repare a PowerPoint (Audio) presentation wherein he or she will train the audien

repare a PowerPoint (Audio) presentation wherein he or she will train the audien

repare a PowerPoint (Audio) presentation wherein he or she will train the audience (professor and classmates). The presentation should be designed for first responders. The student will provide an overview of emergency management. The student will examine all phases of disaster management including: an overview of the emergency management discipline; key concepts, definitions, and perspectives; mitigation to include prevention; preparedness, planning, response, and recovery. The following subtopics will be included within the respective phase they best fit: human behavior, warnings, evacuation, sheltering, special needs populations, triage, damage assessment, disaster declarations, debris removal, media relations, crisis counseling, assistance as well as fiscal issue. Decision-making, unified command, incident command, EOC operations, along with coordination efforts will be examined. The roles of faith- based agencies as well as public-private partnerships will be discussed. The student will share what was learned from their Examining Disaster Management Paper Assignment. Finally, the student will apply biblical insight into the overall issue. The presentation must include at least 10 sources (which cannot include the class textbook and the Bible). INSTRUCTIONS The student will use PPT, with audio, to present and record his or her information. A minimum of twenty content slides are required not including the cover and reference slides. The student will, at the minimum, use the same headings as listed previously in these instructions. The presentation needs to be at least 15 minutes long and should last no more than 30 minutes maximum. References will be included on the last slide. Once submitted for grading the student will email his or her PPT with audio to the rest of the class for their review. Assignment Specifics:  The presentation needs to be at least 15 minutes long and should last no more than 30 minutes maximum.  A minimum of twenty content slides are required not including the cover and reference slides.  The student will present and record his or her information within the PPT presentation.  The presentation must include at least 10 sources.

Students are to write a research paper on their assigned topic. The paper is an

Students are to write a research paper on their assigned topic. The paper is an

Students are to write a research paper on their assigned topic. The paper is an extension of your proposal. Be sure to implements items that needed correcting in your final paper–see your proposal for any comments. The paper should be in APA format and follow the specifications below. Paper should expand on accepted proposal. Papers will be graded on a scale of 0 to 100. Specifications: – Minimum of 4-6 pages (max 8), not including title page and reference page. – Double-spaced, 12 pt. font (Times New Roman) – Minimum of seven references (limit to three internet sites and must not date back beyond 2017). — APA format is absolutely required. Major point deduction if format is not followed. — Provide a powerpoint (60 to 90 seconds to summarize some main points about your paper PLEASE DEVELOP AND POST A SHORT POWER POINT (5 TO 6 SLIDES) TO SUMMARIZE THE POINTS OF YOUR PROJECT. YOU CAN RECORD YOUR SLIDE PRESENTATION. Beware of plagiarism. Give credit to whom credit is due. Make your APA “in-text” citations

OVERVIEW The student will complete a research paper providing a detailed examina

OVERVIEW The student will complete a research paper providing a detailed examina

OVERVIEW The student will complete a research paper providing a detailed examination of all phases of disaster management. The student will examine all phases of disaster management including: an overview of the emergency management discipline; key concepts, definitions, and perspectives; mitigation to include prevention; and preparedness, planning, response, and recovery. The following subtopics will be included within the respective phase they best fit: human behavior, warnings, evacuation, sheltering, special needs populations, triage, damage assessment, disaster declarations, debris removal, media relations, crisis counseling, and assistance, as well as fiscal issues. Decision-making, unified command, incident command, EOC operations, along with coordination efforts will be examined. The roles of faith-based agencies as well as public-private partnerships will be discussed. The student will approach it from a holistic manner considering all potential disciplines that might be involved in any phase of dealing with a disaster. Finally, biblical foundations should be addressed. INSTRUCTIONS The student will write a research-oriented paper in current APA format of at least 8 full pages. The paper must include at least 8 sources (which cannot include the class textbook and the Bible). Assignment Specifics:  At least 8 full pages, not counting title and reference pages, research-oriented paper in current APA format  At least 8 sources course book reference Phillips, B. D., Neal, D. M., & Webb, G. R. (2021). Introduction to Emergency Management and Disaster Science (3rd ed.). Taylor & Francis.

1st discussion post explain the planning process. Discuss the types of planning.

1st discussion post explain the planning process. Discuss the types of planning.

1st discussion post explain the planning process. Discuss the types of planning. What are the best practices found in and for the planning process? (Planning is in Chapter 6 from book reference below) 2nd discussion post discuss principles of effective emergency management response. What do the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and Incident Command System (ICS) offer and how do they help? Are there things that NIMS does not offer that are still needed? (Response is in Chapter 7 from book reference below) course book below Phillips, B. D., Neal, D. M., & Webb, G. R. (2021). Introduction to Emergency Management and Disaster Science (3rd ed.). Taylor & Francis.

