Instructions DHS works closely with international partners, including foreign go

DHS works closely with international partners, including foreign go

DHS works closely with international partners, including foreign governments, major multilateral organizations, and global businesses, to strengthen the homeland security of the United States. These agreements involve international trade, security, travel, and global economies. For example, DHS is engaged internationally and has stationed homeland personnel in over 75 foreign nations. Select one of DHS’s international agreements and provide background, the purpose and benefits of the agreement, the key stakeholders, and the terms of the agreement. In your conclusion, make a recommendation if DHS should remain in the agreement and if so, should the agreement be expanded.
For background, review DHS’s fact sheet on international engagement
You will prepare a six- to eight-page paper using the format specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).

In a two page paper, concisely analyze and critique the CIA’s use of the source

In a two page paper, concisely analyze and critique the CIA’s use of the source

In a two page paper, concisely analyze and critique the CIA’s use of the source known as Curveball. Address the following points in your paper.
Draft overall summary, including points that the analysis of the source may have done well and poorly.
List and describe 5-6 issues, according to the Intellectual Standards, with the observations made by Curveball, which prompted the US invasion of Iraq.
Submit your paper as an essay complete with an introduction, a well-developed body to present your argument with evidence, and a conclusion.
Use headings and subtitles as needed to improve readability.
Remember to cite your assertions throughout the paper.
Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

In a two page paper, concisely analyze and critique the CIA’s use of the source

In a two page paper, concisely analyze and critique the CIA’s use of the source

In a two page paper, concisely analyze and critique the CIA’s use of the source known as Curveball. Address the following points in your paper.
Draft overall summary, including points that the analysis of the source may have done well and poorly.
List and describe 5-6 issues, according to the Intellectual Standards, with the observations made by Curveball, which prompted the US invasion of Iraq.
Submit your paper as an essay complete with an introduction, a well-developed body to present your argument with evidence, and a conclusion.
Use headings and subtitles as needed to improve readability.
Remember to cite your assertions throughout the paper.
Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

In a two page paper, concisely analyze and critique the CIA’s use of the source

In a two page paper, concisely analyze and critique the CIA’s use of the source

In a two page paper, concisely analyze and critique the CIA’s use of the source known as Curveball. Address the following points in your paper.
Draft overall summary, including points that the analysis of the source may have done well and poorly.
List and describe 5-6 issues, according to the Intellectual Standards, with the observations made by Curveball, which prompted the US invasion of Iraq.
Submit your paper as an essay complete with an introduction, a well-developed body to present your argument with evidence, and a conclusion.
Use headings and subtitles as needed to improve readability.
Remember to cite your assertions throughout the paper.
Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

In a two page paper, concisely analyze and critique the CIA’s use of the source

In a two page paper, concisely analyze and critique the CIA’s use of the source

In a two page paper, concisely analyze and critique the CIA’s use of the source known as Curveball. Address the following points in your paper.
Draft overall summary, including points that the analysis of the source may have done well and poorly.
List and describe 5-6 issues, according to the Intellectual Standards, with the observations made by Curveball, which prompted the US invasion of Iraq.
Submit your paper as an essay complete with an introduction, a well-developed body to present your argument with evidence, and a conclusion.
Use headings and subtitles as needed to improve readability.
Remember to cite your assertions throughout the paper.
Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

In a two page paper, concisely analyze and critique the CIA’s use of the source

In a two page paper, concisely analyze and critique the CIA’s use of the source

In a two page paper, concisely analyze and critique the CIA’s use of the source known as Curveball. Address the following points in your paper.
Draft overall summary, including points that the analysis of the source may have done well and poorly.
List and describe 5-6 issues, according to the Intellectual Standards, with the observations made by Curveball, which prompted the US invasion of Iraq.
Submit your paper as an essay complete with an introduction, a well-developed body to present your argument with evidence, and a conclusion.
Use headings and subtitles as needed to improve readability.
Remember to cite your assertions throughout the paper.
Support your statements with evidence from the required studies and your research. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.

