1. using https://www.forbes.com/billionaires/ (only need top 200) to make data t

1. using https://www.forbes.com/billionaires/ (only need top 200) to make data t

1. using https://www.forbes.com/billionaires/ (only need top 200) to make data table on google sheet or excel, and save it to cvs.
2. Create ONE quick first glance using off-the-shelf tools (excel, google sheets, tableau, etc..)
Note: when you make data table, pls make the unit B(billion) into number. and i just realized i file that r same repeatedly. you can just ignore them.
just wanna make sure there would be seven columns in the table: RANK, NAME, NET WORTH, AGE, COUNTRY, SOURCE, INDUSTRY. and from 1-200. you don’t need care about ‘filter list by’ part.
Don’t bid if you can’t deliver on time.

Background The end of chapter application exercises provide hands-on practice fo

The end of chapter application exercises provide hands-on practice fo

The end of chapter application exercises provide hands-on practice for the concepts learned in this module.
At the end of each chapter in the textbook is a section titled “Application Exercises.” Complete two (2) application exercises for each module (two exercises from any of the three chapters assigned for that module) using Excel and/or Access as appropriate per exercise.
Excel Assignment should be built from start using the text for guidance.
Ch 7 Excel Solution (mp4 file)
Pg. 220: Marketing City Hospital Seminars.
Access Starter Data File
Ch 7 Access Solution (mp4 file)
This assignment is worth 5 points and due on Sunday. For more specifics on how this will be graded, refer to the rubric below.

Provide your solution on a graph using Desmos (click), Desmos Calculator (click)

Provide your solution on a graph using Desmos (click), Desmos Calculator (click)

Provide your solution on a graph using Desmos (click), Desmos Calculator (click), and MS Excel using the Solver Tool. Include your interpretation of the combination of each model that maximizes its monthly profit. Include a recommendation of the company’s financials and how it can stay profitable based on your analysis—an interpretation of the combination of each model that maximizes its monthly profit. Include a recommendation of the company’s financials and how it can stay profitable based on your analysis.
Provide the objective and constraints of the given linear optimization question.
Use Excel and Desmos to show each unit’s units to maximize the company’s profit. Upload both results and interpret your results. 1. The graph uses Desmos (click) and Desmos Calculator (click). 2. MS Excel using the Solver Tool. Submit a recommendation for Ihotu Printer Company to address forecasting results from Part 1( uploaded) and 2 (uploaded) as well as optimization results from Part 3 (YOU DO)
3. Include a recommendation of the company’s financials (Interpretation maximizes its monthly profit. ) Include a recommendation of its financials and how it can stay profitable based on your analysis.
SCHOLARLY Citation Requiremenbdgt: Minimum of 2 resources

I have created a list of detailed transportation expenses during the 2023 year.

I have created a list of detailed transportation expenses during the 2023 year.

I have created a list of detailed transportation expenses during the 2023 year. I need your help to classify all the information. For example:
– Sort them out by:
* Uber
* Lyft
Come up with a total sum for all the expenses together as well as a total sum for each service, Ej.: Total number of expenses for Uber.
You can help yourself by using Excel or any tool that you might find helpful. However, I’d like to get a Microsoft Word finished document. This document should include an organized and throughout list in which is is easy to see the total amount of $ in expenses and where is it coming from respectively.
I am going to help you with any questions you might have or if you need any more clarification before starting the assignment,

This task has been designed to demonstrate your competence and knowledge accordi

This task has been designed to demonstrate your competence and knowledge accordi

This task has been designed to demonstrate your competence and knowledge according to the elements and performance criteria, performance evidence and foundation skills for this unit of competency.
The assessment conditions for this unit have also been taken into consideration.
Please refer to the unit outline at https://training.gov.au/Training/Details/BSBPMG531 .
The task has been designed to create realistic conditions that reflect those typically found in the workplace, and it uses a range of assessment methods:
☒ Direct observation – assessed in a simulated off-the-job situation that reflects the workplace, including role-plays.
☒ Product-based assessment – structured assessment activities such as reports, displays, work samples, role plays, presentations, or a portfolio of validated pieces of evidence.
Assessment Task 2: Practical Tasks in BSBPMG531 – You must complete all practical tasks as instructed.
You are required to address the following:
Task 2.1 Determine project schedule
Task 2.2 Implement project schedule
Task 2.3 Assess time management outcomes
Develop a WBS for both projects
Develop a project schedule using a Gantt Chart for both projects
Discuss the project scheduling planning work with relevant stakeholders (PS) to reach an agreement on and confirm the project time baseline for both projects
Develop an approach to monitoring and controlling the project schedule that can be applied to both projects
Complete a series of tasks as instructed to simulate project schedule implementation
Develop a lesson learned report for both projects
Although the assessment requires group collaboration to simulate a work environment, the assessment submission is individual and will be marked as such.