******PART 1***** – Describe the United States and foreign compensation programs

******PART 1***** – Describe the United States and foreign compensation programs

******PART 1***** – Describe the United States and foreign compensation programs you selected. – Explain the differences between the two programs. – Explain how at least one component of the foreign country’s program might be applied to programs in the United States and/or in your home state. Be specific. *****PART 2****Write a proposal for one of the following to be implemented in your community or in your current criminal justice practice: A new victim-focused program The implementation of an existing victim-focused program Your proposal should include the following: A rationale for why the program will be effective in your community A rationale for how the program will help victims A rationale for how the program may also help offenders (if applicable) Your positions should be supported by examples and evidence from the Learning Resources in the course as well as independent research in the amount of 3 to 5 outside sources, with at least one source coming from the Walden LibraryLinks to an external site.. Examples of evidence include cases, theories, or research about existing programs. Helpful keywords may include: “law enforcement”, policy, program, victims, “crime victims”, “victim assistance”, “victim compensation”, reparation, “victim needs”, or victimization. (Using quotation marks will keep words joined as a phrase.) Be sure to draw upon examples from your independent research and the Learning Resources to support your response. You are encouraged to use databases related to law, criminology, or social work. Refer to How do I find articles on my topic?Links to an external site. for tips on using the Walden Library.

*****PART 1**** Explain your position on the following statement, either in agre

*****PART 1**** Explain your position on the following statement, either in agre

*****PART 1**** Explain your position on the following statement, either in agreement or in opposition: The criminal justice system has an ethical obligation to rehabilitate or treat offenders suffering from mental illness. *****PART 2**** Write a 300-word Journal response to the following prompt: Has your opinion about mental illness changed? Has it stayed the same? ****PART 3*** Submit a 1,500- to 2,000-word paper in which you: – Explain how to distinguish between mental illness and criminality, using examples from the case studies to illustrate the difference. – Explain how the criminal justice system has typically or “traditionally” addressed an offender who has committed a crime due to a mental health issue, using examples from the case studies to illustrate this approach. – Explain how the contemporary criminal justice system addresses an offender who commits a crime due to a mental health issue, using examples from the case studies to illustrate your response. For example, address the following issues: – How should the responding officer proceed? – How should this person be processed through the criminal justice system? – What are the appropriate charges, if any? – How should the judge at the arraignment hearing proceed? – In addition to using the case studies to help illustrate your responses, reference your Learning Resources to support your responses.

****PART1****Post a response to the following, written as if your audience is yo

****PART1****Post a response to the following, written as if your audience is yo

****PART1****Post a response to the following, written as if your audience is your community:- Explain how victims in your community may contribute to opportunity for the crime type you were assigned. – Explain how this relates to the concept of victim responsibility but differs from victim blaming.- Support your explanations by referencing this week’s learning resources and explaining how certain concepts related to victim and offender responsibility apply. ****PART 2***Write a 750- to 1,250-word paper that addresses the following: – Explain how the judicial role you chose is affected by one type of victim participation. – Explain how the victim may be affected by this type of victim participation. – Explain how victim participation affected, or may have affected, the outcome of the case. Use examples from the recent or historic case that you found to illustrate your analysis. – Explain how a victim impact statement can affect sentencing in general and contribute to either correcting or adding to sentence disparity. – Be sure to draw upon examples from the case you selected and the Learning Resources to support your response.

*****PART 1**** Explain your position on the following statement, either in agre

*****PART 1**** Explain your position on the following statement, either in agre

*****PART 1**** Explain your position on the following statement, either in agreement or in opposition: The criminal justice system has an ethical obligation to rehabilitate or treat offenders suffering from mental illness. *****PART 2**** Write a 300-word Journal response to the following prompt: Has your opinion about mental illness changed? Has it stayed the same? ****PART 3*** Submit a 1,500- to 2,000-word paper in which you: – Explain how to distinguish between mental illness and criminality, using examples from the case studies to illustrate the difference. – Explain how the criminal justice system has typically or “traditionally” addressed an offender who has committed a crime due to a mental health issue, using examples from the case studies to illustrate this approach. – Explain how the contemporary criminal justice system addresses an offender who commits a crime due to a mental health issue, using examples from the case studies to illustrate your response. For example, address the following issues: – How should the responding officer proceed? – How should this person be processed through the criminal justice system? – What are the appropriate charges, if any? – How should the judge at the arraignment hearing proceed? – In addition to using the case studies to help illustrate your responses, reference your Learning Resources to support your responses.