Apply project management methods to achieve a process change.  Achieve goals

 Apply project management methods to achieve a process change.
 Achieve goals through planning and prioritization.
Kogon, Blakemore, and Wood (2015) note that for many workers in the current business environment, an increasing amount of time is spent working on or leading projects. This assignment is intended to help you understand the primary elements of the project management process, how you can choose a project management methodology that will be the best fit for your project, and the skills you will need to be a successful project leader. In your readings and videos for this unit, as well as personal experience for many of you, you have discovered that there are many variables to successfully managing a project. The project management methodology chosen for a project must reflect the organization’s requirements to ensure success. Included in these variables are the size and complexity of the project, the process used to manage a project, and the skills that are needed to successfully complete the project.
For this 4- to 6-page APA-compliant paper (not including title and reference pages) respond to the following:
Section 1 – Project Management Overview
Using your unit readings and videos, and at least two additional sources, which can be from non-scholarly sources, describe the factors that may be used to select a project management methodology.
Identify at least three project management methodologies that you are most interested in learning more about. These can be from your research or personal experience. Provide an overview of these methodologies, and include but do not limit to:

Primary use for this methodology
Types of projects this methodology is best suited to
Technology support provided
Formal project management expertise required, or skills needed

Present an analysis of similarities and differences in these three project management methodologies. As a project leader, completing this type of assessment will help you understand which method you may want to select the next time you lead a project.
Section 2 – Personal Project Selection and Analysis
Identify any recent projects you have worked on over the past year, they could be of any size and in any context. They can be from work-related or personal experience.
For this section, you will need to select two types of projects, one that was successful and one that was unsuccessful. You may want to select projects from different areas of your experience (i.e., one work-related, another from personal experience). Using different types of projects can help you understand the applications of the work you have completed in Section 1.
Personal Analysis – Successful Project

Describe the project including the size, scope, personal/professional, your role, project charter (if any), timeframes for project duration, other information seen as relevant to describing the project.
Identify the project management elements and/or methodology you used to manage this project. The research you completed in Section 1 will be helpful to you.
List the skills you demonstrated to help the project be successful. List the skills that you could have used to increase the project’s success.
After this review, complete an analysis of where you may have been more successful.

Personal Analysis – Unsuccessful Project
Describe the project including the size, scope, personal/professional, your role, project charter (if any), timeframes for project duration, and other information seen as relevant to describing the project.
Identify the project management elements and/or methodology you used to manage this project(s). The research you completed in Section 1 will be helpful to you.
Analyze the project for areas of weakness using the research you completed in Section 1 and personal reflection.
Identify what skills were needed to overcome the weak areas using the research you completed in Section 1 and personal reflection.
Present at least two recommendations for improvement, supported by your research in Section 1, and personal experiences. Include the strengths identified from the project that was managed successfully.
Kogon, K., Blakemore, S., & Wood, J. (2015). Project management for the unofficial project manager. BenBella Books.
Remember that:
All papers must be submitted in the current APA format. The Academic Success Center provides good resources and writing tutors for any additional support you will need.
All elements of the assignment must be covered to receive full credit.
Research sources, unless specified by the rubric will be considered scholarly sources.
For a review and tutorial on how to write a scholarly source and APA-compliant paper, review Getting Started with APA Style from the Academic Writer resource located in the left navigation of your course.

What is the purpose of a Stakeholder Register and how is it used? How can a pro

What is the purpose of a Stakeholder Register and how is it used? How can a project manager incorporate this tool into controlling the project?
The assignment is to answer the question provided above . This is to be in narrative form and should be as thorough as possible. Bullet points should not to be used. The paper should be at least 1.5 – 2 pages in length, Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins and utilizing at least five outside scholarly or professional source. The textbook should also be utilized. Do not insert excess line spacing. APA formatting and citation should be used.

 Discussion Question 1 For this discussion, refer to the adaptive leadership to

 Discussion Question 1
For this discussion, refer to the adaptive leadership toolkit. Effective leaders collaborate with others, as multiple inputs result in better outcomes. In this discussion, you will share the leadership skills and behaviors you have identified and provide some brief rationale for the selection. You will also receive feedback and possibly questions from your peers, which you can evaluate and use to modify the leadership skills and behaviors you have chosen, if desired.   
Consider the following during the ongoing discussion:
Do the leadership skills and behaviors identified for improvement align with a specific question in the engagement survey? 
How will improvement in the leadership skills and behaviors you have identified positively impact the results in the next employee engagement survey? 
The organization you work for as a director of leadership and learning is looking to create an adaptive leadership toolkit to help improve employee leadership skills and behaviors over the next two years. To begin this work, you conducted a personal leadership self-assessment to take a leadership inventory of yourself. Now that you know areas that you can improve upon as a leader, you decided to create a personal development plan that will identify actionable steps toward improving these areas you’ve identified. Your intensions are to incorporate your personal development plan into the adaptive leadership toolkit to serve as an exemplar that can be used by all people leaders in the organization.
Using the provided template, address the following:

Leadership behavior: Based on the results of your personal leadership self-assessment, describe the leadership behavior you scored lowest in and explain how developing this could have a positive impact on your ability to lead.

