do you think sports team fans fight so hard to keep a Native American as a mascot, even if the Native American community says it is offensive to them? What was the most important lesson you took from the mascot debate? Response to the video and question should be 200-250 words responses

Please answer all three questions below. There is no limit/guidance on the ans

Please answer all three questions below. There is no limit/guidance on the ans

Please answer all three questions below. There is no limit/guidance on the answer length as long as you answer all parts of the question clearly.

1.) Of the five theories we have studied (Mills, Kant, Aquinas, Aristotle & Gilligan), it is clear that some theories are more flexible (open ended in judging if an action is morally right or wrong; hint think of the nursing field!) and some are more structured (rigid in judging if an action is morally right or wrong; hint think of how some theories have tools). Which of these two approaches (flexible or structured) do YOU think is better when faced with ethical dilemmas? Why? Now choose ONE of the theories that fits into the category you chose, and explain how the theory works, including a specific example of what it would say should be done in a medical dilemma of your choosing (i.e. pulling life support under a structured theory).

2.) Compare and contrast the theories developed by Mill, Aquinas & Aristotle. Tell me ways in which they are similar and different, and remember that each is trying to say what is mean to be moral, so the fact that they are all ethical theories doesn’t count as a similarity. Think of the standard of each and the way each one works, and that should inform your answer (Hint – it is helpful to shortly summarize each theory’s main point!).

3.) Read the case below. Then, write an essay which says whether or not YOU believe that Maria should take hormone treatments. Support your answer by using one of the five theories we studied (Mill, Kant, Aristotle, Aquinas or Gilligan).

Case: Dr. Marshall Marino talks to couples every day at the fertility clinic where he works. All of his patients are there because they have infertility problems, which are usually due to one of three things: not enough sperm, not enough eggs, or problems holding the embryo in the uterus. Both partners are tested for infertility problems. Today, Dr. Marino is speaking to the Hernadezes. They have been trying to get pregnant for four years, but are still young, in their thirties. The doctor explains that Maria’s ovaries are not producing eggs on a regular schedule. He suggests they begin hormone treatments as soon as possible. The hormones will stimulate the ovaries to make eggs. Mark and Maria have done their homework though. They read about the McCaughey septuplets born in Iowa and wonder if that might happen to them. Dr. Marino wants to be honest with all of his patients, so he explains the side effects of taking the hormone treatments. Often the ovary responds to the hormone by giving off a number of eggs at one time. If these eggs are all fertilized, the result is a multiple birth. Maria thinks a multiple birth would be good. With their problems, who knows if she will get pregnant again? But Mark has read that the more embryos in the uterus, the more danger there is of premature birth, brain damage and possibly death. This frightens him.

After watching Fighting Indian Film, we will have a class discussion on this dis

After watching Fighting Indian Film, we will have a class discussion on this dis

After watching Fighting Indian Film, we will have a class discussion on this discussion board. I want you to hear your perspective, ideas, and impressions of the video on this discussion board. Here are some questions that can help with answering the discussion board questions. What surprised you the most about the mascot debate? Why do you think there is much pride in picking a Native American mascot? Why do you think sports team fans fight so hard to keep a Native American as a mascot, even if the Native American community says it is offensive to them? What was the most important lesson you took from the mascot debate? Response to the video and question should be 200-250 words responses