Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the required reading for the

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the required reading for the

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the required reading for the week. Next, access the Week 6 Final Paper (Attached) and read it all the way through. The Organizational Change Intervention Proposal you will prepare in Week 6 will incorporate what you learn and write about each week in this course. You will be working toward finalizing this assignment every week.
In a paper of at least 750 words (excluding title, abstract, and reference pages) and citing at least two scholarly sources in addition to required readings,
Identify the organizational need for change and the intervention targets that will be addressed in your Week 6 paper.
Discuss the relevance of each required change and intervention target for future success of the organization.
Assess the leadership characteristics and behaviors that will be needed to implement the interventions you believe necessary for the organization described in the case study.
Attached resources:
-Week 6 Final Paper
-Chapters 1 & 2 of “Change: How organizations achieve hard-to-imagine results in uncertain and volatile times”
-The 10 Essential Principles of Implementation Leadership

Describe the differences between mega, macro, and micro needs assessment, and wh

Describe the differences between mega, macro, and micro needs assessment, and wh

Describe the differences between mega, macro, and micro needs assessment, and which you feel would be most useful in your organization and why. You can also discuss how the three types are intertwined. Keep your response brief, no more than a paragraph or two.
Question 2: Describe how you would use a mega assessment, macro, or micro assessment in your organization as a lead-up to change. And what considerations should a leader include as they prepare for change in order to avoid what Stroh terms as “fixes that backfire,” or other problems related to insufficient assessment.

Discussion Prompt Participate in the discussion about the Greatness by David Mar

Discussion Prompt
Participate in the discussion about the Greatness by David Mar

Discussion Prompt
Participate in the discussion about the Greatness by David Marquet video.
Video: Greatness by David MarquetLinks to an external site. After watching the video, take a few minutes to reflect on David Marquet’s comments as well as the readings and other videos in this unit. Use the suggested discussion questions below as a way to start your dialogue, and then join your peers in the discussion. What is the difference between traditional command-and-control management and David Marquet’s approach?
So, “who is the Captain” in David Marquet’s model of leadership?
How applicable do you feel Marquet’s approach is to the corporate environment? Non-profit organizations?
What role do questions play in Marquet’s model?
How realistic are Marquet’s ideas?
You should also provide references to the course material, formatted appropriately using APA style.
Hughes, R. L., Ginnett, R. C., & Curphy, G. J. (2022). Leadership: Enhancing the lessons of experience (10th ed.). McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9781260682977

Describe the differences between mega, macro, and micro needs assessment, and wh

Describe the differences between mega, macro, and micro needs assessment, and wh

Describe the differences between mega, macro, and micro needs assessment, and which you feel would be most useful in your organization and why. You can also discuss how the three types are intertwined. Keep your response brief, no more than a paragraph or two.
Question 2: Describe how you would use a mega assessment, macro, or micro assessment in your organization as a lead-up to change. And what considerations should a leader include as they prepare for change in order to avoid what Stroh terms as “fixes that backfire,” or other problems related to insufficient assessment.

The instructor will identify cases for students to analyze and propose workable

The instructor will identify cases for students to analyze and propose workable

The instructor will identify cases for students to analyze and propose workable interventions based on established best practices. Essentially, students are expected to formulate solutions to social policy issues/problems within local/state government federal government context with leadership implications. The proposed intervention should include optional courses of action/recommendations and an optimal course of action/recommendation. Overall, the analysis should be sound and cogent, thus helping the reader to know what the problem is, what possibly caused it and what can be done to resolve the problem with leadership as the critical variable. The best analysis assumes some conceptual perspective with attendant practical application.
Case for Your Response: There is the general assertion that cluelessness is on the ascendancy when it comes to public managers. “The primary source of cluelessness is not personality or IQ but a failure to make sense of complex circumstances.” What Interventions Would You Propose to Help Address Cluelessness Among Public Managers/Leaders to Enable Effective Tackling of Complex Public Problems? Use the assignment description above and rubric in the syllabus as guides to help frame your response. Endeavor to start your response by creating/establishing a contextualizing background/introduction prior to proposing your interventions/solutions. Also, include summary/or concluding thoughts at the end. Use relevant academic and/or professional sources to support your response.
The book, leadership theory and practice 8th edition PDF

