In Milestone Two, you will focus your skills finalizing your final project code

In Milestone Two, you will focus your skills finalizing your final project code

In Milestone Two, you will focus your skills finalizing your final project code by submitting a class complete with accessor/mutator, constructor, and “custom” programmer-defined methods.
Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the guidelines and rubric. 

Now that you have some experience building basic, single-class applications, he

Now that you have some experience building basic, single-class applications, he

Now that you have some experience building basic, single-class applications, here is an opportunity to delve into making a full-fledged application with more than one class. You will start to implement a first version of a more complex class and create a test class to put it through its paces.
Go to the Start Here page and download the Stepping Stone code .zip for the starter code for this assignment.
To complete this assignment, review the following documents: 

In Module Five, you have studied how to code for iteration through the use of l

In Module Five, you have studied how to code for iteration through the use of l

In Module Five, you have studied how to code for iteration through the use of loops. In Stepping Stone Lab Four, you will develop a simple program with a loop structure. Then, you will reflect on how loops may be used to help structure the program you have worked with throughout the stepping stones. 
The Stepping Stone4_Loop for the starter code for this assignment.
To complete this assignment, review the following documents: 

 You will create a complete class based on Stepping Stone Labs Two and Three an

 You will create a complete class based on Stepping Stone Labs Two and Three an

 You will create a complete class based on Stepping Stone Labs Two and Three and provide it the basic attributes with the appropriate data types. Additionally, you will add code to validate the data type of the user input.
This class will be modified for the submission of your final project application; however, it should be functional code that accepts user input for each variable.
Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the guidelines and rubric. 

 Starting with the UML object model from Exercise 8, add a player and a dealer o

 Starting with the UML object model from Exercise 8, add a player and a dealer o

 Starting with the UML object model from Exercise 8, add a player and a dealer object to the model. However, do not implement these additional classes. The player object will represent each player in the game. A player will need to be able to • Add cards to its hand, • Get the hand total, • Have a name. The dealer object represents the dealer, which will, • Control the overall gameplay. • Handle the deck, manage players, • Contains its own hand, • Do the start deal, and • Determine winning players’ hands.