A logic model is a widely used tool in assessing public policies and programs. T

A logic model is a widely used tool in assessing public policies and programs. T

A logic model is a widely used tool in assessing public policies and programs. This assignment assists student KSA development in terms of producing an original logic model, including analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of a real-world policy or program’s design and application. The assignment relates to concepts and issues covered in Modules 1 and 2 of the course and assists students in learning how to identify and assess causal relationships, as well as helping develop basic research and policy analysis skills. Finally, the assignment helps continued improvement in written communication skills as well permitting students to improved subject area knowledge about a program or policy relevant to their career interests.
As is discussed in the Module 2, Lecture Part A video, the choice of policy or program area is open. A helpful way to think of your choice of policy or program topic is to select an area that you would like to learn more about — or improve your current understanding. For instance, you might choice FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMPG) because you would like to examine how a local government functions within that funding framework. Or you might choose a much broader policy area (e.g. the National Flood Insurance Program) that is well-established, or a newer domain (e.g. U.S. national cybersecurity strategy) to evaluate past or potential performance of those policies or strategies. Or, as you might have noticed that about one week ago the Biden Administration released the 2022 National Biodefense Strategy. If you have an interest in biodefense / biosecurity issues, you could go through that document and assess the underlying logic of the strategy – and provide your characterization through the short report paper you will produce.
Bottom line: choose something of value to your own subject area knowledge development — whatever level of government, policy domain, or organization type might be responsible for the policy or program effort.
This assignment asks students to select any emergency or disaster management or homeland security-related program or a policy administered by a public agency at any level of government. The student will present an assessment of the underlying causal logic—explaining how the program or policy is intended to function and how it yields specific outputs and outcomes. To do so, the student should provide a short logic model description, including a graphic representation, of the selected program or policy implementation effort, and an assessment of efficacy in practice.
In terms of assignment details: the student’s task for this assignment is to provide a description of how a policy or program operates in practice. Please note: the paper should include a graphical representation of program operations or policy elements as this is a basic feature of any logic model presentation.
In terms of substance and structure: the paper should provide a very short background on the public sector agency selected, coupled with an overview of the policy or program being assessed. The paper then should provide a logic model depiction of the policy or program, and guide the reader through an explanation of its “inputs,” “activities,” and “outcomes” elements. (The unit readings and lecture materials will provide further guidance on logic models as an analytic tool.) The paper should characterize how these elements interact and function in terms of producing observable outcomes (either or both short or long-term outcomes, depending on the particulars of the program/policy being observed). The paper should conclude with a brief analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the efficacy of the design and functioning of the policy or program’s internal logic. In sum: select a policy or program of interest to you, research the basic operational elements and purpose, provide a short background on the organization and program, present the logic model (including a standard graphical representation of operational elements), and then assess, briefly, what you see as the strengths or weaknesses of the program’s operating logic in practice.

A logic model is a widely used tool in assessing public policies and programs. T

A logic model is a widely used tool in assessing public policies and programs. T

A logic model is a widely used tool in assessing public policies and programs. This assignment assists student KSA development in terms of producing an original logic model, including analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of a real-world policy or program’s design and application. The assignment relates to concepts and issues covered in Modules 1 and 2 of the course and assists students in learning how to identify and assess causal relationships, as well as helping develop basic research and policy analysis skills. Finally, the assignment helps continued improvement in written communication skills as well permitting students to improved subject area knowledge about a program or policy relevant to their career interests.
As is discussed in the Module 2, Lecture Part A video, the choice of policy or program area is open. A helpful way to think of your choice of policy or program topic is to select an area that you would like to learn more about — or improve your current understanding. For instance, you might choice FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMPG) because you would like to examine how a local government functions within that funding framework. Or you might choose a much broader policy area (e.g. the National Flood Insurance Program) that is well-established, or a newer domain (e.g. U.S. national cybersecurity strategy) to evaluate past or potential performance of those policies or strategies. Or, as you might have noticed that about one week ago the Biden Administration released the 2022 National Biodefense Strategy. If you have an interest in biodefense / biosecurity issues, you could go through that document and assess the underlying logic of the strategy – and provide your characterization through the short report paper you will produce.
Bottom line: choose something of value to your own subject area knowledge development — whatever level of government, policy domain, or organization type might be responsible for the policy or program effort.
This assignment asks students to select any emergency or disaster management or homeland security-related program or a policy administered by a public agency at any level of government. The student will present an assessment of the underlying causal logic—explaining how the program or policy is intended to function and how it yields specific outputs and outcomes. To do so, the student should provide a short logic model description, including a graphic representation, of the selected program or policy implementation effort, and an assessment of efficacy in practice.
In terms of assignment details: the student’s task for this assignment is to provide a description of how a policy or program operates in practice. Please note: the paper should include a graphical representation of program operations or policy elements as this is a basic feature of any logic model presentation.
In terms of substance and structure: the paper should provide a very short background on the public sector agency selected, coupled with an overview of the policy or program being assessed. The paper then should provide a logic model depiction of the policy or program, and guide the reader through an explanation of its “inputs,” “activities,” and “outcomes” elements. (The unit readings and lecture materials will provide further guidance on logic models as an analytic tool.) The paper should characterize how these elements interact and function in terms of producing observable outcomes (either or both short or long-term outcomes, depending on the particulars of the program/policy being observed). The paper should conclude with a brief analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the efficacy of the design and functioning of the policy or program’s internal logic. In sum: select a policy or program of interest to you, research the basic operational elements and purpose, provide a short background on the organization and program, present the logic model (including a standard graphical representation of operational elements), and then assess, briefly, what you see as the strengths or weaknesses of the program’s operating logic in practice.

