Organize a list of author insights for each of your paper’s sources by re-creati

Organize a list of author insights for each of your paper’s sources by re-creati

Organize a list of author insights for each of your paper’s sources by re-creating the table on page 247 of the Repko and Szostak text. The left column should list the discipline while the right column should list direct quotes and paraphrases from each source including citations in APA format. Full references should be provided after the table in the correct APA format. You should have at least 5 sources listed and 3 different disciplines represented. Disciplines shouldn’t be too closely associated (psychology and social psychology are too closely associated to be listed separately). All quotes and paraphrases must also have an in-text citation like the examples from Table 9.2 to receive full credit. Quotes or paraphrases without correct citations or references will lose points. You may use the same sources from workshop 2 or new sources, but these are meant to be sources you will use in your final paper. Thus, the purpose of this workshop is to 1) help you prepare important quotes and content that you’ll cite in your paper, and 2) help you prepare your list of references in the correct APA format. Do not use blogs or other popular sources for your workshops or paper unless you’ve been given clearance to do so based on your topic/discipline.