write a reflective journal assignment that will allow you to investigate areas f

write a reflective journal assignment that will allow you to investigate areas f

write a reflective journal assignment that will allow you to investigate areas for clinical preparation in psychiatric mental health. The reflective journal should be substantive, containing a minimum of 250 words. Supporting evidence for your thoughts and ideas should come from a minimum of one scholarly source. Sources should have in-text citations where appropriate and be referenced on a reference page according to APA 7th Edition standards.
Give a brief summary of your thoughts about a psychiatric mental health initial assessment. Why is this critical to the care of the mental health patient? What areas were you surprised to see on a psychiatric mental health initial assessment? https://herzing.instructure.com/courses/37675/files/9255476?wrap=1

write a reflective journal assignment that will allow you to investigate areas f

write a reflective journal assignment that will allow you to investigate areas f

write a reflective journal assignment that will allow you to investigate areas for clinical preparation in psychiatric mental health. The reflective journal should be substantive, containing a minimum of 250 words. Supporting evidence for your thoughts and ideas should come from a minimum of one scholarly source. Sources should have in-text citations where appropriate and be referenced on a reference page according to APA 7th Edition standards.
Give a brief summary of your thoughts about a psychiatric mental health initial assessment. Why is this critical to the care of the mental health patient? What areas were you surprised to see on a psychiatric mental health initial assessment?

Aim: The primary aim of this dissertation is to investigate the potential relati

The primary aim of this dissertation is to investigate the potential relati

The primary aim of this dissertation is to investigate the potential relationship between caffeine and alcohol consumption during pregnancy and the risk of postpartum depression. Specifically, it aims to determine whether higher levels of caffeine and alcohol intake are associated with an increased risk of postpartum depression in mothers.
– To review and synthesise existing literature on the effects of caffeine and alcohol consumption during pregnancy on maternal mental health, with a focus on postpartum depression.
– To examine the prevalence of caffeine and alcohol consumption among pregnant women and their postpartum depression rates.
– To assess the potential biological and psychological mechanisms that may link caffeine and alcohol consumption during pregnancy to an elevated risk of postpartum depression.
– To explore the sociodemographic and lifestyle factors that could modify the relationship between caffeine/alcohol consumption and postpartum depression risk.
– To provide evidence-based recommendations for healthcare professionals and policymakers regarding caffeine and alcohol consumption guidelines for pregnant women.
1. Literature Review: Conduct an extensive review of peer-reviewed articles, books, and research papers related to caffeine and alcohol consumption during pregnancy and its potential impact on postpartum depression.
2. Data Analysis: Employ statistical software to analyse the collected data, employing appropriate statistical tests (e.g., regression analysis) to determine the relationship between caffeine/alcohol consumption and postpartum depression while controlling for confounding variables.
3. Interviews and Surveys: Administer interviews and surveys to postpartum women to gather qualitative information regarding their caffeine and alcohol consumption patterns and their experiences with postpartum depression.
4. Biological Mechanism Investigation: Collaborate with experts in the field to explore the potential biological mechanisms through which caffeine and alcohol may affect postpartum depression risk, such as hormonal changes, neurotransmitter alterations, or placental transfer.
5. Policy and Guideline Recommendations: Based on the findings, formulate evidence-based recommendations for healthcare professionals and policymakers on safe levels of caffeine and alcohol consumption during pregnancy to minimise the risk of postpartum depression.
6. Thesis Writing: Compile the research findings into a comprehensive dissertation, including the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion, adhering to academic writing standards.
7. Peer Review and Ethical Considerations: Ensure that the dissertation adheres to ethical standards in research and submit it for peer review to receive feedback and suggestions for improvement.
• Abstract
• Introduction
• Methods
• Results
• Discussion
– Typically you should write in the style of a research article – use headings and sub-headings to break up your work and make it easier to read and understand (not one long narrative).
– Try to put your own spin/interpretation on things rather than regurgitating.
– Write across the page and not in columns and make sure that figures with their title and legend are on the same page.
– Have headings as signposts.
– Tables and figures also tell a story, and breaks up dense text, but make sure you cite them in the text.
– Number and label tables and figures separately, and cite the source unless you drew them yourself from your own analysis. – – Don’t forget figure legends.
• Not too many bells and whistles. Clarity is vital.
• Make sure that diagrams and figures are relevant and without lots of extraneous information – figures are there to support your argument. How many figures are appropriate?
• Make sure you make the appropriate acknowledgement. It is often better to create your own figures.
• There should be a good blend of diagrams, figures and tables.
• It is important to have each one labelled with a number, title and legend. They must all be referred to in the text.
– Please make sure the references are mostly from British authors or based in the UK.
– Please make sure the references are dated in the last 5-7 years max.
– Please make sure to get a range of evidence from different sources (systematic reviews, RCTs, opinion articles, etc)

Your answers must be in the discussion board, (not in an attachment), to facilit

Your answers must be in the discussion board, (not in an attachment), to facilit

Your answers must be in the discussion board, (not in an attachment), to facilitate class discussion. If the answers are not in the discussion board post the grade will be a zero. Please provide citations when answering the following case studies. At least 2 references are present (text, outside scholarly source less than 5 years old). See the attached rubric.
A 63-year-old man comes to the clinic with a several-month history of difficulty with his gait and coordination. He finds walking difficult and has almost fallen on a number of occasions, especially when trying to change directions. He has also found that using his hands is difficult, and other people have noticed that his hands shake. Physical examination is notable for a resting tremor in the hands that disappears with intentional movement. He has a shuffling gait with difficulty turning. There is so-called cogwheeling rigidity in his arms, a jerky sensation with passive flexion and extension of the arms.
What is the likely diagnosis? What clinical features make this diagnosis likely?
What are the underlying pathologic changes responsible for the clinical presentation?
What are some possible molecular mechanisms responsible for the pathologic changes?