This assignment requires each student to read and review the various assigned re

This assignment requires each student to read and review the various assigned re

This assignment requires each student to read and review the various assigned readings (articles, book chapters, etc.) per class session and write a synopsis of the readings. The rationale for this type of assignment is to promote conceptual understanding, critical thinking, and practical application. A good synopsis encompasses an overview and synthesis of the key concepts, themes and/or issues in the readings and explication of those key concepts and/or issues. Logical presentation of the concepts and/or issues is expected. Each synopsis should end with some implications/applications for policy and practice at a local, state or national context. Basically, the structure should consist of an overview paragraph that embraces all the themes and concepts in the readings. The subsequent paragraphs will expatiate on the identified themes and concepts (synthesis is key). There should be a concluding paragraph which summarizes your take on the readings and it should be followed by another paragraph-which is implications/applications to a local, state, national and/or international context(s). At least, a page and half (single-space). See syllabus/course module for the assigned chapters/article.
Northouse 1: Introduction
• Northouse 2 : Trait Approach
• Northouse 3: Skills Approach
The book, leadership theory and practice 8th edition

Discussion Prompt Participate in the discussion about the Greatness by David Mar

Discussion Prompt
Participate in the discussion about the Greatness by David Mar

Discussion Prompt
Participate in the discussion about the Greatness by David Marquet video.
Video: Greatness by David MarquetLinks to an external site. After watching the video, take a few minutes to reflect on David Marquet’s comments as well as the readings and other videos in this unit. Use the suggested discussion questions below as a way to start your dialogue, and then join your peers in the discussion. What is the difference between traditional command-and-control management and David Marquet’s approach?
So, “who is the Captain” in David Marquet’s model of leadership?
How applicable do you feel Marquet’s approach is to the corporate environment? Non-profit organizations?
What role do questions play in Marquet’s model?
How realistic are Marquet’s ideas?
You should also provide references to the course material, formatted appropriately using APA style.
Hughes, R. L., Ginnett, R. C., & Curphy, G. J. (2022). Leadership: Enhancing the lessons of experience (10th ed.). McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9781260682977

This assignment requires each student to read and review the various assigned re

This assignment requires each student to read and review the various assigned re

This assignment requires each student to read and review the various assigned readings (articles, book chapters, etc.) per class session and write a synopsis of the readings. The rationale for this type of assignment is to promote conceptual understanding, critical thinking, and practical application. A good synopsis encompasses an overview and synthesis of the key concepts, themes and/or issues in the readings and explication of those key concepts and/or issues. Logical presentation of the concepts and/or issues is expected. Each synopsis should end with some implications/applications for policy and practice at a local, state or national context. Basically, the structure should consist of an overview paragraph that embraces all the themes and concepts in the readings. The subsequent paragraphs will expatiate on the identified themes and concepts (synthesis is key). There should be a concluding paragraph which summarizes your take on the readings and it should be followed by another paragraph-which is implications/applications to a local, state, national and/or international context(s). At least, a page and half (single-space). See syllabus/course module for the assigned chapters/article.
Northouse 1: Introduction
• Northouse 2 : Trait Approach
• Northouse 3: Skills Approach
The book, leadership theory and practice 8th edition

The instructor will identify cases for students to analyze and propose workable

The instructor will identify cases for students to analyze and propose workable

The instructor will identify cases for students to analyze and propose workable interventions based on established best practices. Essentially, students are expected to formulate solutions to social policy issues/problems within local/state government federal government context with leadership implications. The proposed intervention should include optional courses of action/recommendations and an optimal course of action/recommendation. Overall, the analysis should be sound and cogent, thus helping the reader to know what the problem is, what possibly caused it and what can be done to resolve the problem with leadership as the critical variable. The best analysis assumes some conceptual perspective with attendant practical application.
Case for Your Response: There is the general assertion that cluelessness is on the ascendancy when it comes to public managers. “The primary source of cluelessness is not personality or IQ but a failure to make sense of complex circumstances.” What Interventions Would You Propose to Help Address Cluelessness Among Public Managers/Leaders to Enable Effective Tackling of Complex Public Problems? Use the assignment description above and rubric in the syllabus as guides to help frame your response. Endeavor to start your response by creating/establishing a contextualizing background/introduction prior to proposing your interventions/solutions. Also, include summary/or concluding thoughts at the end. Use relevant academic and/or professional sources to support your response.
The book, leadership theory and practice 8th edition PDF