SMART Goal: Apply SMART goal setting to create a personal development plan that aligns with the leadership behavior you’re looking to improve. Keep in mind that your personal development plan will be used as an exemplar for the adaptive leadership toolkit in Milestone Two. Your SMART goal should address the following:

“S” Specific: Your goal must be specific.
i) State your personal development goal.
ii) Describe the reason for this goal.
iii) Describe the objective(s) needed to ensure this goal it met.

“M” Measurable: Your goal must be measurable.
i) Describe the metric(s) that will be used to determine if you meet this goal.
ii) Describe the metric(s) that will be used to measure performance of meeting objective(s) along the way.

“A” Achievable: Your goal must be achievable.
i) Describe the tools and skills you will need to achieve this goal.
ii) Describe who needs to be involved to allow you to be successful in achieving this goal.

“R” Relevant: Your goal must be relevant.
i) Explain how this goal can be linked to an overall business objective.
ii) Explain how this goal will increase your knowledge and improve your overall performance as a leader.

“T” Time-Bound: Your goal must be time bound.
i) Provide an overall timeline for the completion of this goal.
ii) Provide tangible deliverable(s) with due dates that support the objective(s) you indicated above.

What to Submit
Complete the provided Module Six Assignment Personal Development Plan Template. If references are included in this assignment, cite them in APA format. 

Chapter 3 – Prioritizing StakeholdersInitial Postings: Read and reflect on the

Chapter 3 – Prioritizing StakeholdersInitial Postings: Read and reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Then post what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding in each assigned textbook chapter.Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:
From a stakeholder perspective, how does power relate to and impact interests, influence, and knowledge?
[Your post must be substantive and demonstrate insight gained from the course material. Postings must be in the student’s own words – do not provide quotes!] [Your initial post should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). Post the actual body of your paper in the discussion thread then attach a Word version of the paper for APA review]

 DISCUSSION On completion of this review, you are to read the feedback given by

On completion of this review, you are to read the feedback given by your fellow classmates and make your final selection of leadership skills and behaviors.  
Consider the following during the ongoing discussion: 
Are you actively listening to the feedback from your peers, remaining open to modifying the leadership skills and behaviors you have identified based on their comments and input?
Compare and contrast skills and behaviors selected by your peers with those you have selected. As you review their rationale that justifies their selections, provide feedback to your peers on additional points they should consider.
Provide your rationale for keeping the skills and behaviors you have selected that your fellow peer(s) have not, explaining why you believe the competencies you have selected provide better opportunity for organizational improvement. If, however, you believe another learner’s skills and behavior selection is more viable then your own, then provide the rationale for changing your initial selection to one recommended by another learner. 
Marshall post
The leadership skills and behaviors we aim to enhance are intricately linked to the engagement survey question, “I feel encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things.” This particular inquiry highlights the importance of fostering an environment where innovation and creativity are not only welcomed but actively encouraged. The “Challenge the Process” behavior is pivotal in this context, as it emphasizes the need for leaders to support and inspire their team members to think critically about existing workflows and to propose enhancements. By creating a culture that values input and experimentation, we can directly influence several key areas, including company and strategy, job satisfaction, training and development, and working conditions.
By focusing on improving the identified leadership skills and behaviors, we anticipate a positive shift in the results of the next employee engagement survey, particularly in the aforementioned areas. The implementation of the innovative idea I suggested regarding a group thinktank each week in the Personal Development Plan Template will serve as a practical tool to demonstrate to the team that management is genuinely invested in their growth and ideas. This initiative will not only foster trust between team members and management but also create a safe space for sharing new concepts and suggestions. Furthermore, it will contribute to strengthening the overall team spirit, as individuals feel more valued and engaged in the collective mission of the organization.
Larry post
There are two skills that I can work on. The first is the ability to imagine the future in more significant terms (Inspire a Shared Vision (KoUzES) | Leadership Challenge – Wiley Reader, n.d.). I am proficient in explaining the smaller operational goals. However, since I am not included with company-wide changes, it is difficult to convey that to others. I understand the vision and mission. But there is a disconnect. I feel that it can cause issues when finding relatable ways for employees to share the vision. Relating to the employee survey, the questions “I feel encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things” and “Provide employees with a sense of fulfillment and purpose in their job.” Employees can only effectively create new ways of doing things if they understand the big-picture goals and vision. Additionally, my lack of ability to relate personally with employees with a shared vision may lead to them never finding the purpose in their work.
The second skill I would work on is the frequency of engagement with employees. I do well with effective communication and engage frequently but temporarily. It is essential to build trust with employees so they feel comfortable speaking openly about their concerns or suggestions (Enable Others to Act (Kouzes) | Leadership Challenge – Wiley Reader, n.d.). There are many instances on the employee survey where employees do not feel heard. “My Supervisor lets me know where I stand and what is expected of me,” “My Supervisor talks with me to help me determine my training and development goals,” “Promotes an environment in which employees feel free to make suggestions and complaints,” “Provides an inclusive environment where each employee is considered as an individual,” “When I am having difficulty my Supervisor is there to support me so I do not feel abandoned,” and “My Supervisor gives me useful information on how I can improve my job performance.” All of the questions deal directly with the comfort level of communication with management. 
Throughout the course, you created deliverables that were incorporated into an adaptive leadership toolkit submitted in Module Seven. You will recall this toolkit should help improve the skills and behaviors of the leaders within the organization, where you are a director of leadership and learning. Another important aspect in ensuring the toolkit effectiveness is how toolkit information is communicated to stakeholders throughout the organization. This discussion assignment is designed to encourage conversation and the sharing of ideas with your peers around organizational communication strategies related to the toolkit. This discussion with your peers will relate to the work for your final project that you will submit in Module Nine.
For your initial post, refer to your module resources that deal with communication and address the following questions:
How should the adaptive leadership toolkit be communicated to the organization’s leadership to help gain buy-in?
How can you ensure this communication strategy is sustainable long-term, more than two years?