Here is the specific format: Title Page (APA format) Abstract (250 words, no quo

Here is the specific format:
Title Page (APA format)
Abstract (250 words, no quo

Here is the specific format:
Title Page (APA format)
Abstract (250 words, no quotes or paraphrases. This is your “elevator speech” of the research)
Introduction (Research Question and Hypothesis)
Literature Review (Note this is not an annotated bibliography but a Literature Review)
Methodology – don’t simply state qualitative methodology.
Analysis & Findings
Conclusion and Recommendations
Reference list (minimum 10 outside references).
Literature Review: Include/highlight this section in your paper.
Methodology: Include/highlight this section provides the reader with a descriiption of how you carried out your qualitative research project, and the variables you identified and analyzed. It describes any special considerations and defines any limitations and terms specific to this project, if necessary. This section can be brief or more complicated, depending on the project, written in a single page. I want to see more than “I used qualitative methods”….what do you specifically mean? Did you use content analysis? Did you use Case Study? These questions are being asked NOW so that you are not surprised in other courses that require this to be included. Types of popular Methodologies include: (1) Case Study, (2) Content Analysis etc. Analysis and Findings: Include/highlight this section. They are not the same as conclusions. In the analysis component of this section you identify how you analyzed the data. The second part is the finding you got from your analysis of the data. The findings are the facts that you developed, not your interpretation of the facts. That interpretation is conducted in the conclusions and recommendations section of the paper. Findings will come from the prior research you examined and your analysis of those prior findings to create new findings for your paper. While there may be some facts that are such that they will stand and translate to your paper, the intent is to create new knowledge, so you will normally analyze the data to create your own findings of what facts that data represents. Conclusions and Recommendations: This is the section where you give your interpretation of the data. Here you tell the reader what the findings mean. A great approach is to think about how the reader will react to your conclusion. Often the conclusions and recommendations sections will mirror the findings in construct as the researcher tells the reader what that researcher sees as the meaning of that data, their conclusions. Then, drawing on those conclusions, the researcher tells the reader what they believe needs to be done to solve/answer the research question. This section may include recognition of any needs for further research and then finishes with a traditional conclusion to the paper as a whole. Remember, your paper should seek to answer a question that helps to solve the research question and validates or culls your hypothesis. Technical Requirements
Your paper must be at a minimum of 10-12 pages (the Title and Reference pages required but do not count towards the minimum limit).
Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content. Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework. Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric.
Your paper must be your own original work submitted to only one class and not recycled and the use of AI (artificial intelligence) is not allowed in preparing your paper.

Here is the specific format: Title Page (APA format) Abstract (250 words, no quo

Here is the specific format:
Title Page (APA format)
Abstract (250 words, no quo

Here is the specific format:
Title Page (APA format)
Abstract (250 words, no quotes or paraphrases. This is your “elevator speech” of the research)
Introduction (Research Question and Hypothesis)
Literature Review (Note this is not an annotated bibliography but a Literature Review)
Methodology – don’t simply state qualitative methodology.
Analysis & Findings
Conclusion and Recommendations
Reference list (minimum 10 outside references).
Literature Review: Include/highlight this section in your paper.
Methodology: Include/highlight this section provides the reader with a descriiption of how you carried out your qualitative research project, and the variables you identified and analyzed. It describes any special considerations and defines any limitations and terms specific to this project, if necessary. This section can be brief or more complicated, depending on the project, written in a single page. I want to see more than “I used qualitative methods”….what do you specifically mean? Did you use content analysis? Did you use Case Study? These questions are being asked NOW so that you are not surprised in other courses that require this to be included. Types of popular Methodologies include: (1) Case Study, (2) Content Analysis etc.
Analysis and Findings: Include/highlight this section. They are not the same as conclusions. In the analysis component of this section you identify how you analyzed the data. The second part is the finding you got from your analysis of the data. The findings are the facts that you developed, not your interpretation of the facts. That interpretation is conducted in the conclusions and recommendations section of the paper. Findings will come from the prior research you examined and your analysis of those prior findings to create new findings for your paper. While there may be some facts that are such that they will stand and translate to your paper, the intent is to create new knowledge, so you will normally analyze the data to create your own findings of what facts that data represents.
Conclusions and Recommendations: This is the section where you give your interpretation of the data. Here you tell the reader what the findings mean. A great approach is to think about how the reader will react to your conclusion. Often the conclusions and recommendations sections will mirror the findings in construct as the researcher tells the reader what that researcher sees as the meaning of that data, their conclusions. Then, drawing on those conclusions, the researcher tells the reader what they believe needs to be done to solve/answer the research question. This section may include recognition of any needs for further research and then finishes with a traditional conclusion to the paper as a whole.
Remember, your paper should seek to answer a question that helps to solve the research question and validates or culls your hypothesis.
Technical Requirements
Your paper must be at a minimum of 10-12 pages (the Title and Reference pages required but do not count towards the minimum limit).
Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.
Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
All submissions will be graded using the assignment rubric.
Your paper must be your own original work submitted to only one class and not recycled and the use of AI (artificial intelligence) is not allowed in preparing your paper.