Please follow the journal club rubric sharply. This assignment worth 20% of my f

Please follow the journal club rubric sharply. This assignment worth 20% of my f

Please follow the journal club rubric sharply. This assignment worth 20% of my final grade. Please DO NOT plagiarize. If you have any questions or concerns, let me know. I uploaded the journal club template and the article “Early or Delayed Cardioversion in Recent-Onset Atrial Fibrillation” you should read the article first and then complete the journal club template. follow the instructions sharply. I also provided you with an example of a complete journal club as to follow as reference as well as the lecture slides. Please pay a specific attention to the introduction because it worth 5% of the paper and it needs to have the following Disease State Background
-Risk Factors
Medication Background
-Mechanism of Action
-Pharmacokinetics/ Pharmacodynamics
-Drug Interactions
-Adverse Effects
** see the example journal club 🙂
Thank you!
I hope I get excellent mark on it. it’s really important.

What screening tools can be used to affirm your initial diagnosis that a patient

What screening tools can be used to affirm your initial diagnosis that a patient

What screening tools can be used to affirm your initial diagnosis that a patient may meet the diagnostic criteria for a sleep disorder?
Describe the pharmacological actions of non-z sleep medications?
What problems can occur when benzodiazepines are used to help with sleep?
Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis and include peer-reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with in-text citations and corresponding references in APA format.

In June of 2012, World Vision issued a challenge for people to find 50 sponsors

In June of 2012, World Vision issued a challenge for people to find 50 sponsors

In June of 2012, World Vision issued a challenge for people to find 50 sponsors for children living in Tanzania. To raise awareness for the cause, the individuals who accepted the challenge committed to hiking Mt. Kilimanjaro. After a successful first year, World Vision decides to contract your services to help physically prepare the climbers for a second trip. You are left to decide what time of year the hike will occur and have one year (maximum) to help your team to train/prepare prior to embarking on the journey. You will have a team of 10 climbers ranging in age from 14 to 64 years old. All members of your team have been cleared by their medical doctor to undertake the rigors of training and the climb.
Research the environmental conditions surrounding the Mt. Kilimanjaro climb and write a double-spaced 5 page paper discussing your training plan and the challenges you expect to face. Your paper should include:
How you will account for and train for the specific thermoregulation (temperature and humidity) and altitude challenges your climbers will face. Include specific details about expected temperatures, humidity, and altitude for the time of year you have chosen to climb. A periodized training program for the year leading up to the climb. Use the attached document to design your program. Identify the periodization style you will use (linear or conjugate), and follow the given template. You will identify basic training requirements at 1 year out and 6 months out (be sure there are at least some variables that change between these two sections). At 3 months out, you must design a full week of training, and at 1 month out, the entire month must be designed. Exercise selection and training load should be modified in accordance with your periodization style. This program counts towards 1 page of the 5-7 page requirement in your paper. Tips for peak performance (give details on nutrition intake you would recommend, supplementation, and injury prevention).
Finally, discuss the challenges/differences you expect to encounter with the varied ages and any variation in the training program you will develop for younger or older members.
Make sure it includes the following info below…
addresses at least three ways they will prepare their athletes for the altitude and thermoregulatory challenges they will face on the mountain.
addresses three or more tools that will aid in peak performance (nutrition, supplementation, injury prevention).
includes macrocycle, mesocycles, and microcycles for resistance and aerobic training, with inclusion of FIT principle.
appropriately addresses at least three training considerations that differ between adolescents, adults, and older adults

A 9-month-old boy is brought in by his grandmother. He has been “fussing” for 2

A 9-month-old boy is brought in by his grandmother. He has been “fussing” for 2

A 9-month-old boy is brought in by his grandmother. He has been “fussing” for 2 days, but eating, drinking, and voiding normally. He cried most of last night and felt warm to the grandmother, but she did not have a way to check his temperature. What additional diagnostic tests do you need? What exam findings would support two possible diagnoses? Present your plan for both of the possible diagnoses. What additional history and systems review would you need? Support your answer with a minimum of two APRN-approved scholarly resources. Please use references within the last 5 years I have started the response use this infomation and add to it:
Additional diagnostic testing that might support a diagnosis includes a thorough physical examination, temperature measurement to assess for possible fever, and urinalysis to assess for concerns of dehydration are additional signs of infection. Possible laboratory results might include CBC, and CMP to evaluate infection, anemia, and electrolyte abnormalities. If warranted imaging studies including possible chest X-ray to rule out pneumonia or abdominal pathology. This should be a last-case scenario due to the patient’s age, the less radiation the better. If the concern is for COVID, Strep, influenza or RSV, PCR swabbing may be conducted at the bedside. Diagnosis 1: Viral Infection
Diagnosis 2: Urinary tract infection
Also use this template as a reference that is attached as all of this information must be in the answer.