The following question must be answered: What has been helped or hindered by the

The following question must be answered: What has been helped or hindered by the

The following question must be answered: What has been helped or hindered by the filmed nature of this adaptation? Have your eyes been mediated (or guided) to particular events, people, and/or experiences? (Is the focus of the camera perhaps different than where you may have chosen to focus your attention during a live performance?) What would have been different about this theatrical production had you witnessed it live? For this, focus on one area of the production (acting, lighting, sound, costumes, makeup, etc.) and debate how this particular area would have been experienced differently live.
Structure: ***An introductory (or thesis) paragraph that explains: What production you are discussing (introduce the recorded performance, NOT the plot/themes!)
How will you be viewing this production (live vs. filmed performance) and a brief list of the specific production aspects you will be discussing in your paper (this aids in focusing your topic). You are required to focus on one area of the production (acting, lighting, sound, costumes, makeup, etc.) and debate how this particular area would have been experienced differently live. ***The body of the paper should contain several specific examples from the production and an incorporation of course vocabulary. You want your reader to visualize what you are describing so select examples that describe individual moments/scenes that stuck out with regard to acting, directing and the one area of design selected. ***A concluding paragraph that restates your thesis and briefly addresses your objectives, drawing conclusions showing us that you have moved beyond your initial argument in the thesis. A bibliography of ALL sources used within your paper. Citations MUST be present for any direct quotes, internet research, etc.

The danger of a single story: Author Chimamanda Adichie in her talk “The Dange

The danger of a single story:
Author Chimamanda Adichie in her talk “The Dange

The danger of a single story:
Author Chimamanda Adichie in her talk “The Danger of a Single Story” has cautioned us about the problems of a singular narrative about a place or culture.
After listening to Chimanada’s Ted talk :,
You will discuss how can you showcase different stories about Africa as an artist, curator, writer or teacher and what stories do you feel compelled to present.
Prepare a PPT with five-six slides that shall outline your visual method of telling a different story of Africa. That is, by drawing inspiration from the films we watched, tell me how will you from your unique perspective (cultural, philosophical, academic, and linguistic) like to tell others stories about Africa and African cultural and political histories. What sort of innovative and meaningful techniques will you choose to not essentialize Africa/Africans and make them look miserable. How will you inform those who have no prior knowledge of the subject about African diversity?
What to do
–You can incorporate images, audio, and video into your PPT.
–The word count in total for all the slides (500 words). That is if you have 6 slides, a collective word count of 500 words.
–Think of a catchy title and subtitle that’ll justify your arguments in each PPT
–You are also welcome to incorporate images from other popular media that perpetuates a unidimensional story of Africa

The film “Queen of Katwe” is a Disney production based on the life of Phiona Mu

The film “Queen of Katwe” is a Disney production based on the life of Phiona Mu

The film “Queen of Katwe” is a Disney production based on the life of Phiona Mutesi, a Ugandan chess player and real events associated with her. In this assignment, by considering the reading and the film assigned for the week, you will discuss how this film is different from other movies watched in class which were mostly low budget independent films. For your compare & contrast, you don’t have to pick more than 2-3 films, but do discuss what are the key differences in terms of styles, cinematography, and visual treatments that you noticed. Make sure to also build on the reading assigned for the week.
ONLY 200 to 250 words
the films watched in class:
black girl
the battle of algiers
I am not a witch

The film “Queen of Katwe” is a Disney production based on the life of Phiona Mu

The film “Queen of Katwe” is a Disney production based on the life of Phiona Mu

The film “Queen of Katwe” is a Disney production based on the life of Phiona Mutesi, a Ugandan chess player and real events associated with her. In this assignment, by considering the reading and the film assigned for the week, you will discuss how this film is different from other movies watched in class which were mostly low budget independent films. For your compare & contrast, you don’t have to pick more than 2-3 films, but do discuss what are the key differences in terms of styles, cinematography, and visual treatments that you noticed. Make sure to also build on the reading assigned for the week.
ONLY 200 to 250 words
the films watched in class:
black girl
the battle of algiers
I am not a witch

The danger of a single story: Author Chimamanda Adichie in her talk “The Dange

The danger of a single story:
Author Chimamanda Adichie in her talk “The Dange

The danger of a single story:
Author Chimamanda Adichie in her talk “The Danger of a Single Story” has cautioned us about the problems of a singular narrative about a place or culture.
After listening to Chimanada’s Ted talk :,
You will discuss how can you showcase different stories about Africa as an artist, curator, writer or teacher and what stories do you feel compelled to present.
Prepare a PPT with five-six slides that shall outline your visual method of telling a different story of Africa. That is, by drawing inspiration from the films we watched, tell me how will you from your unique perspective (cultural, philosophical, academic, and linguistic) like to tell others stories about Africa and African cultural and political histories. What sort of innovative and meaningful techniques will you choose to not essentialize Africa/Africans and make them look miserable. How will you inform those who have no prior knowledge of the subject about African diversity?
What to do
–You can incorporate images, audio, and video into your PPT.
–The word count in total for all the slides (500 words). That is if you have 6 slides, a collective word count of 500 words.
–Think of a catchy title and subtitle that’ll justify your arguments in each PPT
–You are also welcome to incorporate images from other popular media that perpetuates a unidimensional story of Africa

