Instructions: Throughout this course you have explored all elements of a market

Throughout this course you have explored all elements of a market

Throughout this course you have explored all elements of a marketing plan. Now it is time to put your marketing plan together for the company you selected for your marketing manager internship.
Part A – General Information and Situational Analysis
Section 1 – Company Background
Describe the selected company and brand and a brief history.
Summarize the core products and services the company offers.
Identify direct current competitors and explain why they are direct competitors.
Section 2 – SWOT Analysis
Complete a SWOT analysis.
Propose the product or service line you want to develop a marketing plan for.
Justify your proposal with a SWOT-based argument for why it warrants marketing investment.
Section 3 – Macro- and Microenvironment
Analyze at least two elements from each quadrant of Table 8.1 in the course text as the micro- and macroenvironment factors that affect the company’s overall marketing strategy.
Part B – The Marketing Plan
Section 1 – Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP)
Describe your segmentation approach for your proposed product or service and provide rationale for this approach.
Describe the target audiences or markets.
Create a positioning statement.
Section 2 – The Marketing Mix
Formulate the four Ps for your proposed product or service:


Describe your core product, extended product, and the product concept.
Explain how you plan to achieve competitive differentiation through creating customer value in four areas


Promotion with a special focus on digital media and integrated marketing communications (IMC)

Section 3 – Global and Ethical Considerations, and Conclusion
Identify three business or sociocultural considerations in translating your marketing plan for use in a foreign market.
Discuss the company’s policy or philosophy on one of the areas below:

corporate social responsibility (CSR
green marketing practices
ethical marketing
diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practices.

Conclude with a summary of your plan and why it deserves to be funded.
Helpful Tips

Part A

Section 1: Understanding the background of the company will help you complete the SWOT analysis. Use your Week 2 assignment and make sure you incorporated your instructor’s feedback and have improved your previously submitted work.

Section 2: Propose a new idea to market the product or service line. Avoid writing about or proposing the current marketing strategy. This is your idea, so use the SWOT analysis to defend it. Use your Week 2 assignment and make sure you incorporated your instructor’s feedback and have improved your previously submitted work.

Section 3: Use the information you researched and analyzed in the Week 4 video presentation to complete this section. Analyze some micro- and macroenvironment factors that affect the company’s overall marketing strategy globally. You need to provide enough details about the information you included in your slides to incorporate it with the rest of the paper.
Make sure you incorporated your instructor’s feedback.

Part B

Section 1: Use the information you researched and analyzed in the Week 4 discussion forum, Finding and Targeting Your People. You need to beef up the information you discussed in that discussion forum to align it with your overall marketing plan. Also, review and refer to Section 7.3 of the course text, Principles of Marketing.

Section 2: Spend considerable time completing the four P’s of your marketing plan; this is the essence of your plan. Someone should be able to understand your plan just by reading this section only.

Section 3: Research, analyze, and discuss your internship brand at the global level or in a foreign market. Also, discuss its CSR and DEI efforts.

MAR3817CBE Section 01CBE Search Engine Optimization and Mark (11 Weeks) – CBE O

MAR3817CBE Section 01CBE Search Engine Optimization and Mark (11 Weeks) – CBE O

MAR3817CBE Section 01CBE Search Engine Optimization and Mark (11 Weeks) – CBE Online Course – 2024 Spring Quarter
Deliverable 7 – Client Template
Deliverable 7 – Client Template
Assignment Content


Evaluate strategies behind website pages’ ranking in organic search results.
Critique the technical search engine optimization elements of a web page.
Describe content marketing distribution strategies, cycles, and new content marketing technologies.
Evaluate keyword targets via a keyword research tool.
Describe the purpose of “list posts”.
Appraise effective search engine optimization and content using analytics.

Student Success Criteria
View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.
You work for a full-service marketing company, Signle. Signle takes a holistic approach and tailors their services to the unique needs of each client. The company provides data analysis, digital strategy, web development, and training, as well as helps organizations reach their goals and build capacity within their teams. Signle is a top-rated innovative digital marketing agency that offers small to midsize businesses and startups premium and flexible digital marketing services.
You have been tasked with creating a document that would be used as a template when working with clients. This template should include text explaining the digital marketing and SEO concepts that the representative could then tailor to the client presentation. This document will ensure consistency of communication in the reports that are provided to clients. The tone of the writing should be for a generic client. The expectation is that prior to providing this document to a client, it would have additional information added that relates specifically to the client. Please include the following in your template:
A cover page, table of contents and reference page.
Explain the concepts, challenges, and advantages of integrated marketing.
Discuss at least 3 best practices of a digital marketing campaign that would potentially be useful for most organizations.
Explain the concept of target marketing as it applies to SEO.
Compare at least 2 different social media channel options (TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.). Identify at least 1 pro and con for each channel.
Discuss the importance of mobile technology as it relates to SEO.
Evaluate the use of keywords in various areas on a website.
Explain why auditing existing content on a website is necessary.
Assess at least 3 KPIs to consider monitoring with social media channels.
Explain what a list post is and describe at least 2 ways in which a list post could provide value to an organization.
Summarize the importance of Google Algorithms.

Library Databases
Gale Virtual Reference (topic overviews & definitions):
Discovery (articles and ebooks):
O’Reilly Safari (ebooks, videos, & tutorials):
Schedule an appointment with the Business Librarian for research help:
APA Guide
Use the Writing Lab for timely feedback to help you fine-tune your deliverable before you submit it for grading.
On a shorter timeline? Grammarly is available to provide you with almost-instant feedback to help you proofread your work.
Please click here for information on creating a template.

