Watch and enjoy this video that encapsulates our entire thesis semester: the imp

Watch and enjoy this video that encapsulates our entire thesis semester: the imp

Watch and enjoy this video that encapsulates our entire thesis semester: the importance of preparation.
How is it possible for this man to accomplish this feat?
Why isn’t he more afraid or at least apprehensive?
What did he do to get ready for his jump?
Why was he confident and ultimately successful in his attempt?
“We have to prioritize the challenges. Not everything can be equally important.” – Ambassador Polt
What challenges will you need to prepare for during your Capstone session so that you are ready for completion? Personally, professionally, academically, emotionally?
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompleteness of Response
5 to >0.0 ptsAcceptable
Response contains all required elements as outlined in the prompt (student may elect to focus on one particular aspect of prompt with explanation).
0 ptsNot Acceptable
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAppropriateness of Response
8 to >0.0 ptsAcceptable
Response contains evidence of thorough reflection, planning, or discussion as directed by prompt.
0 ptsNot Acceptable
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Mechanics
7 to >0.0 ptsAcceptable
Grammar, organization and mechanics are indicative of graduate-level work.
0 ptsNot Acceptable
7 pts

GLOBAL STUDIES ASSIGNMENT “Answer the following questions (at least 2 paragraphs

“Answer the following questions (at least 2 paragraphs

“Answer the following questions (at least 2 paragraphs per answer). Each question covers one of the chapters we have studied in class.”
Q1. (Historical Globalization). History affects not only nation-states and cultures but also individuals and families. Make a list of two key historical events or trends that have shaped your family’s history. How did your family’s experience of these events shape who you are today? How do they define what you may want for your future and for the future of your family? Then ask one family member or loved one what item(s) would be on his or her list.
Q2. (Economic Globalization). Lapavitsas and colleagues (2012) suggest that acceptance of austerity principles and neoliberal recommendations on the part of many countries in the eurozone has resulted in measurable temporary fixes but long-term chaos as well. Choose one country—Iceland, Greece, Portugal, or Spain. Identify one austerity principle they were asked to follow. Then, using a newspaper database such as The New York Times Index, search for economic stories about that country and identify whether the austerity measures taken are addressed in the article and what the principle followed was. Can you identify the ideological stance of the author regarding these activities?
Q3. (Political Globalization). “How does culture impact our understanding of human rights? Are certain human rights universal?”

Organize a list of author insights for each of your paper’s sources by re-creati

Organize a list of author insights for each of your paper’s sources by re-creati

Organize a list of author insights for each of your paper’s sources by re-creating the table on page 247 of the Repko and Szostak text. The left column should list the discipline while the right column should list direct quotes and paraphrases from each source including citations in APA format. Full references should be provided after the table in the correct APA format. You should have at least 5 sources listed and 3 different disciplines represented. Disciplines shouldn’t be too closely associated (psychology and social psychology are too closely associated to be listed separately). All quotes and paraphrases must also have an in-text citation like the examples from Table 9.2 to receive full credit. Quotes or paraphrases without correct citations or references will lose points. You may use the same sources from workshop 2 or new sources, but these are meant to be sources you will use in your final paper. Thus, the purpose of this workshop is to 1) help you prepare important quotes and content that you’ll cite in your paper, and 2) help you prepare your list of references in the correct APA format. Do not use blogs or other popular sources for your workshops or paper unless you’ve been given clearance to do so based on your topic/discipline.

Organize a list of author insights for each of your paper’s sources by re-creati

Organize a list of author insights for each of your paper’s sources by re-creati

Organize a list of author insights for each of your paper’s sources by re-creating the table on page 247 of the Repko and Szostak text. The left column should list the discipline while the right column should list direct quotes and paraphrases from each source including citations in APA format. Full references should be provided after the table in the correct APA format. You should have at least 5 sources listed and 3 different disciplines represented. Disciplines shouldn’t be too closely associated (psychology and social psychology are too closely associated to be listed separately). All quotes and paraphrases must also have an in-text citation like the examples from Table 9.2 to receive full credit. Quotes or paraphrases without correct citations or references will lose points. You may use the same sources from workshop 2 or new sources, but these are meant to be sources you will use in your final paper. Thus, the purpose of this workshop is to 1) help you prepare important quotes and content that you’ll cite in your paper, and 2) help you prepare your list of references in the correct APA format. Do not use blogs or other popular sources for your workshops or paper unless you’ve been given clearance to do so based on your topic/discipline.

Part 1 Please answer one of the following: This week we are asked on the syllabu

Part 1
Please answer one of the following:
This week we are asked on the syllabu

Part 1
Please answer one of the following:
This week we are asked on the syllabus to watch a film on YouTube. It’s entitled Terror in Mumbai HBO Documentary of 26th of November 2008. The URL is: Then write a short commentary on the lesson for the study of global terrorism that you might draw from this excellent but upsetting video.
What did you think about the Indian government overhearing the conversations and exchanges?
What did you think of the handler in Karachi telling the young man to “go out and meet Allah,” that is, to get killed?
What did you think about the perceptions of the terrorist Mohammed Kasab?
Were the local police inept? The national anti-terror squad?
Consider the Holocaust, perhaps the lowest point ever reached any country considered by the world to be civilized. Watch the brief video assigned this week. It’s at The title is “Context. R13.” This film is of a hearing in 1946 being held in Kyiv, Ukraine, then under the Soviet Union. The witness is named Dina Pronicheva.
What would you have done in an analogous situation at the ravine? Why did most Europeans not rise up in righteous indignation at this outrageous manifestation of racism on their continent? Why did Hitler have so many willing executioners, as the title of a book has it (Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust Paperback – January 28, 1997)?
During the past century, state terrorism has led to far more deaths than other forms of terrorism. Does it appear to you that racial and ethnic bigotry is a universal phenomenon, or does it simply reappear frequently over time?

Part 1 Please answer one of the following: This week we are asked on the syllabu

Part 1
Please answer one of the following:
This week we are asked on the syllabu

Part 1
Please answer one of the following:
This week we are asked on the syllabus to watch a film on YouTube. It’s entitled Terror in Mumbai HBO Documentary of 26th of November 2008. The URL is: Then write a short commentary on the lesson for the study of global terrorism that you might draw from this excellent but upsetting video.
What did you think about the Indian government overhearing the conversations and exchanges?
What did you think of the handler in Karachi telling the young man to “go out and meet Allah,” that is, to get killed?
What did you think about the perceptions of the terrorist Mohammed Kasab?
Were the local police inept? The national anti-terror squad?
Consider the Holocaust, perhaps the lowest point ever reached any country considered by the world to be civilized. Watch the brief video assigned this week. It’s at The title is “Context. R13.” This film is of a hearing in 1946 being held in Kyiv, Ukraine, then under the Soviet Union. The witness is named Dina Pronicheva.
What would you have done in an analogous situation at the ravine? Why did most Europeans not rise up in righteous indignation at this outrageous manifestation of racism on their continent? Why did Hitler have so many willing executioners, as the title of a book has it (Hitler’s Willing Executioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust Paperback – January 28, 1997)?
During the past century, state terrorism has led to far more deaths than other forms of terrorism. Does it appear to you that racial and ethnic bigotry is a universal phenomenon, or does it simply reappear frequently over time?