1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with Adorno’s argument that popular m

1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with Adorno’s argument that popular m

1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with Adorno’s argument that popular music is standardized and homogenous? Can you think of examples that would support or contradict his argument? Do you agree or disagree with Adorno that listeners passively consume popular music?
2. From the Storey reading, discuss the Roland Barthes concept of “grain of the voice.” How persuasive do you find the concept? Can you think of your own example of an artist to which it could apply? Address how you would apply it to the Adele video. Do you think it can be applied to instruments as well as vocals? Could you apply it to the Prince Rock Hall of Fame video with his infamous guitar solo?
[the Adele video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHXjxWaQs9o]
[the Prince video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdfMh8QgJjA; Prince only comes in at the end, so you need to hang on and wait for him to get there.]
3. Questlove argues that collecting music can be an act of creation itself. Do you agree or disagree? What kind of meaning do you bring to music just by providing your own context for it? Does this personal act of collecting link up with larger acts of cultural memory making? Is making a streaming playlist of songs like an act of curation and making larger cultural memory? Questlove also writes that collecting music is very meaningful to him personally. Do you have any music you collect, either via playlists and streaming or through physical copies (vinyl records or CDs)? If you were going to collect music, what musicians or bands would you include, and what do they mean to you?
4. Do you agree or disagree that the delivery system for music matters to audiences? Do you have a different experience of listening to your favorite singer if you hear them on a vinyl record versus listening to them on a streaming platform? Do you agree or disagree with Nelson and Macintosh that listening to vinyl records is still popular because it is a multimodal experience?
5. Analyze how you think Johnny Cash as a performer in this video is projecting ideas of authenticity. How does he try to appear genuine and believable? How does he try to make a fictional character appear believable, and how does the video try to link it with Cash’s own life?

Chosen work of art – John Cage, 4’33”, 1952 ( the theme for this work is: What i

Chosen work of art – John Cage, 4’33”, 1952 ( the theme for this work is: What i

Chosen work of art – John Cage, 4’33”, 1952 ( the theme for this work is: What is silence and what is the role in Cage’s music) watch video provided in attachment. 2 page document containing the 8 I sources I have attached in a bibliography style and topic descriiption with a tentative title for the paper. Then describe in 2-3 sentences what you found on the topic and what your take will be

Basically it is a 750-word essay. You are asked to choose one of three topics:

Basically it is a 750-word essay.
You are asked to choose one of three topics:

Basically it is a 750-word essay.
You are asked to choose one of three topics:
1. How war in Gaza is being presented by Israeli//Palestinian/Arab media?
2. How the war in Ukraine is being presented by Russian media?
3. What is the relationship between media ethics and algorithms?
I have given you several background articles on the topics but you are encouraged to do further research yourselves, especially original research into different aspects of the topics. For example, you might investigate the differences between how the war in Gaza is being presented y Israeli media on one hand and Gazan or Palestinian media on the other and how reliable are Israeli and Arab media reports.

Respond to the question: How does media impact an individual’s sense of identity

Respond to the question: How does media impact an individual’s sense of identity

Respond to the question: How does media impact an individual’s sense of identity?
This is a big question that you are responding to in 1000 words. Therefore, you should choose a specific lens to focus your discussion on. You could choose an aspect of identity like race, gender, ability, sexuality, body image and consider a social media platform; or you could choose something like career goals, romance, etc., and consider how normative representations limit main stream culture’s openness to non-normative love or career paths. You could choose K-dramas and gender and use one show as an example. You may choose any direction you like to respond to this question.
This is not a personal essay reflection assignment. Write your essay through a theoretical lens.
Include at least 2 scholarly sources. They may be from class readings or out of class readings.
APA format only.

