For the chapter one current event, please review the section titled: The Impact

For the chapter one current event, please review the section titled: The Impact

For the chapter one current event, please review the section titled: The Impact of State and Local Politics on Daily Life. Once you do that, research a recent news article from within the last 6 months that addresses this topic. Download a copy of the current event template (provided below) and answer all  4 questions. For question one, paste the URL of the news article you found from the internet. For question 2 , write a 250 word summary of your news article. Quoted text will not count towards the 250 word minimum.   Question three you will need to identify the ways state and local governments affect your daily life. Please provide specific details to support your opinion. For question 4, you are to write a one or two sentence critical thinking question related to the article you just read. What unanswered questions did you find in the article?  This question can be related to the subject of the article (such as the President or Governor) or the journalist who wrote the article (biased view point). 

What 5 interest groups affect your life? What are the issues that this interest

What 5 interest groups affect your life?
What are the issues that this interest

What 5 interest groups affect your life?
What are the issues that this interest group would support and lobby the government about?
How would this affect domestic policy?
Do interest groups have too much control over domestic policy?
**When answering these questions they need to be answered on how as a mother and nurse it affects me.  Take that in consideration when answering the questions.



PLEASE RESPOND TO THE FOLLOWING POST OF A CLASSMATE IN 150 WORDS, Remember that your posts must be substantive and contribute to the dialogue that is taking place and Response posts must offer at least one new piece of information or insight. 
**In your response, you will need to carefully consider the others person’s proposal and respond with counterpoints that are not a rehash of your proposal but applies explicitly to their various points.
It’s a video of the student and you need to respond to that and watch the video they watched to reference it with your reply to understand what you’re replying to.
link of video they are referencing:

Choose a video from Prager University – Stories of Us (

Choose a video from Prager University – Stories of Us (

Choose a video from Prager University – Stories of Us ( to an external site.). Pick a video you relate to. Provide the link to the video and a short description of the video. Give your opinion of the information that is provided in the video. 
This Discussion Forum will be a video post of your thoughts on the topic and demonstrate course-related knowledge.. Your videos should be 3-4 minutes in length. 

 Based on the articles regarding different ways of approaching policy analysis,

 Based on the articles regarding different ways of approaching policy analysis,

 Based on the articles regarding different ways of approaching policy analysis, consider the programs of the “Community-First Public Safety” case study and the “Ring Inc. and Law Enforcement” program. In a 1-2 page policy memo for local officials in Wisconsin , compare and contrast each program in terms of the public problems (and any other conditions) the programs are set up to reduce/alleviate; possible externalities of both, and possible stakeholder concerns for each alternative. You will also include a preliminary recommendation based on this information, but be sure to note that additional data/evidence should be collected. 

  Ring Inc. and Law Enforcement: The Cost of Keeping Neighborhoods Safe By: And

Ring Inc. and Law Enforcement: The Cost of Keeping Neighborhoods Safe
By: And

Ring Inc. and Law Enforcement: The Cost of Keeping Neighborhoods Safe
By: Andrew Hoffman:
In a 150-200 word initial post, discuss the case study from the perspectives of Forrester and Stone. What insight do these perspectives bring to better understanding the problems addressed (and possibly caused) and the policy alternatives as discussed in the case study.  In other words, detail how might problem definition vary (by main stakeholder)? What problems might be an indirect (or even direct) result of Ring Inc., and its use as part of law enforcement. Why are these issues important?   
Note: the case study is from the perspective of Ring Inc. Your replies, however, should be from the point of view of local law enforcement and/or local government.  If it helps, think about “locally” in terms of where you reside. 

  Using the Ring Inc. and Law Enforcement: The Cost of Keeping Neighborhoods Sa

Using the Ring Inc. and Law Enforcement: The Cost of Keeping Neighborhoods Sa

Using the Ring Inc. and Law Enforcement: The Cost of Keeping Neighborhoods Safe
By: Andrew Hoffman case study;
In a 1-2 page policy memo to local officials, detail the following: a local stakeholder analysis (local for you), as detailed as possible regarding use of Ring Inc by local law enforcement.  There are at least 4 stakeholders to consider (hint).  What public problem(s) does Ring address?  What are possible externalities (both positive and negative) of a relationship of Ring Inc and local law enforcement? Based on the stakeholder analysis and discussion of possible unintended consequences of Ring, indicate what local government/law enforcement should consider concerns/issues) before entering into a relationship with Ring Inc. Provide a preliminary recommendation

 Based on the articles regarding different ways of approaching policy analysis,

 Based on the articles regarding different ways of approaching policy analysis,

 Based on the articles regarding different ways of approaching policy analysis, consider the programs of the “Community-First Public Safety” case study and the “Ring Inc. and Law Enforcement” program. In a 1-2 page policy memo for local officials where you live, compare and contrast each program in terms of the public problems (and any other conditions) the programs are set up to reduce/alleviate; possible externalities of both, and possible stakeholder concerns for each alternative. You will also include a preliminary recommendation based on this information, but be sure to note that additional data/evidence should be collected. 

 Based on the articles regarding different ways of approaching policy analysis,

 Based on the articles regarding different ways of approaching policy analysis,

 Based on the articles regarding different ways of approaching policy analysis, consider the programs of the “Community-First Public Safety” case study and the “Ring Inc. and Law Enforcement” program. In a 1-2 page policy memo for local officials where you live, compare and contrast each program in terms of the public problems (and any other conditions) the programs are set up to reduce/alleviate; possible externalities of both, and possible stakeholder concerns for each alternative. You will also include a preliminary recommendation based on this information, but be sure to note that additional data/evidence should be collected.