A business may have a great new product, but if the financials aren’t secured w

A business may have a great new product, but if the financials aren’t secured w

A business may have a great new product, but if the financials aren’t secured with investors, then the business may struggle with its development. 
In the NeoMed Technologies case study that is available in the Wk 6 Learning Activities folder and in “Part 6: Cases” of your course textbook, Marc is the president and founder of this well-developed organization. The management team faces several challenges with business development, specifically with finances.
After reviewing the provided case history, consider the next steps the management team needs to take to secure NeoMed Technologies’ future and respond to the following questions:
Which possible strategic solutions would benefit the organization most?
How will implementing these solutions affect the company? Justify your rationale. 
Response Requirements
By Thursday, respond to the prompt above in a minimum of 175 words.
By Monday, post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member.
Include one or more peer reviewed journal articles from the UoP Library to support your response and provide academic credibility. This reference must have a corresponding in-text citation. These must both be in APA format. Without these (as a whole) there is an automatic 10% deduction.

MAR3817CBE Section 01CBE Search Engine Optimization and Mark (11 Weeks) – CBE O

MAR3817CBE Section 01CBE Search Engine Optimization and Mark (11 Weeks) – CBE O

MAR3817CBE Section 01CBE Search Engine Optimization and Mark (11 Weeks) – CBE Online Course – 2024 Spring Quarter
Deliverable 6 – Search Engine Optimization Presentation
Deliverable 6 – Search Engine Optimization Presentation
Assignment Content

Appraise effective search engine optimization and content using analytics.
Student Success Criteria
View the grading rubric for this deliverable by selecting the “This item is graded with a rubric” link, which is located in the Details & Information pane.
You own a plumbing company, and you want to focus your marketing efforts on search engine optimization so that when people search for a plumber online, they find you. Currently, you are doing no online marketing other than your website.
You’ve heard that SEO marketing is important and that you can use analytics to determine the effectiveness of that marketing. Your goal is to attract more relevant traffic that in turn drives more business to you.
Give your plumbing company a name. Then create an APA-formatted PowerPoint presentation of 10 to15 slides (not counting the cover slide or reference slide) with Speaker Notes that explains the steps you will take to utilize search engine optimization for your company. Be sure to include the following:

Describe your SEO goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound). Create at least 3 goals.
Discuss how you will ensure your website is crawlable and indexable.
Explain of how you will conduct a keyword research.
Describe where you imagine your company is now and where you want to be 1 year from now for:
Conversion rate
Time on page
Top landing page
Top exit page
Keywords ranking
Which search engines are bringing you the most traffic
Pages per visit
Bounce rate
Explain which analytical tools you will use to help measure and analyze data on your website (i.e., Google Analytics, Bing Webmaster, Google Data Studio, etc.) and why.
Write at least 1 full paragraph in the speaker notes section below each of the 10-15 slides explaining what you would have said had you given the presentation live.    
Include an APA-formatted reference slide at the end.

Library Databases
Gale Virtual Reference (topic overviews & definitions):
Discovery (articles and ebooks):
O’Reilly Safari (ebooks, videos, & tutorials):
APA Guide
Visit the PowerPoint tab of the Business Writing Guide for help with speaker notes, citing your sources, and basic PowerPoint support.

For this week’s discussion forum, I would like for you to do a google search on

For this week’s discussion forum, I would like for you to do a google search on

For this week’s discussion forum, I would like for you to do a google search on “preparedness and X” where X is your local jurisdiction. So for example, I would search “preparedness” and “Orlando.” Write your post this week about the resources you find,  and be sure to reference the text and at least one of the videos in your post.  
A minimum of 500 words is required. 
Required textbook:  Landesman, L., Gershon, R., Gebble, E.N., and Merdjanoff, A.A. (2021), Public Health Management of Disasters (5th edition), American Public Health Association. ISBN 9780875533216.  
Required Videos to watch for Reference of Assignment: 

Write a 350- to 700-word analysis of your company’s competitive advantages. Ana

Write a 350- to 700-word analysis of your company’s competitive advantages.

Write a 350- to 700-word analysis of your company’s competitive advantages.
Analyze how your company will use the following strategies: overall cost leadership, differentiation, or focus in strengthening competitive advantage in line with your strategic objectives.
Analyze how economies of scale and any related diversification can be aided by mergers and acquisitions. Include at least 2 ways your company’s diversification might be positively influenced through mergers and acquisitions with other companies that you identify.
Format any references according to APA guidelines. 
Submit your assignment.

Please, complete your Marketing Plan for the New Product/Service, continued fro

Please, complete your Marketing Plan for the New Product/Service, continued fro

Please, complete your Marketing Plan for the New Product/Service, continued from week 2. Write a paper to submit and prepare a 10-12-slide summary of the plan in PowerPoint to present to the class. Cite a minimum of two scholarly sources.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
You know your product/service, target audience, and your competition. Build on that with the following:
Describe the target market (audience) profiles, key buying behaviors, and decision motivators for the consumer target market.
Create a new positioning statement and strategy for the product/service.
Justify the position strategy. What will make it a winning strategy?
Create an ad for the product to use in print or social media. The ad should take direction from your target audience and communicate your positioning. Get creative! (You will be judged on concept more than artwork, so don’t worry if your ad uses simple graphics.)
How will you measure the effectiveness of your ad? How will you know it is getting good results?

Please, create a presentation in which you explore advertising that triggers an

Please, create a presentation in which you explore advertising that triggers an

Please, create a presentation in which you explore advertising that triggers an emotional reaction. Submit your work as a slide presentation or PDF, and present it to the class when directed.
Advertisements are often at their best when they trigger an emotional reaction in their audience. Show and discuss two examples of advertisements or social media posts that gave you a positive emotion. Share the reasons why it brought out your emotions. What was the trigger? Who is the brand?  What is the product/service? Who are the target audience? 
In contrast, show and discuss an example of an advertisement that you do not like or find annoying. Explain why.