The Short Analysis #1 will be a short critique of a given project, website, arch

The Short Analysis #1 will be a short critique of a given project, website, arch

The Short Analysis #1 will be a short critique of a given project, website, archive, etc (below) integrating concepts and models from our DHSS theoretical readings (below). Whichever digital project, archive, game, experience, etc, you choose, you MUST provide screen caps of the features, details, components, you discuss.
3 pages of text analysis. The number of screen caps / images is up to you. APA Citation Style required. Title your screen caps and images so what each is is clear. Each title should have key citation information.
Choose a project from one of the many included in class discussion and provide an analysis with reference to one of the following models, set of characteristics, components, functions, or design methodologies. Your analysis should discuss aspects of design (formal components or processes) and the effects (what you do & what you feel) resulting from the design for you as the user / interactor. You can use 1st person as that makes sense to refer to YOUR experience navigating X.
in Drucker’s model: how might X project illustrate what Drucker defines as the three components of digital / computational projects “materials, processing, presentation”?
in the Digital Humanities Manifesto 2.0’s criteria: how might X project illustrate “qualitative, interpretive, experiential, emotive, generative” characteristics and practices?
in Murray’s model: how might X project illustrate what Murray defines as the shift from “additive to expressive” characteristics and practices?
in our ongoing criteria discussed in class – how might X project illustrate a distinctive or a very familiar approach to working with data, design, medium/media user experience, the organization of content, and consider any limitations that you encounter.
Consider the following questions, starting with the landing page:
How do you know what to do / how to navigate the webpage or project?
Are the affordances clear or do you have to explore?
How does the design inform your understanding of the content (medium and message)?
How is the content curated? organized? tagged? traversed?
Is X project clear in its data attribution and provenance? Are there privacy concerns? Would you challenge the claims of X project?
What works well and what doesn’t work well? How might you redesign aspects of X? Is X successful in its explicit or inferred goals?
Minimum 2 secondary sources required. All digital projects, primary and secondary sources need citations.
The critical readings discussed to date are:
Drucker, Presner, et al (2008),“The Digital Humanities Manifesto 2.0” (PDF)
Drucker (2021), “Digital Humanities Overview” (Ch.1, 1-18) (PDF)
Introduction to McLuhan: excerpts – ‘The Medium is the Message’ (PDF)
Hayles (2012) “How We Think: Transforming Power and Digital Technologies” (PDF)
McPherson, “Introduction: Media Studies and the Digital Humanities” (PDF)
Bush (1945), “As We May Think” (PDF)
McLuhan (1966), “The Invisible Environment” (PDF)
Projects explored to date are: AI. A Love Story. (https://webyarns.com/social/ai.html?fbclid=IwAR0NZ0WIW0aNKRVABctUZQySoIASTg8jsu6zpOntj9TLIJy5-Thlemu11RE)
The Shelley-Godwin Archive
http://shelleygodwinarchive.org/Links to an external site.
Information is beautiful – https://www.informationisbeautifulawards.com/news/593-information-is-beautiful-awards-2022-the-winnersLinks to an external site.
Manovich, Selfie CityLinks to an external site.
Google Ngram Viewer
Wiesenbaum’s Eliza Chatbot, Eliza https://www.masswerk.at/elizabot/
InflectionAI’s Pi.Ai
Afternoon: A StoryLinks to an external site.
Secret GardenLinks to an external site.
Lilli Elbe Digital ArchiveLinks to an external site.
3 pages of text analysis. The number of screen caps / images is up to you. APA Citation Style required.

Academic expectations regarding citations for a 3rd-year university course:
All course work submitted should conform to APA Style, including in-text citations WITH page numbers for all references with the accepted exception for the broad premise of a given work. Submissions without in-text citations, properly formatted, with page numbers for the efficient retrieval of the source material will be graded 0%. All assignments require an accurate Works Cited with correct, relevant entries. If entries are spurious, concocted, irrelevant or are missing, the grade given will be 0%.
I will provide examples of the format required. Work that fails to meet academic standards may result in an Academic Integrity Review and a possible Formal Report to the Academic Integrity Office. There will be no ‘redo’ opportunity. The grade will remain 0%.
Make sure to consult the APA website exclusively.

The Journal assignment is available for Modules 2-5. You have to complete a tota

The Journal assignment is available for Modules 2-5. You have to complete a tota

The Journal assignment is available for Modules 2-5. You have to complete a total of three Journal entries, which means that you can miss one.
The purpose of the Journals is to show you can explain course content and apply key terms to contemporary issues or everyday life.
Appropriately utilise at least ONE keyword or concept from the Module that your Journal entry is focusing on.
Contain relevant (and ideally, original) examples (e.g. pictures, links, videos, screenshots, citations etc.) that appropriately and effectively support or provide context for your points, observations and arguments.
Journal entries must apply and reference the week’s assigned readings/course material. Where concepts come from readings, the reading should be cited, not the lecture videos.
Make sure to include a list of references/works cited at the bottom of your Journal entry.
The word count for each Journal entry is 400-450 words (this does not include references/works cited list).
Completion, Assessment and Marking
Journal entries should have an introduction, a body and a conclusion. The introduction should give the reader an idea of what points you will argue in relation to course content or key terms from the Module.
The writing style should adhere to best writing practices – please spell check, grammar check and proofread – and reference the authors/readings that you are drawing from. Opinions are fine, but must be informed by course material – even if you disagree!
Author attribution is required when using their ideas or directly quoting from them. Please write using the MLA referencing style. Visit the The Libary’s website for resources on MLA.
You are welcome to be creative in your approach at maximising words by embedding visual examples that support your claims. In order to include images in your Journal entry, you need to save these on your computer first and then add them by using the + sign from the menu at the top of your Journal entry.
If you are embedding links that is fine but do not paste entire URLs in the middle of the Journal entry, these can go in the list of works cited instead.
Your Journal entries will be marked using the following seven broad criteria:
1. Coverage of important issues
2. Use and evidence of reading
3. Depth of understanding
4. Strength of argument
5. Structure and expression
6. Spelling, grammar, referencing
7. Creativity and originality

Watch Entr’acte (link provided) read Noel Carroll, Entr’act. Read Palmquist text

Watch Entr’acte (link provided) read Noel Carroll, Entr’act. Read Palmquist text

Watch Entr’acte (link provided) read Noel Carroll, Entr’act. Read Palmquist text. You have learned about how the Dada artists reject the moral values, tastes, and morality of the Bourgeois.
Answer: how is the film an expression of this? What is the topic of Noel Carroll essay? What is Carroll argument? What is the meaning of the film to Carroll? And does it help you understand the film?