Read “From the Duarte to the George Washington Bridge” from Juan Gonzalez’s Harv

Read “From the Duarte to the George Washington Bridge” from Juan Gonzalez’s Harv

Read “From the Duarte to the George Washington Bridge” from Juan Gonzalez’s Harvest of Empire.
To find the reading for 1st question: open file Juan Gonzalez > page 8 > Part II > Number 7
1. Write a paragraph or two about something that you read in the text that was new or striking to you.
Read “Fiesta 1980,” from Junot Diaz’s collection of short stories Drown (under “Contents” – Week 12).
2. What social issues and family issues are brought up in the story? List as many as you can, each with an example (a quote) of where it comes up.
3. How does the author, Junot Díaz, deal in his story with gender stereotypes?
For question 2 and 3 go the the pdf Junot Diaz read it to answer the questions. Make sure to answer all three question in an approperiate manner.

Professor instructions: Choose two poems and write a 3-page-long essay in which

Professor instructions:
Choose two poems and write a 3-page-long essay in which

Professor instructions: Choose two poems and write a 3-page-long essay in which you engage with both poems and compare them.
Analyze the poems themselves, compare the two, and explore how they deal with different personal and social issues. Think about how they use language creatively, how they use imagery and sound. Use evidence from the poems to support your arguments, and if you find it is relevant, you can also quote any of the texts you have read for this course.
This is an opportunity to develop the initial notes that you made into fully-formed ideas and arguments that connect the poems to each other and to the themes of the class. Read the poems a few times before you begin writing, and again once you have started working on the essay. It is impossible to extract everyting from a poem in a single or a couple of readings. Going over the poem again and lingering over certain words and certain lines will help you extract subtle meanings that you may have missed before.
Use Times New Roman font, 12 points, 2.0 line-spacing.

You will select two artists from the list below and analyze at least one or more

You will select two artists from the list below and analyze at least one or more

You will select two artists from the list below and analyze at least one or more artworks that each has created, specifically commenting on their use of Ancient Latin American imagery/symbols and influences. You may select more than one artwork to discuss if you want to talk about themes that are present in multiple examples of their work. You can search the web for information about the artist and their works but please include the citation at the end of the analysis. Wikipedia is ok.
It is important to consider the questions; What aspects of Ancient Latin American art have influenced this artist? Or how and why has this artist incorporated or responded to Ancient Latin American imagery in their work? In other words, what is the artist trying to say? How does the artist relate their own cultural identity to Ancient Latin American cultural practices, images, symbols, materials, shapes, etc?
Essays should be 350-500 words (can go over word limit)
List of Artists:
– Beatrice Cortez
– rafa esparza
– Yreina Cervantez
– Judith Baca
– Manuel Cruz
– Charles Felix
– Jesus Barraza
– Judithe Hernández
– Alma Lopez
– Chaz Bojórquez
– Ricardo Duardo
– Sonia Romero
– Linda Vallejo
– Dora De Larios
– Sandy Rodriguez
– Yolanda López
– Melanie Cervantes
– Ester Hernández
– Julio Salgado
– Favianna Rodriguez