1) Watch the entire 3 minute excerpt of One Flat Thing Reproduced (the link) and

1) Watch the entire 3 minute excerpt of One Flat Thing Reproduced (the link) and

1) Watch the entire 3 minute excerpt of One Flat Thing Reproduced (the link) and at least 2 of the dances in Love Songs (my favorite sections are the first solo, and the duet @ 12:40)
2) Write a one-page paper stating your feelings/views on the dance pieces. Include your reaction to the fact that the movement is derived from Ballet vocabulary, yet looks very, very different than traditional Classical Ballet. Did you like the work? Why or Why Not? 3) The ONLY way that Ballet has endured for more than 400 years is due to its ability to meld, change, and grow; making Ballet much less an “archaic Dance genre” and more of a contemporary art form ready and willing to “speak” to a contemporary audience. With all of that said, finish your paper with some ideas of where YOU would like to see Ballet go next….in your opinion, what would make Ballet even more contemporary and accessible to the audiences of today?

1) Watch the entire 3 minute excerpt of One Flat Thing Reproduced (the link) and

1) Watch the entire 3 minute excerpt of One Flat Thing Reproduced (the link) and

1) Watch the entire 3 minute excerpt of One Flat Thing Reproduced (the link) and at least 2 of the dances in Love Songs (my favorite sections are the first solo, and the duet @ 12:40)
2) Write a one-page paper stating your feelings/views on the dance pieces. Include your reaction to the fact that the movement is derived from Ballet vocabulary, yet looks very, very different than traditional Classical Ballet. Did you like the work? Why or Why Not? 3) The ONLY way that Ballet has endured for more than 400 years is due to its ability to meld, change, and grow; making Ballet much less an “archaic Dance genre” and more of a contemporary art form ready and willing to “speak” to a contemporary audience. With all of that said, finish your paper with some ideas of where YOU would like to see Ballet go next….in your opinion, what would make Ballet even more contemporary and accessible to the audiences of today?

You are the film critic for Rotten Tomatoes, and you have been assigned by the e

You are the film critic for Rotten Tomatoes, and you have been assigned by the e

You are the film critic for Rotten Tomatoes, and you have been assigned by the editor to write a historical perspective piece for the home screen. Choose any film that we have seen to this point for class (but a different one from the Scene Analysis Assignment) and write a review that will make today’s 2024 viewers want to go back and see this film.
Film: The Godfather
Take a critical stance and offer your honest perspective on the film, but back it up with an argument and explanation. Remember a review is not a retelling or summary of the plot. A film review offers a unique and original interpretation of the movie.
Put the film in context with the historical period it was created in. What genre is it in? Who made it (director, studio, actors, cinematographers, etc.)? What was going on in American history at this point? What was it influenced by? What did this film influence?
Why is it important to see this film today, in 2024? How should we understand it today?
Reviews must be: 3 pages, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins.
Cite your sources in the text with either footnotes, endnotes, or in parenthesis in proper MLA, Chicago, or Harvard Citations. Include a bibliography on a separate page.
Review the Grading Rubric as grammar and organization will be considered in the grade.

You are the film critic for Rotten Tomatoes, and you have been assigned by the e

You are the film critic for Rotten Tomatoes, and you have been assigned by the e

You are the film critic for Rotten Tomatoes, and you have been assigned by the editor to write a historical perspective piece for the home screen. Choose any film that we have seen to this point for class (but a different one from the Scene Analysis Assignment) and write a review that will make today’s 2024 viewers want to go back and see this film.
Film: The Godfather
Take a critical stance and offer your honest perspective on the film, but back it up with an argument and explanation. Remember a review is not a retelling or summary of the plot. A film review offers a unique and original interpretation of the movie.
Put the film in context with the historical period it was created in. What genre is it in? Who made it (director, studio, actors, cinematographers, etc.)? What was going on in American history at this point? What was it influenced by? What did this film influence?
Why is it important to see this film today, in 2024? How should we understand it today?
Reviews must be: 3 pages, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins.
Cite your sources in the text with either footnotes, endnotes, or in parenthesis in proper MLA, Chicago, or Harvard Citations. Include a bibliography on a separate page.
Review the Grading Rubric as grammar and organization will be considered in the grade.