Background The end of chapter exercises provide hands-on practice for the concep

The end of chapter exercises provide hands-on practice for the concep

The end of chapter exercises provide hands-on practice for the concepts learned in this module.
At the end of each chapter in the textbook there is a section titled “Application Exercises.”
Complete two exercises for each module (two exercises from any of the chapters assigned for that module) using Excel and/or Access as appropriate per exercise.
This assignment is worth 5 points and due on Sunday. For more specifics on how this will be graded, refer to the rubric below.
Rubric Name: Application Exercises Rubric
CriteriaHighly DevelopedDeveloped
Criterion Score
1.25 points
Completed exercises with a detailed explanation/reasoning for answers.
0.5 points
Complete exercises with some explanation(s).
0.375 points
Explanation is unclear.
0.25 points
Misses key points.
Score of Explanation,
/ 1.25
Use of Visuals
0.75 points
Clear table/report or chart/graph with some detail.
0.3 points
Clear table/report or chart/graph.
0.225 points
Inappropriate or unclear table/report and/or chart/graph.
0.15 points
Table/report not complete and/or chart/graph not attempted.
Score of Use of Visuals,
/ 0.75
1.25 points
Good effort and obvious attempt at completing all exercise steps correctly.
0.5 points
Good effort and some attempt at completing exercise steps.
0.375 points
Some effort completing exercise steps, some formulas attempted.
0.25 points
Some steps completed, but text in place of actual exercise formulas/answers.
Score of Mechanics,
/ 1.25
Demonstrated Knowledge
1.25 points
Demonstrates complete understanding for the use of the applications to solve problems and answers all questions.
0.5 points
Shows some understanding for the applications and answers most questions.
0.375 points
Shows some understanding for the applications and answers most questions.
0.25 points
Evidence of understanding is not clearly demonstrated and answers are incomplete.
Score of Demonstrated Knowledge,
/ 1.25
0.5 points
Goes beyond the requirements of the applications’ problems.
0.2 points
Meets the requirements of the applications’ problems.
0.15 points
Hardly meets the requirements of the applications’ problems.
0.1 points
Does not meet the requirements of the applications’ problems
Sample here: Sample Access 1

1 Collect the daily stock prices over the past year from Yahoo! Finance for SPY,

1 Collect the daily stock prices over the past year from Yahoo! Finance for SPY,

1 Collect the daily stock prices over the past year from Yahoo! Finance for SPY, which is the symbol for the exchange traded fund that attempts to mimic the S&P 500 index, which is often used as the proxy for the market portfolio, and two other stocks of your choice that have been publicly traded firms for at least one year. Follow the guidelines in the “Obtain Historical Returns from Yahoo” document
2 Use the Excel file I posted called M5 Project to calculate the same statistics. See the formulas in the cells as a guide.
Better yet, try to match your return cells with my return cells so that everything automatically populates
Follow the Obtain Historical Returns from yahoo file to see what I mean by this
Discuss your findings. This should include:
A discussion of the main statistics, such as
the expected return for each stock,
the standard deviation for each stock, the expected return of the portfolio of the two stocks you selected using the various percentages allocated to each (50%-50%, 75%-25%, 25%-75%) provided in the sheet,
the standard deviation for each portfolio of the two stocks you selected using the various percentages allocated to each (50%-50%, 75%-25%, 25%-75%),
the beta of each stock,
the beta of a portfolio of the two stocks using the percentages allocated to each (50%-50%, 75%-25%, 25%-75%).
Be sure to discuss some of the key concepts too (e.g., point out the standard deviation of the portfolio is less than the weighted average of the standard deviations of the stocks in the portfolio)
Compute the coefficient of variation for the three different allocationsWhich of the three (i.e., the 50-50%, 75-25%, or 25-75%) offers the best risk-return profile?
Submit your modified Excel file when you have completed the project by 11:59 PM ET Sunday.
Note: Do not choose ABC and AMAT as your stocks. I used those in a practice example!