The first part of the project will be an exploration of a real, ongoing conflic

The first part of the project will be an exploration of a real, ongoing conflict, including substantial backgrounds on the parties involved, the nature of the conflict, and its significance.  The minimum length of this section is three pages, not including cover and reference pages. A minimum of three references is expected.
Every word of your Signature Assignment should be essential to conveying its overall message: do not over-explain ideas, use larger words when smaller ones will do, or add text only to help you bulk up the length of your paper.  You will have opportunities to strengthen the language of your paper in sections 2 and 3.
All parts of this project must be produced in Microsoft Word.
The text must be double-spaced, have one-inch margins, and be in either 12-point Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial font.
At least three sources must be included in your paper and must be documented both in the paper and in the references using the APA Author-Date writing style, 7th edition.
Your paper must include a title page, body, and reference page. The title page and reference page must be separate pages.  

  Scenario You work as a director of leadership and learning for an organizatio

You work as a director of leadership and learning for an organization that makes prosthetics. This year’s employee engagement survey results for the organization show that some leadership practices are rated lower, while some practices were rated higher. The new chief human resources officer (CHRO) met with the team to discuss the general results. Everyone agrees that the company’s focus should be on both specific leadership development areas perceived as strengths and on those rated as areas for improvement, primarily regarding social intelligence, emotional intelligence, and the interpersonal skills of effective leaders.
To help this initiative, your manager, the vice president of leadership and learning, asked you to create an adaptive leadership toolkit that can be used throughout the organization. To begin this work, you conducted a personal leadership self-assessment and turned this into a personal development plan. Then you shared this artifact with your manager. Your manager was impressed with the thoroughness of the personal development plan and saw value in incorporating it as an exemplar within the adaptive leadership toolkit for use by all people leaders in the organization. After receiving such positive feedback from your manager, you are now ready to move forward on developing the adaptive leadership toolkit that will be shared with your manager and chief human resources officer (CHRO) of the organization.
Summarize the business problems the organization is currently facing and describe how the adaptive leadership toolkit will address these problems.
Based on the employee satisfaction survey, identify the skills and behaviors that are current strengths exhibited by leadership and explain how these strengths are critical to the success of the organization.
Based on the employee satisfaction survey, identify the skills and behaviors that are current areas of weakness for leadership and explain how these areas may be improved by applying the self-assessment you used to create your own personal development plan.
Describe the importance of including a personal development plan as an exemplar in the adaptive leadership toolkit and explain how SMART goal setting can help to improve the areas of weakness for leaders within the organization.
Explain how the personal development plan and SMART goal setting could help develop the leadership styles of the leaders within the organization.
What to Submit
Submit a 3- to 4-page Word document using 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. 

What abilities make a candidate more likely to succeed in a work assignment as

What abilities make a candidate more likely to succeed in a work assignment as an expatriate?
Which of these abilities do you have?
How might a person acquire these abilities?
There is so much HR professionals can do to achieve their organization’s strategic goals. Discuss some of the ideas presented in Susan Milligan’s article about the evolution of the HR professional’s role and how you can stay abreast of this challenge.

Read the below link

Read the below link

Chapter 3: Understanding People at Work: Individual Differences and Perception

Answer the following questions, Q&A format:
1.  Read the case of Guy Kawasaki and describe how self-perception can positively or negatively affect the workplace environment?
2.  What two types of “fit” are companies interested when hiring new employees?
3.  What can organizations do to increase person-job and person-organization fit AFTER they hire employees?
4.  What are some methods that companies can use to assess employee personality?
5.  What is locus of control?  Explain internal and external locus of control.  
6.  Take the locus of control survey.  Explain your results.  How do you see the results show up in your life?

  Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
A hiring manager needs your advice and assistance in filling several customer service representative positions. As a human resource recruiter, you must sit down with the hiring manager and collect some particular data for a job analysis, which you will use to create a detailed job description to attract candidates who meet the job requirements.
Research and focus your discussion on the following:
Discuss the importance of a job analysis.
Provide the set of steps to take when conducting a job analysis.
Describe 2 methods of data collection that you would use (interviews, observations, historical data, questionnaires, focus groups, or case studies) for the job analysis of a customer service representative position.